Eternal Existence

Chapter 568 Blackmail


Seeing this scene, Young Master Tianhen exploded like a demon god, all the power in his body gushed out, and the whole person turned fiery red under the steaming blood and qi, and even two pillars of fire clashed out of his eyes. This desperate effort immediately forced Lan Ling to retreat a few steps, and then Young Master Tianhen stepped through the space and came directly in front of Chen Feng, with five fingers spread out, directly grabbing Chen Feng's head.

"Look down on me." Chen Feng sneered, waved his palm, pulled Zhan Qingsong over to block in front of him, as long as Tianhen continued to attack, he would grab Zhan Qingsong to death. At the same time, Chen Feng sacrificed the Four-Directional Spirit Whip and hit Young Master Tianhen on the head.

In Chen Feng's view, the Four-Directional Spirit Whip was a fifth-grade holy weapon, enough to deal with Young Master Tianhen. In fact, it was true. When Young Master Tianhen's palm was like a spirit snake bypassing Zhan Qingsong and continued to grab Chen Feng, he only felt his scalp numb, and immediately knew that something was wrong. He raised his hand and clenched his fist and hit it on the top of his head.

During the punch, a light blue boxing glove wrapped around the palm, blue light burst out, and a fierce collision occurred with the Four-sided Spirit Whip, like thunder exploding in everyone's ears, even Chen Feng felt his ears buzzing, and the Four-sided Spirit Whip temporarily lost contact with Chen Feng.

Chen Feng grabbed Zhan Qingsong and retreated quickly. A large pit with a radius of a thousand feet appeared where Young Master Tianhen was just now. No one knew how deep it was, like a crater.

Chen Feng summoned the Four-sided Spirit Whip over and over again, and the Real Acupoint kept surging. Finally, the Four-sided Spirit Whip came across the sky and fell into Chen Feng's hands. Just now, Chen Feng felt a huge shock in his heart and soul, and he also suffered some injuries, but he did not show it.

"You still don't stop, do you want to die?" Chen Feng swung the Four-sided Spirit Whip violently, and a square long whip shadow swept across, besieging Jian Qingwu and the other two people. Several people were immediately swept away, and two of them died on the spot.

"If you don't stop, I'll kill this kid." Chen Feng picked up Zhan Qingsong and swung him around, then he fell heavily to the ground. He stepped forward and stepped on Zhan Qingsong's back, causing Zhan Qingsong to spit out blood again.

Zhan Qingsong was lying on the ground, his handsome face had been deformed, tightly attached to the soil, and he was in a very miserable state. However, Zhan Qingsong was only afraid at this time, and his whole body was trembling slightly. He was very honest. Although Zhan Qingsong's hatred for Chen Feng was so strong that even three rivers could not wash it away, Zhan Qingsong did not say a word, because the series of attacks from Chen Feng and the murderous intent emanating from Chen Feng just now frightened Zhan Qingsong. Zhan Qingsong did not doubt that he would be killed at any time. When he thought that he would be killed, Zhan Qingsong, who had been spoiled since childhood and did not take other cultivators seriously, felt that his heart was about to stop beating.

Seeing their master being captured, the cultivators who were besieging Jian Qingling and the other two were all dumbfounded and retreated one by one. Two of them even shouted at Chen Feng: "Quickly put down my son, or you will die without a burial place."

"Ordinary, let my son go. We are from Zhanwang Pavilion. My old man is a human immortal. Now let my son go. Today's matter can still be discussed. Otherwise."

"What else?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"Stupid, a bunch of idiots." After hearing his subordinates shouting, Zhan Qingsong wanted to curse out loud. Although he didn't know Chen Feng, from what just happened, this cultivator who suddenly appeared was not a threatened master.

"If you don't let go of my son, once my old man comes, you will die. In the Central Plains, no one who offended our Zhan Wang Pavilion has ever been able to leave intact."

"Hahaha." Chen Feng laughed immediately after hearing this: "So your Zhan Wang Pavilion is the only one in the Central Plains. No one in the entire Central Plains dares to provoke your Zhan Wang Pavilion. Even the four major universities have to rank behind you."

"Humph, no matter what, our Zhan Wang Pavilion is not something that a little cultivator like you can provoke. My friend, as long as you let my son go, today's matter will be forgotten."

Because of Chen Feng's appearance, the situation changed. The two sisters Jian Qingling and Jian Qingwu were communicating secretly while recovering their vitality.

"Sister, who is this person? I think he is very arrogant. He dares to go against the Zhanwang Pavilion, and even fights with Young Master Tianhen."

"I don't know him either, but there are many cultivators in the cultivation world. Maybe he is a disciple from a hidden family or sect, but he must have a connection with our Tianjian Sect."

"Yes, it seems that this person wants to rescue us. Sister, do you think this person is a disciple of our sect?"

"This is also possible. After all, there are countless disciples in our sect, and many people like to practice in seclusion. But no matter what, this person has helped us. I will go up and ask his name later."


At this time, Young Master Tianhen flew out from the ground, his whole body was full of blood and energy, as if a strong flame was boiling around him, his fighting spirit was soaring, his eyes were like lightning, and his strong aura was tightly locked on Chen Feng.

"Boy, no matter who you are, you are dead today." Young Master Tianhen pointed his finger at Chen Feng, domineering and looking down on the world.

Chen Feng was a little surprised. Although he had knocked Young Master Tianhen into the ground during the fight, he did not suffer any loss, but just looked a little embarrassed. He did not gain any advantage either. It was only when he was talking that Chen Feng completely resolved the discomfort in his body.

"The green boxing gloves in this guy's hand just now are clearly a holy weapon, and a good one at that." Chen Feng thought to himself.

"Really? Then I want to see how you kill me." Chen Feng smiled faintly.

"A little cultivator in the secret realm, if you didn't rely on the magic weapon to protect you, I would have crushed you to death with just one finger." Young Master Tianhen's voice was like thunder, and the surrounding space was rumbling.

"Then I will crush this kid to death first." Chen Feng said as he used the magic power under his feet, making a crackling sound, and I don't know how many bones on Zhan Qingsong's body were broken.

"You dare." Young Master Tianhen was furious, stamping his feet, and the whole earth shook violently, especially Chen Feng, who felt a volcanic force under his feet rushing towards him. Chen Feng smiled coldly, and also stamped his feet, stepping on the two yin and yang, and the magnetic pole acupoint gushed out. The tyrannical force exploded underground, and a muffled sound suddenly arose, and a circular pit spread around with Chen Feng as the center.


Young Master Tianhen had already arrived in front of Chen Feng, but the attack he had launched was forcibly retracted, because Chen Feng's palm was firmly grasping Zhan Qingsong's head. As long as Chen Feng exerted a little force, Zhan Qingsong would die. Young Master Tianhen did not dare to take risks. Although he was extremely angry, he did not dare to joke with his brother's life.

"If you take another step forward, I will disperse his consciousness." Chen Feng exerted force with five fingers, and Zhan Qingsong screamed again, and his head began to creak, as if it would be crushed at any time.

"Wait!" Young Master Tianhen shouted immediately, his eyes spitting fire, but he had no way to do anything.

"You said to slow down, so slow down. I was unhappy with this kid, so I wanted to grab him to death." Chen Feng sneered again and again.

"What do you want?" Young Master Tianhen took a deep breath, and the arrogance on his body disappeared, and the whole person calmed down, which made Chen Feng somewhat impressed.

"It's not what I want to do, but what you want to do to me from the beginning." Chen Feng smiled.

Since Chen Feng appeared, Lan Ling has not spoken, but secretly observed Chen Feng. After some observation, Lan Ling confirmed that she did not know Chen Feng and had never heard of him. However, Lan Ling saw Chen Feng's cultivation, and was secretly surprised. She did not expect that a cultivator in the secret realm period would be so powerful. He did not care about Young Master Tianhen at all, and even beat up Young Master Tianhen's disciples. Now he is bargaining with Young Master Tianhen.

However, soon, a gleam of light flashed in Lan Ling's eyes, and then it dimmed quickly, as if she remembered something. At this moment, Chen Feng seemed to sense something, and when he looked up, he saw Lan Ling smiling at him.

"Did this woman recognize my identity?" Chen Feng thought to himself.

"Friend, make a condition." Young Master Tianhen said lightly.

"Okay, straightforward, since you asked this, then I will mention my conditions, take out everything on you." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"This is impossible, my friend. Don't you think you are too greedy? Well, I have a top-grade treasure here." Young Master Tianhen said as he took out a long sword. The sword body was shining and full of runes. The spiritual energy around it was surging. This long sword could actually absorb the spiritual energy around it to nourish itself.

"Treasure, hey, I said you are not sending beggars away. If this kid is only worth a treasure, then forget it. It's better for me to kill him." Chen Feng shook his head with a mocking look on his face.

"Friend, I advise you to stop while you are ahead. It seems that you have not heard of my name. Some people cannot be offended, otherwise you will know that life is very short." Young Master Tianhen said lightly.

"Young Master Tianhen, with the Domineering Blood Battle Body and the Delusion-Breaking Spiritual Pupil, is the most gifted disciple of the War King Pavilion in recent years. It is not impossible for him to be promoted to the Immortal Realm and achieve the Immortal Status in the future. It is indeed a great name, but it can't scare me. I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. I have to be quick in life. In a word, three holy artifacts, three heavenly-level elixirs, and three thousand-year-old spiritual medicines. If you don't agree, I will kill this kid immediately." Chen Feng said coldly.

"This guy is really asking for a lot of money." All the cultivators present thought so in their hearts, especially the Jian Qingwu sisters, who opened their mouths in surprise and looked at Chen Feng.

"This is impossible." Sure enough, Young Master Tianhen almost went berserk. When have I encountered such a thing in all these years? Wherever I go, some cultivators are afraid of me and are polite to me. Today, I was threatened by a cultivator like a shrimp, and I had to compromise. I felt that the anger in my body was about to ignite my body.

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