Eternal Existence

Chapter 5474: Saint of Samsara

After all, because of Chen Feng, other areas around him have become places for the Savage Universe to explore.

You know, as time goes by, the number of practitioners will increase, and their strength will become stronger and stronger. Even if Chen Feng leaves more resources, it will not be enough, so they can only take risks and explore on their own, so that they can understand the difficulty of cultivation.

However, this time Chen Feng still used some means to help the seedlings grow faster. From another perspective, the resources left by Chen Feng this time are not many, but the quality is very high. If the practitioners of the Savage Universe enter a new realm.

It's like Chen Feng directly obtained the power beyond the origin.

"I hope they won't let me down too much." Chen Feng felt that he had tried his best. If he still couldn't grow up like this, then he could only blame himself.

Chen Feng still left the Savage Universe, or left the free space, and went directly to the area where he had dreamed of before. On the one hand, he was visiting old friends, and on the other hand, he was also understanding the situation of his clone.

Chen Feng did come to a conclusion. The worse the environment, the faster the clones practiced, or the greater the potential. Compared with the clones in a stable environment, the speed of practice was not slow, but there was still a clear gap between the two.

Chen Feng had thought of these things before, but he did not change them. Except for the provision of resources, he had always let it develop.

After walking through several places, Chen Feng was generally very satisfied. Although some clones had accidents and fell, the cultivation speed of most clones was still quite fast.

Chen Feng had some insights in his heart these days. He was thinking about stopping to rest. Suddenly, he had an idea and used the invisibility technique to quietly move forward.

It didn't take long to find a life area. It was not large in scale, more like a stronghold in the free space. There were some practitioners with good strength in it, and the strongest had reached the realm above Hunyuan.

Chen Feng didn't care about these practitioners, nor why there was a stronghold here, but because he felt a familiar breath here.

"It's the Saint of Samsara! Could this be fate?" Chen Feng's heart moved, and his eyes stopped on one of the practitioners.

It was the Saint of Samsara, and he had strength above the Primordial.

Chen Feng and the Saint of Samsara were rivals at the beginning. The other party once brought a fatal threat to Chen Feng, but was eventually solved by Chen Feng, and Chen Feng also obtained the other party's second-life practice method.

It can be said that the Saint of Samsara is an important opportunity on Chen Feng's path of practice. If it weren't for the other party, Chen Feng's path of practice might be smooth, but it would not be possible to become so strong so quickly.

Although Chen Feng later made some modifications to the second-life practice method, both the theory and the foundation came from the Saint of Samsara.

In the past, when Chen Feng's strength became stronger, he also tried to find the other party, but he didn't expect to meet the Saint of Samsara here.

If the Saint of Samsara he met at the beginning had such a strong strength, then he could easily kill Chen Feng.

Although he was a little curious, Chen Feng still confirmed the true situation of the Saint of Samsara at the first time.

The strength above the Primordial was only a little surprising to Chen Feng, but when he realized that this was the other party's clone, Chen Feng was a little shocked.

This was not the real body.

If the original body has been cultivated to such a level, then the real body must be stronger.

"Shouldn't it be?"

Chen Feng pondered. Although he admitted that the Saint of Samsara was also gifted, the other party's cultivation speed was too fast, or was it that the Saint of Samsara he met at the beginning was just the weakest of the clones? Otherwise, how to explain what he saw in front of him?

Since the other party was above the Primordial, Chen Feng was cautious, fearing that he would be discovered by the other party.

At this time, Chen Feng also felt that he really underestimated the other party.

What surprised Chen Feng even more happened next. Just when Chen Feng wanted to use means to calculate the Saint of Samsara, the other party actually noticed that someone was spying, and then saw Chen Feng.

The Saint of Samsara was surprised at first, then murderous intent boiled, and then turned and ran.

"That's pretty straightforward."

Chen Feng laughed. He thought the other party would attack him if he found him, but he chose to flee. This means that the other party may know his strength, or feel the crisis.

The two of them have a deep hatred, but Chen Feng did not think of killing him immediately.

Although the other party escaped, Chen Feng was not in a hurry. Although the Saint of Samsara is now in a realm above the Soul Cloud, he is still not taken seriously by Chen Feng.

Chen Feng was too lazy to pay attention to the practitioners in this stronghold, but used the magic to catch up with the Saint of Samsara quickly.

In fact, the Saint of Samsara is very fast, but it's a pity that he met Chen Feng. When he saw Chen Feng blocking him, the Saint of Samsara's face became a little ugly, and then he fled in other directions.

Just as Chen Feng was about to catch up, he saw countless runes appear in front of him, and then exploded, generating a powerful destructive force.

This kind of power can completely tear some of the Primordial Beings into pieces, but Chen Feng came out intact. After a little exploration, he locked the position of the Saint of Samsara.

In a very short time, Chen Feng caught up with the other party again. Chen Feng threw out the Divine Mountain to suppress the void in all directions.

The Lord of Samsara was still struggling, and Chen Feng noticed that the other party also had an origin-level weapon in his hand. Seeing that the other party was about to open his restraints, Chen Feng released two more origin mountains. This time, no matter how powerful the Lord of Samsara was, he could only be suppressed obediently.

"I feel a little strange. Why did we meet here? Is it really a coincidence?" Chen Feng looked at the Lord of Samsara in front of him with some surprise. At the same time, Chen Feng had already performed the art of cause and effect, and countless cause and effect lines emanated from the Lord of Samsara.

Chen Feng's thoughts attached to these cause and effect lines and began to follow the clues.

Soon Chen Feng found the other clones of the Lord of Samsara. The strongest clone was actually in the Gate of Origin. Chen Feng was a little surprised, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was normal. Maybe the Lord of Samsara left some marks in the Gate of Origin.

In addition, there are some other clones. Although the number is not as large as Chen Feng, it is more than Chen Feng imagined.

In this way, Chen Feng had only killed one of the other party's clones before.

"It seems that the strength of the Saint of Samsara is beyond my imagination. I just don't know if it has reached the level of the Great Emperor." Chen Feng thought about it and connected to the long river of time with the help of the causal line. With the addition of the power of time, everything became smoother and clearer.

But Chen Feng also had a feeling that something was wrong.

When Chen Feng came to his senses, he found that some silk threads were coming from all directions. These silk threads were different from the causal line and were more like a road.

Soon, a silk thread arrived first and condensed into a point. Then this point continued to grow. There was a force that shuttled through time and space and died on this point. Finally, a cultivator appeared in Chen Feng's sight.

"Above the level of Hunyuan." Chen Feng knew the other party's strength after taking a look at him.

But this was just the beginning. More realizations arrived and condensed into a cultivator. They had different origins, but their auras were equally powerful and reached the level above Hunyuan.

"Is this a trap or a means that the other party has?" Chen Feng felt that this matter had to be figured out.

If it was a trap aimed at him, then there must be a more powerful existence behind the other party. If it was just a means of the Saint of Samsara, then Chen Feng did not take it seriously. Although he was surrounded by so many Hunyuan Above, he did feel some pressure, but everything was within the range that Chen Feng could handle.

A total of more than a dozen Hunyuan Above surrounded Chen Feng. Not only that, there was also a continuous flow of power through time and space, blessing these Hunyuan Above.

"It seems to be aimed at me, but you actually paid such a high price. I'm afraid you can't bear this price." Chen Feng said as he looked at the suppressed Saint of Samsara.

After all, the Saint Army of Samsara was still suppressed, and even if help came, he couldn't rush out.

Who knew that the Saint of Samsara actually began to struggle, and the Origin Divine Mountain also began to shake.

Feeling that the Saint of Samsara was constantly getting stronger, Chen Feng was thoughtful. It turned out that this was not the true strength of the Saint of Samsara. The other party actually had something hidden. It seemed that he was sure to open these three mountains.

In other words, the previous encounters between the two sides were all arranged by the other party.

"Someone can actually figure out my route of action." Chen Feng frowned a little. He was not worried about himself, but worried about whether the Savage Universe had also fallen into the eyes of the other party. If they attacked the Savage Universe, it would be too late for him to regret it.

At this moment, Chen Feng was thinking about whether to receive the Savage Universe into his origin.

After all, he was being targeted by someone, and maybe his information had been clearly found out by the other party.

But put these things aside for the time being. Sometimes the Long River and the Gate of Origin will take care of it, so there should be no problem.

For now, let's deal with the Saint of Samsara first.

However, Chen Feng still found out some information about the Long River of Time. What's interesting is that the Long River of Time really gave feedback.

"Haha, there is actually an emperor who is calculating me, but the other party is related to the Saint of Samsara, so this makes sense." Chen Feng laughed.

"But I didn't realize it beforehand. Besides the fact that the opponent was stronger than me, I was also too careless."

"Since he was the emperor from the Gate of Origin, the Gate of Origin should have stopped him. Did they not take care of him, or was it because they couldn't stop him?"

Chen Feng pondered, watching the Saint Lord of Samsara still struggling, but the other party still made some mistakes. Although his strength had become much stronger, it was not so easy to break free from the suppression of the Origin Mountain.

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