Eternal Existence

Chapter 5565: Elves

"Your cultivation doesn't seem to make much noise, but I felt the pressure as soon as I got close. You haven't reached the level of the Great Emperor, have you?" The Second World asked curiously during Chen Feng's cultivation.

"How is that possible? I'm still far from the strength of the Great Emperor. I'm not even above Hun Yuan." Chen Feng shook his head.

The Second World naturally didn't believe it, and thought Chen Feng didn't want to say it, but the Second World thought about it and thought that Chen Feng wouldn't reach the level of the Great Emperor.

The Second World still knows Chen Feng better and knows Chen Feng's cultivation mode. If Chen Feng really becomes a Great Emperor, how powerful he will be.

But even if he is not a Great Emperor, his current strength is almost close to that of the Great Emperor, especially since Chen Feng has not really recovered to his peak state.

"Is this the benefit of opening up multiple avenues? But it's not easy to cultivate, and it takes a lot of effort and resources." The Second World thought to himself.

Speaking of which, the Second World is also different from other practitioners. He is also a person who has experienced the second cultivation. So although his Wan Dao method is different from Chen Feng's, there are some similarities after all.

Chen Feng received a message from the Soul Emperor, who first asked about Chen Feng's situation and then invited Chen Feng to go out and do some activities.

If it were any other Hunyuan who received an invitation from the Soul Emperor, they might be flattered, but Chen Feng was a little hesitant and entangled at this time.

His strength has not yet fully recovered, but since the Soul Emperor is looking for him, it seems that something is really going on.

Just when Chen Feng was hesitating, the Second World came.

"Is there something going on?" The Second World asked curiously.

Chen Feng nodded.

"Can you take me with you?" The Second World's eyes lit up.

"Daoyou are an important fighting force, and it may not be appropriate to leave now." Chen Feng said.

"You underestimate these Daoists. This is a very strong force. Even if some emperors come, they may be surrounded and killed." The Second World said.

"I'm afraid that once you leave, the other powerful Daoists will also choose to leave." Chen Feng said.

Although communicating with the Second World, Chen Feng still asked the Soul Emperor in secret.

"Okay, then let's go and see. The Soul Emperor is also very anxious." Chen Feng said to the Second World.

His strength has not recovered to its peak, and the Soul Emperor also agreed to bring helpers with him, which also shows that the situation on the Soul Emperor's side is indeed a bit urgent.

"Then I want to see who the opponent is, and why there are no other helpers?" Chen Feng was a little curious.

The Soul Emperor did not explain clearly, but simply talked about the situation he was facing and what Chen Feng was going to do after he arrived.

The two of them left as soon as they said they would, without any hesitation, but because of the urgency of the Soul Emperor, Chen Fenggong and the two were very fast.

In particular, Chen Feng used the power of the copy law, which infinitely compressed the process of changing the route.

After arriving at the place, Chen Feng took out the Spear of Destiny and stabbed forward fiercely.

A channel was directly torn open in the space, and Chen Feng and the Second World rushed in directly.

This channel contains layers of space. From the outside, it is really difficult for Chen Feng to find the independent cave here.

But think about it, since it is the Soul Emperor, it is understandable.

"With so many opponents and so many benefits, no wonder you don't want to bring me here?" The Second World said with a smile.

This is of course a joke, but what the Second World said is also true.

This independent cave is indeed a little special, and there are countless beings similar to the state of elves.

This is a very special life, which is somewhat different from the ones encountered in the previous battlefield. It is similar to an elf, contains spirituality of different attributes, and the other party is also proficient in the power of the mind. Suifeng also thought that this is why the Emperor of the Mind found this place.

It is different from the flesh of other lives, but it has a special spirituality, especially the spirituality of different attributes, which is very attractive to Chen Feng.

Although the Second World also saw this kind of existence for the first time, he still has vision after all. Since he can see that these elves in front of him are also of great benefit to himself.

Is there such a place in the underworld?

"What's going on?" After arriving, Chen Feng swept his eyes and quickly understood the situation in front of him. At the same time, he also saw that the Emperor of the Mind was surrounded by countless elves.

"This is a very interesting place. I discovered it by accident. I don't know who left this area. It is very hidden. But since I found it, I certainly don't want the benefits here to be known by the underworld. It's a pity that I can't eat up all the benefits here. I can only ask you to help. Who knows your strength has not been fully restored." The Soul Emperor said.

"So that's it." Chen Feng nodded. Although there are still many things he doesn't understand, it's not the time to say more. Let's get the benefits first.

But it shouldn't be that easy. There are many elves here. Although the strength of a single one is nothing, gathering together can actually cause some trouble to the Soul Emperor. Moreover, the power of these elves can blend with each other and burst out various powerful attack methods.

Of course, in Chen Feng's view, the reason why the Soul Emperor asked him to help was that he didn't want to delay time any longer. After all, continuing to delay may cause more trouble.

The Second World has already taken action, but soon fell into the encirclement of the business.

Sometimes these elves look like colorful giant butterflies, sometimes they look like transparent smoke that keeps changing shapes, and sometimes they extend countless tentacles to contact other elves and transfer power to each other.

In addition, some elves will directly break into pieces and then turn into more elves of different shapes.

In this way, Chen Feng cannot determine how many elves there are here.

However, what Chen Feng is interested in. Instead, it is the spiritual power of different attributes contained in these elves. These powers can be perfectly integrated, and then various changes in enterprises are born, which is a huge inspiration for him.

Chen Feng even thought that if he swallowed these elves, would the power of different attributes and the avenues of different attributes that he mastered become more perfect?

If he could really do this, then Chen Feng thought it was a benefit given to him by the Soul Emperor.

"Be careful, these elves are not so easy to deal with. In addition, there are some hidden threats in the dark." The Soul Emperor said.

"What danger?" Chen Feng was actually a little dissatisfied with the Soul Emperor. They had cooperated so many times. If there was anything that was not said in advance, it would also reduce some trouble for himself.

"It's not that I don't want to tell you, but I was affected. The other party's strange power affected me, blinded my perception, and affected my judgment. It's good that I can pass the news to you." The Soul Emperor said.

"So that's the case!" Chen Feng's heart trembled. If that's the case, then there is really danger in front of him. Even the Soul Emperor was affected. It can be imagined that the opponent does have some means.

However, if the opponent has such means, then there won't be so many elves killed and injured.

"Are you sure these elves are outsiders?" Chen Feng asked with a move in his heart.

"It's because I'm not sure that I don't want the underworld to know." The Soul Emperor said.


Chen Feng nodded. The scale of the underworld is not small. It is impossible to take care of everything. There must be places that cannot be taken care of. Some existences are hidden, and even some tumors are normal.

If this is really the power of the underworld, then should I stop?

So I simply don't ask, and get the benefits first.

Besides, this place is also very dangerous. The Soul Emperor had no choice but to find Chen Feng and the Second World as helpers.

"Influencing cognition, blinding cognition, there have been such opponents before." Chen Feng said.

Chen Feng thought of the old man in Lingjing, the old man Taixuan, and the emperor Guhuo who had been dealt with. To be honest, even the emperor of karma could fluctuate the cause and effect to affect the opponent.

But the scene in front of him obviously had nothing to do with the people he knew. Chen Feng thought quickly, and at the same time analyzed the situation in front of him to judge whether he was blinded.

Everything is normal. It seems that the opponent is not here, or has not attacked him.

Seeing a large number of elves surrounding him, Chen Feng released his clone.

These elves can burst out with combat power far beyond their own. Although Chen Feng is not as aggressive as the second generation, he is not in a hurry and has been prepared.

With clones blocking the four directions, Chen Feng can devote more attention to observing the possible dangers around him, and if Chen Feng takes action, he can cause a fatal blow to the elves rushing around.

These elves are only better in number, but they are still far behind their previous opponents.

Seeing Chen Feng so leisurely, the Soul Emperor said helplessly: "I asked you to come here for a quick victory."

"Quick victory? Use the power of origin?" Chen Feng asked.

"Yes, use the power of origin to deal with these elves. I think you also need the power of these elves." The Soul Emperor said.

"Okay, then I'll try." Chen Feng did not refuse. Even if there was danger lurking in the dark, these elves were what he had to deal with and collect.

"Although I haven't recovered to my peak state, it's still okay to use some of the power of origin." Chen Feng said and released the power of one side of the origin.

The clones around were well prepared and suddenly dispersed into the origin. Those elves that should have been blocked by the clones rushed towards Chen Feng, and then were drowned by the origin.

The origin kept expanding, pulling more elves into it.

Since it was launched, it would go all out.

Under the control of the clones, the power of the origin expanded crazily, and the movement was so big that it shook the entire independent space.

"This guy's strength won't recover." The Soul Emperor had such a thought.




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