Eternal Existence

Chapter 547: Fire Grass

"Well, these people's cultivation is pretty good, and two of them can fight the two monsters. Don't think that it will be very difficult to deal with these two monsters to collect the Huoluo grass. It is best to lose both sides."

"Hey, no, there is fresh blood here, and there are some broken bones and meat. It seems that someone must have died here before. I just don't know if it was led by Liu Qing." After Chen Feng checked the surrounding situation clearly, he withdrew his sense, but the breath of these people had been captured by Qianxun Mirror. Obviously, Chen Feng was ready not to let these people go.

"Okay, the Huoluo grass is in front." Liu Qing said and slowed down.

Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian looked at each other and immediately walked forward, releasing their auras at the same time. Sure enough, a ferocious monster rushed out from the bushes and pounced on Chen Feng silently. This big monster looked like a tiger or leopard, with a hard skull, shining fangs, sharp claws, and twice the size of a bison. Because of its fast speed, when it pounced in front of Chen Feng, the accumulated strong wind suddenly exploded, the gravel on the ground exploded, and the grass and trees turned into debris.

"They won't be caught and killed in an instant, are these two people so useless?" Liu Qing, who was following behind, looked at Chen Feng, who was motionless, with some doubts.

"If this kid was scared silly, he would be killed this time."

Who knew what happened next shocked Liu Qing. Chen Feng stretched out a palm and pressed it directly on the head of the fire monster. Then with a bang, the monster fell to the ground, smashing a deep pit. Then Chen Feng raised his foot and stepped on the monster. Even though the monster roared, it could not struggle.


Fiery red flames gushed out from the monster and burned towards Chen Feng. These flames were fused with the power of thunder, the original spiritual fire, and the fire of heaven and earth absorbed from the grass and spirit stone. They could easily burn hard rocks. However, Chen Feng waved his hand, and a vortex appeared in his palm, instantly swallowing up the flames on the monster. After the flames were gone, the monster finally stopped moving, but trembled on the ground, obviously terrified to the extreme.

"How is it possible? How can these two be so powerful? Isn't this a failure?" Liu Qing's face changed drastically, and he was about to leave here.

"Brother Liu, this time it's really thanks to you that we found so many spiritual medicines. These Huoluo grass are very useful to me." Jian Xiaotian turned his head and smiled at Liu Qing, but Liu Qing felt that Jian Xiaotian's smile was so hateful.

"Haha, you two have gained so many benefits, don't forget me as your guide." Liu Qing forced a smile. The scene at this time was far from his expectations, and Liu Qing also felt a trace of bad breath.

"Of course I can't forget you as your guide. Let's do this to express my gratitude. Brother Liu, you start picking Huoluo grass first. Of course, you can only pick two plants." Jian Xiaotian waved his hand at Liu Qing.

"This, haha, I didn't help at all, so forget it, I don't want the Huoluo grass." Liu Qing said hurriedly, what a joke, there is still a monster hiding in front, although it can't do anything to these two people, but I am afraid that I will be swallowed up in an instant.

"Brother Liu Qing, please don't be polite. Just go up and pick two plants." Chen Feng also greeted enthusiastically.

"You two should go up and pick them. I'm afraid there are still hidden monsters." Liu Qing postponed.

"In this case, I won't be polite." Jian Xiaotian strode forward and stretched out his hand to grab a fire grass at the edge.


Another hidden monster finally came out. It was exactly the same as the fire monster just now, but it was a little bigger. As soon as it came out, it bit Jian Xiaotian's arm, but Jian Xiaotian moved his arm slightly and used the sword technique. With just one blow, the monster that had survived five thunder tribulations was chopped away. Coincidentally, the direction it flew was exactly where those people were ambushing.

Chen Feng stretched out his hand to grab the monster under his feet and threw it violently. It flew hundreds of meters away. There was a chaotic sound mixed with a scream. Chen Feng knew that the person hit by the monster he threw out would be seriously injured if not killed.


After the two fire monsters broke free, they did not flee immediately, but slaughtered the humans around them wantonly to vent their pent-up anger. Several human cultivators who were ambushed in the dark were killed.

"Hey, there are people in the distance. Are they here to collect these fire grass?" Chen Feng said in a puzzled manner.

"It's possible. It seems that we have to act quickly." Jian Xiaotian stepped forward and waved his hand. Fire grass flew up with roots and mud.

In just two breaths, this piece of fire grass was collected by Chen Feng and the others, and Chen Feng even operated the magnetic pole point to absorb the fire power in the underground soil.

"The underground should be connected to the ground fire, but it's too deep, so it's still a bit difficult to practice." Chen Feng said.

"Hey, where are you going, brother Liu? We haven't thanked you yet." Jian Xiaotian blocked Liu Qing who wanted to leave secretly.

"Hey, I'm in a hurry." Liu Qing's face flushed a little. No matter how stupid Liu Qing was, he could see that the other party was playing a trick on him.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

At this time, several monks with ferocious faces actually rushed towards Chen Feng and the other two. These people were killed and wounded by the two monsters. The remaining few people did not run away in anger, but turned around to fight Chen Feng and the other two.

"Oh, why don't you run away quickly? You're looking for death if you come here now." Liu Qing couldn't help but yelled.

"Hey! This guy is still quite loyal." Chen Feng looked at Liu Qing in surprise. The fact that he waited until this moment to remind his accomplices instead of trying to escape showed that he was not that bad yet.

Jian Xiaotian took action, and killed the people who rushed over with just one round of Tianlun Explosion Sword Technique. Chen Feng had originally thought of killing all these people, but now he changed his mind. After all, these people were too weak and posed no threat to him at all. Besides, it was not a life-and-death feud, so Chen Feng did not take action from the beginning.

After killing a few people easily, the remaining ones who were not dead dared not rush over again, but gritted their teeth and fled far away. At this time, everyone should consider whether they could escape with their lives.

"Why don't you run away?" Chen Feng looked at Liu Qing.

"Hey, I made a mistake and hurt my brothers. You can do it." Liu Qing sighed, and the gentle expression on his face had long disappeared.

"Take out all the things on you, and I can spare you." Chen Feng said.

"What!" Liu Qing was stunned, and seemed not to understand what Chen Feng meant, but soon he took out all the things on his body.

"Okay, you can go." Chen Feng waved his hand.

"Really let me go?" Liu Qing still couldn't believe it.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense, don't you want to leave?" Chen Feng said as he raised his hand, and a ball of energy spread out.

"Okay, I'll leave now, I'll leave now." Liu Qing didn't even wipe the sweat on his face and immediately turned around and fled far away.

"Come out, don't you feel bored after watching for so long?" Chen Feng suddenly said lightly.

"You two are really good, I don't know where you come from." Three well-dressed men wearing armor made of animal skins walked out step by step.

"The fourth level of the realm of heaven and man is not good enough." Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian looked at each other and shook their heads.

"Who are you?" Jian Xiaotian asked coldly, and a sword intent rushed towards the three people.

The three of them were still arrogant at first, but under the pressure of Jian Xiaotian's sword, their faces suddenly changed.

"We are from Black Wind Village. You should be from Beiyuan. Don't you know the rules of the Two Worlds Mountains?" One of them gritted his teeth and said coldly.

"Oh, I don't know what the rules are?" Jian Xiaotian asked indifferently.

"Whether you are from Central Plains or Beiyuan, or from other places, as long as you want to survive in the Two Worlds Mountains, you have to pay tribute. You must have heard of this rule, right?"

"Pay tribute." Jian Xiaotian and Chen Feng laughed immediately.

"I don't know whose rule this is?" Jian Xiaotian asked with a sneer.

"This is the territory of our Black Wind Village. Of course you have to hand it over to our Black Wind Village. Otherwise, you can't get out of the Two Worlds Mountains even if you have ten lives." The more the three of them spoke, the more courage they had. It seemed that Black Wind Village gave them infinite power, and they gradually came back to their senses from the pressure of Jian Xiaotian's sword energy.

"Then I don't know what we have to hand over?" Jian Xiaotian asked again.

"Didn't you just pick some Fire Luo Grass? Hand it all over, and I will ensure that you are safe in the Liangjie Mountains." The three began to become arrogant.

"Brother Jian, this Liangjie Mountains is really chaotic. Even the disciples of your Tianjian Sect dare to blackmail and stop us." Chen Feng laughed.

"What, you are from the Tianjian Sect." The three people's hearts trembled, and they couldn't help shaking.

The three people clearly remembered what happened last month. A disciple of the Tianjian Sect died in the Liangjie Mountains, and then a large number of Tianjian Sect disciples fell from the sky, each with a long sword, and killed countless robbers. Even the most powerful robber dens in the Liangjie Mountains could not resist. At this time, these robbers who were roaming in the Liangjie Mountains realized the power and tyranny of these big sects. In the end, they had no choice but to go out and find the murderer who killed the Tianjian Sect disciples.

It had just happened not long ago, and everyone was still very afraid of the name of the Tianjian Sect. At this time, they suddenly heard that the people in front of them were disciples of the Tianjian Sect, and the three of them were still threatening each other, so the three of them even wanted to die.

"Just now you said you wanted us to hand over the Fire Luo Grass?" Jian Xiaotian stepped forward and sneered.

"No, no, we didn't know you two were disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect. We brothers were blind. Please forgive us. We will take our leave now." The three of them said and immediately fled.

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