Eternal Existence

Chapter 589 Green Dragon

"Not good!" Liu Yuan's cultivation had not recovered yet. Seeing a holy weapon attacking him, he couldn't help but panic. However, Liu Yuan was also ruthless. Facing the attack of the Zhang Tian Ruler, he did not dodge. Instead, he swung his long stick to bombard the Zhang Tian Ruler. In Liu Yuan's opinion, his long stick was made of five elements of refined gold and was also a holy weapon. This Zhang Tian Ruler was only made of jade. How could it be comparable to his dragon-patterned stick.

"Brother Liu, don't panic. I'll help you." The holy round tripod also flew over quickly and blocked Liu Yuan.


The Zhang Tian Ruler hit Liu Yuan heavily. Liu Yuan's dragon-patterned stick and the holy round tripod were all knocked away. The Zhang Tian Ruler also turned into a white light and fell into Chen Feng's hands. A fine crack appeared on the white jade. It was invisible to the naked eye. Only after Chen Feng refined it could he clearly feel it.

"It actually cracked. That's right. The Zhang Tian Ruler is only a first-grade holy weapon, and the opponent is also a holy weapon. It's good enough to beat the opponent back." Chen Feng said, putting away the Zhang Tian Ruler and using his true energy to slowly warm it up.

Blood kept flowing from Liu Yuan's forehead. Just now, the rebounding dragon-patterned stick hit his head heavily. Liu Yuan only felt stars in his eyes and grimaced in pain. Although he was a little embarrassed, it was just some external injuries. With the circulation of true energy, the injury was quickly controlled.

"Why does this Zhang Tian Ruler look so familiar?" Liu Yuan underestimated.

"It seems that Young Master Tianhen of the Zhanwang Pavilion also has a Zhang Tian Ruler in his hand. I think it looks like it." The cultivator holding the holy round tripod flew over.

"Rush out first, and we'll talk about this matter when we meet Young Master Tianhen later." Liu Yuan said.

Because Wuqing Tianzong had someone to support them, the two sides fought again in a chaotic battle. Liu Yuan and others finally rushed out. Both sides suffered casualties, but Wuqing Tianzong obviously suffered more serious casualties.

"Let's go to Qingluo City to have a look."

When they were still a thousand miles away from Qingluo City, they felt the strong fluctuations coming from the front, the collision sounds caused by the fight, and the roars of the monsters.

"By the way, what kind of monsters were suppressed in Qingluo City?" Chen Feng seized an opportunity and finally couldn't help asking.

"A dragon." A half-step immortal named Liu Quan said.

"Dragon, the demon king?" Chen Feng asked in confusion.

"Hey, Elder Chen, this dragon is not simple. This dragon contains the blood of a real dragon. Its own strength is close to that of a demon fairy. This is why we have been suppressing it but not killing it. If it is released at this time, it will be a big trouble for our Tianjian Sect." Liu Quan said.

"It contains the blood of a real dragon." Chen Feng suddenly realized. You know, although there are many varieties of dragons in the cultivation world, there are very few that contain the blood of a real dragon. Since the dragon suppressed in Qingluo City contains the blood of a real dragon, I'm afraid that the Tianjian Sect chose to suppress it for a reason, perhaps to extract the blood from it to make pills, or perhaps to subdue it.

"Since it is close to the strength of a demon fairy, I'm afraid it's useless for us to go there. Everyone should be careful." Chen Feng said.

"That's natural, but there's nothing we can do about it. Now Senior Chihuoxian has already felt it, and I'm afraid he's not the opponent of that dragon." Liu Quan said.

Chen Feng nodded. Although this Chihuoxian has a good cultivation, he is only a beginner human fairy and has not yet broken through to a mid-level human fairy. I'm afraid he's not the opponent of that dragon.

Because Chen Feng has already felt the demonic energy coming from the front, domineering, arrogant, and the demonic energy has almost condensed into substance, which makes people feel suffocated. This kind of power is simply not comparable to ordinary human fairies. After all, Chen Feng had seen some immortals, so he could sense some of the qi accurately.

Floating in the sky, Chen Feng used his pupil technique to clearly see the situation thousands of miles away. A huge dragon was hovering over Qingluo City. The dragon was light blue in color, with a body as long as a thousand feet and a huge head as big as a small mountain. From a distance, it looked like a river flowing in the air.

The Red Fire Immortal of the Tianjian Sect was confronting the demon king, but although the Red Fire Immortal showed all his strength and looked like a violent fire, he still looked much smaller in front of the huge demon king.

Just looking at the momentum of both sides, anyone with a discerning eye knew that the Red Fire Immortal was far from being the opponent of this dragon.

Suddenly, the dragon opened its mouth, and Chen Feng, who was thousands of miles away, felt the rapid loss of water in the surrounding space, and even the surrounding clouds began to gather upwind of Qingluo City.

"This green dragon is a demon king who has cultivated the power of water. There is underground fire under Qingluo City. No wonder it has to be suppressed here. At this time, this dragon has just escaped. I am afraid that it has not fully recovered its strength, otherwise the Red Fire Immortal would have been killed long ago." Chen Feng thought to himself.

Not only Chen Feng, but also other cultivators can see the disparity in the situation. The Red Fire Immortal naturally knows that the current situation is not good for him, so the Red Fire Immortal decided to take the initiative to attack and cannot wait for this green dragon to recover its strength.


The Red Fire Immortal rushed towards the green dragon quickly, and used his strongest attack method as soon as he came up. A sword energy that could cut off the stars slashed on the green dragon.

"What, hit it." Not only Chen Feng and others who were watching, but also the Red Fire Immortal was a little surprised. Although the size of this green dragon was huge, its body movements were very flexible. How could it be hit so easily by himself?


The sword energy stood on the green dragon, the scales were broken, and a large amount of blood gushed out from a huge wound.

The sword injured the green dragon, but the face of the Red Fire Immortal turned ugly.

This was his strongest attack. Although it broke the defense of the green dragon and injured the green dragon, this wound was nothing to the huge body of the green dragon. It was just a small wound. Moreover, after only a few breaths, the blood stopped flowing. As the flesh and blood moved, the wound continued to heal. It was intact in a short time, and even the broken scales grew again. This was the recovery speed of this demon king.

"Hehe, the attack power is good, but how many times can you launch this kind of attack." The green dragon spoke. Facing the attack of the Red Fire Immortal, the green dragon did not dodge or counterattack, but still floated in the air to absorb the surrounding water power and the essence of heaven and earth to restore its own strength.

Chen Feng also saw this scene clearly, and couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. Chen Feng didn't know how strong the sword attack of the Red Fire Immortal was, but Chen Feng could imagine that a human immortal's full power was enough to move mountains and fill the sea. What's more, the Red Fire Immortal was the most powerful sword cultivator. With full power, he could easily cut a mountain of ten thousand feet, but it only hit the green dragon's flesh and blood, and couldn't hurt the bones.

"Hahahaha, I'm just standing there and letting you hit me, what can you do?" The green dragon laughed.

Chihuoxian looked a little ugly, and stood straighter, like a magic sword soaring into the sky. The red flames began to condense, and finally completely converged into the long sword, and then another sword energy slashed out.

The power of this sword was more condensed than before. This was an attack by Chihuoxian burning a part of his condensed fire power. This sword still accurately slashed on the green dragon, but the effect this time was not as obvious as before. There was a layer of green light flowing on the green dragon, blocking most of the sword energy attack. After the sword energy broke through this layer of light, it only broke a layer of scales. This time, there was no wound.

"It is worthy of being close to the demon fairy. This green dragon is equivalent to a high-level human fairy, and its physical body is even stronger. It is far beyond my resistance. Wuqing Tianzong released this demon king this time, which did bring some small troubles to our Tianjian Sect." Chihuoxian knew that he was not the opponent of the green dragon in front of him, so he gradually calmed down.

"Disciples of Tianjian Sect, you should leave here quickly and return to the sect as soon as possible." Chihuoxian's voice came from afar.

"What should we do? Should we leave?" The disciples of Tianjian Sect were a little flustered.

"If we stay, we will only cause trouble and will not be of any use. It is better to return to the sect and ask the headmaster to send a stronger senior here."

"Yes, staying here will only distract Senior Chihuoxian."

Everyone quickly discussed and entered the flying warship quickly, and then prepared to leave.


At this time, a green light band suddenly flew over, tightly wrapped around one of the spaceships, and quickly pulled it towards Qingluo City, and Chen Feng happened to be in this warship.

"No, it's that green dragon that has taken action. Leave the flying warship quickly." Chen Feng immediately felt something was wrong. He moved his body to escape from the warship, but the escape technique failed. Chen Feng felt a gentle but powerful force covering the entire warship.

The same was true for others. Even the cultivator who controlled the flying warship was in vain. The entire warship was covered by a layer of scenery power and could not rush out at all.

"Spiral sword energy!" Chen Feng took out the sword of death and quickly punched a big hole in the cabin, but he did not break through the green light shield outside.

The green dragon opened its mouth, and a green light band flew towards the mouth of the green dragon. Seeing that the flying warship was about to be swallowed by the green dragon.

"Evil beast!" The red fire fairy was shocked, flew forward, and stabbed the green dragon's eyes with a sword.


A green light shot out from the huge eyes of the green dragon and hit the red fire fairy heavily. The sword light around the red fire fairy disappeared, the flames dissipated, and the sound of bones breaking sounded one after another. Then the red fire fairy turned into a stream of light and flew backwards, flying thousands of feet without stopping.


Finally, Chen Feng used the blood gathering bead to blast open the green light shield outside. He flew out of the warship in a flash, and then Jian Qingwu and others also flew out of the hole opened by Chen Feng one after another, but the next moment the hole healed again, and the cultivators in the warship could no longer rush out.

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