Eternal Existence

Chapter 557 Rescue

"Be careful." The monk in white knew how powerful the thunder and lightning emitted by Chen Feng was, and immediately warned him, but the monk in black had already exchanged palms with Chen Feng.


The white-clothed monk's palm exploded, and the skin of his arm was torn and turned into burnt black. This was caused by the power of Chen Feng's Tribulation Thunder. Chen Feng was very satisfied when he felt such power. Only then did he feel that the suffering endured by tempering his body every day was a little bit... Return.


The monk in white quickly stepped forward and stabbed Chen Feng with his sword, hoping to rescue his injured companion. Who knew that Chen Feng ignored the attack from behind, but quickly stepped forward and hit the monk in black with a heavy palm.

With a bang, the black-clothed monk's chest exploded and became charred black. He flew backwards and fell to the ground. Chen Feng used his back to withstand the sword forcefully, leaving a shallow slash behind his back. It was a shallow wound. Chen Feng's muscles twisted a few times, and the wound disappeared.

"You are the only one left." Chen Feng turned around and smiled.


The white-clothed monk's face was gloomy, and he suddenly disappeared. The next moment, he appeared next to the black-clothed monk. He grabbed the black-clothed monk and was about to leave, but Chen Feng waved his hand and the long sword flew out, killing the white-clothed monk with a swish. One of the monk's arms was severed.

However, in the end, the opponent still escaped. This is why Chen Feng did not pursue him. Otherwise, he could easily kill the opponent with the use of a holy weapon.

"Looking at the opponent's style, he should be from the Hall of Killers. It's just that two monks from the sixth level of heaven are so powerful. If human immortals are used, they can directly attack me to death." Thinking of this, Chen Feng couldn't help but hit him. Chills.

"The Killer Hall is mysterious and unpredictable. Its overall strength is no less than that of a large sect, and its methods are much more powerful than those sects. If you are targeted by this force, the future may not be good, but I want to ask people from the Killer Hall to take action. , the price required is relatively high, I don’t believe Jiuxiao Palace will hire a large number of killers.”

"But speaking of it, facing a killer of this level can be regarded as a kind of training for me." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Hey!" At this time, Chen Feng suddenly let out a startled cry, then took out a jade talisman and sensed it carefully before saying, "Brother Jian is not far away."

Then Chen Feng quickly rose into the sky and rushed in the direction of Jian Xiaotian.

At this time, Jian Xiaotian's situation was very bad. Jian Xiaotian, Liu Wenlong, and two other disciples of the Tianjian Sect were besieged by a group of monks from three levels inside and three outside. It seems that this situation will not last long for Jian Xiaotian and the four of them. They will also be beaten to death.

"Hahaha, haven't you Tianjian Sect always been very arrogant? You are domineering and domineering, and you are not afraid of being noticed by others. Now you are not going to be killed by us." A monk standing in the outer circle laughed.

"I didn't expect that your Wu Wu Tian Sect would actually support bandits in the Liangjie Mountains. If this news gets out, I will see how your Qing Wu Tian Sect can control yourself." Liu Wenlong shouted.

"Hahaha, it's really ridiculous. Are your Heavenly Sword Sect clean? Don't think that I don't know why you are here. Your Heavenly Sword Sect has secretly cultivated a force in the Two Realms Mountains. We have already done this. You know, don’t talk about you, even your hidden strength can’t bring you out of the Two Realms Mountains.”

Jian Xiaotian and the other four knew immediately that something was wrong. For this reason, they could only rush out and ask for help from the sect. Otherwise, the strength of the Tianjian sect in the Two Realms Mountains might be completely wiped out today.

"Go up to the first few people and kill them. This will save you a long night and a lot of dreams."

Whoosh whoosh!

Three more people joined the battle group, and the pressure on Jian Xiaotian and the four others immediately increased. Even though the Tianjian sect was extremely powerful, they were gradually unable to withstand it.

"Kill these four people and then accept the territory hidden here by the Sky Sword Sect. I want to see what it is."

A young monk from the Wuqingtian Sect sneered. The people around him were all well-known thieves and casual cultivators from the Two Realms Mountains. These people were all the hidden threads of the Wuqingtian Sect that had spread across the Two Realms Mountains over the years.

At this time, Chen Feng had arrived nearby, hiding in the void to check the surrounding situation. Although Jian Xiaotian and others were in critical condition, Chen Feng did not rush to take action, because Chen Feng activated the Dark Demon Eyes, and his eyes turned black. I want to investigate the entire scene.

"Sure enough, there are human immortals hiding in the dark. They should have lured me out. Otherwise, these human immortals could easily kill Jian Xiaotian and others." Chen Feng thought to himself.

Originally, Chen Feng was still thinking about using the power of darkness to sneak around and attack, but after discovering these immortals, Chen Feng changed his mind. After just a moment of thought, Chen Feng began to arrange the magic circle, with crystal stones of various attributes. Chen Feng took it out from the Tower of Eternal Life and quickly carved a series of talisman restrictions on it. Moreover, some metal puppets in the Tower of Eternal Life also helped Chen Feng to do it.

Soon, a total of three sets of magic formations were arranged by Chen Feng. Two of them were placed around and one was carried by himself. These three sets of magic formations were learned by Chen Feng from the second floor of the Eternal Life Tower. Of course, they were not completely imitated. , each set of the 100,000 magic arrays in the Tower of Eternal Life is extremely powerful. If a complete set is taken out, it is enough to kill all the monks present, including the human immortals hiding in the dark.


Jian Xiaotian was thrown away and landed in the crowd, and then various attacks immediately attacked Jian Xiaotian.

"Junior Brother Xiaotian!"

The remaining three people all shouted loudly. Although Jian Xiaotian's cultivation was not as good as these people, his potential was far beyond the three of them. Moreover, Jian Xiaotian had a Daluo battle body, and he was an object that could be cultivated vigorously in the Tianjian Sect. It was nothing if the three of them died, but if Jian Xiaotian died, it would be a big loss.

At this time, Chen Feng took action. He immediately launched the most powerful sword energy storm. All the cultivators surrounding Jian Xiaotian exploded and turned into blood mist all over the sky. At the same time, this sword energy storm did not disappear, but continued to spread around. Wherever it passed, all the cultivators were killed instantly.


Feeling this power, Jian Xiaotian breathed a sigh of relief. Knowing that Chen Feng was here, he immediately stood up and quickly recovered from his injuries.

"Who is it?"

"Have you appeared? Let's see how you can escape." The master hidden in the dark was ready to show up.

Chen Feng used the longevity sword technique to kill a path wherever he passed. I don't know how many cultivators were killed.

"Brother Jian, are you okay?" Chen Feng asked with a smile, and at the same time, he waved his hand and injected a stream of immortality into Jian Xiaotian's body, which made Jian Xiaotian's injuries recover faster.

"Almost. If you had come a little later, I would have died." Jian Xiaotian laughed.

"Boy, I think you are looking for death." A sword aura several dozen feet long came to suppress Chen Feng. This was a very powerful cultivator in the Heavenly Man Realm. As soon as he made a move, the sword aura rolled, trying to kill Chen Feng directly. ,

"Break!" Chen Feng waved his hand, and the extremely compressed sword energy dispersed the sword aura, and finally opened a hole in this person's body, and then exploded violently.

"Thank you for your help, fellow Taoist." Liu Wenlong immediately thanked him.

"Don't be polite to him, he is still the honorary elder of our Tianjian Sect." Jian Xiaotian laughed.

Liu Wenlong and the other two were shocked and understood immediately.

"Okay, don't say more, let's kill them first." Chen Feng waved his hand, because Chen Feng had already seen that Liu Wenlong and the others were in a bad situation. Their injuries were very serious. They were all relying on a breath of energy to hold on, otherwise they would have fallen down long ago.

"Want to leave? How can it be that easy." The monks around shouted and rushed over.

"If you want to leave, you can't stop me." Chen Feng said and immediately activated the big formations that had been ambushed long ago. These were two killing formations. Once activated, there were ghosts crying and wolves howling, dark clouds, strong winds, and sword energy. As soon as the two formations were opened, dozens of people were killed.

"How brave!" The big boss of the Black Wind Village who was hiding in the dark finally couldn't help it. He took a step in front of Chen Feng and stretched out his hand to grab Chen Feng.

"I've been waiting for you." Chen Feng waved his hand and threw out the last killing formation. Pieces of crystal stones circled in the void, directly covering the big boss, and various attack methods instantly drowned the opponent.

"Let's go!" Chen Feng waved his hand, and Jian Xiaotian and the others all landed on the Sword of Life, drew a sword light, broke through the siege, and reached dozens of miles away in one breath.

"Sacred weapon!"

Liu Wenlong and the others looked at each other in surprise. They didn't expect that this honorary elder who suddenly appeared was so powerful, and he also had such a magic weapon.

"Wouldn't the immortal just now be killed?" Jian Xiaotian asked.

"Impossible, they just surrounded the other party, and they will be able to break free soon." Chen Feng shook his head.

They flew thousands of miles in one breath before stopping. Chen Feng set up a layer of restrictions around them, and Jian Xiaotian and the others began to heal their wounds.

Not long after, Jian Xiaotian recovered first, and he and Chen Feng began to talk about what happened after they separated.

The two exchanged some of their experiences, and they were a little surprised. Chen Feng didn't expect that Jian Xiaotian also gained something. He actually absorbed some pure energy in the cracks and survived the thunder tribulation again.

"Why were you besieged?" Chen Feng began to ask.

"It's Wuqing Tianzong. They have always had disputes with our Tianjian Sect, and now they are fighting again. Both of our sects have hidden forces in the two worlds mountains. This time it's just a conflict. I just don't understand why Heifengzhai would intervene." Jian Xiaotian shook his head.

Chen Feng immediately understood: "It's because of me. I picked two strongholds of Heifengzhai." Chen Feng then told the story about the attack on the stronghold of Heifengzhai.

"You can't blame me for this. After all, we both had a part in it at the beginning. But you robbed the other party's stronghold, which is very gratifying. Our Tianjian Sect has long wanted to take action against these robbers." Jian Xiao said.

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