Eternal Existence

Chapter 682: Death of the Human Immortal

"Damn it, I really want to kill these people." Seeing these immortals laughing from afar, the immortals of Tianjian Sect became even more angry.

"We had previously agreed to enter six months in advance, but now it seems that we have to enter even earlier."

"It is definitely not possible to enter now, let's see the situation first."

"It depends on the situation. If we delay any further, our disciples will be injured."

"Several of the disciples who entered the immortal battlefield this time are already infinitely close to immortals. In addition, some of the magic weapons on their bodies are enough to kill some immortals, and they can escape even if they encounter danger. These few people have not made any movement so far, which means that the situation is not as serious as we imagined."

"Yes, Duan Lang makes sense. Let's wait and see." Jinshixian said.


At this time, two more cultivators were teleported out. When these two people appeared, the immortals of Tianjian Sect looked even uglier, because these two people were also disciples of Tianjian Sect.

"Elders, Senior Brother Wang and the others are dead." One of them cried out.

"Don't worry, tell me what happened?" Sun Moon Fairy waved her hand and pulled the man over. At the same time, a stream of energy poured into the man's body, quickly repairing the injuries on his body.

"We were besieged. Wuqing Tianzong, Shenmo Cave, Zhao Family, Dongfang Family and some independent cultivators, these people joined forces to set a trap to kill us. There were eight people in total, and only two of us escaped."

"Six people died!"

The Tianjian Sect's immortals were in a commotion. If these six people survived, they would be at least six immortals.

"Humph, I can't help it."

"Wuqing Tianzong, Shenmo Cave, none of you can leave today."

Bishuixian and Tiejianxian shouted at the same time, and two condensed sword energies cut through the space and attacked Wuqing Tianzong and Shenmo Cave respectively.

"Haha, I've been waiting for you."

"What's the matter? Can't you afford to lose? If you were afraid, you shouldn't have sent people in before."

"That's right. You are only allowed to kill others, but you can't be killed by others. How can such a good thing happen? Haha, what a joke."

"Everyone says that the Tianjian Sect is so great, but I think it's just so-so. I think you should withdraw all the disciples and hand over this space battlefield. Anyway, you can't afford it."

The Tianjian Sect cultivator immediately caused public outrage as soon as he took action. Most of the human immortals present began to mock him.

As for the two sword energies, they were easily shattered. Bishuixian and Tiejianxian wanted to take action, but were stopped by Duanlangxian.

"Don't take action. Are you going to let others laugh at you?"

"Now we have been laughed at by others. With so many disciples killed and injured, it will be difficult for the headmaster to explain."

"These disciples can all be promoted to human immortals. The death of one is a loss."

Just as everyone was arguing, the space shook again, and another cultivator was teleported out.

"Haha, it must be another disciple of Tianjian Sect, but it's your ability to escape."

"Hmph, a bunch of idiots, so many people joined forces and still let someone escape."

But then everyone opened their eyes wide, especially the Wuqing Tianzong side, who showed an incredible look.

Because the two cultivators who came out belonged to Wuqing Tianzong and Shenmo Cave respectively, these two people can be said to be seriously injured and miserable.

After being teleported out, the two fell to the ground and couldn't get up, and the breath of one of them was constantly weakening.

"One of them was injured by Wanjian Guizong, and the other one had the breath of the Eye of the Void, so he should have been injured by Ye Ziwen." Fengliuxian said.

"Ye Ziwen himself is very talented, his cultivation speed is extremely fast, and he has some hidden means. He has some luck and is a strong contender for the next headmaster of our sect. Now it seems that he still has some ability."

Seeing that the two people were injured by the disciples of their sect, the mood of these Tianjian Sect's immortals has improved. This means that the situation is not one-sided.

"You were injured by the disciples of the Tianjian Sect. How many casualties were there on both sides?" Wuqing Tianzong's immortal asked immediately.

"Eight of us besieged two people from the Tianjian Sect, but six of us died. Only two of us escaped, and the other party was safe and sound." One of them said with his head down.

"What, how is it possible? Who are the two on the other side? Do they have any magical weapons to protect themselves?"

"It's Ye Ziwen and Liu Mingdao."

"It's these two people. I heard that these two people are both contenders for the next headmaster in the Tianjian Sect. They should have some tricks, but it's a pity that they will die in it this time."

Wuqing Tianzong's immortal nodded, his face had returned to calm, and he didn't seem to be worried. From the words just now, he was even more certain that Ye Ziming and Liu Mingdao would die.


At this time, the space vibrated again, and someone was about to be teleported out.

"So fast, I wonder which cultivator this time?"

"It must be from the Tianjian Sect."


This time a cultivator got out of the space, but this person was still standing firm, and the whole person turned into a blood mist with a bang.

The immortal in the God and Demon Cave had a very ugly expression on his face. The person who just died was a half-step immortal in the God and Demon Cave.

"Hehe, it seems that the disciples of our Tianjian Sect are not so easy to bully."


In less than a quarter of an hour, another person was teleported out. As soon as this person came out, his whole body swelled up, and the blood in his body was surging like a tide. It seemed that he was about to explode like the previous cultivator.


The immortal of Wuqing Tianzong was very fast. He flashed in front of this cultivator and then pressed his palm on the top of his head.

Sure enough, the swollen cultivator was controlled, and his swollen body slowly returned to its original state.

"What happened to you, or did other cultivators do it?" Wuqing Tianzong's immortal asked immediately. "Yes." As soon as the half-step immortal opened his mouth, a stream of blood gushed out, and then a halo quickly spread out from his body, instantly wrapping up the immortal.

"Not good!"

The immortal of Wuqing Tianzong had a warning in his mind, and was about to dodge, but it was too late. The half-step immortal exploded with a bang and turned into a huge blood ball.

At the moment when the half-step immortal exploded, the blood in the immortal of Wuqing Tianzong's body also began to burn, and the whole body swelled uncontrollably.

"Come and save me." The immortal finally screamed in fear.

However, no one dared to approach in this situation. On the contrary, the immortals around him quickly hid to the side.

The self-explosion of a immortal is no joke.


The immortal from Wuqing Tianzong finally exploded, and circles of blood light spread out in all directions, and it was about to destroy the surrounding valleys.

At this time, Jinshixian from Tianjian Sect flipped his palms and cast a series of seals. The surrounding mountains roared, the earth shook, and a huge barrier quickly formed, and then continued to compress, compressing the energy generated by the immortal's self-explosion into a range, and then a thread of sword energy appeared, cutting and crushing these energies and dissipating them in space.

"What, Mo Qiushui is dead, how is this possible?"

"It is somewhat similar to the person who died before. Someone must have used immortal tools or Taoist tools to launch an attack from inside. Damn, it was someone from Tianjian Sect."

"Hahahaha, Mo Qiushui is dead, a good death, a good death." At this time, the immortals from Tianjian Sect were not as nervous and angry as before, but laughed one by one.

"What is going on?"

In fact, whether it was the immortals from Tianjian Sect or Wuqing Tianzong, they all had this idea in their hearts. This attack that crossed the space was beyond the means of these immortals.

At this time, even if these immortals entered the place and faced the person who attacked, they were not sure that they could escape unscathed.

However, at this time, the immortals on the side of Tianjian Sect received some soul transmissions, including Jian Xiaotian's master Tianming Immortal.

"Be quiet, be quiet. Since the seniors said that there is nothing wrong, then there must be nothing wrong. Now we should wait honestly. These guys want to kill and surround our disciples one after another. How can it be so easy? I am afraid that they will lose more than they gain." After receiving the transmission from the seniors of the sect, all these immortals quieted down.

Unlike Tianjian Sect, the immortals on the side of Wuqing Tianzong had very difficult and ugly faces. They were very happy to see the injured cultivators of Tianjian Sect escape before, but now the situation is suddenly the opposite. This contrast is extremely uncomfortable.

At this time, Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian were still flying in the air. A blood ball in Chen Feng's hand was constantly rotating, emitting a strange bloody smell.

"It's a pity that one escaped." Jian Xiaotian said with some regret.

"Don't worry, no one will survive." Chen Feng said as the blood ball in his hand flew out and exploded a thousand meters away. A cloud of blood mist accompanied by a scream, a cultivator hidden in the space flew out in a mess.

However, before this person flew far, he was pierced by a blood spear and his energy was lost quickly. Chen Feng came to the person in a flash and used the soul-locking spell to capture the person's soul, and then began to search the soul.

"It's a cultivator from the War King Pavilion. There is no useful information." Chen Feng said after a long time.

"War King Pavilion, it's good to die." Jian Xiaotian saw Chen Feng kill a half-step human immortal with ease, and he couldn't help but sigh.

Speaking of it, Jian Xiaotian has a Daluo battle body, and his cultivation progress is also very fast, but compared with Chen Feng, it is still far behind.

Seeing Chen Feng killing other cultivators casually, Jian Xiaotian has no doubt that Chen Feng can deal with human immortals.

"Strange, I don't know how big the space here is. We have searched for nearly 100,000 miles, but there has been no trace of Wen Shaoxiu and his men. I now suspect that they used the teleportation talisman to leave." Jian Xiao said.

"Maybe, it's best to survive. There are people ahead." At this time, Chen Feng looked forward with his eyes, and his eyes penetrated thousands of miles.

"Which sect is he from?" Jian Xiaotian's eyes lit up.

Along the way, the two had killed ten half-step human immortals from various forces. Among them, Jian Xiaotian killed one alone, and the other nine died at the hands of Chen Feng.

The reason why Jian Xiaotian was able to kill the other party was because the other party was injured and his combat effectiveness decreased. You must know that although Jian Xiaotian and Chen Feng are at the same level, the combat effectiveness between the two is far apart.

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