Eternal Existence

Chapter 5621: The Real Image

"This is the Dark Night Demon Emperor. His original form is the scourge of the creatures of the Dark Night. He comes from the Land of Darkness. I didn't expect him to come here." Yin Yang Saint said with some surprise.

He never thought that he was not far away from him. If he had moved forward for a while, he would have met him.

Think about it, two powerful beings turned into statues not far away. It's really complicated in my heart.

"Should I revive him?" Emperor Sansheng looked at Yin Yang Saint.

"Even if we were opponents in the past, we should revive him now. Besides, we don't have any grudges." Yin Yang Saint said.

After investigation, it can be confirmed that the other party still has life, so everyone took action, and soon the cultivator was also revived.


Feeling the breath emitted by the other party, Chen Feng had a clear judgment in his heart.

This Dark Night Demon Emperor is obviously stronger than Yin Yang Saint, but he comes from the Land of Yin Yang. I don't know if he is proficient in assassination.

"I don't know if it's the right way to save these two people." Chen Feng looked at Emperor Yin Yue and the others.

"It doesn't matter. Even among these families, not all of them are enemies. Aren't the Three-Life Emperor and the other two our friends?" Emperor Yinyue understood what Chen Feng meant, so he responded.

Since even the Two-Life Emperor didn't care, then Chen Feng didn't care even more. Besides, these two had been in extinction for so long, and it was unknown how long it would take for them to recover to their peak.

"Thank you all for saving my life." After waking up, the Dark Night Demon Emperor was the first to thank him, and then recognized several familiar faces.

"Yin Yang Saint, Emperor Wu Shi, Emperor San Sheng, why are you here too, and who are these fellow Taoists?" It is obvious that at this level, even if they do not belong to one life zone, they know each other.

Emperor Wu Shi briefly introduced: "Okay, let's continue moving forward now. I don't know if there are any more people ahead."

"Yes, I know there are two fellow Taoists ahead of me. They haven't come out either. I think they are in extinction like me." The Dark Night Demon Emperor said.

"There are really people."

Everyone was a little surprised, so they moved forward a little faster.

But after a while, nothing was found.

"Strange, there has been no annihilation frenzy during this period." Chen Feng couldn't help but say.

"It's a bit strange, but this is a good thing, we can speed up." Emperor Yinyue said.

"Could it be that those two came out after I was annihilated?" Dark Night Demon Emperor was also a little surprised. In Dark Night Demon Emperor's opinion, the strength of those two was not necessarily stronger than his own. The reason why they could walk ahead of him was also a matter of luck.

"There is a statue in front." At this time, Emperor Sansheng said.

Everyone hurriedly accelerated and saw the statues, and there were two statues, so everyone looked at the Dark Night Demon Emperor.

"Yes, it's these two, they are indeed annihilated." Dark Night Demon Emperor nodded.

"It's not as simple as annihilation." At this time, annihilation suddenly said.

"What do you mean?" Dark Night Demon Emperor was surprised.

"These two are truly annihilated." annihilation said.

"What?" Everyone was shocked and hurried to investigate, and their expressions were different.

"Yes, there is no vitality in the other party's body, not even a trace of life fluctuation." Chen Feng nodded and said.

"I didn't notice any signs of life either. It seems that they are truly extinct." Emperor Sansheng said.

"I have heard of these two too. They are also famous emperors. I didn't expect them to die here." Emperor Wushi said with some emotion.

"It's a bit strange." At this time, Emperor Yinyue said, "If only one of them died here, it would be reasonable. Even if the two powerful emperors couldn't get away, they should have ways to protect themselves. Could it be that the other party has been here for too long?"

The two emperors who were very powerful in their lifetime completely fell here, which made Chen Feng and others look a little unhappy.

"If you want to kill an emperor-level existence, only an existence like Yuan can do it directly. Could it be that Ming is still alive?" Emperor Sansheng said with a strange look.

Although Emperor Sansheng has been exploring, the power of extinction here is too strong, and even the art of cause and effect has been affected, and it is impossible to thoroughly explore the true situation of this extinction area.

But the two emperors who died in front of them made everyone sigh and be more cautious.

It turns out that the Great Emperor can be annihilated. Can they stop him?

The two who were just unsealed felt a little regretful. They should have chosen to leave before. They had not recovered their strength yet. It would be a death wish to rashly participate.

"So everyone, do you still want to move forward now?" At this time, Wu Tian Dao Jun suddenly asked.

Everyone was stunned, and then laughed.

"We have come this far, how can we retreat? The opponent's annihilation is indeed scary, but we have more people. If we don't dare to take a chance, then we don't need to come in the future."

"Of course, if any Taoist wants to go back, it's OK."

Yin Yang Saint and Dark Night Demon Emperor just hesitated for a moment, but still didn't speak.

So everyone continued to move forward, and finally the annihilation torrent appeared again. This time the annihilation power was stronger and lasted longer, but it did not break the defense arranged by everyone.

"It can't do anything to us, it seems there is no problem." Sword Soul said with a smile.

"Excluding that wave of annihilation, the annihilation power in this distance has not become stronger. I think we have reached the core area of ​​this area." Emperor Wu Shi said.

"It seems that we need to search carefully. If there is anything, it should be not far from us." Chen Feng said.

Everyone released a stronger sense of perception to explore the four directions, and only Emperor Sansheng showed a strange look in his eyes.

"I don't feel the existence of life, nor do I feel the existence of other statues here." Emperor Sansheng.

"I don't feel any vitality around, but this is normal. The other party annihilates everything. Even if there is any powerful existence here, it has become sensible. It is normal that I can't detect it." Jiemie said.

"If it weren't so dangerous here, it would be the best choice for us to act separately." Emperor Wu Shi said.

Everyone smiled. Under this situation, once they acted separately, no matter who it was, they would not be sure to survive here, and most of them would be annihilated.

So as long as they were not stupid, everyone would not separate.

As for the two powerful beings who were unsealed, they didn't dare to separate from everyone for a moment.

"There is something ahead."

At this time, a light shot out from the center of Emperor Yin Yue's brow, and it kept penetrating through the annihilation energy, and unexpectedly found something.

"What is it?" Everyone became alert and asked hurriedly.

"Let's go and have a look."

Soon, everyone gradually slowed down their pace, because everyone found that there were statues ahead.

There was more than one statue.

All the power of annihilation was emitted from these statues.

But it was not simply emitting the power of annihilation, sometimes it would absorb some of the power of annihilation, as if it was circulating.

In addition, there were strands of will covering the four directions. These wills were strong, but chaotic, and in short, they gave people a very strange feeling.

The reason why Chen Feng and others did not approach as before was because the area where these statues were located was a little dangerous and not so easy to approach.

Suddenly, the chaotic will became somewhat unified, and then formed a torrent of annihilation and rushed towards the location where Chen Feng and others were.

But it was still resisted by everyone.

"Dear Taoist friends, did you understand anything?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"Seven statues surround one statue. I think it should be easy to guess such an obvious picture." The Second World said.

"It is indeed the Emperor of Silence." At this time, the Yin-Yang Saint suddenly sighed.

The Yin-Yang Saint belongs to the Taiyuan Land. If you want to know more information, you have to look at this person. Now it seems that the Yin-Yang Saint has indeed recognized the origin of these statues.

"Emperor of Silence?" At this time, Silence's heart moved, and he couldn't help but look at one of the statues.

"Emperor of Silence is very powerful. I guessed before whether this area is related to Emperor of Silence. Now it seems that it is true, but it is still a bit strange, because Emperor of Silence should not have such a large area of ​​Silence, after all, even I was Silenced." Yin-Yang Saint admitted that Emperor of Silence was stronger than himself, but it would not be too outrageous.

"That's because in addition to Emperor of Silence, there are six masters who also practice the power of Silence. It seems that the person in the middle is mostly clear." The Dark Night Demon Emperor said so.

"Emperor Jiemie led six masters to besiege Ming, but they all died. This kind of thing sounds really funny." Emperor Yinyue said with a smile.

"It's really funny, but the picture does show this. These people are only dead on the surface, but they are still alive. Otherwise, why would we be attacked as soon as we get close? And those independent spaces outside are probably created by them, so as not to be discovered. But why would they fight? It's really strange." Yin Yang Saint said.

"Can you tell me about the origins of these people? It's better to tell me about their past deeds." Chen Feng said.

"Ming, I don't know much about him. After all, he is an old senior. I know a little about Jiemie and these people, but there are still three people I can't recognize, but I can be sure that they are the helpers that Jiemie found. In fact, no matter what the situation is, what to do next depends on the choice of fellow Taoists." Yin Yang Saint said.

After practicing to such a level, there is no right or wrong, and everything depends on whether it is beneficial to oneself.

Having said that, Yin Yang Saint still talked about the situation of Ming and Emperor Jiemie.

"If we take action, I don't know how much benefit we can get." Jiemie suddenly said.

"Indeed, this is the most important thing. The premise is to find out their situation first. I don't know how much fighting power Jiemie still has after so long." Wu Shi Great Emperor said.

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