Eternal Existence

Chapter 649 Eight Monsters

The creatures carved on this mountain are all creatures that Chen Feng has never seen before. They are full of fangs and claws, with clear scales and armor, bright colors, and lifelike. Even the pupils have divine light flowing.

In a word, these creatures seem to be alive.

The first thing Chen Feng saw was a wolf-like monster (here we will call it a monster), and there are some more things on the appearance of the wolf monster.

It is more robust, with thicker limbs, and the hairs on its body are like steel needles. There seems to be blood flowing in its eyes, and what Chen Feng noticed most is that this monster has two pairs of long dark red wings on its back, which gives people a wilder feeling.

"Why do I feel like a four-winged flying wolf." Chen Feng couldn't help saying.

"Hehe, this is not the four-winged flying wolf you mentioned. This is a magic beast called the Dark Night Magic Wolf. It cultivates the power of darkness, magic and blood." Tower said.

"It turned out to be a demon beast, but why do I feel like it's alive?" Chen Feng was a little strange, staring at the floating painting with his eyes, especially when he saw the eyes of the demon wolf, he felt that there was a kind of magic power transmitted from the other party's pupils.

"Hehe." Ta just smiled and didn't say anything.

Chen Feng thought about it, swayed his body, and quickly circled the mountain. Finally, he found that there were a total of eight such floating paintings on the mountain, all depicting demon beasts.

In addition to this dark demon wolf, there are seven other demon beasts with ferocious shapes. The reason why they are called demon beasts is that Chen Feng didn't recognize any of them. More importantly, Chen Feng seemed to have sensed the existence of some demonic energy.

"The ones depicted here should all be demon beasts, hehe, I don't recognize any of them, no, no, this one is exactly the same as the nine-tailed demon fox." Chen Feng suddenly stopped in front of a floating painting.

The huge and strong body and nine floating tails are indeed the same as the nine-tailed demon fox that Chen Feng knows. The only difference is that this demon fox seems to have a faint demonic energy.

"You should look carefully." Ta said lightly.

Just when Chen Feng was about to see clearly, his eyes suddenly flashed, as if he saw something, and then Chen Feng came back to his senses and shifted his gaze. He just glanced casually, and his face changed immediately, and then his body shook, and he retreated thousands of meters in an instant.

Chen Feng felt that his speed exceeded the previous limit. Although Chen Feng felt that he had the determination to remain calm in the face of danger, his heart still beat violently.

Chen Feng immediately operated the pupil technique, and the clarity of his vision instantly increased to the highest level. The reason why Chen Feng was surprised was that Chen Feng finally found the one-eyed demon lizard.

Of course, the reason why Chen Feng was surprised was not the demon king itself, after all, the demon king was chased by Chen Feng.

On the portrait of the nine-tailed demon fox that Chen Feng had just observed, the one-eyed demon lizard was tightly bound by one of the other's tails.

At this time, the one-eyed demon lizard seemed to be integrated into the painting, struggling and screaming in the tail of the nine-tailed demon fox, but no sound came, and Chen Feng couldn't even see the other party struggling before.

This is a very uncomfortable feeling. If Chen Feng had not practiced the Dark Demon Eye, he would probably feel dizzy and vomit blood after just one look.

"These paintings are indeed alive." This thought flashed through Chen Feng's mind.


At this moment, Chen Feng only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and a fiery red appeared in front of him. At the same time, the space around him solidified into iron. A strong binding force surrounded Chen Feng tightly, as if to squeeze Chen Feng into pieces.

"Attack me." Chen Feng did not dare to be careless, and used the Dark Demon Eye with all his strength to see clearly what was going on.

With the operation of the pupil technique, the world in Chen Feng's eyes finally became clearer. Chen Feng seemed to understand what happened. The two swords of life and death flew up at the first time, forming a huge sword cover, quickly wrapping Chen Feng up, and then rushed back.

This time, the power of the two swords of life and death was far beyond the previous level, because Chen Feng just felt the strong danger. If he could not rush out, he would probably end up like the demon king.

Even the demon king was caught, but Chen Feng still had self-knowledge. He must not be careless and should stay away to see the situation.

When Chen Feng stood firm, he found that there was a rolling flame in front of him, and a domineering nine-tailed demon fox appeared in front of Chen Feng.

Looking again, the nine-tailed demon fox floating painting on the mountain had disappeared.

"It is really alive. It was really dangerous just now. I was so close." Chen Feng shuddered.

The rolling heat wave attacked Chen Feng, making Chen Feng feel like he was being scorched.


The five elements of water and the water of the Zhoutian in the body gushed out at the same time. In an instant, Chen Feng was wrapped in a layer of water power. At the same time, the ice power in the protective armor also surged, and a trace of coolness surged throughout the body. Chen Feng felt much more comfortable.

Just when Chen Feng was guarding against the opponent's attack, the flames in the sky suddenly disappeared, and then the huge nine-tailed demon fox also shrank in size and became about the same size as an ordinary fox, but the momentum and pressure emanating from this demon fox made Chen Feng swallow his saliva.

"So powerful, far more powerful than the one-eyed demon lizard, could it be equivalent to a high-level human immortal?" Chen Feng guessed in his heart.

"There are eight paintings in total, one of which has transformed into a demon beast, so what about the others?" Chen Feng suddenly thought of this idea.

Sure enough, just as Chen Feng's thought flashed through his mind, the other seven paintings also changed. The huge monsters also moved. Although they did not really walk out of the paintings, their eyes all fell on Chen Feng, making Chen Feng feel that his blood pressure rose instantly and he was about to explode.

The two swords of life and death could no longer protect Chen Feng, and two blood arrows had already sprayed out of Chen Feng's nostrils.

Chen Feng knew that this was a critical moment, and he did not care about hiding his strength. He immediately communicated with the Longevity Tower. After the breath of the Longevity Tower enveloped Chen Feng, the pressure on his body immediately disappeared, and the boiling blood in his body also returned to calm.


Seeing that Chen Feng was safe and sound, the eight monsters were a little surprised, and their eyes looking at Chen Feng became more scorching, but they could not do anything to Chen Feng.

"Human, why did you come here? Is it to chase this little lizard?" A plain voice sounded, and then the one-eyed demon lizard was thrown heavily to the ground. Although the demon king was struggling constantly, his body was still tightly bound.

"Not bad." Chen Feng nodded.

"You guys." Chen Feng was about to continue asking, but was immediately interrupted by the nine-tailed demon fox: "No matter how you got here, since there is only one way here, that is death."

The nine-tailed demon fox immediately attacked Chen Feng after saying this. A huge tail just flashed in front of Chen Feng, and then it swept towards Chen Feng like a ribbon.

Chen Feng's body floated, and he used the Qilin Step to perform his body skills as fast as possible, but he still couldn't avoid the opponent's attack. Seeing that the ribbon-like tail was about to wrap him up, Chen Feng immediately mobilized the power of the Longevity Tower.

The powerful force penetrated Chen Feng's body and merged with Chen Feng. Then Chen Feng's body suddenly accelerated several times and avoided the counterattack.

"Hey, human, you are just a small Tianren realm cultivator, how could you possibly avoid my attack."

In fact, not only the nine-tailed demon fox was surprised, but even the other seven monsters looked at Chen Feng in surprise.

These monsters are all powerful, so they can easily see Chen Feng's realm.

"No, this power does not belong to you, it comes from your body. I want to see what is messing with it. Could it be a magic weapon?" The nine-tailed fox said as he was about to attack again.

"Boy, you are no match for this four-eyed fox. Let me lend you a hand." Ta spoke at this time.

"Four-eyed fox, isn't it the nine-tailed fox?" Chen Feng said in surprise, but he had no time to think about anything else at this time, because Ta had already made a move.

The shadow of the Longevity Tower suddenly appeared and wrapped Chen Feng up, allowing the four-eyed fox's tail to sweep Chen Feng up.

But at this time, the shadow of the Longevity Tower suddenly rotated, and waves of cutting power seemed to be composed of countless flying swords, instantly cutting the four-eyed fox's tail into pieces, causing the four-eyed fox to scream in anger.

"What is this thing, it can actually hurt, human, you are dead today." The four-eyed fox's tail swung quickly and no longer wrapped Chen Feng.

At this time, the Longevity Tower was still rotating, and then a strong suction force emanated from the top of the tower. This suction force did not disperse, but condensed into one. When it swept across, the injured tail of the four-eyed fox immediately shrank down, and the essence and blood contained in it were swallowed up by the Longevity Tower.

"Swallowing the sky and absorbing the technique!" Chen Feng was a little surprised. He didn't expect the Longevity Tower to use this trick, but it was tens of millions times more powerful than what he had used.

The four-eyed fox was a little frightened. Not only was the essence of blood in the tail swallowed, but even the original power in the body began to stir.

At this time, two cracks suddenly appeared above the eyes of the four-eyed fox. The cracks became larger, and two more eyes appeared.

There were actually four eyes, no wonder it was called the four-eyed fox.

At the same time, bright light shot out of the four eyes, like four beams of light, and like four sharp swords, which actually cut off the suction from the Longevity Tower, and then the four-eyed fox flew back in fear.

"What are you still standing there for? Hurry up and do it." The four-eyed fox shouted.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The remaining seven monsters jumped out from the mountain one after another. Each of them was extremely fierce and full of demonic energy. They roared loudly as soon as they came out. If Chen Feng had not been wrapped up by the shadow of the Longevity Tower, the sound waves emitted by these monsters alone would have shaken Chen Feng to death.

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