Eternal Existence

Chapter 599 Communication

The mountain where Liu Quan lived was much more magnificent than Chen Feng's residence. After all, he had lived there for a long time and had taken good care of everything.

The forbidden array surrounded the entire mountain layer by layer. After passing through the layers of forbidden array, Chen Feng found that there seemed to be another cave in it. The spiritual energy was much richer than the outside world. From the foot of the mountain to the top, there were lush trees, mist and haze, and pavilions hidden in the mountains. There were flowing springs and waterfalls, spiritual beasts, birds singing and flowers blooming while walking. It was a school of immortal cultivation.

"What's wrong? It seems that Brother Chen is very surprised." A half-step immortal named Situ Nan saw Chen Feng's surprise and said with a smile.

"Yes, I was a little surprised. I didn't expect Brother Liu to have a good scenery here." Chen Feng laughed.

"Haha, the scenery here of Senior Brother Liu Quan is famous among our brothers, but Senior Brother Liu also has the mind to take care of it. He doesn't want us to only think about cultivation." Situ Nan said with a smile.

"Don't flatter me. Your place is also very exquisite. Besides, there is a good environment. I can calm my mind and settle down during my daily practice." Liu Quan also laughed.

Liu Quan is a half-step immortal after all. He is a very good low-ranking person in Tianjian Sect. There are many Tianren realm cultivators doing odd jobs in Liu Quan's residence. Some of these people are arranged by the sect, but most of them come voluntarily.

To be able to follow a half-step immortal as a servant, these Tianren level 1 and 2 disciples are fighting for it. Some secret realm cultivators can't even get a number. You know, the spiritual energy in Liu Quan's place is much richer than that in his residence. Besides, if this half-step immortal can give me some pointers, I can save a lot of detours.

For example, when Chen Feng was promoted to a secret realm cultivator in Taiyi Sect, there were also some ordinary disciples managing some miscellaneous matters in his residence.

Everyone quickly sat down in a wide pavilion halfway up the mountain. Naturally, the disciples below came forward to arrange things, and soon some delicious food and drinks were served.

"Haha, everyone protects me, I should have treated you, but I troubled Brother Liu." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"What are you talking about? We are all friends. There is no need to mention trivial matters." Liu Quan waved his hand.

Of course, Chen Feng was not stingy, but took out some spiritual fruits for everyone to use. To be honest, these were the only spiritual fruits that Chen Feng could take out, but fortunately, there were a lot of spiritual trees planted in the Longevity Tower, otherwise Chen Feng would not be generous even if he wanted to.

Looking at the spiritual fruits that Chen Feng took out, the cultivators present were a little surprised. To be honest, half of the people present were half-step human immortals, and they were also knowledgeable and had some treasures on them. The spiritual fruits that Chen Feng took out were not uneaten or unseen before. There were some spiritual trees picked in the mountain where Liu Quan was.

But the reason why everyone was surprised was that the spiritual fruits that Chen Feng took out were really a lot of varieties.

Fire dates, fire pears, ice fruits, ice pears, blood dragon fruits, crystal dates, blue wood fruits, nuts, Qingluo fruits, ground root fruits, thunder fruits, a total of more than a dozen kinds of spiritual fruits were placed on the jade table in front of them, and the fruit fragrance was wafting, making people salivate.

"Wow, so many spiritual fruits, it seems that Brother Chen is wealthy." Liu Quan said with a smile.

You should know that these spiritual fruits are different from ordinary fruits. These spiritual fruits contain the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, the essence of the sun and the moon, and some attributes in them. After eating, they can not only satisfy the desire for food and drink, but also refine the spiritual essence contained in them to increase cultivation, and they will not bring side effects to their own cultivation after taking them like some elixirs.

From this point of view, spiritual fruits are more precious than some elixirs.

Jian Xiaotian was not surprised. After all, the two of them entered the Xiaoqian Secret Realm at the same time. Knowing that Chen Feng had collected some spiritual trees, Jian Xiaotian himself also gained a lot in the Xiaoqian Secret Realm.

So Jian Xiaotian was the first to pick up an ice pear and eat it without hesitation, and he also greeted everyone: "You don't have to be polite, Brother Chen still has a lot of these wild fruits."

"Wild fruit, if this is considered a wild fruit, then the fruits grown in my mountain can't be eaten." Liu Quan said with a smile.

Then everyone talked and laughed, and during the time everyone talked about Chen Feng's affairs.

"Brother Chen, Xiao is good, you should officially join our sect. Being a formal elder is much better than being an honorary elder." Liu Quan said with a smile.

"Yes, our Tianjian Sect is at least a first-class sect in the Central Plains, and is more powerful than the Jiuxiao Palace in the Northern Plains. If you formally become a disciple of our sect, you will get more resources for cultivation in the future."

"Yes, Brother Chen, it is normal for a cultivator to join two or more sects at the same time. Although you are a disciple of Taiyi Sect, it is also very common to join our sect to practice now. Now Jiuxiao Palace is chasing you, but Taiyi Sect cannot protect you. Even if Brother Chen wants to return to Taiyi Sect in the future, I don’t know how long it will take."

Everyone persuaded Chen Feng, but Chen Feng smiled and said, "Thank you for your kindness. I am now an honorary elder of Tianjian Sect, which is actually not much different from a formal elder. In fact, I think this is good, so you don’t need to persuade me anymore."

In fact, during the three years that Chen Feng lived in Tianjian Sect, except for some important places that he could not go to and the sect-guarding sword canon of Tianjian Sect that he could not practice, there was no difference between him and the disciples of Tianjian Sect in all other aspects. Chen Feng could go to the Transmission Hall to listen to the predecessors of Tianjian Sect explain the sword techniques and secrets, enter the Tianjian Sect's library to read the secret techniques, and exchange some things at the exchange place of Tianjian Sect.

"Hehe, don't persuade me, Brother Chen is going to enter the Daluo Academy to practice, I'm afraid he won't stay in our Tianjian Sect for long." At this time, Jian Xiao spoke.

"Daluo Academy, yes, with Brother Chen's talent, it is easy for him to enter the Daluo Academy to practice. Alas! Even if we break through to the realm of human immortals, we can't enter the four holy places to practice." Liu Quan said with emotion.

Everyone thought that with Chen Feng's talent, he could easily enter the Daluo Academy, but they didn't know that Chen Feng had the Daluo token given by Lan Ling, so he could enter the Daluo Academy directly without the assessment. It can be said that Chen Feng is a disciple of the Daluo Academy just because he has the Daluo token.

Of course, this is also a way for Daluo Academy to recruit talents.

Then everyone talked about the inheritance of Yunlan Immortal. Chen Feng only knew at this time that Liu Quan and Situ Nan had been invited by Jian Qingwu and his sister, and would go to the inheritance place of Yunlan Immortal with him.

"I knew that Jian Qingwu and his sister would invite Brother Chen. Brother Chen succeeded in overcoming the tribulation this time and made great progress in cultivation. Please take care of him at that time." Situ Nan said with a smile.

"Brother Situ is really too modest." Chen Feng said hurriedly.

Everyone talked about everything, telling about what they saw and heard during their travels, and some of their experiences in their usual cultivation. It opened Chen Feng's eyes and he knew a lot of things he didn't know. After all, the people present had practiced for much longer than Chen Feng, and their knowledge and experience were more than Chen Feng.

Finally, everyone brought the topic to the ancient immortal battlefield. When talking about this, they had to talk about the war with Wuqing Tianzong and other sects. When talking about this, everyone was indignant, and they all wanted to go down the mountain to continue fighting with the disciples of Wuqing Tianzong.

After all, this battlefield exceeded the scale of the past. This time, a large number of disciples were killed and injured on both sides, which deepened the hatred between the two sects.

Chen Feng also knew that although the two sides had stopped fighting, the disciples of both sides would definitely fight to the death in the future when they ventured into the cultivation world.

"I wonder how things are developing now?" Chen Feng asked. You know, he has been practicing recently, and even when he went out to find friends, he rarely talked about such things.

"Both sides stopped fighting, and the territory occupied by Wuqing Tianzong was completely returned, and several spiritual stone mines were compensated." Liu Quan said.

"It seems that the sects have compromised on the immortal battlefield." Chen Feng knew what Liu Quan would say later.

"Yes, nominally this Xiaoqian Secret Realm is still under the management of our Tianjian Sect, but the Wuqing Tianzong, Zhanwang Pavilion, Shenmo Cave and other sects that participated in this matter can send disciples to explore it, but each disciple who enters must pay some spirit stones." Liu Quan said.

"The result is better than expected." Chen Feng said.

"Hey, although everyone is a first-class sect, the other party is still afraid that our Tianjian Sect will fight to the end. After all, the attack power of our sword cultivators is strong, and after discovering the Xiaoqian Secret Realm, our sect has also obtained some high-grade magic weapons. If we really continue to fight, it will definitely be a situation where both sides will suffer losses." Situ Nan said.

Chen Feng nodded, and also understood that although the Tianjian Sect finally gave in, it still had to make a fortune in some details.

"Brother Chen, after the matter of Yunlan Immortal is over, we can team up and go to the Immortal Battlefield together." Liu Quan suddenly said.

"Yes, many fellow disciples have obtained great opportunities in there. It would be great if I could get an immortal weapon in there." Situ Nan also said.

"The immortal battlefield is indeed more attractive than the immortal inheritance that Jian Qingwu and the others are looking for. Okay, after this matter, let's enter the immortal battlefield together." Chen Feng nodded in agreement.

Even if Liu Quan didn't mention this, Chen Feng would take the initiative to ask to enter this Xiaoqian Secret Realm. After all, it is the battlefield of ancient immortals. There must be a lot of magic weapons buried in it. Although they are all damaged magic weapons, and more are magic weapon fragments, these things are very useful for the Changsheng Tower. If a large number of immortal weapon fragments can be obtained, it will be easier to restore the power of the Changsheng Tower.

After everyone dispersed, Chen Feng followed to Jian Xiaotian's residence. His own residence was flattened by the thunder, so he could only live with Jian Xiaotian first.

Time flew quickly, and soon it was the time agreed with Jian Qingwu. Feeling the information from the jade talisman, Chen Feng said goodbye to Jian Xiaotian and set off.

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