Eternal Existence

Chapter 652: Weapon Spirit


Chen Feng shouted loudly, then gritted his teeth and refused to retreat. At the same time, he urged the power in his body to rush forward. As long as he rushed his power into this miniature mountain, he could refine it next.

The two powerful forces kept colliding with each other, and Chen Feng's bones made a snapping sound. Then Chen Feng's outstretched arm suddenly swelled up, and the sweat hairs on his arm shot out like steel needles. At this time, Chen Feng even had a funny thought in his mind, that is, how powerful his sweat hair was.

As the sweat hairs flew out one by one, Chen Feng's sweat pores expanded several times more than usual, and a thread of blood condensed into silk flowed out.

When the two collided, Chen Feng could still feel the severe pain in his arm at first, but as the blood flowed, Chen Feng's arm became insensitive.

A stream of energy entered Chen Feng's body along his arm like a spirit snake, running around, constantly destroying the vitality in his body.

"Not good!" Chen Feng knew it was not good, and immediately urged all his strength to quickly drive out these forces, but more energy poured into Chen Feng's body.

You must know that this mountain is a top-grade Taoist weapon, and there are demon kings guarding it. It is extremely difficult for Chen Feng to refine the opponent with his current strength.

At this time, the shadow of the Longevity Tower that enveloped Chen Feng suddenly entered Chen Feng's body. Chen Feng immediately felt that the power in his body began to rise straight up, and soon reached a terrifying level.

"This is my original power. If you can't refine this magic weapon, we will leave immediately." The tower said in a deep voice.

"No problem, it will succeed this time." Chen Feng's whole body was surging with energy, and the whole person seemed to be a little taller.

The whole body shook violently, and the explosive power surged out, instantly crushing the power that entered the body, and then went forward along the arm, like a Yangtze River rushing into the miniature mountain.

The arm also returned to normal.

The starlight on the miniature mountain flashed more violently, but it seemed that it could not stop Chen Feng's power. The restrictions in the miniature mountain were more complicated, but now they were constantly broken, and then everything was dominated by the power that surged into it.

"Okay, start refining."

Feeling this scene, Chen Feng became more confident, controlling the power to sweep through the miniature mountain again and again.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

Outside, the Longevity Tower and the mountain collided violently. Although the Longevity Tower was extremely hard, it did not have much advantage. It could be considered evenly matched. The situation at this time was mainly on Chen Feng. As long as Chen Feng succeeded in refining, everything here would be solved. Otherwise, Chen Feng and the Longevity Tower would have to leave here.

It was obvious that Chen Feng also understood the situation in front of him, and he couldn't help thinking in his heart: "It's so difficult to subdue just a Taoist weapon. If it encounters an immortal weapon, wouldn't the Longevity Tower be swallowed by the other party?"

"Boy, it's not that easy to find a complete immortal weapon, but if there is a complete immortal weapon, I really have no way." The tower said.

For half an hour, Chen Feng didn't know how many restrictions he had broken and how much space he had occupied. Just when Chen Feng felt a little powerless, the restrictions in front of him suddenly disappeared, and a suction force came to wrap Chen Feng up. Then Chen Feng sank his feet and felt that he was stepping on the ground.

"What is this place?" Chen Feng was a little surprised when he saw the empty space in front of him.

"I created this space." A heavy voice suddenly sounded, which scared Chen Feng.

A black-armored boy appeared in front of Chen Feng. He was tall and a head taller than Chen Feng. The muscles of his exposed arms were full of explosive power.

"Who are you?" Chen Feng guessed some possibilities.

"I am the spirit of this weapon of the Demon Suppression Peak. Human cultivator, it is not easy for you to come here, but you have only two ways to go. One is to be killed by me, and the other is to defeat me and get this weapon."

"Okay, I'm going to do it."

The black-armored boy stretched out his hand and grabbed the void. A black light flashed, and a long spear of about ten feet long suddenly appeared in his hand, and then he stabbed Chen Feng in the air.

"So fast."

Just a simple stab, Chen Feng had an irresistible thought. If it was normal, according to Chen Feng's own strength, this shot was enough to kill Chen Feng.

But now Chen Feng has integrated the original power of the Longevity Tower, and all aspects have increased significantly. In addition, with the dark magic pupil, he immediately captured the attack route of the opponent's spear.


Chen Feng waved his long sword and accurately blocked the opponent's attack.

Chen Feng took out the Thunder Sword from the Holy Artifact Bagua Sword, in order to make speed, dominance and his current strength easier to control.

Although it was only a first-grade holy weapon, it exerted its full power at this time. In addition, the weapon spirit in front of him could not exert its full power because of the immortal tower. Chen Feng was confident that he could fight with the opponent. As long as he defeated the opponent, he could stabilize the current situation.

Not only could he collect a good Taoist weapon, but he could also get eight high-level demon king-level monsters.

Chen Feng certainly had a good idea in his mind, but just as he blocked the opponent's attack, a flower suddenly appeared in front of him, and a starlight suddenly exploded, and countless starlights pierced Chen Feng's whole body again.


This was the spearmanship performed by the black-armored boy. Only two moves made Chen Feng busy.

Although he knew that the opponent was powerful, Chen Feng turned the long sword in his hand suddenly, and lightning flashed, and layers of lightning blocked in front of him.

This was the strongest and fastest defensive move that Chen Feng could perform.

Pah pah pah pah!

The cold light of starlight and lightning flashed continuously, and Chen Feng only felt his arm numb, and the lightning sword in his hand had been thrown out, and his previous defense was broken in just one go.

That's not all, there were also a few points of starlight falling on Chen Feng, causing Chen Feng to have several more round holes on his body, and traces of blood flowed out from the wounds.

However, Chen Feng laughed, because although the attack just now was fierce, it did not even completely break his defense, but only suffered some minor flesh injuries.

This level of minor injuries can be completely recovered in one breath.


The wind sword suddenly flew out, and immediately set up a powerful storm in front of Chen Feng, blocking a wave of attacks from the black-armored boy.

Although the wind is soft and delicate, it can have an indestructible power once it becomes violent.

Chen Feng launched a swift attack with the two wind and thunder swords in his hands, while the other six Bagua swords in his body were also brewing secretly.


The long spear was like a dragon, moving forward without hesitation. The heavy power and unpredictable moves easily broke Chen Feng's wind and thunder barrier, but some blood holes were left on Chen Feng's body.


The long spear easily found Chen Feng's weaknesses again. No matter how fierce and gorgeous Chen Feng's sword energy was, the black-armored boy could break Chen Feng's moves with just a simple attack.

The scene was obvious, and Chen Feng was at a disadvantage.

"This guy doesn't look like a weapon spirit at all, but an experienced veteran on the battlefield." Chen Feng was shocked. Not to mention the opponent's powerful strength, the opponent's high fighting spirit, simple and skilled moves, and accurate insight were not comparable to Chen Feng.

"In this case, it seems that we can't fight head-on."

If he had met such a good opponent in the past, Chen Feng would definitely have fought hard, but now Chen Feng can't waste time.

So Chen Feng's mind moved, and the other six Bagua swords also flew out. The eight long swords were scattered in all directions, connected with each other, and quickly formed a set of unpredictable Bagua sword formations.

"Come on, let me see how you break my sword formation." Chen Feng laughed.

Chen Feng now has the power of the Longevity Tower, and can fully exert the power of this set of sword formations. The sword formation composed of eight first-grade holy swords with Bagua attributes is enough to kill a low-level human immortal.

Just as Chen Feng used all kinds of skills to fight the black-armored boy, other people came here.

There were six people in total, two of whom were the two cultivators from the God and Demon Cave and the Dongfang family who were injured by Chen Feng before. At this time, the injuries of these two people have recovered, and the people who followed them were all half-step human immortals.

Obviously, these two people were unwilling to find helpers after being injured.

It's just that these people are unlucky. In their hearts, they only regard Chen Feng and the one-eyed demon lizard as opponents, and don't know that there are two super magic weapons fighting here.

So these people were in a miserable state.

"What's going on?"

As soon as the six people came in, an aftermath swept over and immediately swept them out. The two people who were injured before were the weakest in cultivation, and they immediately vomited blood and screamed.

"Not good, go quickly."

"Get out of here quickly."

After these people reacted, their faces turned pale immediately. They were all scared. These half-step immortals had already started cursing in their hearts, cursing the two guys who had attracted them.

Isn't this courting death?

"Where did these guys come from? They are really courting death." The Longevity Tower was colliding with the Demon Suppression Peak. Seeing that these cultivators did not specifically attack each other, they just changed the angle when they blasted against the Demon Suppression Peak the next time, and then a spiral aftermath rushed out obliquely, just wrapping up these fleeing cultivators.

How big is the aftermath of the collision between two top-level Taoist artifacts? Overturning the world, or cutting off the river and stepping on the sea, or easily destroying the plains and mountains?

It's hard to say how powerful it was, but the monks involved were all reduced to ashes, which was even more severe than being crushed to pieces. Even the magic weapons on these people were not preserved.

"Why is Chen Feng so slow? I finally recovered some energy and don't want to consume it again." Ta said with some dissatisfaction.

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