Eternal Existence

Chapter 646: Pupil Power Competition

Speaking of which, Chen Feng's Dark Demon Eyes were made by Dark Qilin directly using his magic power. I don't know how many years of hard work were lost in the process. You must know that even if a monk with extraordinary talent wants to cultivate the Dark Demon Eyes, the success rate is very low. What’s more, even if you succeed, you still need to go through an arduous process.

Although Chen Feng condensed the Dark Demon Pupil with the help of Dark Qilin, he did not practice it on his own after all. He lacked a lot of experience, both in the use of Pupil Technique and in his understanding of Pupil Technique. Chen Feng had many deficiencies.

Chen Feng himself also knows this. He usually uses the Dark Demon Eyes as much as possible, whether against enemies or to explore the surrounding environment, in order to become more proficient.

This time, he killed a large number of one-eyed demon lizards and obtained the one-eye that contained pupil power. Chen Feng was not in a hurry to find others, but concentrated on absorbing the energy from the one-eyed eye to practice.

Anyway, he can stay here for a year, which is enough time. Besides, with the guarantee of the tower, he can leave this space at any time, so Chen Feng has nothing to worry about.

Chen Feng didn't know that while he was practicing, something happened where he had fought the one-eyed demon lizard.

Originally, the corpses of one-eyed demon lizards were scattered on the ground, but after Chen Feng left for a few days, all the corpses of these one-eyed demon lizards slowly melted into the ground. Instead of sinking, they were like pieces of wax baking on the fire. Roast and then slowly melt.

Melting, just melting, the corpses of these one-eyed demon lizards slowly melted, as if they were decomposed by the earth.

After all the corpses melted, another hour passed, and a huge crack opened on the ground, and then a one-eyed demon lizard that was a hundred feet long slowly crawled out.

This one-eyed demon lizard was huge and looked very slow, as if it was old and dying at any time. After this huge demonic beast came to the ground, it first shook its head in all directions, and then the huge one-eyed eye on its head suddenly bloomed with a blood-red beam of light. , sweeping out in all directions.

The one eye of this monster is like a wheel, and the rich blood light easily penetrates the space and reaches thousands of miles away in an instant.

At this time, Chen Feng was still practicing and did not feel the coolness of the outside world at all.

At this moment, the red light finally swept over the restraining array arranged by Chen Feng, and immediately there was a series of explosions, and all the restraining arrays Chen Feng had deployed around were completely shattered.

The eight holy swords around him began to flash with various bright lights and circled around Chen Feng. The Bagua Sword Formation immediately began to operate when it was attacked by external forces.

Although this red beam of light broke through the restrictions placed around Chen Feng, it was blocked by Chen Feng's Bagua Sword Formation.

Chen Feng, who was practicing, was immediately alarmed. His eyes suddenly opened, and two black streams of light shot out, flew out of the sword formation and hit the red light.

But soon the dark pupil power emitted by Chen Feng was completely wiped out, and the next moment the red light suddenly burst out with a stronger light, trying to break through the sword formation and attack Chen Feng.

"Water and fire merge!"

Chen Feng gave a soft drink, and the two long swords of water and fire buzzed. In an instant, dozens of water and fire sword energies crisscrossed continuously, and finally cut the red light beam cleanly.

"Hey, I met the Demon King just after I came in. I'm really lucky. No, I shouldn't call him the Demon King anymore. I should call him the Demon King." Chen Feng stood up with a smile. In this situation Naturally, I can no longer practice.

From the contact just now, Chen Feng was sure that the Demon King must have appeared. Even though the red beam of light was shattered by Chen Feng, the soul power in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness began to beat. Chen Feng knew that this was caused by the other party. The influence of pupil force.

"It's not easy to deal with a demon king who has practiced pupil magic, especially a monster whose entire essence is contained in one eye. What's more, a guy who lives in an ancient space may not survive for tens of thousands of years." Chen Feng thought to himself.

The huge one-eyed demon lizard seemed to be crawling slowly, but it traveled hundreds of miles and arrived in front of Chen Feng in just a few blinks of an eye.

"Humans, outsiders, die."

With just some simple soul fluctuations, this huge one-eyed demon lizard launched an attack on Chen Feng. Its huge body suddenly scurried away with unprecedented speed. Its six thick limbs were covered with sharp blades. The time turned like a wheel.

Chen Feng immediately felt countless sword energy slashing at him, and the murderous intent and sword intention contained in it made Chen Feng's heart tremble.

"Good guy." Chen Feng was excited in his heart. He didn't dare to be careless. Facing this kind of attack, trying to dodge would not solve the problem. Besides, the opponent's fierce power had firmly enveloped him. If he could dodge or retreat, he could only Let the opponent take the opportunity to pursue you, and when the time comes, your momentum will weaken, which will be even worse.


The Sifang Spiritual Whip in Chen Feng's hand whipped out violently, and the huge whip shadow suddenly bloomed, covering the opponent's sword energy, and then suddenly erupted out of the condensed amount of land.

Pa pa pa pa pa pa pa!

There was a series of explosions, and the sword energy attacking Chen Feng was shattered by the Sifang Spiritual Whip.

Just when Chen Feng was about to slap him for the second time, a thick gray shadow came towards Chen Feng. Chen Feng was about to dodge, but saw his eyes flash red, then his soul was shaken and his figure slowed down.


The thick tail hit Chen Feng hard, and there was an explosion. Chen Feng flew hundreds of meters away with a groan, smashing a big hole in the hard ground.

Although Chen Feng was physically strong, the Demon King's blow was not pleasant. Chen Feng only felt pain in the muscles and bones in his body, cracks appeared on his internal organs, and a blood hole exploded where he was hit, which looked a bit shocking.

As soon as Chen Feng got up, this monster came in front of him, and grabbed Chen Feng with its two thick claws.

Bang! Bang!

There were two loud noises, and two large holes exploded in the ground again. Chen Feng hid aside in embarrassment, his back covered with blood.

"Human, die!"

The huge one-eyed demon lizard charged forward again, opened its mouth at the same time, and bombarded Chen Feng with a ball of dark energy, shattering even the rocks on the ground wherever it passed.

"This is concentrated magic power." Chen Feng waved his hand and whipped out the Four Directions Spiritual Whip.


The energy ball exploded, leaving a big hole in the ground, and Chen Feng was blown away again.

"Bah, bah, bah! Are all the monsters here so powerful?" Chen Feng's arms trembled a little under the collision just now, and half of his body felt sore and numb.


Fiery red eyes swept towards Chen Feng again. Although Chen Feng used the Dark Demon Eye to resist, he was still enveloped in the end. Then the sea of ​​consciousness shook, and his soul began to become disordered. Even the Dark Demon Eye was traumatized. The eyes are closed and cannot be opened.

The next moment, the huge demon king had arrived in front of Chen Feng, and with a sharp swing of his front paw, he once again knocked Chen Feng hundreds of meters away.

"Cough cough cough." Blood continued to flow from Chen Feng's mouth.

"This is too miserable." Chen Feng smiled bitterly. He raised his hand and the dense sword energy rushed out layer by layer, blocking the devil's attack. Chen Feng took the opportunity to stand up and waved his hand with the two swords of life and death, which began to circle around him. .

"Hehe, this is an immortal battlefield with an ancient atmosphere. The creatures that can survive here are naturally more powerful than those in other places. It's just that this kid obviously has a way to restrain the opponent but can't remember to use it."

When Chen Feng was being beaten, Ta was laughing in the Tower of Eternal Life, seeming to enjoy watching Chen Feng being beaten.

Swish swish swish!

The two swords of life and death are worthy of being sixth-grade holy weapons, with astonishing lethality. The swords flashed and left scars on the monster's body, and black blood continued to flow from the wounds.


But the devil's one eye flashed, and Chen Feng was hit again. The power of the soul in the sea of ​​consciousness was chaotic, as if there was a tsunami, and Chen Feng had to use a lot of power to suppress it.

Although the sword of life and death is powerful, this monster is at the level of a demon king after all, and its physical body is extremely tyrannical. Although it is scarred under the attack of the two swords of life and death, it is not fatal.

And it seemed that this demon king wanted to kill Chen Feng first even if he was injured.

The huge one-eye became even more blood-red. At first, only streaks of red light shot out from the one-eye. Then the one-eye suddenly paused, and then spun rapidly. A strong suction force enveloped Chen Feng. It turned out to be He wanted to rely on his realm to suppress Chen Feng, and then use his pupil power to swallow up Chen Feng's soul power.

Originally, Chen Feng was gradually unable to withstand the attack of this demon king's pupil technique, and his soul was injured. At this time, as soon as the one-eyed demon lizard's pupil technique changed, Chen Feng felt that the power of his soul could no longer be suppressed, and began to conflict everywhere. , wanting to force the conflict out of the sea of ​​consciousness.

"The other party wants to devour my soul." Chen Feng was shocked and instinctively used the Heaven Swallowing Demon Technique.


As the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique was activated, a supreme aura emanated from Chen Feng. When he felt this aura, the demon king was stunned for a moment, and then a fearful thought instinctively arose deep in his heart.

"What's going on?" As soon as the fearful thought emerged, the power of the one-eyed demon lizard's pupil technique began to decrease.

The Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique performed by Chen Feng became stronger and stronger, as if a barrel of oil was added to the fire, and it suddenly became violent. The originally chaotic sea of ​​consciousness also began to stabilize in an orderly manner, and finally formed a huge The soul vortex.


His eyes opened and turned into two rapidly rotating black holes. They not only blocked the opponent's soul attack, but also began to slowly restore the situation. As the vortex in his pupils rotated, Chen Feng even began to devour the opponent's pupil power.

"How could I forget that the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique I practiced was originally a guest star of the creatures in the demon world, and it was born to have a suppressive effect on other demon beasts." Chen Feng came back to his senses, with a smile on his lips.

"In this case, we can't miss such a good opportunity." Chen Feng strode forward, his aura suddenly surged, and two cyan rays of light flashed deep in his pupils. This was the sky-swallowing absorption technique that also started to operate. Under the double devouring force, traces of red energy were pulled into Chen Feng's pupils.

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