Eternal Existence

Chapter 661 Energy Burst

"Oh, really? How many spirit stones can you give us?" Wen Shaoxiu asked with a smile.

"I have 100,000 precious crystals here, which I can give to you, as long as you leave."

When the man-eating vine was communicating with Wen Shaoxiu, Chen Feng's eyes suddenly lit up, and with a flick of his finger, a black light flashed, and the sword of death had already slashed on the man-eating vine. The black sword energy cut quickly, and Chen Feng cut off one-third of the huge body of the man-eating vine.

Not only that, the strong and powerful death power continued to erode along the wound. This was the purest death power. In just a few breaths, this huge man-eating vine began to collapse and disintegrate.


Finally, it exploded violently and turned into the essence of wood all over the sky. Then Chen Feng waved his hand, and a fist-sized demon core fell into his hand.

This demon core was round and transparent, with a hint of red light in the green light. In Chen Feng's perception, this demon core had extremely strong demon power and wood essence.

If other cultivators get this demon core, at most they can only absorb the essence of wood, but they cannot absorb the demon power. If ordinary cultivators absorb the demon power into their bodies, they will most likely go astray.

"Such a rich energy, just right for cultivation." Chen Feng said as he put the demon core away.

"Chen Feng, you're too quick, this is a demon king." Wen Shaoxiu said.

"We have to take action, because we're in trouble." Chen Feng's face was solemn, and the two swords of life and death turned into black and white qi and flew far away, cutting even the space wherever they passed.

Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff!

I don't know how many thick vines were cut off, and the last one, a human-shaped man-eating vine that was hundreds of feet tall, was broken into pieces under the black and white sword qi.


Another fist-sized demon core fell into Chen Feng's hand.

The earth was shaking, and huge human-shaped man-eating vines surrounded him from all directions like small mountains. Countless thick vines shot out and kept floating in the air. Soon, they formed layers of dense vine nets, like a thick barrier that wrapped up the surrounding thousands of feet.

"It's troublesome. They are all at the level of demon kings. There are at least ten of them." Wen Shaoxiu smiled bitterly.

Being besieged by ten demon kings is equivalent to facing the siege of ten immortals. What's more, this is the main battlefield of these man-eating vines. Once they fight, both of them will die. This is an overwhelming force.

Wen Shaoxiu doesn't think Chen Feng can kill so many man-eating vines.

"It seems that I have to fight to the death." Chen Feng waved his hand, and the two swords of life and death quickly circled around him. Two streams of air, one black and one white, surrounded Chen Feng, which looked very strange.

"It is indeed necessary to fight to the death, but it is a dead end." Although Wen Shaoxiu smiled bitterly, his eyes became firm, with the courage to not fear life and death.

"Not necessarily dead, maybe there will be an accident. Have you ever thought about why there are so many man-eating vines here, and the man-eating vine just now doesn't seem to be just trying to delay time." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"You mean there is something here." Wen Shaoxiu's eyes lit up.


At this time, two man-eating vines had already launched an attack, and at the same time, there were vines like spears around them that were spinning rapidly and piercing through the two of them.


"Thunder and Fire Holy Sword!"

The long sword in Wen Shaoxiu's hand was at least a good holy weapon. At this time, it was used with extraordinary power. After cutting off the vines around, it slashed at the human-shaped man-eating vine.

The thick arm waved, and a house-sized palm fell from the sky, and the center of the palm sprayed out a misty poisonous gas.

"This is a good opportunity to hone my skills. I can't use the Longevity Tower no matter what." Chen Feng stomped his feet, and the ground cracked. The heavy power of the earth rose up and quickly formed long spikes, trying to block the steps of the man-eating vine. The long sword in Chen Feng's hand drew an arc, and the sword energy dodged in waves, and all the attacking vines were chopped into pieces.


Chen Feng used the Qilin Step to rush forward quickly and stabbed the head of the man-eating vine. Chen Feng had already sensed that the demon core was here.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Countless spikes shot out, as if a dense rain of arrows enveloped Chen Feng.


Chen Feng shouted softly, the long sword flashed, and a group of sword energy exploded, and the attack in front was immediately swept away.


At this time, the huge arm of the man-eating vine had swept towards Chen Feng, and the hard soil on the ground was rolling wherever it passed.

At the same time, other man-eating vines also launched attacks from a distance. The spear-like vines blocked all the positions of Chen Feng and Wen Shaoxiu, trying to blow them into pieces.

"I hope Wen Shaoxiu can block it." Chen Feng just took the time to look at Wen Shaoxiu, and found that Wen Shaoxiu's entire body had been tightly covered by dense vines. Chen Feng could only see a vague figure with his pupil technique.

Chen Feng used all his strength to activate the Sword of Life, which turned into a white gas to cover himself, and the Sword of Death turned into a black gas that kept moving.

The black gas danced, and the vines that were touched by it immediately turned into ashes, but the vines around seemed endless, and no matter how domineering the Sword of Death was, it could not clear the increasing number of vines.

"It's really troublesome. These man-eating vines can use the terrain to extract endless energy from the ground to generate. Unless someone with strong enough cultivation can kill all these man-eating vines in one breath." The two swords of life and death were constantly activated, and even Chen Feng felt that the true energy in his body was consumed more and more. The condensed true energy even began to float. If it weren't for the energy in the major acupoints and the swallowing of the essence around by the swallowing of the sky, Chen Feng might have been unable to hold on.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The three man-eating vines rushed to Chen Feng like a small mountain, waving their huge fists and bombarding Chen Feng. Chen Feng only felt a wave of fist power as heavy as a mountain falling from the sky, trying to crush him.

"Blood Barrier!"

Chen Feng finally activated the blood-gathering bead, and a thick blood light wrapped himself up. The next attack of the man-eating vines has arrived.

Bobo Bobo Bobo!

A series of explosions, Chen Feng felt as if a series of thunders fell in front of him, the blood barrier vibrated violently, and countless spider web-like patterns appeared on it.

Finally, the pattern suddenly disappeared, exploded with a bang, and turned into a blood dance all over the sky.

The blood barrier stimulated by the blood beads was actually broken, and a powerful force acted on Chen Feng, making Chen Feng feel as if he was hit by countless undercurrents at the bottom of the sea. The forces from various angles burst out at the same time, and then Chen Feng groaned and rolled out uncontrollably.

Although the blood barrier was broken, it was considered to have blocked 99% of the opponent's power, and the remaining force was not enough to cause harm to Chen Feng. '

"Even the blood barrier has been broken, I can't kill it without the Longevity Tower." Chen Feng said in his heart.

"I don't know how Wen Shaoxiu is doing." Chen Feng was a little worried. Even his own Taoist weapon couldn't block the attack of the man-eating vine, so wouldn't Wen Shaoxiu be even more unable to resist it?

However, Chen Feng was relieved after looking at the still flickering figure. At the same time, he was a little strange in his heart. It seemed that Wen Shaoxiu did not suffer much damage.

Just when Chen Feng was curious, suddenly a dazzling light rose from where Wen Shaoxiu was, as if a white gas mask was constantly expanding, and as the gas mask expanded, countless vines around began to disappear.

Chen Feng clearly saw that the two human-shaped man-eating vines were touched by the white gas mask, and then they turned into ashes without any obstruction, and even the demon cores in their bodies were not preserved.

"Good guy, it was killed instantly, what's going on, could it be that Wen Shaoxiu has been promoted to a terrestrial immortal." Chen Feng exclaimed.

Chen Feng certainly knew that this was not Wen Shaoxiu's power, and at the same time, a warning sign rose in his heart, because this sudden power was too powerful, even the man-eating vines at the demon king level could be easily killed instantly, and Chen Feng did not think he could resist it.

So Chen Feng began to retreat at the first time, and the black and white sword energy enveloped his body, quickly breaking through the layers of obstruction and rushing away.


Pah pah pah pah!

Just as Chen Feng was retreating quickly, the white gas shield suddenly broke apart, but it became even more violent, like the energy of lightning and sword energy constantly making dense crisp sounds, rushing around at the speed of volcanic eruption and lightning bombardment.

Whether it was the man-eating vine, the hard ground, or even the insubstantial space, it turned into nothingness under this force.

It was as if this world was made of paper, and this energy was a burning fire that could burn everything.

Chen Feng was extremely fast and retreated thousands of feet, but was still caught up by waves of energy.

First, the sword light around him was broken, and then the blood barrier that Chen Feng had just set up.

But soon the blood barrier was also broken.

The protection of the holy weapon and the Taoist weapon was easily penetrated, and Chen Feng immediately felt something was wrong.

So, the dark power was activated, the power of the void was running, and at the same time, the shadow of the Longevity Tower appeared again, covering Chen Feng.

Pah pah pah pah pah!

This time, the phantom of the Longevity Tower did not break, but it made a thunderous explosion. At the same time, Chen Feng was shocked to find that the phantom of the Longevity Tower was constantly cracked, but these cracks disappeared quickly as soon as they appeared. This was the main body of the Longevity Tower infusing power.


The phantom of the Longevity Tower vibrated slightly, and the energy that impacted Chen Feng immediately began to dissipate, but even so, Chen Feng retreated a distance of tens of thousands of feet.

After everything returned to calm, Chen Feng was stunned by the situation in front of him.

A huge pit with a radius of ten thousand feet appeared in front of Chen Feng, a hundred feet deep, and the ground around it was flat and smooth, and even a shadow could be reflected.

Extending outward for tens of thousands of feet, all the plants growing on the ground disappeared completely, without even a trace of flying ash left.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng really took a breath of cold air. The earth here is much stronger than the outside world, but under the energy just now, it is as fragile as tofu.

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