Eternal Existence

Chapter 613: Calculation

"I'm not talking nonsense. Chen Feng was the first one to come out, and he fell from the sky. He must have received the inheritance of Yunlan Immortal." Qin Chuan shouted.

"What?" Everyone was shocked, and they all looked at Chen Feng with suspicion, especially the human immortal Jiang Feng, Li Hun and Dongfang Ming, who quickly stepped forward and surrounded Chen Feng.

"I thought, no wonder we were all teleported out suddenly. It turns out that the inheritance was obtained by you. Chen Feng, I won't force you. It's your chance to get the inheritance of Yunlan Immortal, but you have to hand over the treasures in Yunlan barrier." Li Hun said first.

"Yes, since Yunlan Immortal chose you, we have nothing to say, but our trip can't be in vain. So you hand over the treasures in Yunlan barrier, and let's forget about today's matter. We won't make it difficult for you." Jiang Feng also said.

"Hand over the treasures, otherwise you will die." Dongfang Ming shouted even more.

"It's inexplicable. You believe what a piece of trash said. I'm telling you. I was teleported out just like you. I didn't get a magic weapon in the Yunlan barrier, let alone the inheritance of Yunlan Immortal. If you don't believe me, I'll just fight. I don't take you seriously." Chen Feng sneered. Facing the oppression of the three masters, he didn't show any weakness at all.

"Fight!" Dongfang Ming's breath was boiling, and Dongfang Sheng, Bai Jianxing and others also came up.

"Dongfang Ming, are you looking for death, bullying the few with the many?" Liu Quan and others also surrounded him and stood beside Chen Feng.

Seeing that a group fight was about to happen, everyone had a high level of cultivation. If a big fight broke out, it would definitely affect a wide area.

"Wait a minute, there is actually another solution, Chen Feng, as long as you take out the storage space on your body for us to check, or let us explore your sea of ​​consciousness to prove whether you have obtained the inheritance, we don't have to fight." Jiang Feng suddenly said.

"Yes, fellow Daoist Jiang Feng is in the realm of human immortals. Exploring your sea of ​​consciousness will definitely not cause you any harm." Li Hun clapped his hands and laughed.

Seeing Chen Feng being oppressed, Qin Chuan showed a gloating expression on the side, wishing that Chen Feng would be killed immediately.

"You are so bold, Chen Feng is the elder of our Tianjian Sect, you are offending our Tianjian Sect by doing this." Liu Quan shouted loudly.

"Don't scare us with the name of Tianjian Sect, we Tiangui Sect don't take your Tianjian Sect seriously." Li Hun sneered.

"We have the Bai family, the Soul Refining Sect, the Wolf God Sect, and our Dongfang family here. Can the name of your Tianjian Sect suppress these forces of ours?" Dongfang Ming sneered.

"No problem, I agree to let you search the sea of ​​consciousness, but you can't do anything else." Chen Feng suddenly spoke, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

"No, Brother Chen, you can't do this." Liu Quan immediately stepped forward and blocked in front of Chen Feng.

"Brother Chen, don't be impulsive. No matter what, you can't let the other party search your sea of ​​consciousness. At worst, we will fight a big battle. People from our Tianjian Sect have never been afraid of others." Jian Luobo also stepped forward and said.

As for the two sisters Jian Qingwu, they had already taken out their long swords and prepared to fight.

"Don't worry, I have my own plan. This time I will make the other party suffer a great loss. You see my signal, and then we will fight." Chen Feng secretly transmitted the message.

Seeing the support of the crowd, Chen Feng was a little moved, but Chen Feng already had some ideas in his mind, so he naturally had to proceed well.

"If you fight, you will suffer." Li Hun waved his hand, and his followers also surrounded him.

"At worst, both sides will suffer." Jian Qingling shouted.

"I'm afraid you don't even have the chance to suffer both sides. I just made a simple investigation. I don't have any intention of harming Chen Feng. I hope you believe me." Jiang Feng said with a smile.

"Searching the sea of ​​consciousness, how can you let us believe you? The sea of ​​consciousness is the most important and vulnerable place for us cultivators. If you do something in it, how can we stop it? Chen Feng, don't agree to him." Jian Qingwu said.

"Okay, don't say any more. If I don't agree to him, we will definitely fight. No one wants to see a situation where both sides lose. And I believe in the character of fellow Daoist Jiang Feng. He should not take advantage of others. Besides, everyone is watching here. If fellow Daoist Jiang Feng does something dirty, how can he walk in the world with dignity in the future?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Yes, I promise with my personality that I won't do anything dirty." Jiang Feng said immediately.

"There are only two ways now. Either Chen Feng accepts the sea of ​​consciousness exploration, or we fight, and the final result is that you will all be killed by us." Li Hun sneered.

"Just you." Jian Qingwu sneered.

Then everyone argued for a while. Of course, it was impossible to take action. Jian Qingwu and others had received Chen Feng's secret voice transmission, so they naturally had to cooperate more. In the end, everyone surrounded Chen Feng and Jiang Feng in the middle.

"Okay, Chen Feng, don't resist. I will complete the investigation soon." Jiang Feng smiled, and the power of the soul surged, entering Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.

As soon as Jiang Feng's soul power entered Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, it immediately began to move. It seemed that it was indeed exploring something, but Jiang Feng had a plan in his mind. In Jiang Feng's plan, no matter whether Chen Feng obtained the inheritance or not, he would take action to control Chen Feng. If Chen Feng obtained the inheritance, then everything would be his after he succeeded. If he did not obtain the inheritance, he would refine Chen Feng into his slave.

Jiang Feng is in the human-immortal realm and has condensed his own natal fire. At this time, the soul power entering Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness is wrapped in the natal fire.

Jiang Feng's soul power symbolically swam through Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, without even checking what was in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness. Then Jiang Feng took action, and the power of his soul suddenly dispersed, and the fire of his destiny When it was exposed, it was like a big sun shining brightly in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Sure enough, we still took action." Chen Feng sneered, but he was not worried or resisted, but let Jiang Feng do what he did.

Jiang Feng's natal fire continued to twist, and soon condensed into a human form. This human form exactly looked like Jiang Feng, and was simply a miniature version of Jiang Feng.

At this time, the villain's hands were flying, forming hand seals and restrictions, and then he continued to punch out, and white light shot out, crisscrossing Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, revealing tentacles, trying to control Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness. live.

With a thought in his mind, Chen Feng used the power of his soul to condense into a villain, and then Piao Fei smiled in front of Jiang Feng's transformed villain: "Jiang Feng, you really did it anyway."

"Chen Feng, it's just that you're so stupid that you let me enter your consciousness. Do you think I'm really just checking your consciousness? You're too naive. Young people really don't have enough experience. Don't worry about me. I won’t kill you. I just turned you into my slave. I will leave a mark on you in the depths of your consciousness right away. At that time, you will be completely under my control. I will give birth to you as long as you want. If you die, you will die, hahaha, you are also a genius in cultivation, but you didn't expect to be controlled by me in the end. You can just work for me honestly in the years to come." Jiang Feng laughed.

"So you want to control me, but I'm on guard, so you can't seem to do it." Chen Feng laughed, looking at Jiang Feng who was laughing with a mocking tone.

"I have cultivated the fire of my life. It is not easy to control you. Just watch how I control you." Jiang Feng said and his handprints flew even more fiercely. Waves of fluctuations emanated from Jiang Feng, as if Waves of hurricanes swept around, and Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness was boiling like an ocean.

"Soul imprint!" Finally, Jiang Feng opened his mouth and protruded a talisman. This talisman was transformed from Jiang Feng's natal fire. It kept circling, and first suddenly grew in size, covering Chen Feng's entire sea of ​​consciousness, covering the sky and the sun. Generally, it quickly shrank and became a small dot.

"Hahaha, it worked. You are now completely under my control. How do you feel? Why don't you kneel down? Hahahaha." Jiang Feng laughed wildly, extremely proud, which was very different from usual.

Chen Feng had a mocking smile on his face, as if he was looking at a clown.

"Hey, why don't you listen to my order? Kneel down quickly, otherwise you will be destroyed physically and mentally." When Jiang Feng saw that Chen Feng did not kneel down, his face immediately darkened and he scolded.

Chen Feng still didn't speak, but looked at Jiang Feng with an idiot look.

"It seems that you don't have the consciousness of being a slave yet, so I'll let you recognize the reality." Jiang Feng said and stretched out his finger, and the soul mark vibrated, trying to directly oppress Chen Feng's soul.

Chen Feng waved his hand, and the boiling sea of ​​​​consciousness suddenly calmed down and became silent. Jiang Feng's expression suddenly changed.

"What happened?" Jiang Feng was startled, knowing that something was wrong, and then wanted to leave Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.

But Chen Feng waved his hand at this time, and the Eternal Life Tower suddenly flew over and landed in Chen Feng's hands. Waves of pressure emanated from the Eternal Life Tower, covering the villain whose soul had transformed from Jiang Feng. Jiang Feng immediately I feel a constant trembling deep in my soul, let alone moving, even my thoughts can hardly move.

"What is this?" Jiang Feng started to get scared. The pressure of this aura was so powerful that he didn't even have the slightest thought to resist.

"Aren't you trying to control me? Why aren't you moving now?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Me, me." Jiang Feng was too frightened to speak.

"It seems that you haven't learned how to control people yet. Anyway, let me teach you." Chen Feng said and flicked the Tower of Eternal Life with his finger, and an invisible wave acted on Jiang Feng's soul.


The villain transformed from Jiang Feng's soul immediately screamed, and at the same time, the fire of his life was dispersed, floating in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness like starlight. Chen Feng waved his hand again, and the power of his soul swept across, forming a soul storm. , the huge soul vortex began to continuously swallow these light spots.

These light spots are Jiang Feng's natal fire, but they have turned into pure energy at this time. They have no power to resist under the blow of the Eternal Life Tower. As long as Chen Feng swallows and refines it, he may be able to destroy himself. The fire of the soul is also transformed into the fire of the life.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me." In the sea of ​​​​consciousness, Jiang Feng suddenly shouted in fear. At this time, Jiang Feng was frightened and deeply regretted. He had known that there was such a powerful magic weapon suppressing Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness. Nothing I say will offend Chen Feng, let alone conflict with Chen Feng, but I will go as far as I can.

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