Eternal Existence

Chapter 704: The Purple Blood Clan

Then the hellhound's expression became solemn.

"What did you see?" The Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Dragon also noticed something was wrong.

"The tree demon and the tiger demon are fighting with others." The hellhound said.

"Who are they? How did someone come in?" The Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Dragon asked hurriedly.

"They are two human cultivators, very powerful, they should be in the realm of earthly immortals." The hellhound's nether eyes flashed even more fiercely.

"What, earthly immortals, how could such a being come in, could it be a cultivator from the Eternal World?"

"It is also possible that they came from other places."

"Yes, this immortal battlefield has many passages and loopholes. Maybe they are from other worlds. How is the battle going?"

"The tree demon and the tiger demon are not their opponents. By the way, the opponent is full of purple air, even his hair is purple, and his eyes are also purple."

"Not good!"

Just when the hellhound was observing the opponent, suddenly one of them turned his head sharply, and a purple stream of fluid shuttled through space and attacked along the hellhound's gaze.

The hellhound's nether eyes were constantly defeated by the opponent's purple gaze.

"Hey!" The hellhound sneered, and the orchid color in his eyes became brighter.


The two eyes, one purple and one blue, collided with each other, and it was as if a star suddenly exploded in the sky, turning into countless sparks and colorful colors, which were very gorgeous and dazzling.

"It should be a member of the Purple Blood Clan." The hellhound suddenly said.

"What, the legendary Purple Blood Clan, did you see it wrong?" The face of the Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Dragon also changed, and the arrogant aura on his body suddenly restrained.

"It can't be wrong. I had some doubts at first, but the opponent's purple pupil technique just now made me sure. This is a powerful force of the blood boundary." The hellhound said.

"This is troublesome. The tree demon and the tiger demon are definitely not the opponent's opponents. Let's set off now. Hehe, it should be no problem for the four of us to kill two Purple Blood Clan monks. At that time, we can directly devour the opponent's blood and evolve ourselves." The Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Dragon suddenly laughed.

"Go by yourself, I want to protect Chen Feng here." The hellhound shook his head.

Looking at Chen Feng who was still practicing, the Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Dragon nodded: "Well, I can go alone."

As soon as he said it, the Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Dragon quickly changed into its original form and turned into a gust of wind to fly away.

"I hope I can catch up." The hellhound showed a worried look in his eyes, because in the eyes of the hellhound, the tree demon and the tiger demon were retreating one after another, and they were seriously injured.

In fact, the hellhound was also planning to take action at the beginning, because the demon fairy and demon god released by Chen Feng before were also very powerful, enough to protect Chen Feng, but he began to change his mind when he opened his mouth.

"I hope Chen Feng can finish his practice quickly."

Chen Feng didn't know the situation outside at all, and even if he knew, he wouldn't care, because Chen Feng was now in a wonderful state of practice.

As the energy was constantly refined, the cells in the body were constantly changing and strengthening. As he comprehended the will of heaven and earth, Chen Feng's soul realm was also constantly improving.

The most important thing is that the thunder secrets and the fighting spirit essence make Chen Feng's fighting will continue to grow stronger. This is the biggest gain this time. For example, in the same realm, Chen Feng can fight two people alone, but after refining and absorbing these fighting spirit essences, Chen Feng's fighting power will double. With the same strength, because of the improvement of combat skills, Chen Feng can fight a group of opponents alone.

"It seems that I have to find a way to stay in this space for a while. No matter what, I have to wait until I cultivate to the human immortal before going out." Chen Feng made up his mind.

After Chen Feng finished practicing, he felt that his whole body was condensed, his strength was powerful, and his soul power was extremely strong. The realm of the eighth level of heaven and man was completely stable. If the power in his body was completely refined, he could even continue to impact the realm of the ninth level of heaven and man.

"Okay, I have gained a lot this time." Chen Feng nodded. If it were an ordinary heaven and man cultivator who wanted to impact again after passing the thunder tribulation, he would have to practice for decades. Some cultivators with dull talents and no opportunities would even have to practice for hundreds of years before they could pass the tribulation again.

But the accumulation in Chen Feng's body is too powerful. If the energy hidden in the acupoints in his body is added, Chen Feng alone can withstand dozens of times the cultivators of the same realm, or even more.

Of course, there is no such easy thing in the world. When you get so much, you also have to face stronger pressure. For example, Chen Feng's thunder tribulation is much higher than other Tianren realm cultivators, and it can be compared with the heavenly tribulation of human immortals.

"What's the matter? Where is the wind and thunder double-headed dragon?" Chen Feng asked curiously after opening his eyes. In Chen Feng's opinion, the other party could not leave for no reason.

The hellhound quickly told what happened.

"There is such a thing!" Chen Feng was a little surprised. Originally, Chen Feng thought that only the Tianjian Sect could open this space battlefield. Now it seems that things are not like that, and the other party who came in is still a master, and it turned out to be a terrestrial immortal. This level of cultivators has exceeded Chen Feng's current level by far.

"Let's go, let's go too." Chen Feng made up his mind.

But just when Chen Feng was about to make a move, two streams of purple light fell from the sky and landed in front of Chen Feng. The purple light dissipated, and two human cultivators appeared in front of Chen Feng.

Seeing the appearance of these two people, Chen Feng's eyes suddenly shrank.

"Purple robes, purple hair, purple eyes, no pupils, strong and noble aura, is this a member of the Purple Blood Clan?" Chen Feng quickly measured the other party.

However, one thing that surprised Chen Feng was that one of the other party was in the realm of human immortals, and the aura of the other person was as deep as the sea, far beyond what Chen Feng could guess.

"Should it be a terrestrial immortal?"

"I didn't expect to meet a hellhound here. This is a hell creature, just right for my mount." The one who spoke was the slightly younger human immortal cultivator.

"It's good that you like it, I'll go and capture it." Another middle-aged cultivator said lightly.

"Young master! It seems that this young man is not simple, he actually has this level of guards." Chen Feng guessed in his heart.

"Wait!" Just when the middle-aged cultivator wanted to take action, the young master spoke again, and at the same time looked at Chen Feng.

"There is actually another human? Interesting, interesting, boy, report your identity." The young master raised his chin, and his arrogance naturally revealed, looking at Chen Feng as if he was looking at an ant.

"Who are you?" Chen Feng sneered.

"Looking for death!" The young man suddenly turned his face, and purple light flashed in his eyes and attacked Chen Feng.

Chen Feng was a little surprised that he started to fight as soon as he said it, but Chen Feng did not retreat in the face of such an attack. His eyes sank, and two black streams of light flowed out, colliding with the opponent's purple eyes.

Pah pah pah!

There were bursts of explosions in the space, and the invisible strong wind swept up, and the clothes on Chen Feng and the young man fluttered.

"Dark Demon Eye! I was a little mistaken." The young man was a little moved, but his face soon returned to normal again, and he still did not take Chen Feng seriously.

"You should be here to find the inheritance of Tianju Shangxian, right? And it seems that you have gained something. Boy, hand over the things on your body and I can leave you a whole body." The young man said lightly.

Chen Feng laughed immediately after hearing this, and the hellhound followed Chen Feng closely to prevent the other party from suddenly attacking.

"Tower, where does this purple blood clan come from?" Chen Feng asked in secret.

"A very powerful and heaven-defying race, with powerful power in their blood at birth, fast cultivation speed, and extremely strong combat power. In short, it is very difficult to deal with." Tower said in a rare tone, which surprised Chen Feng.

"Shouldn't they be from the Eternal World?" Chen Feng asked again.

"Of course not, the place where the purple blood clan is located is many times more noble than the Eternal World, even the fairyland can't compare." Tower said disdainfully.

"What, even the fairyland can't compare, are you kidding?" Chen Feng opened his eyes wide in surprise.

"Do you think I'm joking?"

"Boy, it seems that you don't plan to hand over the things. In this case, I'll let you try the taste of life worse than death."

"Go ahead, Uncle Mo!" The young man's face turned cold.

"Hehe!" The middle-aged cultivator chuckled and casually stretched out his hand to grab Chen Feng. With just a grab, Chen Feng felt that everything in front of him disappeared, and only a big hand came in front of him, and he didn't have the ability to resist at all.

Chi Chi!

At this time, the hellhound took action, and the nether eyes opened, and a blue beam of light pierced through the middle-aged man's forehead.

Facing this kind of attack that even the wind and thunder double-headed dragon dared not easily take, the middle-aged cultivator just grabbed it casually, and then pinched it, and the light flashed, and the hellhound's attack was actually crushed.

"What!" The hellhound was surprised. This was his strongest killer, and it was easily resolved by the other party.

"As expected of someone from the purple blood clan, it seems that there will be some trouble today." The hellhound's eyes shrank slightly, but after looking at Chen Feng, it calmed down again, because the hellhound remembered the demon fairy and demon god released by Chen Feng before.


The power of the Longevity Tower quickly surged through Chen Feng's body. Chen Feng immediately returned to normal and took a few steps back in shock. The threat brought by this middle-aged man to himself was too strong, far exceeding the wind and thunder double-headed dragon.

"So powerful, trouble, I wonder how the wind and thunder double-headed dragon is?" Chen Feng said in his heart.

"Tower, can you still improve the strength of Phantom Divine Marten?" Chen Feng asked secretly.

"Not in a short period of time, but the other monsters can." Tower said in a deep voice. In fact, Tower was somewhat helpless, because he was not sure of suppressing the Earthly Immortal Tower, especially the Purple Blood Clan cultivators. If the Immortal Tower appeared, it would definitely be recognized by the other party, and then it would not only be a simple trouble.

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