Eternal Existence

Chapter 759: Divide

"Sure enough, I still can't block the attack of the immortal weapon." Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang showed joy on their faces. Although they could not exert the full power of the immortal weapon, the fighting spirit in front of them could not exert its full strength before birth.

The two severed arms suddenly turned into two masses of energy and merged into the middle-aged man's body again. The middle-aged man's upper arms were stretched out and returned to normal.

However, what Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang didn't notice was that the spiritual energy recovered by this man was less, and the missing part was destroyed by the immortal weapon.

"Only immortal weapons can hurt each other? This is a bit troublesome." Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang were a little happy at first, but soon their expressions became serious again.

"Brother Liu, we both have immortal weapons and we can't defeat each other. What do you think will happen to the others?" At this time, Chen Feng changed the topic and said with a smile.


After hearing Chen Feng's words, Liu Wuxiang suddenly took a breath. Yes, there were many monks who came in this time. It seems that at least half of them were better than him. However, Liu Wuxiang was confident that there were only a few monks who had immortal weapons. , if those people also encounter an opponent of this level, the result will be death or life.

So many monks from all walks of life have died here. Just thinking about it makes people feel numb.

Maybe this Tianchen Ancient City is a little different from what we imagined before.


The two of them didn't have much time to think, because the middle-aged man attacked again.

The middle-aged man's attack was still very simple, but his movements gave people a feeling of being irresistible. Moreover, Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang were indeed unable to resist. After just one fight, the two of them were knocked away again.

"This guy has the power of his own world. We are no match at all. Brother Chen, let's use the magic weapon. Let's take action together." Liu Wuxiang secretly sent a message to Chen Feng. Liu Wuxiang was almost beaten just now. Cut into two pieces.

"That's fine." Chen Feng nodded, feeling a little helpless. The power of the immortal weapon cannot be used at any time, and his current strength is still not enough.


The tyrannical power radiated from Liu Wuxiang's body. Two discs, one black and one white, spun from his chest, and soon formed a yin and yang realm. The black light rotated and radiated, just covering the middle-aged man. .

"It's Yin Yang Immortal Technique." The middle-aged man's expression changed when he felt the power that shrouded his body. If he was in his prime, he would not be afraid of this level of attack, but now that he is in the state of a fighting spirit, he can only maintain 30% of his original strength. Many occult methods cannot be used.

Sure enough, the middle-aged man struggled a few times. Although there was a lot of movement, he couldn't break free of Liu Wuxiang's restraints in one or two attempts.

"Brother Chen, take action quickly." Liu Wuxiang shouted loudly.

Different from Chen Feng, the price Liu Wuxiang needs to pay to activate the immortal weapon is much greater than that of Chen Feng. You must know that the power of Chen Feng's ability to use the immortal weapon is almost suppressed by the tower, but Liu Wuxiang is different. , but the situation in front of me forced me to use all my strength.


Seeing this situation, Chen Feng became ruthless this time and actually directly mobilized the power of two immortal weapons.

These two immortal weapons are the Sky-piercing Spear and the Underworld Bone Spear. Although these two magic weapons are only low-grade immortal weapons, they are the weapons with the most powerful attack power.

The two air currents that could penetrate everything seemed to have been compressed tens of thousands of times, and finally condensed into two origins, stabbing the middle-aged man heavily.

Poof! Poof!

Chen Feng did not disappoint Liu Wuxiang. The attacks of the two immortal weapons directly tore the middle-aged man into pieces.

"What! Two immortal weapons." Liu Wuxiang was also startled at this time, secretly thinking that Chen Feng was hiding too deeply.

But there was no time to think too much at this time, because the middle-aged man's exploding energy was gathering quickly. Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang didn't say anything more, and immediately took action to collect the scattered energy.

This is the essence of the Immortal. Even if you can refine a little of it, it will be a huge gain for you.

Previously, due to the influence of the intention to kill, the energy stored in Chen Feng's body was severely depleted. Chen Feng also wanted to add something, so he directly activated the Eternal Life Tower and absorbed a quarter of the scattered energy in an instant, while Liu Wuxiang The speed was a bit slower, and Chen Feng didn't have the means. He only collected two small shares.

By this time, the middle-aged man had recovered his figure. Although his appearance had not changed, his figure was somewhat dim.

In that moment, the man lost almost one-third of his energy and energy, but the middle-aged man's eyes became brighter, and he had no intention of panic at all.

"This person is difficult to deal with." Both Chen Feng and Chen Feng were thinking like this.

Next, the middle-aged man took the lead in launching the attack. He took one step forward with great momentum and pointed at the sky and the earth with a wave of his hand, fighting Chen Feng again.

"The power of the wild world is indeed a monk from the wild world. It's weird. How come a monk from the wild world is here, and he is also an immortal." Liu Wuxiang said strangely.


Chen Feng flew backwards, his arms were bent, the bones on his body exploded in a series, and all his orifices began to bleed.

"It's so powerful." Chen Feng launched an attack with the sky-piercing spear. This time, the opponent was prepared and easily dodged it.

"Don't waste the power of the immortal weapon. It's not that easy for me to suppress." Chen Feng launched two attacks in a row without success, and Ta finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"If I don't use the power of the immortal weapon, I'm afraid I will be killed by the opponent soon." Chen Feng said unhappily.

Not only Chen Feng, but also Liu Wuxiang also tried to use the fairy weapon once, but the opponent was prepared and no longer wanted to be able to imprison the opponent like before.


The unparalleled power of Kuangfeng continued to emanate from the middle-aged man, and Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang were knocked away again.

Then the middle-aged man began to attack Chen Feng crazily, apparently wanting to get rid of Chen Feng first.

At this moment, Chen Feng felt that the pressure had increased several times, and he had no power to fight back under the opponent's attack.

The other party is an immortal who has broken free from the constraints of heaven and earth and has truly become a free person. He has cultivated his own world at home. Even in the immortal world, he is still a person. In normal times, the power of laws in his hands can only be wielded casually. A small character like Chen Feng can be taken care of with just a wave of his hand. Of course, Chen Feng's ability to persist until now is all due to the power of the magic weapon.

The two sides have different levels and life states. The mental shock alone still makes Chen Feng want to escape to the Tower of Eternal Life.

Even so, in the face of the opponent's fierce attack, although Chen Feng secretly complained, his eyes became brighter and brighter. Chen Feng felt that some changes had occurred in himself. The greater the pressure, the more power began to come from deep within the body. breed out.

Chen Feng had a feeling that if he hadn't been in this weird city, he wouldn't have been able to suppress the increasingly powerful power. Once he went to the outside world, disaster would have struck him immediately.

Even now, Chen Feng feels as if there is an extremely powerful volcano brewing inside his body, which will conflict and break through the sky at any time.


The thunder bead suddenly grew in size in front of Chen Feng. The lightning was dazzling and the thunder was released. It charged towards the middle-aged man in front of him with great force, and even temporarily blocked the opponent's attack.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Huge blood snakes sprang out from the blood-gathering beads and stepped forward one after another, surrounding the middle-aged man.

When Liu Wuxiang saw this situation, he gritted his teeth. The black and white disk spun again and appeared, shining brightly, once again imprisoning the middle-aged man.


Chen Feng shouted loudly, and the shadow of the sky-piercing spear appeared from mid-air and stabbed the middle-aged man on the head.


The middle-aged man became torn apart and then turned into a ball of spirit.

"Do it!"

Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang became more and more skillful in their cooperation, and immediately began to devour the middle-aged man's energy without saying a word.

This time, most of the middle-aged man's vitality was swallowed up again, and the remaining ones quickly gathered together. He no longer dared to stay, so he just wanted to escape. But how could the middle-aged man escape at this time?

Although the middle-aged man was an immortal, he could only exert 30% of his strength. Later, he was devoured by Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang one after another. At this time, the remaining energy was less than half.

In the end, the middle-aged man's fate was to be completely devoured by Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang. Of course, this man was not simple either. His counterattack before his death still caused Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang to suffer heavy losses.


Chen Feng and Liu Wutang laughed at the same time. Although they were seriously injured, they were extremely happy in their hearts. Their injuries would recover quickly, but the benefits they received were immeasurable.

If the essence of the Immortal is refined and absorbed, it will not only be a simple improvement in strength, but the foundation for the future cultivation path will become more solid.

"Brother Chen, it seems that my previous decision was correct. I didn't expect that the cooperation between the two of us would be so smooth."

"Haha, Brother Liu is right. I hope our cooperation can continue."

"hope so!"

For the next hour, the two of them kept repairing their injuries and regaining their strength. While Chen Feng was practicing with his eyes closed, he secretly entered the Tower of Eternal Life.

"How is the condition of the Cerberus?" Chen Feng came directly to the tower.

At this time, the Cerberus was still practicing, and its aura was still very chaotic, sometimes strong and sometimes weak, and Chen Feng could not tell the true or false.

"It's hard to say. The aura is enough, but whether he can advance or not depends on himself." Ta said calmly.

Chen Feng nodded, waved his hand, and a stream of light cyan energy gathered in Chen Feng's hand.

This is exactly the essence of the immortal that Chen Feng collected just now.

"Don't you mean that?" Ta saw Chen Feng's plan.

"Not bad!" Chen Feng's palm shook, and the energy in his hand turned into a stream of light and quickly penetrated into the Cerberus. As expected, it didn't take long for the chaotic aura on the Cerberus to gradually stabilize.

"The essence of the immortal is a great tonic for this little guy. It is easier to absorb than the original power. Boy, you are quite generous." Ta said with a smile.

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