Eternal Existence

Chapter 559: Sweep

Liu Wenlong and his companions looked at each other in bewilderment. Everyone had seen Jian Xiaotian's situation clearly just now. He was knocked away as soon as they fought. Liu Wenlong and his companions were confident that their own strength was not much stronger than Jian Xiaotian. "Let me try." Chen Feng said as he strode out.

Seeing Chen Feng coming out, the combat puppet was still in action. It jumped suddenly and punched Chen Feng in the air. The power of this punch was a little more fierce than before.

"Hey, this guy will definitely be knocked away by a punch." A large group of cultivators around the skinny old man all thought so.

Facing this attack, Chen Feng did not retreat, but also punched out, trying to hit the opponent's huge fist.

"This guy is not stupid, this is a combat puppet, with infinite power and indestructible, this guy actually wants to hit it hard." The cultivators present, including Liu Wenlong and others, were all shocked. In the eyes of Liu Wenlong and his companions, although Chen Feng was powerful, he only relied on the holy weapon. Now that he was using his physical body to fight, everyone was not optimistic about Chen Feng.


A dull sound exploded, and then the ground under Chen Feng's feet exploded like a spider web, with countless cracks spreading around.

Chen Feng took three steps back, and each step was like a thunder, shaking the people around him. After the cracks exploded, three pits appeared on the ground.

"Wow, such a powerful force." Everyone looked at Chen Feng in shock, as if they couldn't believe the scene in front of them, because even the half-step immortals present didn't dare to rely on their flesh to fight these combat puppets. These combat puppets were made by themselves and others, and everyone certainly understood the combat power of these combat puppets.

"What a strong force." Chen Feng was also surprised. You know, the punch he just threw had a force of five million pounds, but he was still beaten back three steps.

The combat puppet that was fighting with Chen Feng just turned over in the air and rushed towards Chen Feng again. As the combat puppet moved, the runes on the combat puppet immediately shone, and the spiritual energy continued to flow, making the combat puppet look even more powerful.

Chen Feng did not use magic weapons, but only used his physical body to fight the battle puppet. Soon Chen Feng was beaten back again and again. The ground kept exploding, and hard soil and rocks flew up, revealing pits.

"What a powerful young man." The skinny old man was a little surprised. He knew the combat power of this battle puppet and the hardness of the ground very well, but at this time the ground was as fragile as tofu in the fight.

"What a powerful battle puppet, it can't be stopped by the physical body alone." Chen Feng was a little surprised. Chen Feng was also very clear about the strength of his physical body. He usually used thunder to temper his physical body. In addition to the acupoints opened up in his body, Chen Feng's physical body was not comparable to that of ordinary Tianren realm cultivators. But now at least Chen Feng did not take advantage of the strength, and he didn't know how this battle puppet was refined. It was hard and hard, and it was not damaged under the bombardment of Chen Feng's millions of pounds of power.


Chen Feng's internal Qi quickly circulated, and a terrifying aura emanated from Chen Feng. His strength began to soar, and Chen Feng's speed also increased. He quickly stepped forward and hit the battle puppet heavily. With a loud bang, the battle puppet was actually knocked out by Chen Feng and fell into the crowd.

"Impossible!" The skinny old man shouted in a very unpresentable manner.

"Brother Chen, are you okay?" Jian Xiaotian came to Chen Feng.

"I'm fine, this battle puppet is very powerful." Chen Feng shook his head, looking at the five hundred cultivators and two hundred standing battle puppets not far away, Chen Feng was already extremely surprised.

This is just a secret place planted by the Tianjian Sect in the Liangjie Mountains. It actually has such a powerful force. Just now, Chen Feng had seen a large number of half-step immortals in the crowd. Chen Feng was very curious why the Tianjian Sect left such a force here.

But then Chen Feng remembered that this should be just one of the secret places of Tianjian Sect, and perhaps an inconspicuous secret place. Thinking of this, Chen Feng began to re-evaluate these major sects in the Central Plains.

Are the major sects in the Central Plains so powerful?

"Brother Jian, do you know the situation of this secret place?" Chen Feng asked secretly.

"I don't know. When I left the sect to travel, I had just survived the thunder tribulation. I was not qualified to contact this level of things. I won't return to the sect. I can ask someone about it." Jian Xiaotian said with a smile.

"You are not a disciple of our sect." At this time, the skinny old man suddenly spoke.

"Of course not." Chen Feng smiled.

"Since you are not a disciple of our sect, why can you come here." The skinny old man's face darkened again.

"Dear seniors, this is the honorary elder of our sect." Liu Wenlong immediately stepped forward to explain Chen Feng's identity.

"From the North Plains, a person from Taiyi Sect, wow, this sect actually has such a talented young man." The skinny old man showed surprise on his face.

"This old man, his face changes so quickly." Chen Feng laughed in his heart.

Next, everyone left the secret place without delay. Before entering the secret place, Liu Wenlong and others were hunted down and their other fellow disciples were even killed. If Chen Feng had not come to the rescue, these people would have been wiped out. However, after coming out of the secret place, the scene was much bigger, with more than 500 people, each of them had a high level of cultivation, and wherever they passed, they brought up waves of air and mighty power.

The skinny old man seemed to be very interested in Chen Feng. He came to Chen Feng and started asking questions. He became excited when he knew that Chen Feng was being hunted by Jiuxiao Palace. Even the strong man with naked upper body came over.

Through a conversation, Chen Feng knew that the skinny old man was called Liu Huai and the strong man was called Wang Bao. Both of them were half-step immortals.

"I can't believe that Brother Chen can be safe and sound under the pursuit of Jiuxiao Palace, and he also killed a large number of pursuers. I rarely admit defeat, but now I can only say admiration." Wang Bao gave Chen Feng a thumbs up.

"Haha, senior, you are too kind." Chen Feng smiled.

"Brother Chen, what is this address, are you looking down on us?" Wang Bao stared.

"Little brother, I think you should just become a disciple of our Tianjian Sect, and don't hang around as an honorary elder. If you want, you can become a real elder in our Tianjian Sect. I'll tell you about it. It's not impossible to become the master's direct disciple." Liu Huai said with a smile.

"Yes, facing the pursuit of Jiuxiao Palace, Taiyi Sect did not come forward to protect you, and let you flee all the time. I think there is no point in staying in such a sect. Besides, you are now in the Central Plains, and it is just right for you to join our Tianjian Sect. The future development space is much more promising than yours in Taiyi Sect." Wang Bao also persuaded.

Faced with such an enthusiastic two people, Chen Feng immediately smiled bitterly: "You two, let me think about this matter again."

Although Chen Feng did not agree, after chatting with the two people for a while, Chen Feng still knew some things, that is, the situation of this secret place.

It turns out that the cultivators in this secret place, including these half-step immortals, were sent here after making mistakes. In addition to cultivation, their tasks in the secret place are to refine combat puppets. They cannot leave the secret place before the sect summons them. At this time, the Tianjian Sect and Wuqing Tianzong went to war, and these people were mobilized and naturally free.

"There is such a thing." Chen Feng was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the truth of the matter was like this. However, it seems that these people have no resentment towards the sect, which surprised Chen Feng even more.

Even if he really made a mistake, he was locked up in the secret place and lost his freedom, so he would have some dissatisfaction to a certain extent.

"Hehe, there is enough spiritual energy in the secret place, the space is still large, and there are things to do at ordinary times. In addition, there are so many fellow disciples. For us, it is not a detention, but a kind of closed-door cultivation." Liu Huai smiled and said, as if he saw what Chen Feng was thinking.

"The front is one of the strongholds of the fire cave." At this time, everyone stopped, and Liu Wenlong pointed to the building complex between the mountains in front and said.

"Charge forward."

The cultivators who came out of the secret place were all pent up, and immediately dispatched two hundred people, and in less than an hour, they cleaned up the stronghold.

Then everyone went to sweep other bandit strongholds again. This was a revenge for the previous attack on Liu Wenlong and others. In three days, more than a dozen bandit strongholds were swept, thousands of bandits were dispersed, and even some Wuqing Tianzong disciples hiding in them were mercilessly killed.

That day, the army finally killed the largest stronghold of Black Wind Village, which is the headquarters of Black Wind Village.

"Be careful, there are immortals in Black Wind Village." Chen Feng said.

Chen Feng had not made a move along the way, and there was no need for Chen Feng to make a move. Seeing that everyone was going to attack the headquarters of Black Wind Village, Chen Feng couldn't help but speak. Moreover, Chen Feng had a feeling that whether there were immortals in Black Wind Village or other bandit dens, there might be immortals. Although Tianjian Sect had a large number of people at this time, there were no immortal masters among them. If they faced immortals, there would definitely be some casualties.

"It's time to send out the combat puppets. If we can kill a few immortals, it will be a great achievement for the sect." Liu Huai said as he took out a piece of jade. With a flash of light, combat puppets flew out of it. Liu Huai released fifty combat puppets in one breath. After they came out, they rushed to the Black Wind Village headquarters in front according to Liu Huai's instructions.

"Fifty combat puppets can kill even immortals." Chen Feng thought to himself.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Fifty combat puppets surrounded the barrier around the Black Wind Village and began to bombard it. In just one breath, the huge barrier covering the Black Wind Village flashed a few times and then broke apart.

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