Eternal Existence

Chapter 756: Heart Purification Mantra

There were some monks who arrived later and watched the excitement from a distance, hoping to take advantage of the opportunity. Some of them didn't know how serious it was and got closer, and were immediately involved. Later, they started to fight and scream.

"No, we can't get close, we need to stay away." The monks who were watching the excitement were all scared, and fear appeared in their eyes. Looking at the monks fighting in the distance, everyone felt scared.

"Isn't this a trap? They deliberately lured us in?"

"It's impossible to be a trap. This is such an ancient city. If it didn't appear during the war, no one should be alive now."

"That's not necessarily true. It's better to be careful. Who knows what tricks Tianchen Zhenxian will leave behind."

"Yes, just one beam of light can affect so many cultivators. There are a total of 108 beams of light. No matter how many people come in, it won't be enough."

"What should we do? Can we just watch here all the time?"

"Let me try!"

One of the middle-level earth immortals finally couldn't bear it anymore. His eyes were bright and he was muttering something. Invisible waves rushed towards the cultivators fighting in front of him in a strange way.

"It is Mingfeng who is using the Qingxin Mantra. Mingfeng has a mysterious origin in the fairy world, but his cultivation is very profound. It is said that he is striving to reach the realm of high-level earth immortals. The Qingxin Mantra he practices is profound and mysterious, and it is the guest star who has gone astray."

"I just don't know how effective it is. The current situation is not as simple as going astray."

"Hmph, minding our own business. It will be good for us if all these people die. Now you are acting like a good person."

"Yes, if we rescue these people, they will still fight with us if they encounter treasures next time."

"You can't say that. This city is a bit strange. It's better for everyone to stick together."

Facing Mingfeng's actions, some people agreed with it, and some people couldn't stand it. Some people even wanted to secretly take action to interrupt Mingfeng's actions.

However, before these people had time to act, Mingfeng's actions had an effect. The monks who were fighting felt a cool feeling injected into their hearts, and their consciousness, which was shrouded in murderous intent, suddenly became a little sober.

Immediately, several cultivators with high cultivation broke free and retreated, instantly reaching a distance of a hundred miles. After they came to their senses, they were sweating profusely. Thinking about the situation they were in before, they were all scared. It was not easy to cultivate to this level. If someone hadn't helped just now, they would have been doomed.

"Thank you for your help, fellow Taoists. I am Li Zhifeng from the Four Square Pavilion of the Immortal Realm. May I ask what your name is, fellow Taoists?"

"So you are Master Mingfeng. I am a casual cultivator. If you have anything to say in the future, please tell me."

"The Demon Realm is Zhiwuming."

"The Ghost Realm Qinggui Sect."

"I am from the Underworld."

Some cultivators who woke up came forward to express their gratitude, and even some cultivators from the Demon Realm, which is opposed to the Immortal Realm, came forward to say a few words. Although I don't know what these people think in their hearts, at least on the surface, Master Mingfeng's actions just now have won the gratitude and friendship of a group of people.

The tree demon also woke up during this time. Like everyone else, the first thing he did after recovering was to fly away quickly. After calming down, he found that Chen Feng and the hellhound did not come out. At this time, the tree demon hesitated for a moment, but did not have the courage to go back again.

In fact, under the Qingxin Mantra just now, Chen Feng had been awake for a moment. Chen Feng seized the opportunity to cast the Soul-Calming Mantra to make himself more awake, so Chen Feng thought about escaping from here.

However, at this time, a murderous intent suddenly quickly entered Chen Feng's body. Under Meng Lei's impact, Chen Feng's mind was lost again. He struggled for a moment and then roared and waved his hand. The blood-gathering beads in his hand burst into blood light. As long as the monks were covered by these blood lights, they immediately became murderous again.

"Haha, the murderous intent has not been completely released. It's not time to wake up." Chen Feng certainly didn't know that all this was the trick of the tower. Chen Feng fell into the killing, and the tower was laughing in the dark.

Just now, the Qingxin Mantra of Mingfeng Layman only saved nearly half of the monks. More than half of the monks were soon overwhelmed by the killing intent after they temporarily regained consciousness. Moreover, the killing intent this time was even more fierce than before, and each of them was more completely lost.

Coincidentally, Liu Wuxiang and the hellhound had already reached the other side of the light column. The Qingxin Mantra of Mingfeng Layman just now did not affect the two of them. At this time, Liu Wuxiang's eyes had turned into two black holes. The two balls of blood light in the black holes were constantly compressed, which was more weird than other monks who were trapped in the killing state.

The state of the hellhound also changed a little. There was some madness in the killing, and the breath on his body was also a little chaotic, sometimes strong and sometimes weak, which was actually a sign that his cultivation was about to break through.

"This hellhound guy is about to break through. Can he break through even if he is trapped in the killing state?" The tiger demon in the Longevity Tower said with some surprise.

"Killing can make people confused, but it can also liberate their souls and release the power hidden in their hearts."

"Either killing turns people into demons, or the demons use this killing intent to break through."

"It seems that the hellhound has done a good job in this regard, because he is about to succeed."

Ta was in a surprisingly good mood, and casually explained a few words to the tree demon's questions.

"How is this possible? This guy is not going to be promoted, right? If he becomes a mid-level demon fairy, wouldn't his strength surpass mine? This is too fake." The most unacceptable among the demons was the Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Dragon.

You should know that among the four demon immortals left by Tianju Shangxian, the Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Dragon is the strongest. Deep down, he doesn't really take the other three partners seriously. Seeing the Hellhound's breakthrough, he feels complicated and jealous, but he can't say anything. Because of his own pride, he was unwilling to serve as Chen Feng's follower. In addition to the words of the tower just now, the Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Dragon regretted not going out and fighting in the killing intent. Night attack can also make a breakthrough for himself.



The Hellhound roared to the sky, and the Nether Eye was already open. Together with the original eyes, a total of three blood lights rushed into the sky, and the violent breath was absorbed and swept away.

"It's close to the middle-level earth immortal, it won't really be promoted."

"It's hard to say, breaking through at this time is simply courting death."

"Hehe, let's take a look at the situation. This is a creature from hell, arrogant, it seems that it doesn't know how powerful it is. Even if it succeeds in promotion, it will consume all the strength of the whole body. It will be dead by then."

Everyone was talking about it. The movement of the hellhound had attracted everyone's attention. Some people were ready and ready to take action at any time.

The aura of the hellhound climbed step by step, but the blood in its eyes gradually disappeared. The surge of power temporarily forced out the killing intent in the body.

The hellhound looked at Chen Feng who was still in a state of fighting, thought about it, and then the huge body suddenly jumped to a hundred miles away, and then the body disappeared after a few flashes.


The hellhound left, and some cultivators in the dark couldn't hold back, and wanted to follow and kill the hellhound, but these people were disappointed next, because no matter how these people searched, they couldn't find the hellhound.

Where is the hellhound at this time? Of course, it is in the Changsheng Tower. After arriving at the Changsheng Tower, more spiritual energy gathered from all directions and was absorbed by the hellhound before it got close to it.

These spiritual energies were taken out by the tower, most of which were immortal energy, mixed with some other spiritual energy, and even the tower extracted some of the original power of the universe. On the surface, nothing can be seen, but secretly the tower also spent some effort to make the hellhound successfully advance to the middle-level earthly immortal.

Feeling the original power mixed in the spiritual energy, not only the hellhound, but also the other demons also sensed it. They were surprised and became more jealous. Some guys even had some small thoughts in their hearts, that is, how to please the tower and Chen Feng, so that they can get some benefits.

"Little guy, the energy is enough, but whether you can successfully advance depends on yourself. I won't help you with this." The tower said lightly.

"Thank you, senior." The hellhound said respectfully, and then roared to the sky again, and the breath on his body became more violent.


A stream of vitality grew from the body, and Chen Feng's broken bones and damaged skin and flesh recovered at a rapid speed. At first, it took several breaths, but now it didn't take even one breath, and Chen Feng's injuries had completely recovered.

Although he was in the midst of killing, Chen Feng was still very clear about his body. Every time he was injured and recovered, Chen Feng's body would become stronger, and his soul would become more stable.

However, the various energies hidden deep in Chen Feng's body began to be consumed continuously, and it was a pity that Chen Feng also felt that his body was becoming more and more relaxed.

"Huh! In this way, this situation is still good, but it's a pity to waste so much energy. However, it takes a lot of time to completely consume the energy hidden in the body." Chen Feng said in his heart. Although his eyes were still bloodshot, he was more and more measured in his fighting. From the beginning to now, he could persist among so many earth immortals, which was an incredible thing in itself.

Not to mention the cultivation, the combat means and combat experience alone have improved by more than one level, just the rapid progress caused by strong pressure.

"One more time, I should be able to pull out the remaining monks." At this time, Mingfeng Layman has begun to cast the Qingxin Mantra again.

"Mingfeng, stop it, don't meddle in other people's business." Someone couldn't stand it anymore and finally stepped forward to stop him.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

At first, several monks swayed and blocked in front of this man, sneering and looking ready to attack at any time.

"What are you doing?"

"Anyway, Mingfeng Layman helped us. If anyone here wants to fight, hehe, we may have to fight."

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