Eternal Existence

Chapter 638: Interference with Thunder Tribulation

Speaking of which, the demonic weapon Blood Soul was originally a fourth-grade treasure, but after being fused with a first-grade holy weapon, the bloody war spear, some changes occurred.

In fact, if you really want to talk about it, it should be regarded as the bloody war spear devouring the demonic weapon Blood Soul. However, during the fusion process, the bloody war spear still retained the bloodthirsty and soul-devouring function of the blood soul, and even some of the aura of the magic weapon. All have been completely preserved, and Chen Feng has some feelings for the Blood Soul weapon, so Chen Feng still calls this bloody war spear the Blood Soul.

Originally, after the fusion of blood and soul, it was close to the second-grade holy weapon. This time, it absorbed a large amount of sky thunder under the thunder tribulation, and was repeatedly tempered by the sky thunder, so that some impurities in the holy weapon were removed. This sacred weapon actually began to advance when other treasures had not completely transformed.

The advancement of the sacred weapon is much more powerful than the advancement of the treasure weapon. Chen Feng's body continuously emitted a series of thunderous and explosive sounds, which were even somewhat similar to the sound of rolling thunder.

The double roar made the onlookers even more surprised. They all looked at each other, not knowing what was going on.

"Is it a special skill that Chen Feng practiced, or was Chen Feng promoted under the thunder?"

Some people speculate this.

"It should be the news of the magic weapon's advancement, and it's also a sacred weapon." At this time, Senior Brother Ye had already opened his eyes, with curious eyes flashing in his pupils.

"It is possible. When everyone is going through the tribulation, they will absorb the power of the sky thunder to temper their magic weapons. However, Chen Feng can actually advance the sacred weapon, which is a bit difficult."

During the advancement of the blood soul, traces of blood energy essence are released from the blood gathering beads and blended into the blood soul, speeding up the advancement of the blood soul.

Finally, the blood soul successfully advanced to a second-grade holy weapon and lay quietly in the blood cave. As the blood soul advanced, the blood cave expanded again. In Chen Feng's feeling, the blood cave inside The space is already comparable to some low-level space bags.

Of course, Chen Feng has not yet reached the point where he wants to store some things in his acupoints at will.

"Okay, okay, I didn't expect that the sacred weapon could be advanced in my hands." Chen Feng was a little happy.

boom! boom!

The Immortality Furnace and the Eternal Life Cauldron were amplified in Chen Feng's body at the same time. All the power of the thunder from the outside world was poured into the two magic weapons, and other longevity weapons such as the Eternal Life Sword fell into these two magic weapons. According to The weapon refining methods recorded in the Immortality Scripture began to temper these immortal weapons.

Although the immortality weapon condensed by himself is relatively low-level at present, its shaping and upgrading potential are infinite compared to other magic weapons. According to the tower, it is trivial to fully upgrade it into an immortal weapon.

"Tower, the power of the sky thunder is not enough." Chen Feng suddenly shouted.

Without these weapons and magic weapons, it would take some effort for Chen Feng to completely refine the power of the thunder. However, with so many magic weapons and so many acupoints, Chen Feng felt hungry again.

In particular, the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique and the Heaven-Swallowing Absorption Technique were operating on their own again, making Chen Feng wish he could even swallow this void.

"Don't worry, I will use a secret method to disrupt the secret of heaven, and you can absorb more power of thunder." Ta suddenly laughed.

This time, the Eternal Life Tower didn't even fly out. Chen Feng only felt a mysterious power coming from the Eternal Life Tower and entering the depths of the Tribulation Cloud.

What happened next made Chen Feng a little stunned. The power of the rolling thunder fell from the sky like a waterfall, the Yangtze River, and the Tianhe River. It rushed towards Chen Feng in a mighty manner. It no longer condensed the shape of the sword, but was just the pure power of the thunder. .

But the power of these simple thunders was so powerful that it was frightening. An idea came to Chen Feng's mind that even immortals would be shattered to pieces under such a level of thunder.

"Ta, you are trying to kill me." Chen Feng shouted, but the next moment Chen Feng was submerged by the surging thunder and disappeared.

"Brother Chen!"

Jian Xiaotian shouted loudly, and just as he was about to step forward, he felt the rolling thunder crashing towards him. As soon as he touched Jian Xiaotian, he flew backwards, and he passed out completely.

It was as if the Tianhe was impacting the earth, and the surrounding peaks were being destroyed continuously. Even the peaks of thousands of feet were flattened by the thunder of this magnitude.

Not only Jian Xiaotian, but also other monks who were watching were also affected. Some disciples of the Tianjian Sect who were unable to dodge were severely injured by the thunder.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

At this moment, four monks appeared in mid-air one after another. Seeing the situation in front of them, their expressions changed first, and then they took action at the same time. The monks watching around felt their whole bodies light up and were a hundred miles away.

It turns out that these are four human immortal monks from the Heavenly Sword Sect. They felt the violent turmoil of the heavenly power here and couldn't help but show up. If these four people didn't show up, I'm afraid some of the monks watching would be killed by the thunder. .

"Set up your formation immediately!"

One of the human immortals looked at the destroyed mountain peaks, raised his eyelids, stretched out his hands, and sword lights shot out from his fingers.

The other three Immortals also took action quickly. Countless sword energy flowed out from the hands of the four Immortals, crisscrossing and connecting, and soon formed a barrier completely condensed by sword energy. This barrier It has a radius of thirty miles, completely covering the power of the sky thunder. This side of the barrier is formed, and no matter how powerful the sky thunder is, it is safe. These sky thunders just roar in the barrier.

"It's the human immortal who took action."

"It was a close call just now!"

The group of Tianjian Sect cultivators who were transferred out all breathed a sigh of relief, and even Jian Xiaotian woke up. Seeing the barrier formed by sword energy blocking the power of heavenly thunder, he couldn't help but feel frightened and worried.

"I don't know how Chen Feng is doing. Since the thunder tribulation has not ended, he should be fine. But my mountain!" Jian Xiaotian looked around. Not to mention his own mountain, even the surrounding mountains were flattened.

"Jian Xiaotian, you have to give us an explanation for this matter." The three cultivators came to Jian Xiaotian with a frown on their faces. Just now, the mountains where these three people practiced had also suffered setbacks.

Jian Xiaotian smiled bitterly, but couldn't say anything.

The four immortals had plain expressions, but their eyes were fixed on the center of the barrier, and the four were still communicating secretly.

"Red Fire Immortal, who is this little guy? He shouldn't be from our sect, right?"

"This young man is called Chen Feng. He was born in the Taiyi Sect of Beiyuan. He is now an honorary elder of our sect. He has survived four thunder tribulations in a row in our sect before. I am also surprised that he survived again in such a short time, and the power is so great."

"He is just an honorary elder. Such a person must be recruited as a disciple."

"Yes, there is such a commotion in the fifth level of thunder tribulation. I remember that the heavenly tribulation when I was promoted to human immortal was not so powerful."

"Genius, no, it should be called a demon. If this little guy grows up, he will definitely be extraordinary. It is a sure thing for him to ascend to the immortal world in the future."

"No, this little guy survived the thunder tribulation. I have been observing from a distance during the calamity. Although the thunder was also very powerful at the beginning, it was not so exaggerated. The thunder in front of me, which was like a river in the sky, appeared suddenly. This was a bit strange, as if the calamity cloud was torn open. "

"It is indeed a bit strange when you say that. Is there someone interfering in secret?"

"No way, who is so powerful? Isn't he afraid of causing the attack of the thunder calamity by interfering in secret?"

"Look, there is a change."

When the four immortals were communicating in secret, the situation in the barrier changed. Originally, the barrier was full of thunder power, but at this time, these thunder powers were constantly shrinking. It seemed that there was a black hole in the center that was constantly swallowing everything around.

If the thunder in the sky had not continued to fall, I am afraid that the thunder power in the barrier would soon be swallowed up completely.

"Could it be that Chen Feng absorbed it? I think it should be the effect of the magic weapon." The four immortals looked at each other and had the same idea in their hearts.

Because of the lightning power of this level, not to mention the cultivators in the Heaven Realm, even ordinary human immortals cannot swallow these lightning power with their physical bodies alone.

At this time, the two magic weapons of Changsheng Ding Changsheng Furnace for refining weapons suddenly hummed and vibrated, and the first two magic weapons to be upgraded were actually these two magic weapons.

Then, two strong air currents gushed out from the two magic weapons and rushed into the sky. Of course, this was in Chen Feng's body, making Chen Feng feel as if he had turned into a volcano about to erupt.

Changsheng Sword, Changsheng Knife and other longevity weapons kept humming and began to upgrade one by one. These longevity weapons were refined by Chen Feng using the longevity true qi, blood essence, and soul power according to the weapon condensation technique in the Changsheng Sutra. They are somewhat different from those magic weapons refined using various materials.

For this group of immortal weapons to advance, Chen Feng needs to have enough cultivation, be proficient in using the Immortal Scripture, and have enough energy. Then the Immortal Knife and other weapons will continue to advance, showing super power that other magic weapons do not have. Of course, there are some other mysteries in this kind of immortal weapons, but it is not something that Chen Feng can understand at this time.

All the immortal weapons have been advanced to third-grade treasures.

Next, the Magnetic Compass and the Fire Sword also advanced one after another, one to the sixth-grade treasure, and the other to the seventh-grade treasure.

Although these magic weapons continue to advance, constantly expanding Chen Feng's acupoints and absorbing a large amount of thunder power, but under the interference of the tower, the thunder tribulation has completely lost control, and the endless thunder power does not seem to have a slight weakening trend.

When the ninth-grade treasure Star Pattern Sword was advanced to the first-grade holy weapon, Chen Feng finally couldn't hold on, because Chen Feng felt that if a few more breaths passed, he would probably be blown up by the thunder power poured down.

Then Chen Feng directly connected to the Longevity Tower and quickly built a thunder pool in the Longevity Tower. All the power of the heavenly thunder poured into the thunder pool, and Chen Feng waved his hand to take out a bunch of magic weapons and threw them into the thunder pool.

These magic weapons were all ninth-grade treasures or holy weapons. Some were refined by Chen Feng and stored in the acupoints, while some had not been refined yet. Among them, several good holy weapons were snatched from the cultivators of the Jiuxiao Palace and Lingxiao Palace, or obtained in the secret realm.

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