Eternal Existence

Chapter 671: The calamity cloud disappears


As if sensing the provocation of the Heavenly Might, the broken sword made a roar, and then a more violent sword intent rushed into the sky, tearing the void, and the unparalleled sword intent swept all around.

At the same time, the sword energy storm began to rise, pushing towards the shore like a tide, and the hard ground was eroded into powder wherever it passed.

"Not good, retreat quickly."

Wen Shaoxiu and others changed their faces and fled far away at the fastest speed.

However, the speed of the sword energy storm seemed to be faster, and soon everyone was submerged in it.

"The thunder tribulation actually triggered this immortal weapon. I wonder what will happen?" Feeling the mighty and strong sword energy, Chen Feng couldn't help but change color.

The power of this broken sword is so strong that Chen Feng even suspects that the sword intent it emits can destroy a small thousand secret realm.

"Strange, the thunder tribulation actually paused. Could it be that it was also affected by this broken sword?" Chen Feng said secretly.

As soon as Chen Feng's thought flashed through his mind, the broken sword began to vibrate again, and a thick blood-colored sword energy slashed at the calamity cloud above Chen Feng's head.

With just one strike, a big hole was punched through the thick calamity cloud, and then the big hole began to expand rapidly.

Soon the calamity cloud was torn into pieces, and finally dissipated completely.

"No way, the calamity cloud just disappeared, and my thunder calamity has not ended yet, what's the matter." Chen Feng said a little depressed.

The calamity cloud has disappeared, and there will be no more thunder and lightning power to strike down. It seems that I can only find a farther place to pass the calamity.

Just when Chen Feng was depressed, suddenly a will of heaven and earth descended and poured directly on Chen Feng.

"The will of heaven and earth, the calamity is successfully passed." Chen Feng couldn't help but exclaimed.

Just by feeling it a little, Chen Feng knew that he had indeed succeeded in passing the calamity. Although this will of heaven and earth was different from the previous one, Chen Feng would not sense it wrong, and this will of heaven and earth contained some other wills.

"The different perception of heaven and earth, and the chaotic will, although not as good as the heavenly tribulation of human immortals, should be almost the same, but the thunder tribulation was dispelled by this broken sword, which means that I got the important result without going through the process."

"The perception of heaven and earth is fair. It's easy to get through this time, but it will be more difficult next time, unless you practice the art of stealing heaven, but without the tempering of thunder and lightning, the physical body has not been improved, and it's a pity to waste the power of thunder and lightning."

"But now I am already at the sixth level of heaven and man, and I feel that the accumulation is still very strong. Once I comprehend the will of heaven and earth, I will pass the tribulation again."

While comprehending the will of heaven and earth, Chen Feng slowly flew away under the wrapping of sword light, after all, the sword energy storm was more violent.

He flew hundreds of miles in one breath before stopping, landing on the ground and starting to practice with his eyes closed.

"What, the thunder tribulation disappeared, this guy actually managed to survive the thunder tribulation, how could this be possible."

"This kid is really lucky, he can succeed like this."

"It's the problem with the broken sword. The thunder tribulation stimulated the power of the broken sword. After all, it is an immortal weapon, and it easily broke the tribulation cloud, but the will of heaven and earth still descended."

"Hmph, I don't think it's good luck, it's bad luck. Now this kid is comprehending the will of heaven and earth, and a group of people from the Tianjian Sect are submerged in the sword energy storm. It's a good opportunity for us."

"Yes, hurry up, a few of us will kill this kid, and you go to deal with Wen Shaoxiu and others."

After these people discussed it well, they immediately took action. The three people who had been hiding around Chen Feng before took action to kill Chen Feng, and the remaining cultivators all rushed to the sword energy storm.

"Boy, you are simply looking for death by going through the tribulation here. You can't blame others for your own death. Go to hell."


"Shadowless Sword Kill!"

The three cultivators attacked Chen Feng at the same time, the energy condensed, the sword light was crisscrossed, and they had already arrived in front of Chen Feng.

Chen Feng remained motionless, his eyes slightly closed, and he practiced with full concentration.


The three of them were delighted to see Chen Feng motionless, and the strength they exerted increased again in excitement.


Suddenly, a dark giant python suddenly appeared, coiled Chen Feng in the middle, exuding a powerful aura, and the oppression of the surrounding space was vibrating.

This giant python was a hundred feet long, with a dark body and a tacitly wrapped, and the dark and tight scales on its body exuded a strange luster. The dark red eyes could make people lost at a glance, and there was a hard bone spur growing on the forehead.

It was the Nine Nether Earth Python in the Demon Suppression Peak before, a high-level demon king, a high-level existence that could kill high-level human immortals.

Originally, according to Chen Feng's previous style, he would naturally kill these people himself, but at this time Chen Feng was comprehending the laws of the will of heaven and earth. If he was interrupted, it would have some impact on his practice.

In desperation, Chen Feng released a demon king. It was not Chen Feng's style to expose some of his trump cards, but he could not care less now. At most, he would kill all the opponents.

A high-level demon king, let alone these half-step human immortals, even if a real human immortal came in, he would be killed.

"What is this? It's bad. It's a demon beast. It's a very powerful demon beast."

"How could a demon beast appear here?"

"This guy released it. Run away."

The three cultivators didn't even care about the attacks they launched, and turned around to flee. The pressure emitted by the Nine Nether Earth Python was so strong that these people couldn't even think of resisting.

But soon the three of them found in horror that they could no longer move, as if they were trapped in the thickest quagmire, and a feeling of suffocation surged into their hearts.

Fear grew in an instant, and the three of them couldn't even open their mouths to beg for mercy. They couldn't even crush the teleportation jade talisman.

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die here."

"I have been a genius since I was a child. I have finally cultivated to this point and am about to break through to the realm of human immortals. How can I die here?"

"It's over, it's really over, this time I'm really dead."

The three of them only had thoughts flashing, but it was useless.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The Nine Nether Earth Python did not launch a fierce attack, but stared at the three people separately, with dark red eyes flashing, and the three people immediately exploded and turned into a ball of blood mist.

Then the Nine Nether Earth Python opened its mouth and sucked gently, and the blood mist turned into a red line and entered its mouth, leaving no residue.

"What! What happened?"

"A high-level monster."

The movement from Chen Feng's side immediately alarmed the other cultivators. They were stunned by the huge monster hovering in the air. Some people's pores exploded after they reacted.

"It's a pity that these three people are half-step immortals after all. The blood and essence in their bodies can be used to refine a few blood pills, but they were not swallowed by this guy." Chen Feng separated a trace of his mind and knew the situation outside clearly.

"Jiuyou, continue to work, leave the body." Chen Feng ordered.

Jiuyou Earth Python said nothing, and the bone spurs on the top of his head immediately shot out a series of energy. These energy were like compressed sword energy, shuttling through space and piercing the void. The speed could not be detected by the eyes. Only cultivators with strong enough soul power could sense it.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

Each burst of energy killed a cultivator. No matter how fast these cultivators were or how strong their protective armor was, they all had blood holes on their bodies in the face of this invisible attack.

Moreover, these energy contained strong demonic energy, which instantly destroyed the vitality of the opponent.

The cultivators who besieged Wen Shaoxiu and others had been completely killed. At this time, the Nine Nether Earth Python turned its eyes to other cultivators hundreds of miles away.

Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi!

No matter how far away the opponent was, the attacks launched by the Nine Nether Earth Python ignored space and distance and easily killed the opponent one by one.


Some people immediately began to flee in fear, but they still could not escape the fate of being killed while fleeing.


Finally, someone crushed the teleportation talisman, and the space channel appeared, and the cultivator was about to be teleported out.


The energy that was as fast as the wind and shining as thunder flashed past, directly piercing through the teleportation channel and killing the cultivator.

Pah Pah Pah Pah!

The teleportation talismans were crushed one by one, and all these people chose to flee.

At a distance of hundreds of miles, some monks were easily killed, and all these people were really scared from the bottom of their hearts. When they saw that the crushed teleportation talismans were killed, these people were already desperate.

Puff! Puff!

Two more people were killed in succession in the teleportation channel.

The dark red eyes of the Nine Nether Earth Python flashed with a cruel and playful look. Originally, the demon king was very dissatisfied with the surrender of Chen Feng, a little monk, and now it was just right to use killing to extinguish the fire in his heart.

For the Nine Nether Earth Python, killing these monks was much easier than slapping flies to death.

Seeing that the monks in a radius of hundreds of miles were about to be killed, a thin blood-colored sword light suddenly emanated from the broken sword, and the blood-colored sword light quickly spread and cut around, even cutting the space in half.

And this wave of sword light happened to attack the Nine Nether Earth Python.

"Come on! Nine Netherworld Demon Flame Wave!"

Faced with this attack, the Nine Netherworld Python's whole body was filled with demonic energy, and it quickly compressed a black demon flame light ball on the bone spur.


This ball of light shot out quickly, three times faster than the previous Qi Jin speed. A black ribbon appeared in the air, and then collided with the blood-colored sword light.


The blood-colored sword light cut through the black light ball and continued to kill the Nine Netherworld Python.


The Nine Netherworld Python felt the crisis. If he dodged, Chen Feng would definitely be attacked, so he twisted his body, swung his long tail violently, and whipped the blood-colored sword light.


It was like a thunderbolt in the sky, the blood-colored sword light was shattered, the Nine Netherworld Python groaned, and its huge body rolled out and fell heavily to the ground.

Chen Feng was surprised to find that a crack appeared on the tail of the Nine Netherworld Python, dozens of scales were cut off, and traces of blood seeped out.

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