Eternal Existence

Chapter 5569 Super Strong Defense

"The power of the wills of the five great emperors can be doubled after fusion. The opponent is indeed prepared." Chen Feng pushed his will to the extreme, but he collapsed at the first contact with the opponent.

This is everyone's weakness.

Although the defense is very good, it is all about strength. Although the will can also block it, it cannot be faced with this stronger will.

So although everyone was still resisting, Chen Feng already felt that something was wrong. In fact, not to mention Chen Feng, many people present could also deduce the next changes.

"This won't work. Find a way quickly." Someone shouted anxiously.

Those with the strongest will immediately joined forces to resist, but they were still defeated in one blow by the opponent's will.




In the blink of an eye, several more people were injured.

It can be seen that although the opponent's will is strong, he still cannot sweep everyone at the same time, but such a little defeat is enough.

Chen Feng has hundreds of people on his side. If the other party comes a few more times, once the strength is reduced by half, the other party's other methods will be effective.


Chen Feng's face darkened. Speaking of which, Chen Feng had encountered too many masters, such as the powerful Origin, and Guixu. In terms of will, Chen Feng was experienced in many battles, but he still couldn't bear it now.

If you can't even protect yourself, how can you help others?

"This can't continue like this. Find a way quickly." Chen Feng was a little anxious.

"Second, Nirvana, Sword Soul, the three of you are following me. It seems we need to take the initiative." Chen Feng said.

These three have all reached the level of the Great Emperor, and they are also the strongest combatants that Chen Feng can choose.

In a short period of time, many people on one's own side were injured due to the opponent's will attack, and the overall combat effectiveness was reduced, so the fighting method had to be changed.

The direct divine wings were still recovering, so I had to rely on the power of the Law of Copy.


The next moment I arrived in front of a great emperor. This was one of them. If I could deal with one of them, it would also alleviate some of the will attacks.

Although Chen Feng's sudden appearance surprised the other party, he did not panic. The turbulent flow of will swept towards Chen Feng and the others.

"I come!"

Chen Feng exerted his will to fight head-on with the opponent. At the same time, the copying law that had not been put away extended a branch. The second generation, Nirvana, and Sword Soul followed the branch and instantly arrived in front of another great emperor.

Targeting the will of the Attack II, the three of them joined forces and broke out.

And another section of the copying law suddenly gave birth to another branch, and the five Hunyuan who had been prepared for a long time suddenly rushed in front of the third emperor.

This was considered a strong counterattack and surprise attack, and Chen Feng was not sure whether it would succeed or not.

Chen Feng thought that Chen Feng's side would counterattack, but he did not expect that they would target three great emperors at the same time. Whether the remaining two great emperors continued to attack others or went to Chen Feng and others, the practitioners in Chen Feng's camp would be under great pressure. reduce.

What everyone has to do is not just to take a breath, but to concentrate their strength and explode with all their strength, and start to fight back.




The situation suddenly became extremely chaotic, and the confrontation between the two sides reached its most intense peak.

Chen Feng fought with his opponent for several rounds, and his face became a little ugly due to the opponent's strong will.

However, Chen Feng still sneered: "The will is very strong, but that's what it is without joining forces."

The opponent's will can hurt Chen Feng, but that's all. It is still difficult to suppress Chen Feng with his own strength alone.

What's more, through the confrontation just now, Chen Feng could see that the opponent's melee combat ability was not as good as his will.

However, the other party also had helpers, and soon another emperor who was good at fighting appeared.

"Good guy!"

At this moment, Chen Feng wanted to run away.

Two great emperors, I can't even deal with one, let alone two.

But now if he wants to escape, the situation will collapse. Besides, the other party will not let him escape.

Chen Feng had been prepared for this situation before. Some of the clones he released before had been packed up by Chen Feng at some point, and now they were released again to block an emperor.

Chen Feng thought that he had exerted enough strength, and if others were to encounter a crisis, they would do their best even if they thought about it.

Therefore, it is normal for Chen Feng to withdraw the power he released before.

Besides, the injury has not recovered yet. If the injury is added to the injury, the problem will be more serious for Chen Feng.

Is this operation considered a success? But it is not considered a failure, at most it can be regarded as a change in the way of fighting.

At least for a short period of time, the situation seemed very chaotic, but it was better than before. The five powerful emperors of the opponent no longer joined forces to launch fatal will attacks as before.

From this point of view, Chen Feng's goal has been achieved.

However, it is not enough to change the current situation. Overall, the opponent still has the upper hand, and Chen Feng and others are still surrounded.

As long as they can't rush out, everyone will return to their previous state when their strength weakens slightly.

"Fellow Taoist, please leave first, so that we can move the reinforcements." The second generation said to Chen Feng.

Although I was previously worried that Chen Feng's departure would make the situation worse, but now that I think about it, Chen Feng should have left at the very beginning as the most correct choice.

But it's not too late to leave now. As long as Chen Feng can get reinforcements, the situation this time can be resolved naturally, and maybe the opponent can be surrounded by them.

When they thought of surrounding the opponent layer by layer, everyone's fighting spirit suddenly became high.

"It seems that this is the only way." Chen Feng nodded. It is indeed the best choice at the moment.

So Chen said that he took back the copy law, first burst out madly, temporarily forced the opponent back, and then suddenly used the copy law.

I saw that the copy law extended into the depths of the void like a road, transcending everything wherever it passed. The opponent's very strict ban could not stop the copy law.

However, when Chen Feng was halfway on the road with the help of the copy law, he was suddenly stopped by a powerful opponent.

This is another emperor.

Seeing the opponent appear, Chen Feng sighed, and the situation he least wanted to see still appeared.

The opponent had been arranged for so long and had been prepared for various situations. Although Chen Feng's copy law was amazing, the opponent's long arrangement, plus the emperor's means, could still be stopped.

Chen Feng quickly retracted the copy law, making the opponent's attack miss, and then the two sides fought.

"The opponent has sent out a lot of emperors." Chen Feng still felt a little regretful. He had already traveled half of the way, but who knew he would be stopped. In this way, he was trapped in the restriction set by the opponent.

So in addition to facing a great emperor, he also had to bear the pressure from all sides. If he was not careful, he might be entangled by the restriction, and then he would be in trouble.

And with the opponent entangled, Chen Feng had no time to activate the copy law.

But Chen Feng was not worried about himself, but about others.

Looking at the current situation, it is really possible that the whole army will be wiped out.

If so, then the loss on his side will be great.

These hundreds of Hunyuan above come from the Origin Gate and other origins. Even if they are evenly distributed, they can't bear it.

What's more, most of these Hunyuan above have causal relationships with Chen Feng.

"Don't worry, I'm preparing my strength here." Just when Chen Feng was worried, he finally received news from the Origin Gate.

Chen Feng felt relieved, but soon became embarrassed again. He didn't expect that he would need help.

This has always been a fight at a level above Hunyuan. Now he is in trouble and can't handle it. He still needs to ask the emperors for help.

But think about it, this can't be blamed on his side. It's because the opponent's power is too strong. With so many emperors, he and others can't handle it.

But the reinforcements haven't arrived yet, so they need to hold on for a while. There will definitely be casualties during this period.


Chen Feng was hit by accident, and his armor was slightly dented, but that was all. The opponent's powerful attack didn't even tear Chen Feng's armor.

"Hehe." Chen Feng smiled.

The opponent was shocked. After all, he was an emperor who had practiced for many kalpas. He had never seen such a hard armor. What material is this made of? Wearing such a layer of armor, wouldn't he be invincible?

But after all, he was an emperor. When he saw something wrong, he immediately changed his fighting method and used his will to attack.

Sure enough, he had the upper hand, but that was all. He couldn't really suppress Chen Feng.

However, it was different with the surrounding restrictions. Although the surrounding restrictions were strong, the two people's confrontation was very loud, tearing the surrounding restrictions into pieces.

Mainly because the Gate of Origin was coming, Chen Feng's mentality changed a little, thinking that it would be okay even if he was suppressed by the other party.

In this way, the two sides fought again, and the other side had two more Hunyuan above. These two were also strong, and they had finally mobilized their strength to solve Chen Feng in one fell swoop.

Chen Feng really couldn't hold on. At the beginning, he was still fighting back and forth, but now he started to defend.

"Where are the others."

Chen Feng was still worried about the situation of others, but now he couldn't protect himself, and he didn't have extra experience to pay attention to others.

But in Chen Feng's opinion, the situation of the second generation and others was probably not very good, but no matter what, even if it was not good, it was much better than being passively beaten before.

If they hadn't fought back desperately, I don't know how many people would be injured by the opponent's will, and maybe someone would die.

There is no point in being anxious. The only thing left now is to wait.

Fortunately, the power between the two sides is not overwhelming. Even if the other side can win, it is not so easy. Chen Feng's side can still hold on for some time.

It's just that the Gate of Origin has not come yet, and Chen Feng is a little anxious.

What's more unexpected is that the Emperor of the Heart suddenly came, which surprised and delighted Chen Feng.

The power of the heart swept fiercely, and several opponents around Chen Feng all screamed.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng laughed immediately. These emperors are powerful. They used their will to attack before, but now they have suffered a loss in the power of the heart.




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