Eternal Existence

Chapter 699: Golden Palace

"What's inside?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It's nothing more than some things used for cultivation. I don't know the details. It should be spiritual stones and spiritual medicines." The hellhound said.

"I hope it's these things." Chen Feng said as he strode towards the palace.

The restrictions on the passageway of the palace gate had been broken by the hellhound, otherwise Chen Feng would have to spend some effort.

As soon as he entered the Golden Hall, Chen Feng felt the spiritual energy rushing to his face. The pores all over his body felt like they wanted to explode. Even with the naked eye, he could see the wisps of spiritual energy floating in the space.

"This is immortal energy." Chen Feng's eyes lit up just by absorbing a little. This Golden Hall doesn't say whether there is another cave in it. The immortal energy contained in this scale alone is enough to make people jealous.

Chen Feng quickly regained his composure, but he didn't absorb these immortal tools, because Chen Feng knew that there were better things waiting for him here.

"This is what the hellhound brought me here. There should be no guardians here." Chen Feng's soul power radiated around, but was soon blocked by layers of restrictions.

If he breaks through these restrictions and moves forward, it will take a long time, so Chen Feng starts to ask the tower for help.

Sure enough, this time the tower shows up very straightforwardly.

"Well, this palace is good. It is a Taoist tool in itself. It contains some restrictions. It can be used for defense, attack, or shrink and put away as a mansion. The most important thing is that the materials of this palace are good. Some of them are very rare, which is exactly what I need. Boy, let's discuss it." The tower laughed.

"Okay, okay, anyway, I don't need this palace, you can swallow it all." Chen Feng waved his hand, not at all regretful.

"Haha, you are generous, but there are many good things in this palace. I only need to swallow a small part, and the rest are all yours."

"Okay, boy, do as I say."

Next, Chen Feng continued to pass through layers of restrictions under the command of the tower. If he encountered some powerful restrictions, he would directly mobilize the power of the Longevity Tower to attack.

After twisting and turning for a long time, Chen Feng finally entered a colorful garden and stopped among thousands of flowers.

"Okay, it's here." Ta said.

"Here, you said the core of this palace is here." Chen Feng looked around in surprise. There was nothing else here except some flowers he had never seen before.

"How stupid, it's right in front of you. The other party used an illusion to cover your perception." Ta said.

After hearing this, Chen Feng's eyes shot out a black light. Sure enough, the flowers in front of him withered one after another, and the last golden flower was still standing upright, completely unaffected by Chen Feng's gaze.

"Is this the flower?" Chen Feng reached out and planted the golden flower. As soon as the flower reached Chen Feng's hand, it immediately changed. The flower suddenly dodged and turned into countless golden threads, drilling into Chen Feng's skin.

Chen Feng was a little surprised. Just when he was about to resist, he found that these golden threads were extremely fast and full of spirituality. They entered the sea of ​​consciousness in the blink of an eye.

After the golden thread entered the sea of ​​consciousness, golden light immediately shone. Chen Feng sensed a series of spells from these golden lights. After just a brief contact, Chen Feng knew the functions of these spells.

"It is indeed the control core of the Golden Palace. If you master these spells, you can completely control this Golden Palace." Chen Feng immersed himself in refining.

It took a full hour for Chen Feng to open his eyes. Chen Feng had a general understanding of this Golden Palace.

Chen Feng also quickly investigated some things in the palace. As for some defensive and offensive formations in the Golden Palace, Chen Feng did not study them carefully, because with Chen Feng's current cultivation, it is not possible to master all the restrictions of this palace in a short time.

Anyway, this palace is going to be swallowed by the Longevity Tower, and it is a waste for Chen Feng to do so much useless work.


Chen Feng took a step and arrived in front of a secret room, then opened the secret room and walked in. There was only a space spirit ring in the secret room. Chen Feng went forward to pick it up, and the power of the soul poured into it, and soon refined the space spirit ring.

"This space spirit ring is actually a holy weapon. Wow, it's worthy of being a fairy." Chen Feng exclaimed.

There is only one thing in the space spirit ring, that is, the mountains of spirit stones, and even the fairy crystals that even Chen Feng does not have.

Chen Feng quickly counted them and soon determined that there were 100 million fairy crystals. These fairy crystals were scattered in the spirit ring, and the fairy aura emitted made Chen Feng feel intoxicated.

"This is a considerable fortune." Chen Feng said with a smile, but he soon calmed down.

"Tower, these fairy crystals should be able to restore your strength, right?" Chen Feng asked. In Chen Feng's mind, improving his own strength and repairing the Longevity Tower are the top priorities.

"No need. With my current strength, I can directly absorb the immortal energy from the immortal world to restore my strength. It is not a problem to directly use the immortal energy to condense into immortal crystals. As your strength increases, you will also need more spiritual stones in the process of cultivation, so you should keep these spiritual stones."

"If there is really anything good, I will take it directly, and you don't have to worry about it."

"Hey, it seems that I am still meddling in other people's business." Chen Feng smiled.

"But with so many immortal crystals, I feel unreal."

Then Chen Feng took another step and arrived in front of another secret room. He opened the door of the secret room and felt a strong damp air coming towards him before he entered.

"What is this?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

A river that was thousands of feet long floated in the void, and waves of moisture were constantly radiating around.

"Such a strong water power. I don't know what energy this river is condensed from, but it must be a good thing." When Chen Feng was about to make a move, the shadow of the Longevity Tower flashed, and the river quickly condensed and entered the Longevity Tower like a small snake. Before Chen Feng came back to his senses, the small river completely melted into the Longevity Tower, without even a drop left.

"This is the Three Yang True Water, which happens to be what I need." The tower said lazily.

"If you need it, you can use it. I didn't say I wouldn't give it to you. Why are you robbing it?" Chen Feng shook his head and moved to other places.

After searching for a while, Chen Feng was slightly disappointed. Except for the fairy crystals at the beginning and the Three Yang True Water he found later, most of the other places were empty.

In other words, this large golden palace is basically an empty shell. Although it has spiritual stones and Sanyang True Water, it is still too small compared to this huge space.

"If other cultivators get this golden palace, they will definitely be very happy. After all, it is also a Taoist artifact, and it is a complete Taoist artifact with complicated restrictions inside and outside. If the energy is enough, it can directly flatten a medium-sized or large sect." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Tower, you can swallow this palace, but if there are other palace-like magic weapons in the future, you must leave it to me. It can also be regarded as my immortal residence." Chen Feng said so.

This golden palace has a vast space, with pavilions, towers, and small bridges and flowing water. If Chen Feng puts in some flowers, plants, birds and animals, it will be a perfect cave for cultivation and living.

"Hey, only you can like things of this level. When you have enough cultivation, you can get a cave of immortal artifact level to live in. You must know that the space in the immortal artifact is wider than this eternal world. It is simply a real inner world." Tower said contemptuously.

"Hey, you're still scrambling for this kind of thing. You've said so much, and your cultivation has to be improved step by step, and you have to recover slowly. Are you still counting on me to ascend to heaven and enter the fairyland in one step?" Chen Feng retorted.

"If you really have this ability, it would be great."

Chen Feng shook his head, took a step, and went directly to the outside of the golden palace. At this time, the hellhound was still waiting for Chen Feng, and immediately came to him when he saw Chen Feng appear.

"What's the harvest?" The hellhound couldn't help asking.

"Only a little spiritual stone." Chen Feng said lightly.

Then Chen Feng waved his hand, and the huge golden palace immediately shone with golden light, then suddenly shrank, and finally turned into a golden light and drilled into Chen Feng's body.

In the eyes of the hellhound, this golden palace should have been refined by Chen Feng, but the truth is that Chen Feng threw this Taoist weapon to the Longevity Tower to devour.

"Now tell me about this planet." Chen Feng suddenly looked at the hellhound and said.

"This!" Hellhound hesitated for a moment and then continued: "This entire planet was refined by Tianju Immortal, and the inheritance of Tianju Immortal is on this planet."

"Refine the entire planet." Chen Feng's eyes widened, a little bit unbelievable.

"Tower, I think you can just refine this planet, so I don't have to look for it slowly." Chen Feng secretly communicated with Tower.

"Do you think I will spend so much effort to refine this useless planet." Tower said coldly. "Hey, if you don't have that ability, just say it directly. Why talk so much nonsense." Chen Feng curled his lips.

"Okay, Senior Hellhound, this palace has been taken away, let's go to other places to have a look." Chen Feng was also a little helpless. Knowing that the entire planet was left by Tianju Immortal, Chen Feng knew that he would be busy if he wanted to get the inheritance. Now Chen Feng just hoped that this planet could be smaller.

On the other side of the planet, when Chen Feng entered the golden hall, Tie Yuanhao, Zhan Qinglin, Mu Song and others had already been teleported out. Except for Zhan Qinglin who gained some, everyone else gained nothing, especially Tie Yuanhao, who was directly teleported away from the immortal battlefield and into the eternal world.

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