Eternal Existence

Chapter 669: Swallowing the Sword Intent

Even so, the two still stood firm to protect Wen Shaoxiu and blocked all attacks for him.


Wen Shaoxiu drew his sword again, and the Holy Thunder and Fire Sword shot out like a ball of compressed lightning. The sword light went straight back and forth at a very fast speed, but the cultivator locked by Wen Shaoxiu could not dodge.

Then another cultivator was killed.

After killing two people, Wen Shaoxiu's spirit began to decline, but Wen Shaoxiu was still as steady as a mountain. He took back the Holy Thunder and Fire Sword in his hand, locked another person, and continued to prepare a killing move.

As for Jian Zhikong and Jian Shaolong, they still protected Wen Shaoxiu silently on both sides.


The third cultivator was killed by Wen Shaoxiu.

The remaining cultivators were all terrified. Only a madman from the Tianjian Sect could do such a desperate fight.

"These three are really ruthless. They concentrated their strength and killed each other one by one. I was just injured." Chen Feng could see clearly in the air and was a little surprised by the three people's actions.

After killing one more person, Wen Shaoxiu and the other two retreated at the same time and quickly entered the range of the sword energy storm.

"Chase them, their true energy is almost consumed."

"Chase them and kill them. This is a good opportunity."

Although they were killed four people in a row, everyone was a little terrified, but seeing Wen Shaoxiu and the other two retreat, the morale of these people suddenly boosted, and they rushed into the sword energy storm one by one.

Just when Chen Feng wanted to take action, Wan Xinglong, Ren Tianxing, Jian Xiaotian and the other two rushed out at the same time, and the long-accumulated killing moves broke out under the cover of the sword energy storm.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

After a series of huge collisions, two more people were killed. This time, all these people went crazy. It had only been a short time since the fight, but six half-step immortals had been killed on their side, while no one on the Tianjian Sect was dead.

At this time, Wen Shaoxiu and his three companions, who had already retreated, turned around and attacked again, bursting out with their full strength.

"What, retreat quickly."

"You still have the strength."

These cultivators were finally defeated and began to flee one by one, but as soon as they left the range of the sword energy storm, they were killed by Chen Feng again.

Chen Feng did not show any mercy. He swung the two swords of life and death crosswise, unleashing a sword energy storm, and immediately killed another person and injured several people.

This time, a total of more than a dozen half-step immortals were gathered, but they were killed repeatedly by Chen Feng and others. Only half of them were left, and they were all injured.

After running for a distance, these cultivators felt their faces burning. This time they were really embarrassed, but these people did not intend to give up, but chose to attract more cultivators to come.

You should know that there are cultivators around the place where this broken sword stands, and the place where Chen Feng and others are is just one direction.

"What are you all still standing there for? Are you just going to watch the strength of the Tianjian Sect continue to improve? If this immortal weapon is taken away by the other party, I'm afraid we will all die here." At this time, a cultivator from the Wuqing Tianzong shouted loudly.

"Hehe, you guys are killing people, what do you care? We are just here to watch the fun. As for this broken sword, we know our own business. We will leave immediately and go to other places to take risks. You can fight for it if you want."

"Yes, this immortal weapon can only be obtained by those who are destined to get it. If you rush forward, you will only be killed by the boundless sword energy. Besides, we came here with great difficulty to find treasures, not to fight with others casually."

"Hahaha, I will join forces with you. My junior brother was killed by the disciples of Tianjian Sect. It's just right to kill a few disciples of Tianjian Sect to avenge him."

Some people responded quickly, but most of them were still watching the fun. Regardless of whether everyone wanted to deal with Tianjian Sect or collect the broken sword, it was not a good time to intervene rashly at this time, so only a few people responded, and the others chose to wait and see.

"Haha, it seems that these people are frightened by the situation just now. If the Tianjian Sect is at a disadvantage, I'm afraid the other side has already rushed up to besiege them. However, the combat effectiveness of the Tianjian Sect has also declined significantly. Wen Shaoxiu just used up a lot of his true energy to perform swordsmanship. Jian Zhikong and Jian Shaolong were seriously injured. Even Jian Xiaotian and others consumed some strength in the sword energy storm. In fact, if these people rushed up and attacked desperately, they could really kill the Tianjian Sect. Unfortunately, these people are obviously not brave enough." Chen Feng understood the situation in front of him and was still a little worried.

You must know that the Tianjian Sect has the most cultivators entering this space this time, and they are all elites among elites, geniuses among geniuses, and they are all potential cultivators. However, the combined strength of other forces is not small. If too many cultivators of the Tianjian Sect enter this space this time, it will also be a major blow to the Tianjian Sect.

"But with this broken sword, it is still of great benefit to the pure sword cultivators of the Tianjian Sect. I hope that these people can make a breakthrough before the tower takes this broken sword." Chen Feng raised his head and looked at the broken sword with his eyes like lightning.

At this time, Chen Feng had already fully operated the pupil technique, and his perception was constantly improving. In Chen Feng's eyes, everything in front of him became more layered.

The spiritual energy, sword energy, and even the sword intent in the space appeared in Chen Feng's eyes in clusters and strands.

"Now start to comprehend the sword intent. The tower said that it can devour and fuse the sword intent. I don't know if it's true. I must try it later."

Chen Feng practiced with full concentration, not worrying about the situation around him.

It can be said that Chen Feng is the most confident among the cultivators who entered the human immortal battlefield this time. Let alone other things, the top demon king and eight high-level demon kings in the Longevity Tower alone are enough to sweep one side, not to mention the dozen or so half-step human immortals in front of him. Even if all these people become human immortals, if Chen Feng releases these demons, he can easily devour the other party.

Chen Feng fell into practice. After Jian Xiaotian and others were on guard for a while, they found that the other party did not attack, so they all re-entered the sword energy storm.

However, before entering, Wen Shaoxiu looked at Chen Feng with some concern: "Chen Feng is still practicing outside, should he be okay?"

"Don't worry, Chen Feng will definitely be fine. Let's practice with peace of mind. I hope to break through quickly, otherwise I feel that there will be some big battles later." Jian Xiaotian knew some of Chen Feng's details and was not worried about Chen Feng's safety at all.

The sword intent is elusive and can be felt and experienced, but if you want to capture and devour it, even Wen Shaoxiu and others will be stunned by this crazy idea.

"This broken sword contains more than one sword intent attribute. In this way, this broken sword is indeed a low-grade immortal weapon." Chen Feng felt the killing sword intent and bloodthirsty sword intent.

A long sword contains several sword intents, which means that the power is dispersed, causing the long sword to be unable to impact a higher and more refined realm.

However, for Chen Feng, no matter how complicated and dispersed the power of this broken sword is, this broken sword is still an immortal weapon. It is best if he can absorb the sword intent. Anyway, the final result is that he will be swallowed by the Longevity Tower.

"Let's swallow the killing sword intent first."

Finally, Chen Feng caught a trace of the killing sword intent, and then his pupils turned and quickly absorbed this sword intent.

After this trace of killing sword intent entered Chen Feng's body, it immediately became crazy and constantly affected Chen Feng's soul and mind.

Chen Feng only felt a buzzing in his head, and then various killing scenes began to grow in his sea of ​​consciousness.

Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!

The scene was bloody and violent, and there was even more crazy artistic conception in it. It seemed that the entire sea of ​​consciousness had turned into a sea of ​​blood, the power of the soul began to riot, and the fire of the life began to sway.


Chen Feng's mind moved, and the soul vortex formed, constantly rotating and cutting, and soon this trace of killing sword intent was broken into pieces.

Chen Feng was still not at ease, and then the soul vortex continued to rotate, cutting these fragments again several times, and then refined and absorbed some of the sword intent fragments.

Sure enough, Chen Feng felt that his soul was condensed a lot, and at the same time, his own longevity sword intent also had traces of being polished.

"This is just a trace of sword intent, and it has this effect, but it's a bit difficult to refine."

Thinking of this, Chen Feng continued to practice, and soon a trace of sword intent was constantly pulled into the sea of ​​consciousness by Chen Feng, and then refined and absorbed a little bit.

Polishing sword intent, condensing soul

"Hey, with your absorption speed, you can't absorb all the sword intent of this broken sword even in ten thousand years." At this time, Ta sneered.

"Absorb as much as you can. Can you do it now?" Chen Feng asked doubtfully.

"It's not the right time yet."

"If it's not the right time, just be quiet and don't disturb me while I'm practicing." Chen Feng said as he absorbed another trace of sword intent.

"Hmph, you stinky boy." Ta snorted coldly, but didn't say anything else.

This practice took three whole days. In the past three days, Chen Feng absorbed and refined hundreds of strands of killing sword intent. He felt that he had finally reached several peaks. If he continued to practice, it might have the opposite effect.

Feeling the breath that could no longer be suppressed, Chen Feng decided to survive the tribulation.


Chen Feng's figure floated and flickered continuously, and soon he was a hundred miles away.

Chen Feng was not sure if there was any change in the thunder tribulation here. In order to avoid causing fluctuations in the broken sword, he had to stay away.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

As soon as the aura fluctuations were released, three bolts of lightning struck down, the speed was much faster than the thunder during the previous tribulation.

Chen Feng's palm flashed quickly, and all three bolts of lightning were caught in his hand. After compression and fusion, a flashing lightning ball appeared in Chen Feng's palm.

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