Eternal Existence

Chapter 620: Fighting with the Fire of One's Origin

The aftermath of the explosion gradually disappeared, and Wen Shaoxiu and Chen Feng all fell to the ground.

Feeling the breath of the two people and seeing their figures, Liu Quan and others were relieved, but after seeing the appearance of the two people clearly, everyone's heart was lifted again.

Chen Feng was fine. Except for the blood on his body, which made him look like a bloody man, the rest of his body was safe and sound, without any damage.

As for Wen Shaoxiu, it was a bit horrible. The whole person lost half of his body in the explosion just now.

Both arms were blown to pieces, his hands almost disappeared completely, half of his shoulder had disappeared, the flesh on his chest rolled up, the white bones emerged, and even the internal organs could be seen.

This was because of the protection of Wen Shaoxiu's armor, otherwise Wen Shaoxiu would have ended up in pieces under the explosion of the Shadowless Sword just now.

Fortunately, Wen Shaoxiu's breath was still there, and his consciousness was still clear, but he was lying on the ground unable to move, and he had completely lost his combat effectiveness.


A big hand appeared and grabbed Wen Shaoxiu. It was Li Shilong who took action and activated the formation to transfer Wen Shaoxiu out.

Liu Quan, Situ Nan, Jian Luobo, and Ma Tianfang stood in four directions, forming a four-symbol sword formation. While fighting against the black-clothed killers who kept attacking from all sides, they watched Chen Feng nervously.

"Fortunately, I used the blood-gathering bead to block the opponent's attack at the critical moment." Chen Feng held a blood-red bead in his palm, which was the Taoist weapon blood-gathering bead.

However, although he swallowed most of the flesh and blood of the human immortal killer, Chen Feng was still affected. The whole person turned into a blood man, and some blood holes appeared in some places.

This was also because the blood-gathering bead was damaged. Otherwise, if it was in a complete state, even if the human immortal exploded, it could completely block the absorption.

Just when Chen Feng was circulating the immortal true qi to recover from his injuries, a arrogant laugh laughed wildly in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.

It turned out that the last bit of the human immortal killer's life fire entered Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.

I saw this bit of life fire changing rapidly, and soon turned into a human immortal, just like the human immortal killer before. The whole person stood in the sea of ​​consciousness away from Chen Feng, like a hell demon, and roared loudly. The sea of ​​consciousness was constantly churning, and the orderly arranged soul power was in chaos.

"Chen Feng, you think you will kill me today, I can occupy your sea of ​​consciousness now, and take your whole body away, so that all your secrets and treasures belong to me. It seems that my body-taking technique is not good enough." The human immortal killer said that the whole person in the sea of ​​consciousness quickly grew larger, and soon stood up to the sky. With a wave of his big hand, Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness was even more boiling.

"Only this bit of life fire left and still want to take over the body, what a joke." At this time, Chen Feng also appeared, and Chen Feng's life fire was more vigorous than that of the human immortal killer.

"What, you also condensed the life fire! How is this possible?" Seeing Chen Feng appear, the human immortal killer immediately cried out in surprise, and instinctively felt that something was wrong.

"Even if you have cultivated your natal fire, you will die today, and your natal fire will be devoured by me. You should have just succeeded in cultivation, how can you be my opponent."

"Soul Handprint, capture it!"

The natal fire of the whole person of the human immortal killer changed again, turning into a huge handprint to grab Chen Feng. The sea of ​​consciousness was boiling wherever the handprint passed, and the handprint became larger and larger, gradually becoming overwhelmed, as if covering the entire sea of ​​consciousness.

Once the opponent's natal fire entered Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, Chen Feng was not worried. Not to mention that the opponent's soul had been damaged, even if it was ten or a hundred times stronger, Chen Feng would not be worried at all. As long as there was a longevity tower, everything could be easily suppressed.

At first, Chen Feng did have this plan, but suddenly changed his mind. Chen Feng felt that he could not rely on the longevity tower for everything, which would have some impact on his progress.

So facing the attack of the opponent's natal fire, Chen Feng also began to mobilize the power of the soul to resist the fight. Although the opponent's natal fire was higher in rank than his, it was injured after all, which was a good opportunity for him to hone himself.

"Spiral sword energy!" Chen Feng flicked his finger, and a sword energy shot out, directly breaking the soul handprint in front of him, and Chen Feng turned into a stream of light and drilled through.

Then Chen Feng waved his hand, and the soul in the sea of ​​consciousness was rioting, and the soul power continued to gather and condense, forming a series of soul chains to block the surroundings.

"In my home court, you have no chance at all." Chen Feng sneered.

"You just condensed the fire of your life, how can you compete with me? I will let you see the means of human immortals." The human immortal killer has completely calmed down, knowing that if he wants to turn the tables, he must succeed in seizing the body.

"Thunder and fire are boiling!"

The human immortal killer transformed into a human form again, and his hands kept making seals. First, waves of waves began to turbulent in the sea of ​​consciousness, and the soul chains arranged by Chen Feng were constantly broken.

Then countless strands of thunder and fire suddenly exploded, rushing towards Chen Feng in an overwhelming manner.

"The power of heavenly thunder! The power of heavenly fire! This killer actually integrated these two powers into his soul. He is quite a character. Under normal circumstances, I am indeed no match for him, but now this guy is only one tenth of his strength. If I can't deal with him, then all my training will be in vain." Chen Feng sneered, not panicking at all in the face of the opponent's attack.

"Soul Storm!"

As Chen Feng shouted, his body melted away, and his chest turned into a huge vortex. The center of the vortex emitted a strong suction force, like a black hole, and began to devour the thunder and fire power of the immortal killer.

Chen Feng practiced the Heaven Devouring Absorption Technique and the Heaven Devouring Magic Skill. It can be said that any energy in the universe can be devoured and refined by Chen Feng, and then transformed into his own power.

Although the thunder and fire power in front of him is powerful and overbearing, it is just a tonic for Chen Feng, and the final result is that Chen Feng will have a big tonic.

"If you want to devour my life fire, be careful to eat to death." The human immortal killer sneered repeatedly, and after a long roar, invisible waves spread out. Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness was almost broken. The soul chain condensed by Chen Feng had been completely broken, and the soul power was like a broken cloud that kept twisting and rolling.

"As expected of a human immortal, the life fire actually has this kind of power. It seems that I have to be careful." Chen Feng shouted softly and used the soul-suppressing spell. This time, the human immortal killer was finally terrified. Under the attack of the soul-suppressing spell, the life fire of the human immortal killer suddenly sank, and was actually bound by an invisible force.

At this time, Chen Feng's power of using the soul-suppressing spell was much stronger than before, and there would be no sequelae.

After the soul-soothing spell took effect, Chen Feng immediately sent out a big handprint to smash the immortal killer's life fire. In one breath, a quarter of the immortal killer's life fire was devoured.

"Ah! My life fire!"

The immortal killer gathered again and kept shouting, his voice full of fear. Feeling that his life fire was actually devoured and refined by Chen Feng, the immortal killer knew that he was really miserable this time and was no match for Chen Feng at all.

So the immortal killer wanted to rush out of Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness. As long as he could escape, he still had a chance to find someone to take over his body. At worst, he could slowly practice back later.

"Can you leave!" Chen Feng snorted coldly, and the soul power was like waves and waves, surrounding the immortal killer in the middle.

"Lock the soul!"

Chen Feng spoke the truth, and the soul power shook and condensed violently, turning into a series of soul-locking talismans that drilled into the immortal killer's life fire.

This time, the immortal killer was completely unable to move, even his mental fluctuations were locked, and he couldn't even communicate with Chen Feng to beg for mercy.


The soul vortex turned violently, and a trace of power leaked out of the immortal killer's life fire, and was finally swallowed and refined by Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's life fire grew stronger and stronger, while the immortal killer's life fire was constantly shrinking.

As Chen Feng's power became stronger and stronger, the immortal killer couldn't even scream.

Finally, the immortal killer's life fire was swallowed up by Chen Feng. Chen Feng's life fire was burning vigorously, and it was nearly twice as strong as before.

Although Chen Feng wanted to find a place to practice for a while and consolidate his cultivation, he knew that it was not the right time, so he immediately returned to the outside world.

Soon Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief. There were only three black-clothed killers in the valley, flashing in the air, but under the siege of the two-layer formation and Liu Quan and others, it was only a matter of time before they were killed.


Chen Feng's eyes lit up, and two beams of pitch-black divine light shot out from his pupils. Chen Feng's soul power became stronger, and the power of the dark magic pupil was gradually developed.


The two divine lights penetrated into the bodies of the two killers and entered the other's sea of ​​consciousness. The two killers immediately hugged their heads and screamed, which was because their sea of ​​consciousness was destroyed.

At this time, two sword lights flashed by and easily killed the two killers.

The last killer did not last long and was killed by Liu Quan and others. Only now have the killers in this stronghold been completely eliminated.

Chen Feng's divine consciousness moved, covering the entire valley, even hundreds of meters underground.

"There is no one else." Chen Feng's figure flashed in front of Wen Shaoxiu.

Wen Shaoxiu was seriously injured. Although he took the elixir, his body was too damaged. It would take some time to fully recover, unless there was a higher-level elixir.

Chen Feng thought about it and took out two pills, one is the Blood Pill and the other is the Essence Pill. These are made from the flesh and blood of the Ice and Fire Double-Headed Dragon, which contains powerful vitality.

Chen Feng stretched out his finger and flicked it, and the two pills exploded, turning into misty water mist, and slowly melted into Wen Shaoxiu's body.

Sure enough, Wen Shaoxiu's injuries began to recover faster, but it was still relatively slow, after all, Wen Shaoxiu was almost blown off half of his body.

Chen Feng stepped forward and stretched out his hand to press on Wen Shaoxiu's shoulder. The immortality qi rushed into Wen Shaoxiu's body frantically and began to repair the damaged cells in Wen Shaoxiu's body.

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