Eternal Existence

Chapter 680: Ghost Night Barrier

"I actually succeeded in overcoming the tribulation. How is this possible?"

"It seems that this guy should be the first among the monks who came in this time to be promoted to human immortality."

"No, it's not a human immortal. If you are promoted to a human immortal, you will be able to communicate with the immortal world, and the immortal world will also be instilled with a lot of immortal energy and immortal laws. The situation in front of you doesn't look like it."

"What? He has suffered such a huge thunder disaster before he has even been promoted to human immortality. It is too exaggerated to say that this boy is still a monk in the heavenly realm."

"This person cannot be thrown away."

"Everyone is ready to take action."

"Although the spiritual energy just now contains a lot of immortal energy, it is more of semi-immortal energy. It seems that although the space here is chaotic, it is still difficult to directly communicate with the immortal world. Unfortunately, the tower is recovering its strength. Otherwise, you can directly communicate with the immortal world and absorb the immortal energy."

"However, the will of heaven and earth here is somewhat different from the outside world. It is not strong in quality, but it is very chaotic. There are also some laws that are completely different from those in the eternal world. There are many benefits after understanding it."

While Chen Feng was sitting on the ground quietly cultivating, the four monks who had been hiding in the distance finally took action.

The distance of thousands of miles was indispensable to these monks, and with some tricks, these people were able to reach Chen Feng in just a few breaths.

"The Kaishan Divine Fist!"

"Iron flow blast!"

"One sword of blood essence!"

"Earth-covering seal!"

The four monks all launched their strongest attacks, which even relied on the power of holy weapons or secret techniques. In the opinion of these four people, this attack was enough to kill Chen Feng. However, when the four of them attacked, Chen Feng still remained. He remained motionless, seemingly not paying attention to what was going on outside.

"Haha, this guy is dead." Seeing that the attack was about to fall on Chen Feng, this thought flashed through the minds of all four of them.

Just when these attacks were still a foot away from Chen Feng, a blood-red halo emanated from Chen Feng's body, easily blocking these attacks.

Then with a series of crisp sounds, these attacks were shattered like bubbles, and the red halo continued to spread, easily defeating the attacks of the four people.

"What's this?"

"No, go back quickly."

The four people reacted very quickly. They immediately ran away as soon as they saw that things had changed. However, the bloody halo spread too fast and drowned the four people in an instant.

The four monks who were about to escape immediately felt the energy and blood in their bodies rushing uncontrollably, and then the pores in their bodies opened, and traces of blood spurted out.

"Ah! My blood essence is disappearing quickly."

The four of them screamed but could not break free, thoughts of fear and despair arose in their hearts.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Four thick blood spears suddenly pierced out from the blood-colored aperture, piercing through the bodies of the four people like lightning. In just half a breath, the energy and blood essence in the four people's bodies was drained away, leaving only a piece of blood. Thin human skin.

"Phew! The blood-gathering bead has been completely repaired. It is now a middle-grade Taoist weapon, and the blood tree has also grown significantly. Killing some monks who are not even human immortals is simply overkill." Chen Feng had already opened his eyes at this time. After opening his eyes and reaching out to grab, all the magic weapons and storage utensils on the four people fell into Chen Feng's hands. Chen Feng put them away without even looking.

"I really don't know how to live or die. It's a pity that it disturbed my practice. It's okay, the noise here was too loud just now, so I'd better find a quiet place." Chen Feng paused as he said that, and his whole person became illusory and blurred. It disappeared in the blink of an eye.


The sword light and shield world arranged by Jian Xiaotian finally couldn't hold on anymore and exploded into chaotic energy.

"Hahaha, we finally broke through. Go ahead and kill them."

"Everyone, rush out." Jian Shaolong's entire body had turned into a huge ball of blood, and the violent sword intent emitted even cut the skin of Jian Xiaotian and others.

"Jian Shaolong, you are seeking death!" Wen Shaoxiu suddenly shouted.

Jian Shaolong didn't answer. His whole body turned into a flaming red sword and rushed towards the nearest monk.

"Five Elements Reincarnation Sword, cut!"

Five dazzling lights formed a huge sword, and wherever it passed, two people were immediately blown to pieces.

After killing two people, Jian Shaolong did not pause, but still maintained the momentum of moving forward, and soon another person was killed.


At this time, Wen Shaoxiu, Jian Zhikong and others immediately followed. The sword energy released by these people quickly connected, becoming more sharp and invincible.

"It's not that easy to rush out."

"Ghost Night Barrier!"


The entire space suddenly became pitch black, and it was impossible to distinguish between east, west, and north. It was completely silent, and there was even no energy fluctuation, completely blinding the sense of consciousness.

Everyone's formation was immediately disrupted, and even the people closest to them couldn't feel it.

"It's broken. It's the Tianji Formation. It's troublesome. I hope a few can rush out." Wen Shaoxiu and others were all a little surprised.

Because after the black curtain fell, everyone kept transmitting messages to each other, and no one received a reply in the end.

"Kill! Heavenly Sword Breaking Elemental Technique!"

"Seven Kills Beidou Sword!"

Wen Shaoxiu and Jian Zhikong both displayed powerful sword skills, trying to break through the dark barrier in front of them. Their sword energy spanned thousands of meters. In the past, they could easily destroy a 10,000-meter-high mountain peak, but now they were able to break through it. Cutting in the dark night, there was not a single ripple.

"How is it possible? Could it be an illusion?"

Just when the two were somewhat at a loss, Jian Xiaotian took out a talisman, gently pinched it, and the talisman broke, emitting a little starlight that enveloped Jian Xiaotian.

This was not the teleportation talisman that everyone brought when they came in, but the escape talisman that Jian Xiaotian's master Tianming Immortal gave to Jian Xiaotian before he came in.

You must know that Tianming Immortal himself is a high-level human immortal, and the talisman he personally refined is certainly not simple. The space between them fluctuated, and Jian Xiaotian disappeared on the spot. When Jian Xiaotian appeared again, he was already thousands of miles away.

"What! Someone rushed out. How is that possible? Even a beginner immortal can't get out of this formation."

"It's Jian Xiaotian. I heard that this guy's master is a high-level immortal. The weird sword barrier was taken out by Jian Xiaotian. It's normal to use some means to escape at this time. Forget it, let's deal with these people in front of us first."

"Escaped. What should we do now? Kill them back. No, that's suicide."

"Use the teleportation talisman to return to the sect. This is too cowardly, and it's probably not very useful to go out."

Jian Xiaotian understood that no matter how powerful the Tianjian Sect was, it couldn't stop the joint efforts of many sects. Going out at this time would not only be useless, but it would probably breed some other troubles.

"The only way is to find Chen Feng." At this time, Jian Xiaotian's eyes suddenly lit up. In Jian Xiaotian's mind, Chen Feng was truly unfathomable. The Changsheng Tower alone could suppress everything.

"I don't know if Chen Feng has finished his tribulation. I hope he hasn't left yet. Otherwise, the death of Senior Brother Wen and others will be a serious loss for our sect." Thinking of this, Jian Xiaotian rushed to the place where Chen Feng was undergoing the tribulation at the fastest speed.

"Hey, no one, this is bad." After arriving at the place, Jian Xiaotian found that there was no trace of Chen Feng, and his face suddenly became ugly.

"The talisman in my hand didn't sense it either. It seems that he is not nearby. Forget it, I will try my best to find him. If I can't find him, there is nothing I can do." Jian Xiaotian gritted his teeth and searched for Chen Feng while flying.

At this time, Chen Feng was fighting a demon wolf as big as a hill.

The body of this demon king was strong and huge, hundreds of feet long. There was demonic energy constantly spreading on the dark green hair all over his body. The thick fangs kept sending out wind blades, and the light red eyes exuded a bloodthirsty look.

This was a very powerful demon king. Chen Feng originally wanted to find a quiet place to practice, but he accidentally found a piece of iron essence grass. When he was about to pick it, he was attacked by the demon wolf.

So the two sides started fighting.

This demon wolf has all the advantages of some demon beasts, sufficient magic power, strong body, fast speed, cunning and cruel attack methods, and rich combat experience.

However, in this fight, this demon wolf has been suppressed by Chen Feng, with more and more wounds on its body, while Chen Feng's fighting spirit is getting stronger and stronger.

So this demon wolf has the idea of ​​retreating.

"Thousands of hairs and needles!"

The body of the demon wolf has become larger again, and the magic flames on its body are steaming. The hairs on its body immediately fall off and turn into thousands of fine needles to attack Chen Feng.

"Eternal Shield!"

Chen Feng raised his palm and the Shield of Immortality blocked in front of him. Then Chen Feng's palm grabbed and sucked fiercely, and thousands of fine needles turned into a black torrent and were pulled aside by Chen Feng.

Looking at the Shield of Immortality full of holes in his hand, Chen Feng shook his head: "It seems that it is still far away."

At this time, the immortal weapons condensed by Chen Feng were only at the level of sixth-grade treasures, and naturally could not stop the attack of this demon king.

Chen Feng smiled as he watched the Demon Wolf King fleeing in the distance, but he did not chase him. For Chen Feng, it was just a training exercise. His cultivation progressed too fast, and it was time to polish it.

But then Chen Feng's face darkened, because the whole sky was rapidly turning black, and Chen Feng was in darkness in an instant. He could not see his hand in front of his face, and there was no light. At the same time, an invisible silk net silently enveloped Chen Feng.

"It's the same trick again, you really don't know how to live or die." Chen Feng sneered, his eyes seemed to penetrate the darkness in front of him, he took a simple step, and then disappeared. When Chen Feng appeared again, he punched out suddenly, and the fist force was like a dragon, and it was like a rolling river, instantly breaking through everything in front of him.


A cultivator was thrown into the air by the blow, and before he landed, he had turned into a pile of rotten meat.

"Heavenly Finger!"

Chen Feng then tapped his fingers repeatedly, and a gust of finger wind drilled into the darkness and disappeared, but soon there were screams.

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