Eternal Existence

Chapter 5508: The Great Dao Clone

Before, everyone thought that the origin of chaos would start a war on many sides, and there would be no extra powerful forces coming, but the appearance of the Lord of Thunder made everyone's relaxed minds full again.

The situation did not develop in a good direction, but became more and more unfavorable.

In this situation, even Chen Feng could not bear it, let alone those above the Hunyuan.

One of his companions was directly beaten into a blood mist by the Lord of Power, and the Lord of Thunder immediately used the power of thunder to sweep away and wipe out the opponent's life.

The Lord of Thunder, who is good at attacking, cooperated with the Lord of Power at this time. This scene made Chen Feng sigh again and again.

But no matter what, under the two powerful attack methods of power and thunder, everyone could not resist.

The three emperors, Shadow Emperor, Nether Emperor, and Dark Night Emperor, as the strongest fighting force, have done their best to besiege the Lord of Power. Sometimes they have to free up their hands to deal with the attacks of those above the Hunyuan. Now there is an additional Lord of Thunder, which is really unbearable.

Think about the origin masters that we met when we invaded other origin areas before. If they also appeared, the situation can be imagined.

Chen Feng even thought of the Lord of Holy Light. Where is this fastest cultivator now?

"No, the origin of chaos is now invaded by many parties. There shouldn't be so many forces."

"We are also the invaders. The other side only sent out two attribute masters. This is normal."


Another Hunyuan Above was hit by the hammer of the Thunder Lord and rolled out, his body was burnt.

"Hey, you guys find a way to leave, leave this to us." The Shadow Emperor sighed and released a stream of air to cover these Hunyuan Above.

With the magical power of the shadow power covering, these Hunyuan Above immediately entered a state of blindness.

But it is not so easy to escape like this, so the Dark Night Emperor released a group of Dark Night clones, and Chen Feng also stepped forward to entangle several opponents, which gave them a chance to escape.

After leaving Hunyuan, it seemed that there was no burden, but the pressure on Chen Feng and others became stronger.

Chen Feng stepped forward to monopolize the Lord of Thunder, and the two fought fiercely.

"You were lucky last time, can you still escape this time?" The Lord of Thunder was as ruthless as before, and he had a psychological advantage over the fleeing general in front of him.

"I want to leave, can you stop me? This time, your Chaos Origin is about to collapse, and you still have the leisure to deal with us, why don't you go out and fight." Chen Feng sneered, and suddenly recalled the clones. The three clones turned into the Origin God Mountain again, surrounding himself and the Lord of Thunder.

"If it weren't for the Lord of Holy Light before, you would have been so arrogant in front of me."

"I think you forgot who fled in a hurry." The Lord of Thunder also sneered coldly.




Thunder exploded, golden light shot up into the sky, the two swung their weapons and collided from time to time, and suddenly the Origin Mountain burst out with a force that wrapped up the Lord of Thunder, and Chen Feng seized the opportunity to stab the Lord of Thunder with a spear.

The lightning exploded, and the Spear of Destiny was blocked.

"The attack power is good, but my defense is also very strong." The Lord of Thunder said with a smile.

"So you are wearing a protective armor." Chen Feng nodded. Although the attack power of the Spear of Destiny is very strong, if the opponent is wearing the same level of defense, it can still be blocked.

However, Chen Feng still has a way. With a wave of his hand, the sword formation fell and enveloped the Lord of Thunder.

The sword light mixed with the light of thunder, exploded and roared, looking very terrifying.

The Lord of Thunder broke through the sword formation, but was stabbed by the Spear of Destiny again.

This time, it pierced directly along the opponent's wound, and the power of destiny surged. The Lord of Thunder saw a flower in front of him and saw his own fate of falling.


The Spear of Destiny roared, and lightning shot out of his body. Chen Feng retreated to avoid the peak temporarily. When the Lord of Thunder became a little weak after the explosion, the Spear of Destiny stabbed the opponent again.

Before Chen Feng was happy, the Thunder Hammer suddenly appeared and hit Chen Feng.

"Hey, your little trick is not bad." The Lord of Thunder sneered, stretched out his hand to grab the hammer, and swung it violently, and the power of the sword formation and the origin of the mountain was dispersed.

But no matter what, Chen Feng had the blessing of the sword formation and the origin of the mountain, so he could fight the Lord of Thunder.

Speaking of it, Chen Feng is still not as good as the Lord of Thunder, because Chen Feng's consumption is very large, and this state will not last long.

And there are other external forces involved.

A fist came and directly knocked an origin of the mountain rolling out.

Chen Feng was depressed. The three emperors were besieged, and the Lord of Strength could still free his hands to attack. Chen Feng was shocked by the opponent's strength, and secretly cursed the Shadow Emperor and others for being really useless.

He is an emperor after all. He exploded and fought desperately. Even if he didn't want to do this, he had to entangle the Lord of Strength.

Two more punches, and the other two sacred mountains were also overturned.

"Hehe, you are the Lord of Attributes after all. Do you still need help from others?" Chen Feng mocked the Lord of Thunder.

The Lord of Thunder didn't say anything. Although he was calm on the surface, the fire of anger in his heart had been burning.

He, the Lord of Attributes at the level of the emperor, couldn't take down this defeated general, and he even needed help from others.

However, although he was angry, the Lord of Thunder was not sure that he could take down Chen Feng, otherwise he would not have waited until now. He succeeded when he joined forces with the Lord of Holy Light before.

The Lord of Thunder could see that his strength was beyond that of this opponent, but this opponent had many tricks.

The previous escape technique made the Lord of Thunder helpless. If it weren't for the Lord of Holy Light blocking him, the Lord of Thunder would not have seen Chen Feng at all.

Now he was fighting alone. Who knew that Chen Feng had mastered some treasures of the origin level, and with some tricks, he actually suffered a little loss.

So under the blessing of anger, the Lord of Thunder's combat power increased a little, but Chen Feng suddenly put away the origin mountain, and avenues rushed out of his body, and dozens of avenue clones walked out in one breath.

The moment the clones appeared, they formed a reincarnation battle formation, and blocked the attack of the Lord of Thunder together.

No matter how many times the Lord of Thunder exploded, he could not break through the siege of the reincarnation battle formation.

You must know that Chen Feng did not gain nothing during this period. On the contrary, he gained a lot, especially the attribute origin he obtained, which made his avenue break through.

The strength of the clones is naturally much stronger than before. In the past, the avenue clones could fight against the emperor together, and this time there is no problem.

The appearance of many clones shocked everyone present. It's not that he didn't have clones, but releasing so many clones in one breath was still a bit unusual.

After all, this is not a combat puppet, nor is it some external clones, but a real clone that came out of his own cultivation path.

The most rare thing is that each clone has a strong combat power, and can besiege the emperor together.

However, after the shock of Shadow Emperor and others, they were surprised, after all, this is their ally.

However, although so many clones were created, can they change the current situation?

Chen Feng didn't know if he could change the situation, but he tried his best. In fact, with Chen Feng's strength, he could leave. At this time, he didn't even have to worry about being targeted by the will of the origin of chaos or other masters.

The reason why Chen Feng exploded was that he stimulated his fighting will through the previous confrontation.

Chen Feng was very depressed that he couldn't do anything to the Lord of Power just now, and now the Lord of Thunder is looking for trouble again.

In addition, he was chased by the Lord of Thunder before, so he naturally had to give the other party a good look.

And fighting with the Lord of Thunder can also be good for himself.

Under various factors, it is normal for various changes to occur during a battle.

The Lord of Thunder kept swinging his hammer, and each blow could severely injure or even kill a Primordial Master, but it was different now. No matter how violently the Lord of Thunder exploded, it was perfectly taken over by the Samsara Battle Formation.

Chen Feng's Samsara Domain was originally good at this aspect, and now there are so many Dao clones sitting in charge, which can naturally make Samsara stronger.

Seeing that the Lord of Thunder could not rush out, Chen Feng integrated the power of creation and the sword formation into it.

"It's a pity that there is no helper. If there are dozens of Primordial Masters, combined with the Creation Formation Diagram, it will definitely be able to severely injure the opponent." Chen Feng said in his heart.

It must be said that Chen Feng was still very satisfied with the results of this battle on the opponent's territory. As for the consumption of some mana cultivation, Chen Feng no longer cared. At Chen Feng's level, it would be easy to recover.

The war will always end. Should it continue to beat this side of the origin to pieces or should some changes happen to change the current situation early.

The Lord of Power felt a little impatient, or didn't want to fight like this anymore, so the Lord of Power's strength actually increased again.

Even if the Shadow Emperor and his men tried their best, they couldn't resist.

"The other party borrowed the power of the origin, leave quickly." Shadow Emperor said.

After hearing this, Chen Feng sighed. Regardless of whether the Lord of Power borrowed the power of the origin, didn't you also open up the origin? Continue to fight with him.

However, since the Shadow Emperor and his men were planning to leave, Chen Feng also took the opportunity to leave.

But before leaving, he still got rid of some entanglements.

Although it seemed that Chen Feng's clone battle formation had the upper hand, it had never been able to really do anything to the Lord of Thunder.

And Chen Feng chose to take action at this time.

Chen Feng used the power of the origin.

The two powers of the origin were compressed together, and Chen Feng suddenly burst out, directly suppressing the Lord of Thunder and almost kneeling on the ground.

So the Lord of Thunder began to roar, such a situation was really humiliating, so the Lord of Thunder began to burn the origin.

However, even if the Lord of Thunder obtained enough powerful power, it still did not change the situation, but became more chaotic.

Chen Feng's origin and the avenue clones continued to explode, and Chen Feng also took the opportunity to throw some energy balls compressed by the power beyond the origin.

In the chaos, the Lord of Thunder was injured one after another, especially after feeling the power beyond the origin, the Lord of Thunder instinctively began to defend.

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