Eternal Existence

Chapter 5535 Taiyin Emperor

Hunting the Queen Mother, everyone can be said to be very experienced. Although the second time was not successful, it can only be said to be an accident. Moreover, this is the territory of the people. They can definitely deal with the Queen Mother. If the Queen Mother is dealt with, then the Zerg army will not be a big deal.

It can also be regarded as removing a hidden danger for the Yin Realm, but it is not sure how many Zerg armies this Queen Mother can control, and whether there are emperors under her command?

To put it bluntly, when we were in the origin of chaos before, everyone had enough energy and knew that the Zerg army should not be underestimated.

Chen Feng thought more in his heart and communicated with the Emperor of Mind in private.

"When we were in the origin of chaos before, we found two Queen Mothers and many emperors. This is a more powerful sound world than the origin of chaos. Is there really only one Queen Mother?" Chen Feng said this, naturally thinking that the Emperor of Mind had strange means, and maybe he could discover more things through the power of the mind.

After all, although it was in the Yin Realm, it was experiencing a war at this time, and the Yin Realm probably did not have extra power to be omniscient and omnipotent.

"For the time being, we have only found one queen mother, but the number of Zerg armies is quite large. Whether or not we can solve this queen mother, these Zerg armies will bring some troubles and bring chaos to the underworld." The Soul Emperor said so.

Chen Feng understood what the Soul Emperor meant. It seems that the Zerg army is not just as simple as a large number, but there are many powerful masters.

Chen Feng did not say much to others. I think they can also figure this out. Besides, they will take action soon, and they can also see the strength of the Zerg army.

"But there are many emperors. If we solve the queen mother first, we can probably sweep the Zerg army." Chen Feng said in his heart.

Because of the addition of two underworld inspectors, this hunting team became full of confidence.

In fact, if you really think about it, it is still rare for many emperors to gather together. Under normal circumstances, they all practice separately. Even if they communicate, they will travel through time and space with their will. It is rare for them to meet in person.

From another perspective, the war of the origin is also extremely rare. Even if they are separated by several calamities, there may not be a conflict.

The reason why Chen Feng encountered the battle of origins one after another was that he would go wherever there was a big fluctuation.

It was just hunting the Queen Mother, so he was still very confident.

It was still the will of the Yin Realm that moved everyone over and directly to the Queen Mother's nest.

But the Queen Mother seemed to be prepared. There were eight emperors in the nest, and there were two war beasts. They opened their mouths and countless Zerg armies rushed out.

"Why are there so many emperor-level sub-insects? How strong is the Queen Mother?" Although these Yin Realm patrollers are powerful, this is the first time they have encountered such a situation.

Chen Feng and others had hunted the Queen Mother before, so they were not surprised. However, although they were mentally prepared, they saw so many emperors waiting for them, and they knew that this hunting operation would most likely fail.

"Let's go." Chen Feng suggested.

"No, these Zergs are also opponents." The Yin Realm patroller said.

Chen Feng just felt that something was wrong and wanted to leave to figure it out first, but the practitioners on the Yin Realm side didn't think so. They believed that whether it was Taiyuan, Sanguang Origin or other origins, or the Zerg army, they were all opponents of the Yin Realm, and it would be the same no matter which side was dealt with.

If these Zergs were not dealt with, the Zerg army would also cause damage to the Yin Realm.

Chen Feng didn't continue to talk. In Chen Feng's opinion, he just made an opinion, and it didn't matter what choice he made.

At the beginning, it was just a chaos between the two sides, and the confrontation between the emperors. The other sub-insects couldn't intervene for a while, so they could only gather together not far away and prepare their means.

However, the mother queen didn't make a move, which made Chen Feng feel strange.

"You guys be careful." The Soul Emperor notified everyone present.

The next moment, the mother queen launched a mental attack, targeting one of the Yin Realm patrollers.

Unlike the previous mother queen who used the power of the mind to sweep everyone at the same time.

Concentrating on one, this is dangerous for Chen Feng and others.

Although the underworld patrollers were powerful, they could not resist this level of mental power. Fortunately, the Psychic Emperor had been on guard against this and immediately used his mental power to block it.

But it only blocked part of it. Even the weakened mental power injured the underworld patroller, who was killed by the emperor-level insects and retreated again and again.

Then the Shadow Emperor was also attacked by the mental power. The reason why he was attacked second was because the Shadow Emperor wanted to hide and attack the Queen Mother, but was discovered by the Queen Mother.

Then Chen Feng was attacked. Chen Feng was prepared. He opened layers of defenses, and with the help of the Psychic Emperor, he barely resolved this wave of attacks.

Then the others were also attacked by the Queen Mother one after another. They were reluctant to leave before, but now they were a little embarrassed after falling behind, and they couldn't leave just because they wanted to.

"It's not okay to be beaten passively like this. We have to change the way of fighting. Someone has to entangle the Queen Mother." Chen Feng said.

"Except for me who can barely fight the Queen Mother, others can't withstand the Queen Mother's mental power." The Psychic Emperor said.

Sure enough, one of the underworld inspectors seized the opportunity and rushed to the Queen Mother, but was unable to break through the Queen Mother's mental barrier, and was subsequently severely injured by the Queen Mother's mental attack.

"This mother queen is too strong. Unless we join forces, it's useless to fight her one-on-one." The Soul Emperor said.




At this time, those sub-insects above the level of Hunyuan sent out a mental frenzy and energy frenzy. The pressure on everyone was even greater. They had to use the finale method. Finally, the Soul Emperor replaced him and let the Soul Emperor entangle the mother queen. As long as there was no impact of the power of the mind, there would be a fight.

But the Soul Emperor could only barely resist, and the joint attack of the Zerg army was not so easy to deal with.

"Everyone, find a way to kill them." At this time, the Yin Realm Patrolman spoke.

"It's not so easy to kill each other. It takes some price, but this is our territory. There is no reason to be forced to this point by the other party." Chen Feng said.

Hearing Chen Feng say this, the others were moved and remembered that Chen Feng had used the method of Yin Realm Origin to suppress Kaitian Emperor before. If it was used now, maybe the mother queen could be suppressed.

Just like Chen Feng said, this is their territory, and the will of the underworld will not watch everyone fall.

Chen Feng did have such an idea. He was thinking about using the origin of the underworld to fight. Suddenly, a beam of light suddenly cut into this area, and one of the emperor-level insects was neatly split in half.

Although he didn't die, he didn't reshape his body in the first time, and his wounds were constantly collapsing.

"What is this?"

Chen Feng was shocked. The light just now should be the sword energy. How could it be so powerful? Chen Feng was sure that this was the strongest sword energy he had ever seen.


The second emperor's insect was split in half.

In fact, these insect masters have been on guard, but it's useless. Even if they sensed the location of the sword energy, they couldn't avoid it. The sword energy was indestructible, so they couldn't resist it.

Then the third emperor's insect was cut open, and Chen Feng and others only felt that the pressure was greatly reduced, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's the Taiyin Emperor." The underworld patrollers were all excited.

"It looks like a great existence." The Soul Emperor and Chen Feng looked at each other.

"Just hearing the name sounds domineering enough." Chen Feng nodded.

Four emperors were cut into calamities by the sword energy in succession. Chen Feng took the opportunity to take half of the body of a sub-worm into the origin and suppressed it.

This is a good thing. If the mother queen under his command eats it, she can enter a higher level. After thinking about this, Chen Feng set his sights on other emperor-level talented sub-worms.

Others are different from Chen Feng. They just want to further wipe out the Zerg army. However, the Soul Emperor knows Chen Feng better, so he uses the soul chain to tie up a part of the body of the sub-worm and give it to Chen Feng.


Chen Feng laughed. He and the Soul Emperor had previously joined forces to suppress an emperor. Since the Soul Emperor gave him benefits, there is no need to divide it up.

The Taiyin Emperor appeared, holding the Taiyin Knife and took a step forward, ignoring the Zerg army, and then slashed at the position where the mother queen was.

When the first emperor-level worm was split, the mother queen had a bad feeling, and now she was really scared. She used the strongest mental barrier to block this attack.

As a result, the sword light was indestructible, breaking the mental barrier, and then fiercely cut the mother queen.

The mother queen was almost split in half, and the mental storm began to erupt. In this situation, the mother queen could only choose to escape.

The strong fear urged the mother queen, but before she could escape, she was locked by the sword light again.

First, the mental storm was crushed, and then the mother queen's body was also cut open.

Another knife, the mother queen's body was damaged even more.

"The rest is up to you." Taiyin Emperor said and left with a knife.

Chen Feng was shocked. In such a critical situation, the other party came with a knife, and turned the world around in the blink of an eye.

Sure enough, strong strength can suppress everything.

But now is not the time to be shocked, and the benefits will be divided next.

The Queen Mother is not dead yet. If we don't strike while the iron is hot, the other party can still recover. So everyone rushed forward and quickly divided the Queen Mother up.

Without the Queen Mother, even the Great Emperor was killed several times. The remaining ones no longer posed a threat to everyone. On the contrary, they could slaughter the Zerg army.

Chen Feng no longer wanted to use the power of the Origin to fight. He just frantically pulled the Zerg army into the Origin to suppress it.

After a massacre, only two Great Emperor-level insects escaped, and countless insects below the Great Emperor died.

Later, everyone released their clones to slaughter the weaker insects.

"Killing like crazy." Chen Feng said with some emotion. Just now, the Soul Emperor swept through with a wave of soul power, and tens of thousands of insects were controlled, and then all entered the Origin controlled by Chen Feng. These tens of thousands of insects were almost all Hunyuan Jinxian, which was a great gain for Chen Feng.




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