Eternal Existence

Chapter 5553 Emperor Huanyin

After a brief exchange between the two sides, Void God and his men gathered together and joined in from the outer area.

The ten emperors were also a considerable force, and the impact they brought to the battlefield made the battlefield even more chaotic.

Because of the previous experience, coupled with some of the processes of being ambushed later, Void God and his men had long changed their initial mentality and knew how to deal with the situation in front of them.

So they gathered together and did not separate.

As long as they were not disrupted, this was a very powerful force, and could even hunt down an existence like Emperor Yuanyang.

Especially with the fate clone of the Gate of Origin sitting in the middle, and with the three emperors of the Gate of Origin, the combat effectiveness was even more explosive.

So after a brief communication, Chen Feng and the Soul Emperor also knew the situation on their side, so they did not choose to worry.

Looking at the situation on their side, they were not in a hurry to open a channel to join.

Now Chen Feng and the Soul Emperor are also cooperating with others to operate the formation diagram, and the situation on the Void God side is the same.

These are two relatively close small groups. Under normal circumstances, they can destroy one side of the origin, but now they are only participating in a war, and they are not the main force.

After thinking about these, Chen Feng began to worry whether the Yin Realm could withstand the war involving so many powerful practitioners.

If it could withstand it, it would gain enough benefits. If it could not withstand it, it would only end up collapsing.

However, the entire Yin Realm was still stable until now, which was one of the reasons why Chen Feng and others chose to stand on the side of the Yin Realm.

Emperor Huanyin suddenly appeared in front of everyone. Just when Chen Feng felt strange, he received the news from Emperor Huanyin.

In the shortest time, Chen Feng also understood the means of Emperor Huanyin.

Unlike Emperor Taiyin's decisive, straightforward and powerful attacks, Emperor Huanyin was better at using magical means.

The style can also be roughly judged from the other party's address.

Not only Chen Feng, but also Emperor Xinling and others received the voice transmission from Emperor Huanyin, and they also quickly entered the illusion created by Emperor Huanyin.

This is a very strange experience, but Chen Feng has encountered it before.

To put it bluntly, this is an illusion, but who is the one who started it?

The illusion set up by an existence of the level of the Huanyin Emperor is certainly not simple. The reason why it appears in front of everyone is actually an illusion that everyone sees, that is to say, the real body of the Huanyin Emperor is unknown.

Everyone entered the illusion together, and the connection between everyone was still the same, and the formation diagram was still there, which also made Chen Feng feel relieved.

And here, three practitioners were trapped by the illusion, and the purpose of Chen Feng and others coming in was to deal with these three practitioners.

"Quick battle, quick decision, time is running out." The Huanyin Emperor only left this sentence at the end.

Chen Feng understood that although everyone entered the illusion, they were still fighting with opponents outside, but the time difference between them was well controlled, but they also needed to fight quickly. If the delay was too long, this illusion would be broken, or they would be affected by other opponents.

Although it was a quick battle, everyone knew that this was a good opportunity. These were just three opponents, and they should be able to be solved.

"It is indeed a different style from the Taiyin Emperor." In Chen Feng's opinion, although the Taiyin Emperor's move was domineering and direct, in such a large-scale war, the Huanyin Emperor's means were more useful.

The thought flashed through their minds, and everyone took action as soon as they came in.

And they all chose some means of suppressing the seal.

In any case, these were three emperors, and it was difficult to kill them directly on the spot. Even if they could do it, they would have to pay a certain price.

But using the means of suppressing the seal was different. Even if they could break free of the seal and escape afterwards, it would not be possible in a short time.

At present, as long as they could be suppressed, it would reduce the power in the opponent's camp.

So everyone used such means without any discussion.

Everyone present had a special sealing method. The Soul Emperor used the Soul Shackles, and Chen Feng directly took out the God Mountain to suppress it.

Others naturally used various means.

It didn't take much time.

The last three emperor-level practitioners were solved by everyone.

Chen Feng and the Soul Emperor jointly suppressed one, and the other two were suppressed by the Yin Realm Patrol.

Then the illusion disappeared, and everyone returned to the previous scene, still fighting with the opponent.

But then the scene in front of them changed again, and everyone entered another illusion. This time, the three practitioners trapped in the illusion turned out to be the opponents they had just fought.

"That's great." Everyone was very satisfied. After solving these opponents, they could also relieve some pressure in reality.

But is it really okay to continue like this?

Just solved three emperors, and now three more emperors have come. If this situation continues for a few times, it will really affect the entire battlefield.

Although this war has affected the entire underworld, to be honest, the number of emperors is still limited.

The fight between the two sides, even in a large-scale war, is mostly just injuries.

After all, it is difficult to really fall at the level of the Great Emperor. After being injured, you have to go back and find a way to recover, and then fight again.

But like Chen Feng and his team, directly suppressing and sealing people is actually not much different from killing the opponent.

The most important thing is that suppressing one person is actually reducing the opponent's combat power by one.

This has already affected the overall situation.

However, the opportunity is right in front of them, and everyone wants to do it first.

So next, everyone is familiar with the way and solved these three opponents again, and the division is the same as before.

Chen Feng and the Soul Emperor looked at each other, feeling a little complicated.

In fact, the Soul Emperor has not been here for a long time, but after the two cooperated, it can be said that they have reaped continuous benefits.

Now Chen Feng and the Soul Emperor have suppressed many opponents in the origin controlled by them. As long as these opponents are solved in the future, both of them will get unexpected huge benefits.

You must know that compared with any other resources, these successful practitioners are the real treasures, and each of them is a huge treasure house.

Simply put, the Void God has trained the body of a great emperor into a clone, so the combat power is directly doubled, not to mention that the resources owned by the great emperor are unimaginable.

In a short period of time, everyone solved six great emperors, which did affect the surrounding battlefield, and the Yin Realm began to gain the upper hand.

Just when everyone was thinking about continuing to appear in the illusion, they found that the Great Emperor Huanyin in the distance had disappeared.

"It should be that we have encountered an equal opponent." Everyone was a little disappointed, and then they found that the King of Gods and Emperor Yuanyang who were fighting each other did not know where they had gone.

Looking at the other situations on the battlefield, the number of people is still increasing, but a large number of Hunyuan Above appeared on the edge.

Although the Great Emperor is the main force and the real factor that determines the victory or defeat of this war, the number of Hunyuan Above participating is the largest, and it is also a force that cannot be ignored.

After all, the Great Emperor is also Hunyuan Above. A single Hunyuan Above is naturally not an opponent, but multiple Hunyuan Above can also surround and kill the Great Emperor.

Some Hunyuan Above with extraordinary talents even have the combat power of the Great Emperor.

"It looks like the underworld has the upper hand. Next, we must take the opportunity to deal with more opponents. Maybe we can end this war in one fell swoop." Chen Feng said with a smile.

As the pressure was relieved, the formation controlled by everyone began to expand, trying to affect the distant opponents.

"It is really possible, but the other side also has masters. Don't forget the missing sneak attacker. Although he was injured before, the other side will definitely not give up. Moreover, there are a lot of sneak attackers under the other side. If they carry out the assassination regardless of the consequences, it will also cause a huge turmoil." The Soul Emperor said.

Everyone was fighting and communicating at the same time. At this time, the power of the underworld began to descend again.

With the blessing of these powers, everyone felt more confident. Since there was still extra power in the underworld, it also showed that the situation was still under control.

However, Chen Feng was not happy for long before he received news from the God of Nothingness. It turned out that they were attacked again, and this time there were many sneak attackers, and this person and they were injured.

At this time, it was all thanks to the influence of the fate clone of the Gate of Origin that the three emperors' strength surged, and they barely controlled the situation, but they still couldn't stop the elusive sneak attacker.

This also shows the gap between ordinary emperors and soul emperors.

Speaking of it, the Void God and his men are relatively ordinary among the emperors. Under normal circumstances, they can fight with other emperors for a while even if the opponent is strong, and they will not be seriously injured even if they are not opponents.

But facing this sneak attacker who is proficient in assassination, they are a little embarrassed, and their choice to inform Chen Feng and the Soul Emperor of the news also has the flavor of asking for help. They will definitely not do this unless they have no choice.

"It seems that there is only one way to kill." Chen Feng and the Soul Emperor made a decision, and it was naturally difficult for others to refute it. And as mentioned before, it is normal to change the opponent in the battlefield anyway.

But before everyone took action, the situation changed again. The strong threat was like a waterfall washing down, and I, including the Soul Emperor, felt a little uncomfortable.

The formation diagram condensed by the joint efforts also shook a little. This kind of threat had never been seen before. Even the powerful sneak attacker and the Yuanyang Emperor who appeared later did not bring this feeling to everyone.

So everyone madly output mana in the first time, and the formation diagram also burst out with unprecedented power.

Needless to say, everyone believes in their own perception. Under the stimulation of the strong crisis, what everyone has to do is to burst out their strength first, defend first, and respond to the next wave of possible dangers. As for who the opponent is, now is not the time to think about those things.

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