Eternal Existence

Chapter 581: Immortal Battlefield

Originally, Chen Feng was just asking casually and did not expect the two sisters Jian Qingwu to give answers, but who knew that what Jian Qingwu said would shock even Chen Feng.

"Brother Chen should also know that there are many secret inheritances in our Central Plains. In the caves left by ancient immortals, many unknown monks will soar into the sky after getting the opportunity, turning from a little person into a peerless master." Jian Qingwu said.

"Yes, in our entire Eternal World, the Central Plains and South China Sea Islands have the most adventure inheritance." Chen Feng nodded.

"When we first discovered this Little Thousand Secret Realm, our sect believed that it should be a shabby inheritance left by ancient times, or a small world where an ancient immortal cultivated. However, as our disciples gained more and more from it, The more we have, the higher-ups of our entire Tianjian Sect will be truly shocked. Many seniors who have been practicing in seclusion or traveling for hundreds or thousands of years without a trace have also come back. Finally, after everyone's research and speculation, it is concluded that Come to a conclusion." When Jian Qingwu said this, her voice lowered involuntarily.

"What conclusion? It can't be the battlefield left by the ancient immortals." Chen Feng smiled.

Unexpectedly, after hearing Chen Feng's words, the two sisters opened their eyes wide and looked at Chen Feng in surprise. Jian Qingling even stretched out her finger and almost touched Chen Feng's forehead.

"You know?" Jian Qingling said in surprise.

"What do I know? After listening to your narration, even a fool can guess some clues." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"You are right. The Xiaoqian Secret Realm discovered by accident is indeed a battlefield. It's just that we have searched a lot of information and can't figure out when it was left. It's a pity that it is full of damaged fairy weapons. If If we can get a few complete immortal weapons, then the strength of our Tianjian Sect will rise to a higher level," Jian Qingwu nodded.

"If you can get the complete immortal weapon, then I am afraid that it will not only be the three sects of the Wuqingtian Sect that are besieging you, but all the sects in the entire Central Plains." Now Chen Feng naturally understood why the Tianjian Sect was attacked.

"After conjecturing that the Xiaoqian Secret Realm was an ancient battlefield, the sect sent more disciples into it. The entire sect was very excited because this was a great opportunity to enhance the sect's power. However, it did not last long, and soon the news was The Wuqing Tianzong understood, and then put pressure on the sect to share this ancient battlefield with the sect. Of course, the sect was unwilling. Then the Qingwu Tianzong united with the War King Pavilion. You must know that the Wuqing Tianzong can unite with other sects. We The Sky Sword Sect also has good allies, so they don't care about the threat of the other party. Anyway, there have been countless wars between the two factions over the years, but I didn't expect that even the Gods and Demons Cave is now involved. Speaking of gods and demons Dong's strength is even higher than Wuqing Tianzong's." Jian Qingwu sighed when he said this.

"There are only two or three sects. We of the Tianjian Sect are naturally not afraid. After all, we are not fighting to the death for an ancient battlefield. We are just afraid that other sects will join in. Although the sects are powerful, they are only At the level of a first-class sect, even the Four Holy Lands cannot stop the siege of a large number of first-class sects." Jian Qingwu's expression turned serious as he spoke.

"Now the opponent is constantly attacking our local cities, and it seems that they want us to surrender." Jian Qingling also said.

Chen Feng nodded. He was not guilty of harboring the jade. If the Tianjian Sect discovered some ordinary inheritance caves, maybe no one would care, but they discovered a battlefield left by an ancient immortal, and it seemed to be very large. On the battlefield, other sects will definitely not be able to sit still, because no one wants to see the Tianjian Sect continue to grow stronger, especially the sects that have festivals with the Tianjian Sect, and they must find ways to stop this.

"Isn't it dangerous to enter that Xiaoqian secret realm?" Chen Feng asked suddenly. Chen Feng didn't believe that just sending people in could get the treasure. The battlefield left by the ancient immortals was definitely not an ordinary place.

"Of course there is danger, and there are many crises. The two of us entered once and almost died in it, but we also gained a lot that time and got some good things." Jian Qingwu said as he took out a round Pearl, as soon as the pearl was taken out, the air around it immediately became moist and full of watery air.

"Water Bead!" Chen Feng said in surprise. This Water Bead contains high-grade water power. It can be used to calm the soul during daily practice and avoid the phenomenon of going crazy. Moreover, this Water Bead can also absorb the outside world. The power of water has the same magical effect as his own blood gathering beads, except that one absorbs the power of blood evil and the other absorbs the power of water.

"This is what I got from a lake in that secret realm." Jian Qingwu said as he stretched out his fingers to flick the round beads. Waves of water ripples spread out in all directions. Chen Feng felt a chill all over his body, and his pores Opening it, a feeling of comfort spreads throughout the body.

"This water pearl should have taken thousands of years to form. It's a pity that there are harmful water monsters in that lake. Otherwise, we can go to the bottom of the lake to see if there are any other treasures." Jian Qingwu shook her head regretfully, and then put Shui Zezhu put it away.

"The battlefield left by the ancient immortals is a good place." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"You are the honorary elder of our sect. If you return to the sect and apply, you will have a chance to enter Xiaoqian Secret Realm. However, now that our sect is under siege from other sects, I am afraid that all the brothers who have entered Xiaoqian Secret Realm will come out." Jian Jian Qingling said.

"I can also enter the battlefield left by the ancient immortals." Chen Feng's heart moved. At this time, the first thing Chen Feng thought of was not himself, but the Longevity Tower.

"Tower, how about it, are you tempted?" Chen Feng asked secretly.

"The battlefield of immortals, tut tut, of course I am tempted. The broken immortal weapons in it are of great use to me. If I can get a few intact immortal weapons, it is not impossible for me to recover to the strength of immortal weapons." The tower laughed.

"Immortal weapons, if you can recover to the strength of immortal weapons, can you take me to the fairyland." Chen Feng suddenly asked.

"This, it should be no problem, but you still have to practice step by step when you go to the fairyland. Hehe, the laws of heaven are perfect. The cultivators of your eternal world need to practice to the realm of the upper immortals before they can enter the fairyland. There is a reason for this. If you force yourself to enter the fairyland in advance, I am afraid it will bring some bad changes. Besides, if you want to go to the fairyland with your current strength, you are just like an ant. Maybe a small insect can step on you to death." The tower laughed.

Chen Feng nodded. As his strength grew stronger, he learned more and more from the tower. Above the realm of human immortals, one would become an earthly immortal. Generally speaking, cultivating to an earthly immortal was already a top existence in the big world. Above the earth, one would break through to the upper immortal. Once one cultivated to the realm of the upper immortal, one would be summoned by the laws of the immortal world and break through the endless void to enter the immortal world. This was the real breaking through the void and ascending to the real immortal path.

"The upper immortal!" Chen Feng sighed. He had not even survived the thunder tribulation yet. It was not easy to cultivate to become an upper immortal. Moreover, the existence that could beat the Changsheng Tower into this state was far from being able to resist even if he cultivated to the realm of the upper immortal. Thinking of this, Chen Feng couldn't help but sigh. At the same time, he also understood the reason why the tower had not told him the truth in the past. It was afraid that it would be hit and never recover from it.

"Hey, the road to immortality is still long. Who can be sure that I won't laugh at the immortal world and travel across the universe and time and space in the future." Chen Feng shook his head, threw these thoughts behind his head, and then cheered up again.

"There is a flying warship ahead. Oops, it's someone from Wuqing Tianzong." Jian Qingwu suddenly changed color and said.

Chen Feng stretched out his finger and flicked it. The void in front of him fluctuated, and a smooth round crystal appeared. It showed the scene ahead. A gorgeous warship broke through the clouds and flew quickly hundreds of miles away. The logo of Wuqing Tianzong was on the hull.

"The one ahead is someone from Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce." At this time, a voice rolled over and directly passed into Chen Feng's flying warship.

"Yes, I am Manager He of Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce. Is the one ahead a fellow Taoist from Wuqing Tianzong?" Chen Feng said lightly, but when Chen Feng said this, he borrowed the power of the Longevity Tower. Although the voice was plain, it rolled out and spread, causing the clouds ahead to roll.

"What a strong soul power, could the other party be a human immortal." Several cultivators in the Wuqing Tianzong warship were all surprised.

"Haha, it turned out to be Manager He, I'm sorry." One of them laughed.

"You're welcome!" Chen Feng also laughed.

Soon the two warships passed by each other. Chen Feng was on guard and waited until the other party disappeared before he was relieved.

"Fortunately, it was the warship of Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce. It seems that Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce has a good reputation." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce's business is spread all over the world. Even the four major universities will not be hostile to each other, let alone Wuqing Tianzong. However, judging from the appearance of the other party, they should be heading for Qingluo City. If these people rush to Qingluo City, it will be troublesome." Jian Qingwu's face was a little ugly.

"This is also unavoidable. All we have to do is to do our best." Chen Feng said and took out a map and began to explore.

"The front is Bronze City, a large city. This name is quite interesting." Chen Feng laughed.

"Bronze City, by the way, why did I forget that the front is Bronze City, now it's good." Jian Qingwu and Jian Qingling both showed joy on their faces.

"Bronze City was built by the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce. It is a large city, and the teleportation array in it must be usable." Chen Feng also said.

"I hope there will be enough time." The two sisters looked at each other, feeling a little anxious. After all, Qingluo City can't hold on for much longer.

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