Eternal Existence

Chapter 5503: Endless

Here, it is still the source of Yin and the law of Yin that is devoured. Chen Feng himself has mastered a part of the Yin Realm, and the Shadow Emperor is a master of the Yin Realm, so the energy and laws here are of great benefit to the two of them, and the two of them plundered very smoothly.

However, the remaining few practitioners will naturally not watch the two plundering, but will join forces to attack frantically while communicating with the origin of chaos and looking for helpers.

Sure enough, the will of the origin of chaos appeared. After the Shadow Emperor and Chen Feng joined forces to fight once, they immediately chose to flee from here.

Just after leaving this area, they encountered two different wills crossing, but the Shadow Emperor was fast enough to directly use the shadow magic to cover the two, and then began to sneak again.

Chen Feng noticed that this time the Shadow Emperor was not as relaxed as before, and he also felt a faint crisis.

"The other party is trying to lock us." The Shadow Emperor said.

"Strange, in addition to the will of the origin of chaos, where did the two powerful wills come from? If it is the helper of the other party, is it really willing to let the will of other origins go deep into it?" Chen Feng felt a little unrealistic.

If the other party touched other powers, it would be understandable. However, letting the other party's will enter one's territory would itself be very risky.

"It is also possible that the other party has a very good relationship and trusts each other very much. However, it is also possible that it is not the will of the origin, but perhaps two powerful practitioners." The Shadow Emperor suddenly stopped and directly pushed the shadow magic to the extreme.

Chen Feng knew that things had reached a critical moment. After all, no matter how magical the Shadow Emperor's magic was, once it was in action, there would be some clues that attracted the attention of the other party. Only by stopping and being stable could the magic be pushed to the extreme.

The faint sense of crisis became stronger and stronger, and Chen Feng was ready to take action at any time.

Suddenly, the sense of crisis intensified, and the two powerful forces almost simultaneously tore open the field formed by the shadow magic, and went straight to the Shadow Emperor and Chen Feng.

The other party still found the two.

"Then let's fight. Will alone can't do anything to us." Chen Feng suddenly burst into a dazzling golden light, and the power that had been prepared for a long time was suddenly released.

This was also the first time that the power of the Shadow Emperor was broken since entering the origin of chaos, which made the Shadow Emperor feel the crisis.

Although there had been calculations in this regard before, this situation occurred so quickly, indicating that the opponent was not only powerful, but also constantly changing his methods.

This was just with Chen Feng. If there were so many people before, wouldn't they have been found by the opponent long ago?

The two sides collided violently, and Chen Feng and the Shadow Emperor were exposed from the stealth state. The next moment Chen Feng used the magic of walking to gather with the Shadow Emperor again.

In this situation, the two must not separate, otherwise the Shadow Emperor can hide, and Chen Feng will be unlucky.

Although Chen Feng is also proficient in hiding, he can't hide in this situation.

"It's just will. The opponent has no real body, and we can still run away." The Shadow Emperor was not panicked, but his move was very sharp, and he made some substitutes fly around, which was to interfere with the opponent's sight.

Chen Feng threw some energy balls randomly, also wanting to mess up the situation and take the opportunity to leave here.

In the end, they really succeeded.

This time, the two changed some ways. Chen Feng directly used the father-son law, and with the fusion of the magic of walking, the two traveled a very long distance in a very short time.

Then they changed their positions several times. During this process, the Heroic Emperor also used the shadow magic to cover the two.

They stopped when they felt that it was almost done.

"It should be okay, right?" Chen Feng didn't know where this was. Because of the random changes in positions before, the two of them couldn't accurately determine the direction now, but in Chen Feng's general perception, they should be in the depths of the origin of chaos.

"It seems that the luck is not too good. It's not so easy to escape in this situation, but I didn't think about leaving the origin of chaos. After all, we still have to save people." Chen Feng said in his heart.

The Shadow Emperor said nothing, but used the shadow magic with all his strength.

This time, the two escaped the other party's search.

"Okay, let's go to save people next." The Shadow Emperor said.

"I thought fellow Taoist continued to go to other attribute origins." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"That's indeed the plan, but now the situation has changed, let's go and save people." Shadow Emperor said.

After determining the direction, they found that they were far away from the origin of space. It would take some time according to the stealth speed of Shadow Emperor.

"Maybe we should speed up." Shadow Emperor said.

"I'm afraid we will be locked by the other party." Chen Feng said.

Although he was worried, Chen Feng still used the copy law, and this time Chen Feng was considered to be full-strength.

With the help of the power of the copy law, they came directly to the origin of space.

Before the will came, the two rushed in quickly, smashed layers of space barriers, and soon met a cultivator.

However, Chen Feng and Shadow Emperor's faces were not very good, because a companion fell.

Although there were concerns about this before, now the worries have come true.

All the people who came this time were masters. If they were not great emperors, they had the potential to become great emperors. They might become even stronger in the future.

"I was mentally prepared before I came." Shadow Emperor said slowly, releasing the power of origin to try to cover the entire origin of space.

And Chen Feng did not hide his weakness. The situation in front of him could not be reserved. He directly used the power of several origins to burst out alternately.

Although this area was powerful, it was still collapsing. In this case, it was useless to separate Chen Feng and the other person, because the power of origin was too strong and this space area could not bear it.

Those companions who were still alive gathered together and rushed out of the space area in one breath.

The shadow magic naturally covered it again, but this time it covered more people than before, so whether it could be concealed from the opponent's detection, Shadow Emperor had no idea.

"Some changes have occurred in the origin of chaos!"

Waiting for Chen Feng suddenly said.

"Daoyou sensed it?" Shadow Emperor said.

"After all, I got some attribute origins before and established some connections with this origin, so I have some induction. Before, there were masters appearing one after another in the Chaos Origin, which made me lose confidence. Now it seems that although the Chaos Origin is powerful, it is impossible to persist after all, with multiple parties fighting. Maybe there are new forces outside the Origin involved." Chen Feng said.

"Although it is a calculation, there are indeed some turbulences now. Maybe we don't have to leave in a hurry." Shadow Emperor said, and began to speed up to test the Chaos Origin.

As a result, this test has a result.

A will swept over, and before breaking the shadow magic, a powerful cultivator broke through the space and came to everyone.

So strong!

This is the common idea of ​​Chen Feng and others. It is obvious that a great emperor came, and it is an unusual great emperor.

Including the Shadow Emperor, no one is the opponent of the comer in a one-on-one fight.

"Your Excellency should not be the Lord of Attributes, right?" Shadow Emperor suddenly asked.

"I didn't expect the Yin Realm to send forces to make trouble. I really underestimated you." This person did not answer, but waved the halberd in his hand to kill.

The opponent's strength is indeed strong, but it is a bit unrealistic to say that he can deal with Chen Feng and others by himself, but the opponent did it, and he has super confidence.

"Don't get entangled with the opponent." Chen Feng waved the vein of destiny to resist the opponent's attack.

However, the Shadow Emperor directly used the shadow technique on the opponent, so the powerful power of this practitioner was weakened a lot under the blindness, and the others immediately took action and went forward to besiege frantically.

It must be said that the power of shadow is really good for auxiliary. Originally, Chen Feng was under some pressure in fighting with the opponent, but now the pressure was gone, and the spear of destiny even pierced the opponent.

Then the opponent broke out, the breath was stronger, and several forces of different attributes condensed into whips and whipped frantically.

"This is!"

Chen Feng was surprised, and stretched out his hand to try to grab one of the whips, but was hit by the power contained in the opponent, and his palm was a little painful.

The spear of destiny stabbed out violently and broke another whip, but the other whips were very powerful and could fight with others, and even if the whips were broken, the opponent could condense them again.

"He is not the master of attributes, but he has mastered the power of multiple attributes. It looks like what I have cultivated. The difference is that the attributes cultivated by the other party are very powerful. It's interesting. This person will not be the incarnation of the origin of this side." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"The other party's name is Chaos. No one knows where he came from, but he must have a great relationship with the origin of Chaos." At this time, a will came, followed by a knife light.

This knife was extremely sharp, and everything was cut open wherever it passed, and the target went straight to the Chaos who mastered multiple attribute powers.

Chaos was very powerful, but after all, most of his strength was used to deal with Chen Feng and others, so he was somewhat powerless in the face of this sudden knife, and the long whips condensed by the attribute power exploded one after another.

Finally, the knife light flashed violently, and a deep knife cut appeared on Chaos' body.

"What a pity!"

Chen Feng shook his head. He thought that this knife could split the opponent, but Chaos also had means, especially the origin-level protective armor fused in his flesh and blood, which blocked the opponent's knife.

Otherwise, even the emperor would not dare to resist it.

"Sword Saint, you've come to join in the fun, be careful or you may not come back." Chaos suddenly leaped out of the encirclement, as if he was independent of the Origin, looking at everyone with a dim gaze.

"I've been to Chaos Origin many times, but it's not easy to keep me here." A practitioner holding a long sword slowly approached.

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