Eternal Existence

Chapter 673: Refining the Sword Intent

Not to mention what will happen to these two forces, Chen Feng has already entered the Longevity Tower.

Because at this time the tower decided to take action.

The Broken Sword and the Will of Heaven and Earth have been fighting each other, destroying the land within a radius of thousands of miles. It seems that it is not tired and continues to emit stronger power.

Both feel that their dignity has been challenged. They are all thoughtless beings. The spirit of the Broken Sword has disappeared. They rely entirely on some spiritual light and imprints in the Broken Sword to fight instinctively.

As for the Will of Heaven and Earth, it is even more transformed by the law. It only sends out the power of heaven to suppress it when it feels threatened.

The two sides don’t know how long they have been fighting. Finally, the sword light erupting from the Broken Sword suddenly paused, and then slowly weakened.

"Okay, the time has come." Along with the voice of the tower, the whole space trembled violently, as if an erupting volcano suddenly appeared, and the mighty and unstoppable breath suddenly exploded between heaven and earth.

The Longevity Tower, which is thousands of feet high, suddenly appeared and paused in the air. All the sword energy and sword intentions dissipated and disappeared, and the wind and waves were calm.

Feeling the breath of the Longevity Tower, this extremely sharp broken sword actually made a wailing sound, like fear and panic.

The noble breath emanating from the Longevity Tower made the broken sword instinctively feel fear and surrender.

Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!

Because of the appearance of the Longevity Tower, the laws of heaven and earth here have undergone greater changes. With the breath released by the Longevity Tower, this side of the world can't bear it.

This is not a shock of strength, but a source of power that the Longevity Tower originally possesses, and the grade is already higher than the level of heaven and earth here.

The space cracked, revealing the void cracks, various robbery forces, and even the void storm poured in.


Chen Feng immediately closed his eyes in the Longevity Tower, and later he gathered his mind and cut off the connection with the Longevity Tower. This level of fighting and collision is not something he can watch, even with the protection of the Longevity Tower.

Because neither the laws of heaven and earth in this world nor the broken sword can be easily dealt with by the Longevity Tower now.

If you want to collect this broken sword, you must have a fierce fight, and it is still unclear whether you can succeed.


The 100,000 formations in the second floor of the Longevity Tower also began to operate, but these formations were all broken, and the power they exerted was not even one ten-thousandth of their peak.

"It seems that the Longevity Tower is also trying its best. I hope it will succeed. The integration of this broken sword should be able to restore some of its power." Chen Feng said in his heart.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The Longevity Tower has a total of nine floors. At this time, a thick chain shot out from the eaves of each floor, instantly wrapping up the broken sword.

The tower's intention is very clear. First, put the broken sword into the tower. With the help of the hard and indestructible tower body of the Longevity Tower, the broken sword can be trapped, and then it can be slowly refined.

Although it was afraid of the breath of the Longevity Tower, the broken sword still struggled instinctively at this time.

As soon as it struggled, three chains were immediately cut off by the sword energy.

"Sure enough, it is still difficult to collect immortal weapons that retain their combat effectiveness, but I have decided to take this broken sword. After refining it, I will find some fragments of immortal weapons, and it will almost be able to restore the strength of a Taoist weapon." The tower also has his own plans, but he also knows that it is a bit difficult to collect this broken sword.

Fortunately, there are still the laws of heaven and earth here to restrain it.

This broken sword has no weapon spirit, only instincts, and the laws of heaven and earth here only rely on the rules to act.

Speaking of which, the Changsheng Tower, which has a weapon spirit, has the upper hand innately.

Because the Changsheng Tower has thinking, wisdom, and unparalleled wisdom and experience, in this three-party battle, the Changsheng Tower can use the power of the other two parties to achieve its goals.


I don’t know how long it took, a sword intent suddenly descended and poured into Chen Feng’s sea of ​​consciousness.


Chen Feng’s eyes suddenly glowed, and the skin all over his body began to crack.

"This sword intent, Tower, what do you want to do?" Chen Feng shouted.

"I don't want to do anything. I just extracted a trace of sword intent. Of course, this sword intent also contains some other things, such as immortal weapon energy and immortal weapon laws." The voice of the tower came over.

"I haven't even fully comprehended the will of heaven and earth yet, and you got some of this stuff. This is the sword energy of the immortal weapon, and there are so many of them. How can I refine it?" Chen Feng roared, and his skin had cracked, and a trace of sword energy gushed out, and even his blood was evaporated.

"Boy, I tell you, your cultivation level is too slow. I made such a big noise this time, I am afraid it will attract the attention of the enemy. If the other party comes to kill you before you have completely grown up, hehe, you will be killed and I will be refined." The tower said coldly.

"Enemy!" Chen Feng shuddered, and even the Changsheng Tower was almost damaged. How powerful the other party will be, it is simply unimaginable.

"It seems that I have to cultivate to the human immortal as soon as possible to know some of the truth." Chen Feng gritted his teeth and his mind became more determined.

"Well, let's practice like this." Chen Feng stretched out his finger and pointed it at his forehead. The Yiyuan acupoint started to work at full power, and the water of life stored in the Yiyuan acupoint began to evaporate rapidly.


The immortal qi flowed rapidly, constantly repairing the injuries on his body.

"Soul Storm, cut it for me!"

The huge soul vortex in the sea of ​​consciousness began to spin wildly, and the fire of life was also burning violently, constantly cutting and crushing the sword energy entering the sea of ​​consciousness.

However, this sword energy was tenacious and indestructible, just like a ten-thousand-year-old stone that remained motionless in the breeze. Chen Feng took all his strength to refine a little bit.

"Too slow, if this goes on, I'm afraid this sword energy will be enough to destroy my sea of ​​consciousness."

"It seems that I have to take a risky move."

"Eternal Life Sword! Come in!"

Chen Feng was ruthless in his heart, and a sword energy directly entered Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, and then transformed into a long sword, strangling this sword energy.

You must know that the magic weapons on Chen Feng's body are all suppressed in the acupoints, and those condensed immortal weapons are floating in various parts of Chen Feng's body, and they can all be stationed in it as long as the immortal acupoint is opened.

These immortal weapons were condensed by Chen Feng using his whole body's essence. They are essentially different from other magic weapons. They are between nothingness and entity. They can be dissipated into essence at any time and integrated into Chen Feng's body, and can also be used as magic weapons to attack.

At this time, venturing into the sea of ​​consciousness is also the best method Chen Feng has come up with after analysis.


Under the impact of the powerful sword intent, the immortal sword suddenly exploded and turned into pieces, but soon returned to normal.

However, the sword intent was broken into three strands and was quickly swallowed and refined by Chen Feng. Chen Feng immediately felt that the immortal sword became more condensed. The sword intent was integrated into the immortal sword, and some of the energy entered the soul, enhancing Chen Feng's soul strength.

"Okay, that's it, continue!"

"Spiral sword energy!"

"Wind and thunder explosion!"

Chen Feng urged the immortal sword to continuously use sword techniques, making the power of the immortal sword stronger.

Sure enough, the sword intent that ran through Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness began to decompose continuously and was continuously refined by Chen Feng.

"Too slow, I'll speed up time for you."

At this time, the tower's voice came again, and a wave of energy wrapped up Chen Feng, changing the time law between Chen Feng and the outside world again.

One to one hundred.

A large number of spirit stones stored in the Longevity Tower began to burn to speed up time, which means that for one day in the outside world, Chen Feng practiced for a full hundred days.

For one hour outside, Chen Feng practiced for a hundred hours.

As Chen Feng continued to refine these sword intentions, the various energies hidden in Chen Feng's body began to evaporate continuously, being absorbed by Chen Feng, and strengthening Chen Feng's body and soul.

The spirit of the Taoist instrument absorbed into the body before, the one-eyed demon lizard's one-eyed eye, the water of life in the one-yuan acupoint, and the energy essence stored in the acupoints during normal practice, hidden in the blood and not yet refined, were all released.

This time, the recovery speed of Chen Feng's injuries accelerated several times, and he soon recovered as before, even exceeding his previous peak state.

"Hey, my savings now should be used to pass the tribulation again." Chen Feng said secretly.

Of course, Chen Feng only had this thought by chance, because Chen Feng's mind was now fully focused on cultivation and refining the sword intent.

You know, every moment, a large amount of spirit stones are consumed, and Chen Feng still feels very distressed.

In order to prevent these spirit stones from being wasted, Chen Feng expanded his thinking to the strongest state. Chen Feng even had an illusion that he had entered a wonderful state, that he was moving rapidly in the long river of time, and everything in the outside world became slow.

Of course, Chen Feng knew that he could not reach the realm of time with his own strength. Perhaps this feeling was the mental impact brought by the Changsheng Tower changing the law of time.

"Not enough, not enough, far from enough!"

The tower seemed to become a little irritable, and the spirit stones in the Changsheng Tower exploded in piles, turning into rolling spiritual energy and melting into the Changsheng Tower.

"Two hundred times acceleration!"

At this time, Chen Feng practiced for two hundred days, and only one day had passed in the outside world.


The white-robed monk who was suppressed in the Changsheng Tower suddenly exploded. This was a human immortal who had been suppressed in the Changsheng Tower for some time. When he exploded, the remaining essence in his body was also swallowed by the Changsheng Tower and turned into some kinetic energy.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Some monster bodies and high-level monks stored in the Changsheng Tower also exploded one after another, turning into streams of essence.

These were all collected by Chen Feng to practice puppetry and alchemy, and they were all plundered by the tower at this time.

Of course, Chen Feng was completely unaware of this situation because Chen Feng was completely immersed in cultivation.

Because at this time another energy was poured into Chen Feng's body. This time it was not the sword intention, but the will of heaven and earth captured by the Changsheng Tower.

This will of heaven and earth entered Chen Feng's body, and the sea of ​​consciousness became more chaotic, just like adding a pot of boiling hot oil to a pot of boiling water.

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