Eternal Existence

Chapter 5476 Mysterious Area

"See if you survive this time." The Saint of Samsara laughed loudly. Just as he was about to step forward, he saw that the three origin mountains that suppressed him had turned into Chen Feng's clones, performing the same boxing skills, which were equally powerful.

Although the Saint of Samsara reacted quickly and defended himself at the first time, he still couldn't stop the attack of the three clones.

The Saint of Samsara was directly beaten to pieces.

"Hehe, I suppressed you before just to learn more about the situation. You don't really think I can't do anything to you, do you?" One of the clones laughed, and then another origin mountain appeared out of thin air, suppressing the broken body of the Saint of Samsara.

In this way, the Saint of Samsara couldn't even rebuild his body.

Seeing that the Saint of Samsara was suppressed again, those Hunyuan Above who attacked him became a little anxious, but they couldn't take Chen Feng down for a while.

At this time, the emperor hidden in the dark finally appeared.

After the other party arrived, he did not attack Chen Feng, but stretched out his hands to grab Chen Feng's clones.

It was obvious that the other party had set his eyes on these Origin God Mountains.

The emperor was the emperor after all, and these God Mountains could not resist him together.

But at this time, Chen Feng also launched a counterattack.

"Sure enough, I knew there was someone behind me, and now I can't help but attack." Chen Feng roared, and one clone after another rushed out of his body. In the blink of an eye, there were dozens of clones, and they directly launched a counterattack against the Hunyuan on the scene.

And Chen Feng came to the emperor.

"Emperor Jiuhun, we have met before, and the communication was pretty good, but I didn't expect that fellow Taoist would secretly plot against me." Chen Feng sneered.

"I really underestimated you. I was wrong about this matter. I am willing to leave. How about this matter ends here?" Emperor Jiuhun's expression did not change, but he did not take action again.

"Haha, do you think this matter can be let go?" The wings of the God of Movement behind Chen Feng kept trembling, and the power of the origin of the volcano was also stirring, and the Spear of Destiny in his hand locked the opponent firmly.

Feeling the dangerous aura emanating from Chen Feng, the Nine Souls Emperor was still very calm: "I know you have some means, but your strength is not as good as mine after all. If you make a move, it will only create an enemy for nothing. The road of cultivation is still very long, and there is no need to fight to the death."

Chen Feng suddenly laughed: "What Daoyou said makes sense. In this case, Daoyou should leave, but those who made a move on me must stay."

"I want to take people away." The Nine Souls Emperor said lightly.

"There is no room for negotiation if you say that." Chen Feng sneered.

"This is my bottom line. If Daoyou continues to compete, then there is really no room for negotiation." The Nine Souls Emperor did not retreat at all.

"In this case, let's fight." After Chen Feng finished speaking, the Spear of Destiny in his hand stabbed the Nine Souls Emperor.

The Nine Souls Emperor took out a long sword to block the spear. At the same time, nine halos appeared behind him, emitting different auras, and nine different killing moves were brewing.

"There is still some strength." Chen Feng frowned slightly, knowing that he could not do anything to the other party with his strength.

Just now, it was said well, but the Nine Souls Emperor used a killing move as soon as he made a move, and the other party also wanted to kill Chen Feng if the opportunity was right.

In fact, in the eyes of the Nine Souls Emperor, Chen Feng's real cultivation was nothing, but the power he mastered made him feel threatened.


The fight between the two broke out with a powerful impact. The Nine Souls Emperor said lightly: "You actually mastered such power. Where did you get it?"

"I met it by accident." Chen Feng said calmly, and naturally he would not tell the other party that there was also a power beyond the origin in Guixu.

Chen Feng also had some thoughts in his mind. This time he could not do anything to the Nine Souls Emperor, but since the other party dared to plot against him, he deserved to die. He would find helpers next time and surround and kill the other party.

So Chen Feng now hopes that the other party will not leave the Gate of Origin.

Since there was a fight between the two, it showed the attitude of the Gate of Origin towards this matter. Then, if he surrounded and killed the other party in the future, the Gate of Origin would not say anything.

Chen Feng thought that in comparison, he was more important to the Gate of Origin.

Chen Feng resisted the urge to mobilize the power of the Long River of Time to test it, thinking that the matter was not too big, but there was just one more opponent at the level of the Great Emperor.

The two sides fought for several rounds. Chen Feng thought that the other party was going to use his magical powers, but who knew that the Nine Souls Great Emperor actually chose to leave. Before leaving, the light circle emitted power, blocking Chen Feng, and then emitted silk threads on the nine Hunyuan.

Chen Feng watched the other party leave without chasing him. He was still guessing what magical powers the other party was going to use and how he would deal with it. Who knew that such a change would occur, so Chen Feng understood that he was not sure what to do to himself, so he chose to leave.

"The other party wanted to rescue people at first, and now they have achieved their goal." Chen Feng said slowly, but there were still a few remaining Hunyuan Above. When they saw that there was no hope of escape, they naturally chose to beg for mercy, hoping that Chen Feng would spare their lives for the sake of belonging to the Gate of Origin camp, and even thought about surrendering to Chen Feng.

But Chen Feng ignored them and killed these Hunyuan Above directly.

If it was before, Chen Feng would still have the mind to subdue them, but now Chen Feng doesn't want to spend any more time on this.

As for whether these Hunyuan Above have left a mark in the Gate of Origin, and whether they can be resurrected in the future? Chen Feng didn't worry about it.

"Since you choose to go against me, you have to pay some price." Chen Feng looked at the suppressed Samsara Saint, slightly restrained the power of the Origin Mountain, and the broken body of the Samsara Saint was reunited.

"Daoyou failed again." Chen Feng said lightly.

Samsara Saint knew that he could not escape this time, so he simply calmed down.

"It's just a clone."

"To be able to cultivate to such a level of clone, I think it took a lot of effort to come here." Chen Feng asked with a smile.

Samsara Saint's face was indeed a little ugly.

"How did you cultivate so fast?" Samsara Saint was very shocked when he thought of Chen Feng's strength. He thought he could easily control Chen Feng, but he didn't expect that he had dispatched so many people and even found the top existence like the Nine Soul Emperor to help, but ended up like this.

"The speed of cultivation is naturally the result of my hard work, and of course it is all thanks to the cultivation method provided by fellow Taoists." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Hearing this, the face of the Saint of Samsara became even uglier.

"I am too lazy to talk to you. After killing you, I will go find your original body. Since we have become opponents, don't blame me for being ruthless. Besides, you were the first to provoke me this time. After dealing with you, I will go to deal with the Nine Souls Emperor." After Chen Feng finished speaking, he took action and killed the Saint of Samsara.

However, Chen Feng was not too happy. This time, he killed only one of the clones of the Saint Army of Samsara. The other party had other bodies.

Just as Chen Feng said before, find the other party's original body and then kill it. Otherwise, who knows what kind of trouble the other party will cause for himself.

The Saint of Samsara can find the emperor, which shows that his means are good. If his strength is not enough, then he may really suffer a loss just now.

In addition, the strength of the Saint of Samsara himself is also beyond Chen Feng's imagination. Maybe after this time, the other party will choose to merge with the clone, and then he may enter a higher level.

"How about going directly to the Gate of Origin and killing the other party?" Chen Feng had such an idea.

After all, this is indeed a hidden danger.

As for whether the Gate of Origin will block it, Chen Feng doesn't care at all.

After calculating in his mind, Chen Feng did not return immediately, but continued to wander around, seeing all the clones he left behind, and all the areas he had been to before, which took some time.

And it was far enough away from the Gate of Origin.

"So where should I go next?" Chen Feng tried to contact and successfully established a connection with the Long River of Time.

As long as Chen Feng is willing, he can enter the Gate of Origin in a very short time, but the Long River of Time brought some news to Chen Feng, one of which caught Chen Feng's attention.

There is a force trying to invade the Gate of Origin.

This news made Chen Feng a little uneasy, and he immediately decided to return to the free space first and put away the Savage Universe.

"It's really a bit troublesome." Chen Feng shook his head, this is his concern.

Just when Chen Feng wanted to return, he noticed a trace of power fluctuations coming over, and his heart moved, and decided to wait and see.

So Chen Feng discovered a new life zone.

What can make Chen Feng curious is naturally not a simple area. The wave just now is clearly the breath above Hunyuan.

At first, Chen Feng also suspected that someone was setting a trap for him. After all, he had just experienced the ambush of the Saint of Samsara, but curiosity drove Chen Feng to go and have a look.

So he found an area that had never been discovered before.

Chen Feng had been to this area before, but his strength was far from enough at that time, so he didn't notice it, but now Chen Feng's strength is difficult to be hidden.

"It shouldn't be a trap." After arriving at the place, Chen Feng observed it a little and came to this conclusion.

If there is a trap, he has come here, and the other party should have taken action.

"An area similar to the origin, not as good as the origin, but much larger than the universe, and there are some above Hunyuan here, which is even stronger than Taixu Land." Chen Feng said secretly.

When Chen Feng entered Taixu Land, he was shocked by its strength. Now he thinks that the top existence in Taixu Land is only Hunyuan Jinxian.

Chen Feng was still hesitant. He had no shortage of resources and even had some power beyond the origin. There might be good things in this area, but it would certainly not make him excited.

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