Eternal Existence

Chapter 616: Killer


The natal fire continued to beat, and waves of soul fluctuations spread out in all directions, soon covering the mountain where Jian Xiaotian was, and then the soul fluctuations continued to expand.

One thousand feet.

Three thousand feet.

Five thousand feet.

Ten thousand feet.

Twenty thousand feet.

As Chen Feng's soul extended, it continued to cover the mountains and valleys one by one. Wherever Chen Feng's soul passed, whether it was towering trees or ants and reptiles, or the disciples of the Tianjian Sect who were practicing in the valley, they all appeared clearly in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.

One hundred miles.

Two hundred miles.

Five hundred miles.

Chen Feng's soul fluctuations were still in his eyes, without a slight weakening. After cultivating the natal fire, Chen Feng's soul strength became too strong. In addition, with the Longevity Tower suppressing his sea of ​​consciousness, Chen Feng was not worried about the collapse of his sea of ​​consciousness.

Eight hundred miles.

One thousand miles.

Finally, Chen Feng stopped. With Chen Feng as the center, the area within a thousand miles was all within Chen Feng's perception. It was not an exaggeration to say that the area within this thousand miles was Chen Feng's domain. Chen Feng's mind moved, and a hundred-foot-tall tree a thousand miles away was uprooted, and then invisible forces passed through, and the tree was instantly cut into pieces.

This is the power of Chen Feng's soul power. The soul forms substance and turns into a soul blade to attack.

Of course, this is also Chen Feng's limit. It is no problem to use it to cut some grass, rocks, or oppress some weak cultivators, but if you encounter a cultivator equal to yourself, Chen Feng's method will be useless.

Chen Feng's mind moved, and the soul power shrank back in waves. Just when Chen Feng's soul power was still a thousand feet away from Chen Feng, Chen Feng suddenly discovered something. After the soul power fluctuated, Chen Feng stood up suddenly and took a step to a hundred feet away.

Then a huge soul blade slashed at the stone wall of a valley. At this time, Chen Feng's soul blade had already materialized, fluorescent and transparent, like crystal, but its power was unmatched by ordinary treasures.


A big hole was blown out of the stone wall, and then a total of three men in black flew out of the big hole. After the three men in black came out, the talismans on their bodies exploded, turning into a ball of energy to wrap themselves, and then quickly fled far away.

"Want to leave? It's not that easy." Chen Feng snorted coldly, and the soul power condensed into three big hands to grab the three men in black. At the same time, three immortal chains broke through the space and whipped the three people.




The three men in black burst out a compressed sword energy at the same time, easily breaking Chen Feng's soul hand, and cutting the immortal chains that whipped over into pieces.

But this delay, Chen Feng has arrived and blocked the way of the three people.

"You three should be from the Hall of Assassins, right?" Chen Feng said.

At this time, Chen Feng had already collected all his soul power into his body, and replaced it with an overwhelming domain that blocked the surrounding space.

Chen Feng's Zhoutian domain has undergone a great change at this time. The Zhoutian power continues to evolve, constructing various powers and laws. Thunder and lightning roar, water and fire roar, mountains and swamps roll, and the world condenses, as if a big world is brewing and opening up.

In addition, the immortal sword, immortal sword, immortal spear, immortal shield and other immortal weapons condensed by Chen Feng are also floating in the domain, arranged in an orderly order, as if forming a strange formation.


Since they couldn't run away, the three men in black looked at each other and rushed towards Chen Feng at the same time. The three men shrank suddenly and turned into three small black dots, directly piercing Chen Feng's domain. Then Chen Feng saw three sword lights piercing his face. Before the sword lights reached his face, he felt a faint pain. Chen Feng knew that he couldn't block the opponent's attack with his own body.


Chen Feng's mind moved, and the Longevity Shield blocked in front of him. At the same time, a silk net fell from the sky and covered the three men in black.

It was the Longevity Net condensed by Chen Feng.


The Longevity Shield broke, and the Longevity Net also exploded. The three men in black showed their figures in front of Chen Feng again.

Then the three figures kept floating, surrounding Chen Feng in the middle, ready to attack at any time.

"Three assassins of the ninth level of the Heavenly Man Realm, their cultivation is too weak, and they are here to die." Chen Feng sneered. In fact, when he found out that the three men in black were from the Assassin's Hall, Chen Feng was already furious. Although he had been assassinated by this assassin organization in the past, Chen Feng always pointed the spearhead at the Jiuxiao Palace at the back, after all, these assassins were hired by the Jiuxiao Palace.

However, as he encountered assassinations from assassins again and again, especially when he encountered assassinations when he was in the Tianjian Sect, Chen Feng had already listed the Assassin's Hall as a must-kill. He knew that he would be assassinated in the Tianjian Mountains, and the other party was too bold, or the Assassin's Hall was too arrogant, and did not take this first-class sect seriously in order to kill him.

When he found the other party again in front of him, Chen Feng knew that the Assassin's Hall was really determined to kill him.

"Capture these three first. I want to search their souls. Since they have attacked me again and again, don't blame me for being rude. Assassin's Hall, humph, no matter how powerful or influential you are, you will have to pay a price if you want to kill me." Chen Feng sneered in his heart.

"Killing you is enough."

The three men in black continued to attack, two of them attacked at the same time, and the other one used the escape technique to disappear, hiding in the dark and attacking Chen Feng.


Chen Feng shouted softly, and a storm suddenly arose in the field, sweeping continuously. Two tornadoes suddenly rose and wrapped up the two men in black.

This was not an ordinary tornado, but a fusion of wind and thunder, and even mixed with Chen Feng's life fire.

Just a sweep, the clothes of the two men in black exploded, blood and flesh flew, and then the white bones were exposed.

On the other side, a long sword stabbed at Chen Feng's head, but was directly caught by Chen Feng using the longevity handprint. Then the longevity sword and longevity knife and other weapons made a whistling sound, spinning rapidly, and the blade wave flashed. Soon the killer hidden in the dark was cut into several pieces.

"Come here." Chen Feng grabbed with his big hand, and three strands of soul fire fell into Chen Feng's hand, and then Chen Feng opened his mouth and swallowed the three strands of soul fire.


"Let us go!"

These three assassins are not afraid of death, but once the soul fire is devoured and refined by Chen Feng, it means that their body and soul will be destroyed, and they will not even have the chance to be reborn. They will truly disappear between heaven and earth, and even the immortals will be useless.

Soon, the soul fire of the three assassins was completely refined by Chen Feng. Chen Feng felt that his life fire was more vigorous. At the same time, Chen Feng also searched the memories of the three assassins and got a piece of news that was unfavorable to him.

It turned out that after the assassin hall failed to assassinate him several times, he had included himself in the list of must-kills. Even if Jiuxiao Palace did not pay the reward, the assassin hall would kill him on his own initiative, so as not to damage the reputation of the assassin hall.

"Fuck." Chen Feng couldn't help cursing. He didn't expect that the assassin hall really targeted him. The assassin organization was originally more difficult to deal with than the general sect, especially the first-class assassin organization like the assassin hall. The assassins under the door were all powerful, with strange means, and appeared and disappeared, making people hard to guard against.

Thinking about the days ahead, when he would have to be on guard against assassinations by these crazy killers all the time, Chen Feng felt a little scalp-tingling.

"Forget it, it's useless to think so much. Anyway, we have already faced the Killer Hall. If the other party sends someone again, they will be killed. What I need to do now is to improve my strength. If I can be promoted to a human immortal, I will be considered a top figure in the cultivation world." Chen Feng said secretly.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

At this time, many disciples of the Tianjian Sect flew over, including some elders of the Tianjian Sect, who were alarmed by the fight just now.

"Brother Chen, what happened?" The fastest ones to come were of course Jian Xiaotian and Liu Quan.

"There are killers from the Killer Hall lurking here, and I found them. They are coming for me." Chen Feng said.

"What, killers? Damn it, it seems that the Killer Hall really doesn't take our Tianjian Sect seriously." Liu Quan was furious.

"These assassin organizations are like mad dogs. Not to mention our sects, even the disciples of the four universities have been assassinated."

"Although these assassins are powerful, they come to our Tianjian Sect to kill people. This matter cannot be let go. These few days, I will get rid of my friends to investigate the base of the assassin hall. After finding it, our brothers will immediately start to eliminate it and let the other party know how powerful our Tianjian Sect is." At this time, a tall monk wearing blue armor said.

Chen Feng knew that this person was called Wen Shaoxiu, who was also a half-step human immortal. He was generous and had a good relationship with people in Tianjian Sect. He had met Chen Feng several times, but he had a good relationship with Liu Quan.

"Okay, Senior Brother Wen is right. It's time to teach the other party a lesson. Since the ceasefire, it has been very suffocating for a while." Someone else clapped his hands in agreement.

"My fellow brothers, these assassins are coming for me, so I'll deal with it." Chen Feng said immediately.

"Elder Chen, you look down on us by saying this. Since the other party dared to attack our Tianjian Sect, if we don't show any reaction, wouldn't it be laughed at by other cultivators in the cultivation world? How can we, the disciples of Tianjian Sect, walk in the cultivation world in the future?" Wen Shaoxiu said loudly.

"Yes, Brother Chen, this is not just a matter for one person. Besides, these assassin organizations have also assassinated our disciples in the past. This time, we can take this opportunity to settle the past accounts." Liu Quan said.

"Well, please notify me if you take action, and I will also do my best." Chen Feng said.

"Hahaha, I have heard that Elder Chen has extraordinary cultivation. This time he killed three assassins in one fell swoop. I will see Elder Chen's skills at that time." Wen Shaoxiu laughed.

"You're welcome." Chen Feng said quickly.

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