Eternal Existence

Chapter 716: Abyss

"Such power!" Tie Liuzhi sucked in a breath of cold air. If that attack had landed on him, he would have been shattered to pieces.

"He caught my blood soul bead with his bare hands. Could this guy be a human immortal? Even if he was, he wouldn't be so relaxed and casual." Tie Liuzhi suddenly shuddered, looking at Chen Feng with a trace of regret in his eyes. It was obvious that he was far from being the opponent's opponent. If the opponent took action, he would not be able to resist at all.

"This is a warning." Chen Feng said lightly, and then continued to fly. This time Tie Liuzhi didn't dare to chase, because this behavior was simply seeking death.

"It's my bad luck, but also my luck. The opponent doesn't look like a bloodthirsty person." Tie Liuzhi shook his head.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Attacks cut through the sky and arrived in an instant. The target Tie Liuzhi was the three brothers of the Chang family and the demon king Silver Armored Gale Wolf who caught up.

"I'm really unlucky this time. In the end, I only got two dead silence fruits and offended the three brothers of the Chang family." Tie Liuzhi shook his head, his face changed for a while, and then quickly flew away.

"If you want to leave, if you don't hand over the Deathly Silence Fruit, we brothers will chase you to the ends of the earth. Even if you leave the Immortal Battlefield and go to the outside world, you will still have to face our brothers' pursuit." The Chang brothers roared.

"Humph! Do you really think I'm afraid of you? Come if you have the guts." Tie Liuzhi sneered.

Chen Feng flew all the way to the front before stopping, floating in the sky, shaking his palm, a portal appeared in his palm, and a strong suction emanated from the portal, as if thick roots were inserted into the space.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

At three places, one thousand miles, three thousand miles, and ten thousand miles away from Chen Feng, black air condensed into streams and flew towards Chen Feng through space.

Wherever he passed, the sky was dark, the sun and the moon were dark, and the creatures in this range and the cultivators who had come in to explore all looked up in surprise, not understanding what was going on.

"Is it a treasure?"

"I think it's more like an evil thing."

Soon the space became clear again, and all the dead air was swallowed up by the Sword of Death. Chen Feng could already feel the surging death power in the Sword of Death, but without the fusion of the Sword of Life, there was no sign of advancement.

"It seems that I need to find some life power."

In the next two days, Chen Feng passed through a plain, three basins, and a rolling hill. The place he passed through had reached hundreds of thousands of miles. In this process, he met more and more cultivators. Under normal circumstances, if the other party did not provoke Chen Feng, Chen Feng would not take the initiative to attack. Even if it was the cultivators of Wuqing Tianzong and Zhanwang Pavilion, Chen Feng would not bother to attack if there was no conflict of interest. Of course, if there was a good thing, Chen Feng would not be polite.

Because Chen Feng felt that his current strength was indeed a bit cheap to attack these people.

On the third day, Chen Feng finally found the disciples of Tianjian Sect.

This is a destroyed land. Chen Feng can't see the end of it with his eyesight. There are deep pits with no bottom, mounds piled up like mountains, pits and holes, and various forms of undulating land.

This is obviously a battlefield after a fierce battle. A stream of air condensed like a knife is constantly flowing. There are evil spirits, demonic spirits, and demonic power. Various original forces have formed a new force and a more powerful airflow after tens of thousands of years of mutation and precipitation.

Just beside a big pit that looks like an abyss, two monks are fighting.

One of them is the three disciples of Tianjian Sect. As for the other side, it is obvious that they have the upper hand. Seven monks are fighting around the three disciples of Tianjian Sect. Both sides are desperate, killing moves are coming out one after another, people are constantly injured, and people are constantly screaming.

But neither side stopped, and their eyes were red, and they had the momentum to not stop until they killed the other side.

"Great Xuan Gang Sword Qi!"

"Five Elements Reincarnation Slash!"

"Flowing Wind Sword Qi!"

"Turning the Earth and the Earth Fighting Seal!"

Both sides used their special moves, and the surrounding ground continued to crack, and finally someone began to be seriously injured.

A cultivator from the Tianjian Sect risked being seriously injured, and stimulated his potential to perform a sword technique that had not yet been fully practiced, and finally seriously injured two people, but he also basically lost his combat effectiveness.

"Everyone says that your disciples from the Tianjian Sect are crazy, and today I finally saw it, but no matter how crazy you are, you can't change the situation of being killed."

"Of course you have another choice, that is, while there is still time to fight back, immediately crush the teleportation talisman and leave here, but in this way you will end this experience in advance."

"Is this your plan? If we leave, the treasures here will be yours. Hey! Since you know that our disciples from the Tianjian Sect are crazy, then today we will fight to the death and we will both be injured and see who will die first."

The eyes of both sides became redder, and the murderous aura on their bodies became stronger and stronger.

At this time, Chen Feng had already arrived at the top of the crowd. He did not attack right away, but observed the situation around him with some doubts.

"It's a bit strange. Although these people are hostile, they are not so desperate. It seems that they are affected by external forces." Chen Feng thought about this and then slowly descended.

Sure enough, after descending a distance, he immediately felt his blood boiling, and a murderous intent hidden in his heart was about to erupt, but it was immediately suppressed by Chen Feng.

He concentrated his mind to sense everything around him, but nothing strange happened. It seemed that everything just now was an illusion, but Chen Feng knew that what just happened was real, and everything was not that simple.

Sure enough, Chen Feng caught a trace of obscure energy fluctuations entering his sea of ​​consciousness, and suddenly spread rapidly, causing a series of reactions. His mind was affected, and the bloodthirsty factor in his blood burned.

"These people should be the same as me, but they are a little different from me. The influence on me is obviously strong and sudden, but these people should be gradually affected during the fight. It seems that someone is secretly controlling ”

"If someone is hiding in the dark, then they can only hide here." Chen Feng said as his figure swayed and disappeared into the void, entering the abyss next to him in a strange way.

Of course, Chen Feng threw something before entering the abyss. A stream of light came out of Chen Feng's hand at an extremely fast speed. It exploded when it reached the heads of the two parties fighting, and then thousands of threads were like spider silk. He entangled himself with the seven monks.

"What is this?" The three people from the Tianjian Sect quickly retreated. Surprisingly, the three of them did not get a trace of it on their bodies.

"It's a silk mesh world made from the silk web of the Wood Yellow Spider. Someone is secretly attacking it."

While they were talking, the bodies of these seven people were already covered with silk threads, and their movements were hindered. The more they struggled, the tighter they became, and an unpleasant feeling came to their hearts.

"Quickly crush the teleportation talisman."

"Good opportunity, take action." Three monks from the Tianjian Sect saw the opportunity and launched an attack on the seven people.

boom! Buzz!

A series of roars sounded, including the impact of attacks, the vibration of space force, and mixed with screams and angry unwillingness.

The final result was that four people entered the space channel and were teleported out, and three others were killed by attacks from disciples of the Tianjian Sect.

What was originally a certain death situation turned around in an instant, causing the three disciples of the Sky Sword Sect to look at each other, and then began to search around.

"Someone helped us secretly just now."

Just as the three of them were looking around, Chen Feng's voice came up again: "You three, leave here quickly. It's best to teleport out, because a group of irresistible forces have appeared in this space."

Chen Feng just said this and remained silent, because Chen Feng felt a vague crisis during the descent. Although it was very plain and obscure, Chen Feng knew that things were not that simple, so he descended The speed became even slower, and at the same time, the concealment technique was used to the extreme, as if the whole person was melting into the space.

"What do you think?" The three disciples of the Tianjian Sect looked at each other and began to discuss.

"The other party saved us. It is possible that he was a disciple of our sect, and the other party should have gone under the abyss. In this case, we can no longer rob the things below."

"Yes, but the other party said that we should teleport out. What do you two think?"

"This space battlefield is full of dangers. Even human immortal monks will die in it. I will not go out before the time is up."

"I won't go out. There are still a few months to go, and maybe there will be some gains."

"In this case, let's leave here first. This time we can be considered as escaping from death. No matter who the other party is, in the final analysis, it can be regarded as saving our lives."

The three of them finally bowed respectfully to the abyss not far away before leaving.

The situation of the three people was naturally clearly sensed by Chen Feng, and he couldn't help but smile bitterly: "I have already reminded you, as for how to choose, that is your business."

"The most important thing now is to see what's down there?" Chen Feng's descent became slower and slower, and the warning signs in his heart became stronger and stronger.

"The person who can make me feel such a crisis is that the opponent is at least a mid-level human immortal, maybe even stronger." Chen Feng secretly thought.

At this time, Chen Feng had already descended a thousand feet, and he still could not see the bottom, and there was no smoke, but the surroundings became dim, especially below, where invisible forces blocked Chen Feng's sight.

"There are many reasons that can affect people's minds, such as formations, evil spirits, or someone has practiced the evil technique to cause trouble in the dark, or there are some special elixirs growing below." Chen Feng was also cautious. Secretly guessing.

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