Eternal Existence

Chapter 584: Human Immortal Takes Action

"It can't be a top-grade holy weapon. You should know that our Bagua Sword Formation is composed of eight first-grade holy swords. The power of the formation is doubled. Even human immortals will be trapped in it. This kid can get out with the help of the round beads. I think it is at least a top-grade holy weapon."

"I don't think so. I think it should be a Taoist weapon."

"Hey, let alone Taoist weapons, I believe in immortal weapons. Don't forget how many broken Taoist weapons and immortal weapons the Tianjian Sect got some time ago. If the Tianjian Sect is given ten or eight years, I'm afraid our Wuqing Tianzong will be completely suppressed by the other party."

"Yeah, I really don't know how lucky the Tianjian Sect is to find such a place. Although they are broken Taoist weapons and immortal weapons, if there are too many of them, our Wuqing Tianzong will be in danger. Fortunately, we were We discovered it in advance, and joined forces with other sects to force the Tianjian Sect. Then our people can also enter the battlefield left by the ancient immortals. I hope that our brothers can also get some great opportunities at that time. If I can get a broken immortal weapon and refine it, there will be hope to ascend to the immortal world in the future. "

"The battlefield left by the ancient immortals!"

"Okay, don't say so many unreliable things, let's quickly deal with this kid first."

"The other party has a Taoist weapon, which is very difficult to deal with."

"What's wrong with having a Taoist weapon? Can he exert all his strength? We have ambushed so many people here, and we can't deal with this kid. After catching him, the Taoist weapon will be ours."

"I'll take people over. This kid is heading towards Jian Qingwu and Jian Qingling."

Pah pah pah pah!

The restrictions around Chen Feng kept exploding, but Chen Feng's forward speed slowed down, because the restrictions around him began to attack Chen Feng continuously.

Invisible forces rushed towards Chen Feng from all directions. Most of these restrictions were restraining, in order to catch Chen Feng alive, or at least slow down Chen Feng's speed.

"There are so many restrictions here. I don't know how much effort the other party spent. If it weren't for the blood-gathering beads, I'm afraid I could only crawl slowly in the mountain." Chen Feng said as he slashed the long sword in his hand. An arc of sword light flew out in a rotation. As the sword light rotated, I don't know how many restrictions were broken, and a long passage appeared in front of Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's speed of advancement suddenly increased. In just one breath, Chen Feng felt that he had passed through a mountain.

"Boy, this road is blocked, stop." At this time, several monks suddenly appeared in front of Chen Feng. One of them pointed at Chen Feng with a dragon-shaped spear in his hand. Thousands of auspicious spirits flew, and countless ribbons rushed towards Chen Feng. The group of people following this monk also used their means, but all of them mobilized restrictions to attack, and no one took out their own life magic weapon to attack.

These people were very cautious. Since they had confirmed that Chen Feng had a Taoist weapon, they would not go forward to die. Long-range attack was the best, and it would be even better if they could use restrictions to trap Chen Feng.

"Hey, what a trouble!" Chen Feng said as he soared into the sky, with the blood-gathering beads flying above his head, emitting a blood-red halo to open the way. The long sword in Chen Feng's hand kept swinging, cutting off the attacks from all around.


Chen Feng easily rushed out of the mountain and came to the ground. With a glance, he saw a group of monks fighting a hundred miles away, with sword energy flying everywhere, magic weapons flying everywhere, and constant shouting coming.

"Hey, I haven't been at peace for a while since I met these two sisters." Chen Feng shook his head and was about to rush over.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

One by one, the monks came out from the ground and surrounded Chen Feng. Chen Feng glanced and saw that these people were standing in the position of a formation. The auras between these people were blending. The longer the time, the stronger the power of the formation.

"Friend, wait a minute. I think you are not from the Tianjian Sect." At this time, the monk holding the Panlong spear suddenly spoke.

"Hey, no matter who I am, you tampered with the teleportation array and teleported me here. Just now, you even set up a sword formation to attack me. What do you think we should do about this?" Chen Feng knew that the other party was stalling for time, and of course he was also stalling for time, to restore his strength and to accumulate strength to launch a thunder strike later.

"Although we were wrong first, my friend, you killed four of us as soon as you started, and even took four holy artifacts. This is unacceptable." The monk with the spear said lightly.

"Really? I have a suggestion." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Please speak."

"Hand over the four monks who just besieged me. When I gather eight long swords, this matter will be settled today." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"You are looking for death!" The long spear monk changed color, and the others also shouted. Chen Feng's style was too arrogant.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? Aren't you still preparing and ready to fight? Then I won't be polite." Chen Feng said, and the blood-gathering bead on his head suddenly flew out.

"No, be careful, it's a Taoist weapon."

The long spear monks and others saw that Chen Feng used the Taoist weapon as soon as he came up, and they all panicked and dodged to both sides at the same time.

"Sword Qi Storm!" Chen Feng shouted loudly, and the rolling sword energy rushed out, like the tide in the sea rushing towards these monks, and then Chen Feng quickly stepped forward regardless of the result, stretched out his hand to grab the blood-gathering bead, and then turned into a stream of light and disappeared from everyone's sight.

Everyone was embarrassed, because Chen Feng did not use a Taoist weapon to attack, and the blood-gathering beads he threw out were just for show. Of course, Chen Feng's sword energy storm was real and powerful, but it only served to disperse the opponent, but several people were slightly injured.

Seeing Chen Feng disappear in the blink of an eye, everyone was ashamed, and then they cursed, and finally chased after Chen Feng.

"Hey, it's too late to chase me now." Chen Feng laughed. At this time, Chen Feng ran and saw the figures of Jian Qingwu and her sister. Seeing that the two were fine, Chen Feng was relieved, but the speed of flying did not slow down.

"Little sister, hold on a little longer, Chen Feng is here." Jian Qingwu was sweating, and the sword energy around her body was fluctuating.

"Hmph, I'm really unlucky this time. I keep running into danger. In the end, I still need Chen Feng to rescue me." Jian Qingling felt a little depressed. The two of them were the pride of heaven. In the past, they were the most popular in the sect. They had amazing cultivation talents and sword spirit bodies. Later, they were admitted to the Daluo Academy, and their status was raised to a higher level. When have they ever encountered a big setback? But this period of time has been good. Since being besieged by Zhan Qingsong and his men, they have been in a series of bad luck. If it weren't for Chen Feng's help, I would probably not have been able to escape when I came out of the teleportation array.

Just when Chen Feng was about to rush to Jian Qingwu and the others, suddenly a huge palm fell from the sky and grabbed Chen Feng.

This palm was hundreds of feet in size, with clear lines, distinct knuckles, and dark and heavy. There was a stream of light spinning on it, and the energy was gushing out. It was like a god stretched out his palm in the fairyland, and the clouds around were evaporated, but it was still blurry and the specific situation could not be seen clearly.

"Human Immortal, finally a human immortal has taken action." Chen Feng had already thought about it. From the pressure emanating from this palm, Chen Feng could easily determine that it was the human immortal who took action.

"Not only is there a sword formation arranged by the holy weapon, but there are also human immortals hiding around. No wonder the Tianjian Sect has not received any news. If the cities under the Tianjian Sect are breached one by one, not to mention dozens of heavy cities falling into the hands of the other party, it is possible that the Tianjian Sect will compromise." This thought flashed through Chen Feng's mind.

"Not good, it's the human immortal who took action." The two sisters Jian Qingwu also saw this scene, and they couldn't help but feel a little desperate. Although the two of them had extraordinary cultivation, they were still unsure of fighting against the human immortal.

"Bullying the weak with the strong is not a skill." Chen Feng sneered in his heart, and then sacrificed the blood-gathering bead to rush to the top of his head. The blood-gathering bead just rotated lightly, and it emitted a bloody aura that rushed to the sky, completely blocking the majesty of this thug.

"It's really a Taoist weapon." A surprised voice came from the sky, and then the big hand became bigger again, and the air flow surged, grabbing the blood-gathering bead.

"I'm lucky today. This weapon is mine." The big hand grabbed the Blood Gathering Pearl firmly in his hand, and at the same time, he released power to erase the restriction in the Blood Gathering Pearl.

"Since you know it's a Taoist weapon, do you think you can take it away?" Chen Feng sneered, and his mind moved. The Blood Gathering Pearl suddenly burst into a dazzling blood light. A series of hissing sounds came, and the big hand holding the Blood Gathering Pearl immediately began to corrode. In less than half a breath, the big hand was corroded clean, and the essence energy generated by the dissipation was absorbed by the Blood Gathering Pearl.


The blood-gathering bead flew high into the sky, and then quickly grew larger, just like a sun falling from the sky, and then circles of blood light spread out in all directions, and the clouds within a thousand miles turned blood red, and countless blood water fell from the sky, corroding even the space wherever it passed. As for the hills on the ground, the earth was corroded into deep holes. Some monks who were unable to dodge were affected by the blood water and their protective armor was corroded, and their flesh began to rot. For some monks with low cultivation, just a drop of blood water could turn them into a skeleton, and even their bones could rot.

"Good man, this is too scary." Chen Feng waved his hand and quickly put away the blood-gathering bead. He felt a little distressed. He didn't know how many monks' blood essences he had to absorb to refine so much blood power.


Chen Feng stepped forward quickly. When a group of cultivators who were fighting with Jian Qingwu saw Chen Feng rushing towards them, they were so scared that they fled in panic, not even daring to turn their heads back. However, Chen Feng could even block the attacks of human immortals, and coupled with the abnormal behavior of the Blood Gathering Pearl just now, these people were of course scared.

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