Eternal Existence

Chapter 713: Visitors from the Immortal Realm

Not to mention that Chen Feng secretly communicated with the tower, there was a ruined land 120,000 miles ahead of Chen Feng. The main feature of this ruin was the craters that looked like meteorite impacts and countless huge stones scattered.

It was obvious that this area was the focus of the war that year.

At this moment, right here, in a relatively flat place, the space began to shake, and then a fold was formed. Then, with a crack, a crack appeared, as if a monster had bitten through the void, and a round array platform flew out of it.

Although it seemed to fall lightly on the ground, the power fluctuations that condensed into substance spread all around. The ground, which was harder than steel, began to powder under this force, and the places far away were even directly overturned, just like a tornado crashing directly into the water, and the splashes of water affected the surroundings.

The array platform landed, and three monks walked down, and one of them waved his hand to put away the array platform.

"This is the Tianchen battlefield. It doesn't look special."

"The energy here is a bit chaotic, and the ground here is very solid, which is suitable for a battlefield."

"However, in a great war that year, many ancient immortals died here. Most of the people who died here were upper immortals, and there were also some true immortals. Inheritance requires opportunities and luck. If you can get some fragments, it will be the best result."

"Don't underestimate yourself. I heard that someone has entered here before and got immortal weapons. Now I just hope that there are not many other people coming in, otherwise it will be another fight."

"If you ask me, the most people who can enter here are some natives in the world below. These people have very low cultivation. If you meet them, don't worry."

The three monks all looked like young people. Two of them wore gorgeous armor, and one wore a water-green robe. They were all suave and arrogant. From their temperament, it can be seen that these three people did not come from ordinary places.

At this time, one of them grabbed the ground fiercely, and the hard ground cracked into a bottomless crack. A huge earth-yellow dragon was caught by an invisible force.

At this time, the dragon's eyes showed a look of fear. Originally, the dragon sensed the danger and hid in the ground without moving, but it didn't expect to be caught, and no matter how hard it struggled, it was useless.

"I didn't expect to meet a demon king as soon as I arrived. It's a pity that it's too weak and not worth much." The man waved his hand and threw the khaki dragon out, and then the three of them flew into the air and disappeared in an instant.

"Huh!" The dragon escaped death and dared not stay here anymore, but quickly ran away.

"Hey! Sure enough, there are fluctuations coming, and it's the breath of the immortal law. Strange, what is it?" Chen Feng, who was flying in the air, suddenly shook his body, then his eyes turned, his pupil technique opened, and his vision shuttled through layers of space.

However, Chen Feng didn't see anything, because the other party had left after this, but just when Chen Feng wanted to retract his gaze, he found a huge dragon rushing towards him.

Chen Feng quickly judged that the other party was more than 80,000 miles away from him, so Chen Feng accelerated again.

When the two were 20,000 miles apart, the dragon also discovered Chen Feng. Although it was a little surprised at the opponent's speed, it did not take Chen Feng seriously, because the dragon had no sense of crisis, and the aura Chen Feng showed was too low.

Finally, the two sides met.

"It turned out to be a demon king, but it's a low-level demon king, not even qualified to be my pet." You should know that Chen Feng's current masters are at least high-level demon kings. It is indeed a bit contemptuous to think of such low-level demon kings, and Chen Feng's current cultivation does not take this level of demon king seriously.

"Stop for me." The huge dragon treated Chen Feng as an ant-like existence and didn't want to pay attention to Chen Feng at all, but Chen Feng attacked the dragon.

With a muffled shout, the soul power condensed into a ball and shook towards the dragon. The dragon's huge body shook violently, and a look of pain appeared in his eyes. He only felt that all the strength in his body dissipated, and his blood and qi were weak and unresponsive.

Chen Feng's shout contained the soul-soothing spell and soul storm, and ordinary immortals could not resist the powerful attack.

Next, Chen Feng grabbed the dragon in his hand. No matter how the dragon struggled, it could not break free from Chen Feng's big palm formed by the power of the Zhoutian domain.


The ground around him kept shaking, and the strong power of the earth was entangled with Chen Feng, but Chen Feng just raised his foot and stepped on it, and the earth shook, and the power of the earth was shaken before it was condensed.

"Don't struggle, or I will kill you." Chen Feng laughed.

"Spare my life!" Finally, the dragon gave in.

"Don't change your form." Chen Feng suddenly shouted coldly, and at the same time let go of the other party. The dragon immediately changed into a human form, and a middle-aged man in yellow clothes appeared in front of Chen Feng.

"What happened in front just now?" Chen Feng asked directly, while staring at the other party. Under Chen Feng's gaze, the dragon felt that everything was seen through, and knew that he couldn't lie, otherwise he could guess what the ending would be.

The dragon secretly cried out in bad luck. He had encountered three powerful people before and finally escaped death, but he didn't expect to meet another ruthless person.

"Today is really unlucky. How come all the people I met are masters."

If he wants to survive, he has no choice but to tell the truth.

"Oh, three people broke through the space, and there is a magical teleportation array, and there are rich immortal laws." Chen Feng's eyes suddenly lit up: "So in your opinion, what realm are these three people?"

"They should all be earth immortals." The dragon thought for a while and said.

Chen Feng nodded, and did not embarrass the dragon, waving his hand to let him leave.

"Tower, three earth immortals, they should not come from the Eternal World, right?" Chen Feng asked.

"The array that the three people are riding on should be a void array, which can shuttle through the void. It is a movable teleportation array. The probability of people coming from the immortal world accounts for eight layers. Of course, it may also be other worlds, but this also means that this space battlefield has been noticed by others, and the passage has been broken." Tower thought for a while and said.

"In this way, the cultivators who came in this time will be miserable. The gap between the two is too big. If they meet, it will be. Now I just hope that this immortal battlefield is big enough, and I will immediately notify the disciples of the Tianjian Sect to leave here quickly." Chen Feng thought for a while and said with some concern.

As for himself, Chen Feng was not too worried. He had even killed the masters of the Purple Blood Clan. These three earthly immortals could not bring a sense of crisis to Chen Feng, and Chen Feng was eager to meet them, so that he could rob them of their treasures to restore the strength of the Longevity Tower.

Chen Feng thought that people who came down from the fairyland must have a lot of good things on them. Even if there were no immortal tools, it should be no problem to get a few immortal pills.

Chen Feng was very fast and soon came to the place where the three cultivators appeared, but Chen Feng did not find anything useful. Even if he used the Qianxun Mirror, he could not find out. After all, the other party's realm was too high and Chen Feng could not detect it now.

Just when Chen Feng wanted to leave, the voice of the tower sounded: "Another person is coming."

Chen Feng's eyes lit up. The fact that the tower took the initiative to remind him meant that the person coming was not simple, but Chen Feng had not discovered it yet.

The Void Cave and the Dark Cave surged, and Chen Feng slowly disappeared in the space, but the tower waved his hand, and a force was transmitted, and Chen Feng immediately revealed his figure.

"Tower, what are you going to do?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"The person who came is very powerful. It's useless for you to hide. You'd better wait here openly." Ta said lightly.

"Another earth immortal?" Chen Feng was a little curious, and said no more. He just pretended to be calm and waited on the side, wanting to see who the person who came was.

Then the space began to vibrate, and then a crack was torn open with a sizzling sound. A round void array flew out and landed right in front of Chen Feng.

The array was shining with fairy light and fairy air. It was unknown what material it was made of. It gave people a sense of opposition that was both ethereal and heavy, and at the same time there was a sharp intention to break through everything.

But what attracted Chen Feng the most was not these, but the cultivators on the array. A total of four people stood side by side, three men and one woman, all of whom looked young.

The men were all handsome and extraordinary, and the women were noble and unworldly. In addition, the fairy air was lingering, giving people a feeling of illusion in the fog.

Chen Feng couldn't see through any of these four people. They just stood there casually, but they gave people a strong impact. If Chen Feng didn't have the Changsheng Tower as his backing, he would probably feel an invincible submission from the bottom of his heart just by looking at them.

"They should all be earth immortals, right?" Chen Feng sighed in his heart. He hadn't even broken through the realm of human immortals yet, but he didn't expect to encounter masters of this level one after another in the battlefield of immortals.

Not to mention Chen Feng was secretly surprised, the four people who appeared through the void were also surprised when they saw Chen Feng suddenly, but they were relieved after seeing Chen Feng's cultivation clearly, and at the same time, a playful look flashed in their eyes.

"Tower, what are the origins of these four people, what realm?" Chen Feng couldn't see through the other party, but Tower could.

"From the aura on their bodies, nine out of ten are from the immortal world, and all four of them are beginner earth immortals. From the age and talent of these four people, it can be seen that these four people should be from some regular large sects." Tower analyzed.

"Forget it, let's not talk about the fairy world for now, let's think about how to deal with the current situation." Knowing that there were four earthly immortals in front of him, Chen Feng still felt a little timid.

"Natives!" At this time, one of them looked at Chen Feng with disdain in his eyes.

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