Eternal Existence

Chapter 618 Human Immortal Killer

The powerful force acted on Chen Feng, making him feel that he was holding two erupting volcanoes with his hands. There was also a sword energy that could destroy everything.

Chen Feng quickly retreated and landed on a huge rock. Before Chen Feng could stand firm, the rock suddenly exploded, and a fiery red hand suddenly appeared, grabbing Chen Feng fiercely.


The palm grabbed nothing, and there was a bang in the space.

Chen Feng was already a hundred feet away, but Chen Feng still felt his arm burning. He had just been rubbed by the fiery red palm, and now there was a trace of flame energy drilling into his body, trying to destroy his vitality.

Chen Feng's true energy was slightly circulated to refine these flame energies. At the same time, Chen Feng's whole body domain power gushed out overwhelmingly, covering a radius of a hundred meters.

"The person who attacked just now is also a master among the half-step immortals, and he is also a killer who is proficient in assassination. Don't agree to deal with him." Chen Feng said as he waved his hand, and the longevity whip suddenly extended for more than a thousand meters, whipping violently in the valley.

The target of the longevity whip was the killer who was fighting with Jian Luobo. Chen Feng's purpose was to harass the other party, make the other party reveal a flaw, and then be killed by Jian Luobo.

"Hehe, you are dying, but you are still helping others." The two killers who attacked Chen Feng before came to him again, but they were stopped by Wen Shaoxiu and Liu Quan before they got close to Chen Feng.

Obviously, Wen Shaoxiu and the others had already dealt with the killers outside.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

One by one, the black-clothed killers flew out from all over the valley, and then hid in the void one by one. There was no killing intent, but Chen Feng's heart kept flashing with warning signs, knowing that these killers were approaching him and would attack at any time.

"Dark Escape Technique!" Chen Feng whispered, and the whole person disappeared.

Speaking of which, after Chen Feng opened up the Dark Cave and the Void Cave, he could hide in the darkness or hide in another balanced space with a thought.

In terms of hiding skills, Chen Feng has surpassed these killers.

Sure enough, after Chen Feng disappeared, all the killers hiding in the dark were stunned. Originally, these killers had locked Chen Feng, but the next moment Chen Feng's breath suddenly disappeared, leaving no trace. No matter how these people sensed it, there was no result.

"Not good, everyone, the other party should have a high-level invisibility talisman."


Chen Feng suddenly appeared, and a long-life handprint slapped one of the killers away.

Just when Chen Feng wanted to continue to attack, the other cultivators reacted very quickly and quickly launched a fatal move against Chen Feng.

Chen Feng did not fight the other party head-on, but his figure shook and hid in the void again.

Although these assassins are proficient in assassination, even a human immortal will be assassinated if several of them rush forward, but Chen Feng is not too worried. What Chen Feng is worried about is the existence that just used the fiery red big hand to attack him.

In Chen Feng's mind, he has already determined that this person should be the strongest existence in the stronghold, a top half-step human immortal who can be promoted to human immortal at any time.

But at this time, this person only launched an attack and hid, making Chen Feng feel that this is a volcano that can erupt at any time. Once it erupts, someone on his side will be submerged.

Chen Feng hid in the void, Li Shilong and Jian Zhiqiu were controlling the formation, and the other five were fighting with a group of assassins in the valley.

The situation was very unfavorable to Chen Feng's side. These assassins were proficient in assassination, and they emphasized one-shot kills. Although half of the cultivators were below the half-step human immortal realm, they could hold Wen Shaoxiu and others back one-on-one in a battle.

Wen Shaoxiu used his sky eye to constantly find the positions of these assassins, and then resolved the opponent's attacks step by step.

Even so, Wen Shaoxiu and his companions were still at an absolute disadvantage. If it weren't for Wen Shaoxiu's Sky Eye, Liu Quan and his companions would have suffered casualties.

"So you are disciples of the Tianjian Sect. You dare to come here to make trouble. None of you can get away today." One of the assassins in black floated in the air without taking action, as if looking for an opportunity.

"You assassins from the assassin hall have repeatedly come to our Tianjian Sect to make trouble. It is clear that you don't take our Tianjian Sect seriously. Today we will eliminate your stronghold." Wen Shaoxiu said, and a stream of light shot out from his Sky Eye. The void a hundred feet away shook, and a black assassin appeared. This assassin was only ten meters away from Liu Quan. He was about to take action, but Liu Quan didn't notice it at all.

"Looking for death! Yuehua Shengling Sword!" Liu Quan was frightened and sweated. He didn't expect that this assassin was so close to him. After reacting, Liu Quan's figure suddenly rose, and then a group of sword lights enveloped Liu Quan, as if the moonlight was hazy.

This was Liu Quan's strongest attack. In Liu Quan's opinion, this move could at least seriously injure the black-clad killer.

But at this moment, a crack suddenly appeared in the space behind Liu Quan, and then a fiery red hand suddenly stretched out, breaking through Yuehua Sword Qi, and lightly grabbed Liu Quan in his hand.

Snap Snap Snap!

A series of explosions, Liu Quan's bones were broken, and all the blood rushed to his face, causing Liu Quan to scream in pain.

"Not good!"

"Junior Brother Liu!"

Chen Feng and others' faces changed drastically, but it would take time to rescue him. In such a short time, Liu Quan would be killed many times.

"You saw it wrong. This is not a top half-step human immortal at all, but a human immortal."

"Everyone, be careful, this is simply a human immortal!" Chen Feng shouted.

"Asshole, a human immortal is hiding around and attacking, you are really shameless." Wen Shaoxiu wanted to step forward but was surrounded by two killers in black at the same time. He couldn't help but cursed.

Seeing that Liu Quan was about to be killed, Chen Feng was anxious and just when he was about to use the Taoist weapon to gather blood, a light blade came through the air and cut into the big fiery red finger like lightning.

With a swish sound, all the big hands were cut off, and the blood exploded. Pearl-like blood beads rolled down one by one, exuding a powerful pressure.

This is the blood of human immortals, which contains the will and blood of human immortals, as well as a trace of the laws of immortality.

"Just in time!"

Chen Feng shouted, the light blade just now was the power of wind and thunder activated by the Great Zhoutian Formation. At the critical moment, Li Shilong finally activated it.


Chen Feng quickly stepped forward. He had already taken out the Four Directions Spiritual Whip and slammed it down into the void.

Bang bang bang bang!

Cracks appeared one after another, the space was smashed, and then a tall man in black appeared from the void in a somewhat embarrassed manner.

This man in black is tall and straight, wearing a black robe. His face cannot be seen. He carries a long black sword on his back, but his arms are neat.

Although he was forced out of his body by Chen Feng, it was obvious that the man in black did not suffer much injuries, except for his cut off palm.

The man in black swayed his arm, and immediately released Liu Quan's hand, then connected it to the broken arm. The incision was round and smooth, and there was no sign of being cut off.

Chen Feng stepped forward and swung out the Four Directions Spiritual Whip in his hand again. With a rumble, the pressure of the holy weapon spread, causing the human-immortal killer to use it.

"Holy Artifact Spirit Whip, you must be Chen Feng. I was just thinking about how to kill you, but I didn't expect you to show up." Facing Chen Feng's attack, the Immortal Killer just stretched out a finger and pointed.

Waves of water ripples emanated from the tip of his hand, and Chen Feng immediately felt that the power he exerted was being dissolved inch by inch, and finally dissipated completely.

"The laws of space? The laws of immortality?" Chen Feng was a little surprised, knowing that he was far different from the human immortal in front of him.

Although I have also killed human immortals, it was all by virtue of the power of magic weapons. When I reached the realm of human immortals, the artistic conception I practiced and comprehended was very different from the past. Once I broke through the realm of human immortals and acquired the word "immortal", That is the difference between heaven and man. Chen Feng's understanding of the immortal way is far beyond comparison.

Sneak attacks are fine, but in a head-on confrontation, once the opponent uses the power of the law, Chen Feng will no longer be his opponent.

"The purpose of establishing this stronghold this time is to kill. It is an honor for you to die in my hands. As for the magic weapons on your body, just think of them as compensation for those who killed us." The human immortal killer said lightly, the tall With a flash of his body, he arrived in front of Chen Feng, and then he pointed out.


A ray of red light pierced the space and made a hissing sound, and the spiritual energy in the space was scorched. This was an attack formed by compressing the power of fire to the extreme. It could easily penetrate the mountain peaks, and even penetrate high altitudes and penetrate meteorites outside the territory.

This is the power of human immortals. If you strike at will, you can sweep away everything.

"The blood-gathering beads should be able to block it." At this moment, Chen Feng knew that even the holy weapon on his body would be difficult to block this attack.

It's not that the level of the sacred weapon is not high enough, but that my own cultivation level is not high enough to bring out the full power of these magic weapons.

The blood-gathering bead appeared in Chen Feng's palm, just in time to block this fire power bombardment.


With a soft sound, the attack completely disappeared in the blood gathering bead. At the same time, Chen Feng immediately sensed the continuous roar of the blood pool in the blood gathering bead, as if a tsunami had occurred. Waves of air rose up, and the blood pool I don’t know how much blood was evaporated.

Chen Feng knew that all this was caused by the attack of this immortal just now.

"This immortal seems to be not simple. He seems to be much stronger than the ones I encountered before." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

The four-dimensional spiritual whip turned into a spiritual light and penetrated Chen Feng's body. At this moment, Chen Feng suddenly thought that it was obviously wrong to use such a heavy magic weapon against such a killer monk.

With a wave of his hand, there was a bronze bell in his hand. This bronze bell was only as big as a palm, and the bronze bell body was densely covered with various runes.

Chen Feng swung his palm suddenly, and a wave of invisible waves emanated from the bronze bell, and then condensed into a beam and attacked the human-immortal killer.

The speed of this wave of waves surprised the human-immortal killer. He tried to parry and dodge, but he was still hit by this wave of waves.

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