Eternal Existence

Chapter 5602 Mysterious Energy

Then Emperor Silver Moon was hit by the mysterious power and retreated repeatedly. The defense measures prepared in advance were easily defeated.

Seeing that Emperor Silver Moon was about to be injured, a thick barrier wrapped up Emperor Silver Moon.

Although the barrier collapsed soon, it also bought some time for Emperor Silver Moon and successfully got rid of the current predicament.

Of course, other people's share was indispensable. After all, the Yinjie patrol continued to attack, and the sword spirit's sword energy cutting, as well as the sword formation released by Chen Feng.

The reason why Chen Feng used the sword formation was also inspired by the sword spirit. Although the sword formation also collapsed quickly, it also cut part of the mysterious energy into pieces.

Then Chen Feng used the Devouring Technique to collect these broken energies.

This was an attempt by Chen Feng. However, although it was only a little energy that was cut into pieces, it still brought a lot of pressure to Chen Feng. The Devouring Technique was affected and then collapsed.

However, after a series of methods used by Chen Feng, these energies were still sealed up.

Although this amount of energy is just a drop of water in the ocean compared to the energy sealed in the formation, it also shows that this kind of power is not impossible to collect.

As long as it can be collected, Chen Feng believes that he can refine it, even if it takes a little longer.

Others also think so. Since they can't collect it on a large scale, they can collect it bit by bit. After all, they can't come here in vain or destroy everything here.


Chen Feng looked up and saw that Emperor Huanyin had won. Is he so strong? Chen Feng knew how powerful Ji's clone was, but when he thought about it again, Emperor Huanyin was also very strong and was the top existence in the Yin Realm. It was reasonable for him to deal with Ji's clone.

At this time, Emperor Huanyin finally freed his hands, and then there was no movement, and a flag was pulled out.

It was like a dam bursting, and the energy in it rolled out. Jihuang Palace was just shaking before, but now it began to shatter bit by bit.

You must know that Jihuang Palace is also a treasure of the origin of Ji. I don't know how many restrictions there are in it, otherwise it can't withstand the fight of so many masters, but now it finally began to be destroyed.

Chen Feng and his companions quickly dodged to another direction, because the catharsis was only in one of the holes, and the other directions should be safe.

At first, Chen Feng and his companions did think so, but soon they realized that it was not the case. After the lack of a formation eye, the entire formation began to shake, and then it should collapse.

"Not good." Chen Feng's face was not good, but he was very unwilling. It was even more uncomfortable than losing a lot of mana to not get such a powerful energy.

But if he wanted to collect it, he didn't have the ability. This was energy that even Ji and Emperor Huanyin had no good way to deal with.

It was already the limit to take some risks by himself. If he continued to stay here, it would be difficult to get out once he was affected.

Seeing that the formation in front of him was about to collapse, Chen Feng decided to be more careful, but he still used the swallowing technique with all his strength to plunder some of this mysterious energy.

Just as Chen Feng was retreating, a familiar and extremely powerful breath appeared. This breath was stronger than Ji's clone just now, and even had some momentum to suppress Emperor Huanyin.

Chen Feng immediately knew that it must be Ji who had returned.

Chen Feng's heart skipped a beat. The owner of this place had returned. It was probably going to be troublesome. He didn't know if the Great Emperor Huanyin could stop him.

As soon as the thought flashed through his mind, a collision occurred between the two sides. The power generated by the confrontation between the two sides actually hit the formation fiercely.

Chen Feng thought that the formation would collapse, but who knew that after obtaining this powerful force, it actually started to work again, and the empty formation eye of the flag that had been taken away before was also filled again.

Chen Feng then realized that Ji actually used this powerful force to fill the formation. This method was simply surprising.

However, there was something surprising next. The several Yin Realm inspectors suddenly joined the battle.

In the illusion arranged by the Great Emperor Huanyin, their strength could be exerted to a greater extent, and they could cooperate tacitly to launch a siege on Ji.

So Ji was completely at a disadvantage, and the momentum that was so strong just now was completely suppressed.

"Sure enough, I can't accurately grasp the existence of their level for a while, but now it seems that Emperor Huanyin is clearly well prepared, and the strength between the two is not as I imagined. Even if Emperor Huanyin is not Ji's opponent, it will be different with the addition of these Yinjie inspectors." Chen Feng was relieved.

The most worried thing is that Ji can't deal with it. Now that Emperor Huanyin can deal with it, he can take the opportunity to collect benefits.

"Join hands!"

At this time, Emperor Shadow said, so Emperor Yinyang used the barrier to rush to the front, and the sword spirit followed closely behind. The sword energy came first and exceeded the shadow barrier to cut.

Chen Feng and Emperor Yinyue took the opportunity to come to a flag, and the two of them joined forces to pull up the flag directly.

The powerful force was released, but was blocked by Chen Feng using a sacred mountain.

Under normal circumstances, if Chen Feng took out the Origin Divine Mountain to block in front of him, it would definitely suffer some damage. However, this time the Divine Mountain that Chen Feng took out was condensed from the previous hard substance. It can be said that apart from being hard, it has no other characteristics, so it is best to take it out this time.

Seeing that the hard sacred mountain really blocked the energy that was released, Chen Feng finally smiled.

Hard matter is not other attribute energies, it is purely solid, and taking it out at this time has an unexpected effect.

Even the Silver Moon Emperor and his men were surprised. They did not expect Chen Feng to have such a method.

In their opinion, no matter whether Chen Feng took out the Origin Sacred Mountain or other types of treasures, as long as he touched this mysterious energy, he would be affected.

Since there was such a change in front of them, the Silver Moon Emperor and his men also saw an opportunity, especially the Silver Moon Emperor, who gave the collected flag to Chen Feng first.

Next, relying on the obstruction of the hard sacred mountain, several people rushed to another flag.

And Chen Feng also put on the armor made of hard material. Although he was still affected and his soul will was still a little confused, the situation was much better than before.

Collecting these flags and letting the life energy here leak out completely, everyone's mission was completed.

Sure enough, with the release of mysterious energy, the Jihuang Palace collapsed again.

At this time, nearly half of the area of ​​Jihuang Palace had been destroyed. If it continued, it would not only affect the surrounding area, but also the entire area would be completely dissipated.

Then it would be a huge loss for Ji.

Just after Chen Feng and his friends collected another command flag, they suddenly received a message from Emperor Sansheng.

He actually asked Chen Feng and others to leave the place quickly because another master was coming.

The master who could make Emperor Sansheng say this naturally attracted Chen Feng's attention, and Chen Feng had at least guessed who the person was.

So Chen Feng quickly informed Emperor Huanyin of the news, and then left quickly with Emperor Yinyue.

After leaving Jihuang Palace, they saw Emperor Sansheng and Emperor Wushi, but the two waved their hands and asked Chen Feng and his friends to leave quickly.

At this time, Chen Feng and his friends also felt the pressure, so they quickly changed direction.

As soon as they left Jidi, they felt a terrifying breath rushing in quickly.

"I don't know if Emperor Huanyin and his men have come out. Although they have suppressed Ji together, the other side has another expert. If they continue to fight, they may suffer losses." Emperor Shadow was a little worried.

"This should be the person behind Emperor Sansheng and his men. Maybe he has some grudges with him, but under this situation, the two sides will most likely join forces." Chen Feng said.

Sure enough, even though they were far apart, several people still captured the power fluctuations coming from Jidi.

The situation they least wanted to see still happened. The two sides were fighting.

"Let's not participate in this level of battle." Chen Feng saw that Emperor Shadow and his men were a little anxious, so he persuaded them.

This level of fight is indeed too dangerous. Thinking back to the time when the other party was just a clone, he almost destroyed himself. Going up now is simply courting death.

But since he has already notified Emperor Huanyin, the other party should also be prepared.

Emperor Yinyue was about to speak, but suddenly turned his head and looked into the distance. His eyes at the center of his eyebrows locked onto a void, and a figure appeared.

"It's the Eternal Emperor." Chen Feng's face changed, and he remembered that his people were busy collecting mysterious energy before, but they forgot about the Eternal Emperor.

He didn't know how the other party escaped, and the two Sansheng Emperors who were guarding outside didn't notice it.

But he didn't know if it was a coincidence, or that the Eternal Emperor came to find someone for him, but no matter what, since he was discovered, a fight between the two sides was inevitable.

Chen Feng rushed up at the first time, but still passed the news to Sansheng Land.

The Eternal Emperor didn't seem to expect to meet Chen Feng and others here. After being exposed, he turned around and wanted to leave, but was blocked by Chen Feng.

"The entire Ji Land is now in chaos. Not only has the Ji Palace been reduced to ruins, but even the cultivators don't know how many have won. The root of all this is on you, Daoyou. Maybe you have some relationship with Ji Land, but this time I think you have angered Ji, but I think you don't care, because this is Daoyou's calculation, but sometimes you don't expect that we have more than this power." Chen Feng laughed, and one clone came out to form a blockade around him. Emperor Silver Moon and Emperor Shadow had also arrived soon after. The two hated the Eternal Emperor in front of them and used powerful attack techniques right away.

Especially Emperor Silver Moon, who was hunted by the other party before, and the helpers he found later could not do anything to the other party. This time Emperor Silver Moon also tried his best and directly used some forbidden techniques to make his strength stronger.

At this time, this person didn't care whether the other party had an ambush in secret. Even if there were some means in secret, he had to seize the opportunity to solve this big worry.

After several rounds of fighting, the sword spirit suddenly broke out, and a beam of sword light directly penetrated the body of Emperor Eternal.

At this time, Chen Feng and his companions believed that perhaps the other party did not have any means and this encounter was really just a coincidence. If that was the case, the other party would be doomed this time.

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