Eternal Existence

Chapter 5471 Leaving Guixu

Chen Feng had participated in it before, and he could imagine that Guixu was fighting on many sides, but he didn't know how big the victory of Guixu was.

A very powerful origin, in which there are great emperors, origins, and a large number of Hunyuan, and war machines developed to fight against Guixu. In fact, it did fight against Guixu for a long time, but recently the power of Guixu has become stronger and stronger, especially when the colorful light suddenly appeared, those powerful lives could not resist it, and the war machines were also broken into pieces.

This origin is constantly collapsing, even if the lives in this origin fight desperately to resist, it is useless. People have been sent to other places for help, but the news they get is terrifying. The recent origins are actually being eaten by Guixu, and there will be no help at all.

Watching his origin gradually being covered by Guixu, he has no way to do anything. Although he had guessed that there would be such an ending, it is really indescribable that his hometown was swallowed up by others.

"Since the reinforcements have not arrived, it seems that Guixu is determined to destroy all of us Origins this time. Fellow Taoists, please leave quickly and take as many people away as possible." A great emperor who rushed to the front said this.

Although this Origin was constantly covered by Guixu, it was constantly transmitting the Origin to bless the practitioners present.

However, this did not have much effect at all, it just delayed some time.

In fact, some people left early. Since defeat was the end, it would be better to change places to continue practicing. Not many people were willing to fight to the end.

"There are still some war weapons left. Why don't we unite and fight into Guixu." Seeing that the speed of the Origin being covered was getting faster and faster as others left, a great emperor suddenly said.

No one responded to this proposal for a long time, but someone still spoke.

"Leaving is the best option. There is no need to die here. We can find a chance to take revenge on Guixu later."

"This is a good opportunity. I got the news that many practitioners have entered Guixu to venture into the world. They have obtained a lot of resources. We might as well take this opportunity to enter Guixu, not to fight desperately, but to find ways to grow stronger."

"I have also heard that there seem to be some strongholds in Guixu, which are jointly built by practitioners from all parties. They are also fighting inside Guixu. Maybe we can join forces with each other."

"The war has lasted for so long, I am already tired, and I just want to find a place to rest for a while."

The remaining emperors communicated with each other and expressed their opinions. Naturally, no one could convince anyone for a while.

But in the end, some emperors were willing to enter Guixu to take risks, so they gathered all the remaining war weapons, and then gave up the origin of reproduction and entered Guixu in the chaos.

Similar situations also occurred in other origins not far away, and many practitioners rushed into Guixu with their last strength.

In order to prevent the origin from being swallowed by Guixu, it can be said that a lot of effort was put into defense. Now, as long as they attack or use the invisibility method to sneak into Guixu, it will be easier.

Although these practitioners entered Guixu, the invasion momentum of Guixu became more fierce, and soon swallowed up these powerful origins.

However, although Guixu succeeded, it did not become stronger. Instead, it needed to divide its strength to suppress these origins, which affected its appetite.

Unless these origins are refined little by little and integrated into Guixu over time, they will truly become the power of Guixu.

But in any case, the scale of Guixu has become larger.

Chen Feng naturally did not know what happened on the edge of Guixu. Besides, even if he knew, he thought it was normal.

At this time, Chen Feng was still refining the origin mountain. His own practice was no longer as forced as before. After all, he was getting stronger without practicing deliberately, so Chen Feng spent most of his energy on refining magic weapons.

After a while, another Origin God Mountain was refined. What Chen Feng had to do next was to refine the Origin God Mountain into his own clone, so that the true power of the Origin God Mountain could be brought into play.

Cultivation has no time.

Chen Feng has been cultivating in Guixu, or in the God of Heaven area for a long time, and he also wants to return to the free space to take a look.

It's interesting to say that Chen Feng has now reached the point of mastering the origin of one side, but there are still many places in the free origin that he has not been to. The most important thing is that most of Chen Feng's second lives are still in various places in the free space.

Although Chen Feng also left some clones in Guixu, it will take a long time for these clones to grow up.

Moreover, the process of these clones growing up is also very dangerous. Chen Feng has prepared for all these clones to fall.

However, Chen Feng also understands that the speed of clone cultivation is already very fast, but his own cultivation speed is faster.

The reason why Chen Feng has been suppressing his realm is that he wants to make the foundation more stable, and there is also the factor of waiting for the clone.

The reason why Chen Feng was able to fight with the emperor in such a short time, in addition to some of the methods he mastered, was also partly because he had previously merged some of his second-life clones.

Although the fusion of the clones has improved some strength, the initial strength improvement is not enough for Chen Feng to become so strong. The important thing is the mutation after the fusion of the clones, and the subsequent changes.

A little bit of growth is nothing, but in the long run it is amazing, it is simply a geometric growth.

This long-term change makes Chen Feng stronger and stronger.

So Chen Feng plans to return to the game space, and then give those clones some benefits to make them practice faster.

With this thought, Chen Feng couldn't calm down. After all, there are really too many masters he has seen recently, and any one of them can kill him.

But is it appropriate to leave now?

On the one hand, the recent Guixu has been shaken and the fighting has been endless. Although it is dangerous, it is also an excellent opportunity. Even if you can't get resources, just fighting with the opponent can make you gain a lot.

The most important thing is to leave now. Will you be blocked by the opponent?

Besides, if you choose to leave, you need to make some preparations.

After careful thinking, Chen Feng still took the idea. After a brief exchange with others, he left the Tianshen area.

In Chen Feng's opinion, even if he left and came back, there might not be much change here, and even many people have not finished their retreat.

Chen Feng was still a little worried when he first entered the Guixu area, thinking that if he was attacked, he would immediately return to the Tianshen area.

Chen Feng spread his wings and used the magic of walking to hurry on his way. His speed was extremely fast, but because he went deeper into Guixu this time, it would take some time to leave Guixu.

The most important thing to leave is to determine the exact direction. Even Chen Feng dare not be careless. If he takes the wrong road, he will even get lost in Guixu.

"It's been quite quiet along the way." Chen Feng couldn't help saying after a while.

Not to mention that he didn't encounter any danger, there was not even much fluctuation, and he didn't encounter any powerful life.

In fact, it's normal to think about it. The previous battles were just in the wrong place. In fact, there are still a lot of areas without life in Guixu.

Compared with Guixu, the areas occupied by some strongholds are not worth mentioning at all. Chen Feng even thought that if these powerful lives didn't make too much noise, Guixu wouldn't even attack them.

"Everyone entered Guixu to find resources, and they are naturally opposed to Guixu."

"Daoyou, take care." Someone greeted from afar. Chen Feng had sensed the other party's existence before, and didn't want to pay attention to the other party at all. Who knew that the other party would take the initiative to chat.

He didn't want to pay attention to it. After perceiving and confirming the other party's strength, Chen Feng's heart moved and he appeared in front of the other party in an instant.

Seeing Chen Feng suddenly appear, the practitioner above the level of Hunyuan was shocked and felt that he was a little rash.

"Daoyou, what's the matter?" Chen Feng asked lightly.

Chen Feng had fought with the existence of the Great Emperor and Yuanyang Emperor, and was attacked by Guixu, so even if there was no breath emanating now, the practitioner felt pressured.

"I entered Guixu to explore, and I wanted to find a companion. I happened to meet Daoyou, so I spoke rashly. Please don't blame Daoyou." The practitioner said hurriedly.

Chen Feng had sensed the surroundings a long time ago, and there was no danger, so what the other party said might be true.

"You are really bold. You dare to chat up someone in Guixu. This is very dangerous." Chen Feng shook his head and said.

"I plan to leave Guixu this time, so even if I want to, I can't go with you. I hope we can meet again in the future."

Chen Feng didn't say much to the other party. Seeing that the other party still wanted to talk, he turned around and left. The divine wings behind him disappeared with a tremor. In the blink of an eye, the cultivator completely lost Chen Feng's breath.

"It turns out to be a master. I was indeed a little reckless just now." The cultivator breathed a sigh of relief and felt that he was indeed a little reckless before, but soon calmed down and continued to venture in Guixu.

Chen Feng made various preparations and kept in touch with the Long River of Time in secret. He thought that if he encountered danger, he would use the copy law and the power of the Long River of Time. As a result, he did not encounter any obstacles until he arrived at the edge of Guixu. It seemed that Guixu did not take him seriously at all.

"It's good this way. In the eyes of Guixu, I am just a small figure. Even if I go to deal with it, I should find those stronger beings." Chen Feng said in his heart.

As a result, the subsequent developments changed Chen Feng's mind again.

There was a big battle ahead.

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