Eternal Existence

Chapter 605: Secret Room

"Who are you? You don't seem to be a disciple of Tianjian Sect?" Dongfang Ming asked in a deep voice. You should know that most of the disciples of Tianjian Sect are full of sword energy when they attack. Even if they fight with bare hands, there is sword intent in them. However, the palm method displayed by Chen Feng made Dongfang Ming unable to see anything. He just felt that Chen Feng's palm method was exquisite and he had never seen or heard of it before.

"This is the elder of our Tianjian Sect." Liu Quan stepped forward and sneered.

"Elder of Tianjian Sect, I think it is an honorary elder. I don't care who you are. Is what you said just now true?" Dongfang Ming stared at Chen Feng with his eyes.

"Of course it is true. We sensed it when we came in just now. According to the speed of the other party, it is most likely a human immortal. Of course, if you continue to attack, we will not be afraid of you. It is not impossible to discuss the superiority first and then look for treasures." Jian Qingwu stepped forward and said.

"What should Dongfang Ming do?" At this time, the cultivators on Dongfang Ming's side began to communicate secretly.

"It seems that what the other party said is true. If we fight to the death here, if someone else comes in, wouldn't it be that the other party will take advantage."

"Yes, the Tianjian Sect is not easy to mess with. If we fight, it will definitely be a lose-lose situation. It is better to look for the treasure first."

"We are here to find the treasure. At this time, we haven't even seen the shadow of the treasure. There is no need to fight to the death."

Soon Dongfang Ming's side got the result.

"Okay, since we are all here, it can be regarded as fate, so let's not interfere with each other. Whoever gets the things here will own them. Do you have any objections?" Dongfang Ming said.

"It depends on personal opportunity." Jian Qingwu also nodded.

"Let's go!"

Dongfang Ming and his eight people quickly dispersed. Jian Qingwu and others looked at each other and began to disperse in the hall. After all, the hall is large enough, and everyone knows where the treasure is hidden. It would be ugly if they gathered together.

"There is a secret room here!"

Soon someone found a secret room. It was Dongfang Ming's younger brother Dongfang Sheng. However, this secret room was sealed, so Dongfang Sheng began to bombard it.

Seeing Dongfang Sheng find the secret room, other cultivators were about to surround him, but soon Jian Qingwu and Qin Chuan also found other secret rooms. Everyone realized that there were many secret rooms here, and they didn't need to rob others, so they all dispersed. Because the hall was wide enough, and there seemed to be a strange power affecting it, soon no one could see each other.

"Dongfang Ming and Jian Qingwu have half of the cloud map in their hands, so the harvest should be greater." Chen Feng thought to himself.

"Forget about the skills, I hope to find some practical things such as spirit stones, spirit medicines, and ores." Chen Feng unfolded his body skills at an extremely fast speed, and at the same time, the power of his soul continued to spread, searching in the hall.


Chen Feng's soul power fluctuated, and soon he found a secret room, and then Chen Feng immediately began to bombard it. Chen Feng was very fast, and it didn't take long for the restrictions on the secret room to be blasted away.

The door of the secret room opened, and Chen Feng walked in quickly.

"Hey! It's empty." Chen Feng was a little surprised. The entire secret room was 100 square meters, but it was empty. There was nothing but the smooth ground.

"Let's go!"

Chen Feng did not stop, and continued to search for other secret rooms after leaving the secret room.

"There is a secret room here, no, there is no restriction on it, it should have been broken by others." Chen Feng found a secret room and was about to take action but stopped.


The door of the secret room opened, and Dongfang Sheng rushed out of it. Seeing Chen Feng, he immediately laughed: "You are a step late."

Then Dongfang Sheng left, and Chen Feng thought about it and entered the secret room. A strong smell of medicine came to his face, but it was a pity that the secret room was empty, not even a blade of grass was left.

"There should be medicinal materials in this secret room, but it was a pity that Dongfang Ming got there first. If he was a step faster, he would have to fight with the other party." Chen Feng shook his head and left the secret room.

Finally, Chen Feng blasted open another secret room. As soon as he stepped into it, he felt the overwhelming sword energy and sword intent sweeping towards him.

Chen Feng strode forward, and the aura on his body exploded. Then he stretched out his hand and grabbed it fiercely. All the sword energy and sword intent disappeared without a trace. Five finger-sized flying swords flashed with a bright luster and lay in Chen Feng's palm.

"It turned out to be a flying sword, a top-grade treasure, but it's a pity that it's not a holy weapon, nor a five-element attribute." Chen Feng was a little disappointed. You know, Chen Feng's five-element acupoints are still short of five magic weapons to suppress it. Although Chen Feng has a lot of magic weapons on him, there is no suitable one.

Chen Feng just put away the flying sword, and he felt a figure flash in front of him, and Lang Bin walked in.

"What is in it, take it out for me." Lang Bin looked at Chen Feng and shouted, and at the same time, a blue-green light came out of his eyes and shot towards Chen Feng's eyes.

You must know that Lang Bin was born in the Wolf God Sect, and the blue wolf magic pupil he practiced was very powerful. Many cultivators would fall into Lang Lang Bin's pupil technique at a glance.

Chen Feng smiled coldly, and the dark magic pupil was activated. Lang Bin immediately felt that he was in a dark and sticky environment. He couldn't tell the directions, and even the concept of time began to disappear.

"Dark pupil technique, I underestimated this kid."

"Green evil blood light wave!"

Lang Bin immediately began to use secret techniques to fight back after realizing that something was wrong. The pupil power continued to radiate, and the soul continued to clash. Finally, Lang Bin broke through the darkness around him.

Teng Teng Teng!

Lang Bin kept retreating and exited the secret room, his eyes closed tightly, a trace of blood flowing down his face.

Chen Feng chuckled and did not continue to attack, but walked away quickly.

"This kid is really not simple, he actually cultivated the dark magic pupil, which is more advanced than my blue wolf magic pupil." Lang Bin gritted his teeth and opened his eyes. The blue-green pupils were already blood red, and people could get lost in them at a glance.


Chen Feng blasted open another secret room. As soon as he entered, he saw countless spirit stones. The glittering luster dazzled Chen Feng's eyes.

"This is a top-grade precious crystal, at least 10 million yuan, which is a considerable fortune." Chen Feng was about to collect these spirit stones when a tall cultivator strode in, slashed at Chen Feng with the magic knife in his hand, and at the same time a gourd flew up and began to quickly collect the spirit stones in the secret room.

This was a half-step human immortal from Dongfang Ming's side. Chen Feng only knew that the other party was a sword cultivator, and he didn't know anything else.

Seeing that the opponent was collecting the spiritual stones in the secret room while attacking him, Chen Feng laughed immediately. With a wave of his hand, the Demon Sword flashed, and the power of the seal acted on the opponent. The Demon Sword and the sword cultivator paused at the same time.

Chen Feng strode forward and punched out. This punch had at least tens of millions of pounds of power.

Since he survived the thunder tribulation, Chen Feng's strength has also increased exponentially. In the past, Chen Feng could hit tens of millions of pounds of power, and now he could easily pull up a small mountain.


Under Chen Feng's fist, the Demon Sword was first knocked away, and then the sword cultivator also vomited blood and flew backwards, and Chen Feng took advantage of the situation and grabbed the gourd in his hand.

Pa Pa Pa Pa!

Under the impact of the soul power, the restrictions on the gourd exploded one after another, and then Chen Feng's consciousness entered it, and he saw that the gourd was full of various spiritual stones. Chen Feng just took a simple look and found that these spiritual stones exceeded 50 million pieces.

"As expected, the thieves will come faster." Chen Feng waved his hand and threw the gourd into the Longevity Tower, and then looted all the spiritual stones in the secret room.

As soon as he walked out of the secret room, Chen Feng smiled: "Why, it seems that you are not convinced and want revenge, right? Then do it."

The sword cultivator stood in front of Chen Feng with a magic sword in his hand, and the sword intent on his body continued to rise, ignoring the injuries on his body.


Dongfang Sheng also appeared in front of Chen Feng and said as soon as he came up: "Hand over the things."

"If you don't want to die, don't stop me." Facing the oppression of the two half-step human immortals, Chen Feng was calm and composed. If he had faced one of them before the tribulation, Chen Feng would have been careful and cautious, but now if Chen Feng was not in a hurry to find the treasures in the palace, he really wanted to fight with the two to see what level he had fallen.

Of course, if the two really wanted to entangle endlessly, Chen Feng would not be polite.

"Want to leave? It's not that easy." The sword cultivator's voice was like thunder. He and his sword locked onto Chen Feng, and a sword energy reached Chen Feng's head.

At the same time, Dongfang Ming's flying sword also wrapped around Chen Feng's waist. The two attacked at the same time, cooperating very well.

Chen Feng's body shook violently, the space vibrated, the air flow surged, and the domain expanded. In the eyes of the two, Chen Feng seemed to have grown bigger.

The wind and thunder palm and the water and fire seal were shot out at the same time, blocking the attacks of the two. Then Chen Feng shook and got rid of the lock of the two. Then he raised his hand, and more than a dozen weapons such as the immortal sword, immortal knife, and immortal spear flew out with a whistling sound, launching an all-round attack on Dongfang Ming and the others.

"A trick!" Dongfang Ming sneered, and the flying sword suddenly burst into thousands of sword lights, wrapping himself up, forming a sword-shaped shield, blocking all attacks around him.

The sword cultivator gave up defense, letting these weapons hit him, and the whole person turned into a long sword and slashed at Chen Feng.

This sword cultivator was previously injured by Chen Feng, and even his storage gourd was taken away. At this time, this sword cultivator had only one thought in his mind, that is, to kill Chen Feng and take back his things.


Facing the sword cultivator's attack, Chen Feng directly stretched out his palm and grabbed the magic sword with a fierce grab. The sword energy flew all over the blade, and the true energy on Chen Feng's palm was cut and shattered. At the same time, wounds appeared in Chen Feng's palm, but these wounds were very small, like red lines, and the blood solidified before it flowed out.

"What, how can there be such a strong body, there must be a defensive magic weapon on the palm." The sword cultivator was shocked and wanted to take back his magic sword.

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