Eternal Existence

Chapter 656: Strange Lightning

"The passage is closed from the inside of the Immortal Battlefield."

"Something must have happened."

The thirty-six immortals all looked at each other, each with a thoughtful look on their faces.

"Chihuo, what's going on? This passage was opened by your Tianjian Sect. Could it be that your Tianjian Sect did something wrong in it?" A human immortal from the God and Demon Cave looked at the immortal Chihuo with a suspicious expression.

"Bullshit, do you think that our Tianjian Sect acts as despicable as your God and Demon Cave?" Chihuo Xian was famous for his hot temper, and he immediately exploded when he heard it.

"Chihuo, don't be angry. The situation just now was obviously something unexpected. As the host, your Tianjian Sect should give us all an explanation." The human immortal of Wuqing Tianzong also spoke up.

"Yes, we all sent our elite disciples into it, and we don't want any man-made changes to happen."

"Well, we want to know some hidden truths."

Some forces that have close ties with Wuqing Tianzong's God and Demon Cave also spoke up, wanting to put some pressure on Tianjian Sect.

Of course, there are also a group of immortals who don't want to offend either of them. They are watching the fun from the side and wish that the two sides would fight right now.

"What a joke, what's there to explain? You must know that you were begging to enter this ancient immortal battlefield before, and now you are making a fuss after some changes. What's there to make a fuss about? The space left by the ancient immortals is extremely dangerous. Not to mention these cultivators in the heavenly realm, even if we immortals enter it accidentally, we will die. Since you are so timid, I think after this group of cultivators comes out, the next immortals don't have to go in, so that you don't say that we, the Tianjian Sect, are plotting against you."

At this time, a tall and domineering man came out. His voice was like gold and stone when he opened his mouth, and his eyes swept across. Under the pressure of his gaze, some immortals couldn't help but lower their heads.

This man is a human immortal of the Tianjian Sect, named Jinshixian.

The name is ordinary and mundane, but his cultivation is very profound and his combat power is super strong. He is a mid-level immortal and a famous master among the immortals present.

Moreover, this human immortal not only has a high level of cultivation, but more importantly, he has a hot temper and is a martial arts fanatic. He fights with people at every turn. Not to mention other places, even some immortals from the Tianjian Sect would quickly avoid Jinshixian when they see him.

At this time, Jinshixian stood up, his aura was condensed and brewing, his eyes were like lightning, and he seemed to be ready to take action immediately.

Seeing Jinshixian standing up, the few immortals who had just started were immediately speechless, especially the immortals from the aristocratic families who spoke later, who shrank their heads unnaturally. Now they are in the territory of Tianjian Sect, and Tianjian Sect accounts for half of the thirty-six immortals. If they fight, they will definitely suffer.

"Jinshixian, what's wrong? Are you bullying others by taking advantage of your power?" Others did not speak, but the immortal of Wuqing Tianzong, who was hostile to Tianjian Sect, spoke up, and provoked them right away.

"Hehe, I am just bullying you by taking advantage of my power, so what? Mo Feng, last time I beat you up and you vomited blood and fled, it seems that you are itching again today, I will loosen your bones." Jin Shixian attacked immediately after he finished speaking.

Jin Shixian's attack seemed simple, just a simple punch, but the fist force was condensed and did not dissipate, and there was a flash of gold and stone in it, and there was only a faint explosion of gold and iron, as if thousands of iron swords were buzzing in the wind.

Although the fist force was used, it contained a high level of sword intent.

Speaking of this, the Tianjian Sect was forced to open this ancient space battlefield under the joint efforts of other forces. It was already extremely aggrieved in its heart, especially these human immortals with profound cultivation. It can be said that almost all of them are pure sword cultivators, and they are all people who would rather break than bend. This time, if it were not for the foundation of the sect and the hundreds of thousands of disciples under the sect, they would not compromise even in the face of strong oppression.

Although they compromised, they were all furious and wanted to leave the mountain gate and kill everyone. At this time, the human immortals of some forces such as Wuqing Tianzong provoked them, and the anger in the hearts of the Tianjian Sect human immortals suddenly erupted.

So Jinshixian took the lead, while other human immortals such as Chihuoxian were full of fighting spirit, staring at the human immortals of the Shenmo Cave, and wanted to fight immediately.

Mo Feng of Wuqing Tianzong was also a mid-level human immortal, with the same powerful cultivation. He had fought with Jinshixian many times on weekdays. At this time, he secretly prepared himself when he heard Jinshixian's words. Facing Jinshixian's attack, Mo Feng was not in a hurry. His figure floated forward, and his palms waved with layers of unpredictable wind power.

The two fought very quickly, and dozens of moves were passed in an instant, but they controlled their power within a very small range. Both of them were mid-level human immortals. Once the power was leaked, not to mention this valley, even the area within a radius of 100 miles would become a ruin.

Seeing the two really fighting, the other onlookers could not sit still immediately. They did not come here to fight, but to enter the immortal battlefield to get some benefits. If the fight destroyed the teleportation array here, then all the cultivators under the sect would not be able to get out. Also, if they angered the Tianjian Sect, then they would never be able to enter the immortal battlefield again.

Everyone knew that the Tianjian Sect was famous for having many crazy people. Sometimes they would fight for some trivial matters without caring about the consequences.

Seeing that Chihuoxian and others were about to fight, the cultivators of other forces finally couldn't stand it anymore and rushed forward to persuade them to stop fighting.

Let’s not talk about how these immortals fight. Besides, after Chen Feng used the Longevity Tower to kill the cultivators from the God and Demon Cave, he didn’t know how much fluctuations would be caused in the outside world.

Chen Feng couldn’t help but frowned when he saw Wensheng and the other two tied up by the immortal rope. After all, these two were high-level disciples of the Tianjian Sect.

Seeing Chen Feng kill other cultivators one after another, Wensheng and the other two were also frightened. After all, it was not easy for everyone to cultivate to the present. I don’t know how many hardships they have experienced and how many setbacks they have encountered. It can be said that cultivators who can cultivate to the half-step human immortal realm in the Eternal World are already geniuses, not to mention that Wensheng and Liu Xian are geniuses among geniuses carefully cultivated by the Tianjian Sect.

No one is not afraid of death. It can even be said that the longer the cultivation time and the higher the cultivation level of the cultivators, the more afraid of death they are than ordinary people.

“Chen Feng, you want to kill us.” Wensheng said calmly.

“I have this plan.” Chen Feng said lightly, and the sword light in his hand continued to flow.

"Chen Feng, we are all disciples of Tianjian Sect, there is no need to kill them." Liu Xian swallowed his saliva and said.

"Hehe, you wanted to kill me just now." Chen Feng smiled.

"Chen Feng, I know you have a close relationship with Liu Quan and others. Speaking of which, the two of us also have a good relationship with Liu Quan and others. We all came here to find opportunities. Besides, although you are also an honorary elder of our sect, you can come here with the help of our Tianjian Sect. Chen Feng, as long as you let us go this time, we promise not to embarrass you in the future. What happened today will be treated as nothing happened. What do you think?" Wensheng said hurriedly, his tone became softer.

"Pretend that nothing happened." Chen Feng's expression was half-smile.

"Yes, we didn't see anything just now. The two of us can swear that we will never leak any information." Liu Xian also said.

"There's a saying, if you don't do stupid things, you won't die."

"There's another saying, the dead are the most reliable."

When Chen Feng said this, a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and then he swung the long sword in his hand fiercely, the sword light flashed, and easily pierced through the vital points of the two people, and the raging sword intent instantly destroyed the vitality of the two people.



Wen Sheng and the other man opened their eyes wide, unwilling to smoke.

Chen Feng sighed, thinking in his heart that he couldn't blame himself for being hard-hearted. Some of his secrets couldn't be leaked out. Besides, even if he let these two people go, the other party might not be grateful to him. On the contrary, there was a great possibility that they would go against him after they got out.

"Two half-step human immortals were killed by me like this. If other cultivators of the Tianjian Sect knew about it, I don't know what they would think of me." Chen Feng shook his head, stretched out his big hand and grabbed it fiercely, and a strong suction force surged out. The bloody essence around him gathered in Chen Feng's hand, and turned into a round blood ball in Chen Feng's palm, which contained powerful energy.

Chen Feng did not absorb the blood evil spirits, but threw them directly into the blood gathering bead to increase the power of this Taoist weapon and add some nutrients to the blood tree. The blood fruit produced is easier to refine and absorb than these pure blood essences.

You should know that Chen Feng has the spirit of the demon-suppressing peak and the one-eyed demon lizard in his body, so he does not need other energy for the time being.

"By the way, Ta, my cultivation has increased recently, and I feel very stable. Now I have a great confidence in passing the tribulation, but I don't know if I can pass the tribulation in this space." Chen Feng suddenly asked.

"You don't need to ask me this question, you can try it yourself." Ta said with a smile.

Nothing was asked from Ta, so Chen Feng planned to try it himself. The power of the soul was running, and a trace of life force was released, and a strong breath rushed into the sky.


As soon as Chen Feng released his power, a lightning bolt as thick as a water tank suddenly fell from the sky and struck Chen Feng.

Chen Feng used the Qilin Step to dodge quickly, and the gravel flew everywhere. The ground was struck by lightning, and a big hole was created. The surroundings of the big hole were smooth and round, as if it had been burned by flames.

Chen Feng was shocked and immediately gathered his life force. Looking up, he found that half of the sky was filled with dark calamity clouds, but after Chen Feng gathered his breath, these calamity clouds quickly dissipated.

The calamity clouds came quickly and dissipated quickly, but the lightning just now still scared Chen Feng. It was too swift, as if it had struck down before the calamity clouds formed.

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