Eternal Existence

Chapter 5462: In Danger

The swordsman did not succeed in the end, and was blocked by the power of the sword formation, and then was entangled by the second world.

However, despite this, Chen Feng was still shocked and began to mobilize the power beyond the origin secretly, thinking that it would be fine if he could severely injure one of the opponents.

Chen Feng originally wanted to use the power of curse, but after thinking about it, he realized that the opponent had the most rigid and yang power, and whether he used the power of surgery or the power of evil, he would be restrained by the opponent.

So Chen Feng still planned to use the power imprint, which was also a judgment made after selection.

All these powers were compressed into the Spear of Destiny, and as long as Chen Feng found an opportunity, he could severely injure the opponent.

However, this existence from the Yang Realm seemed to have sensed Chen Feng's motivation, so he kept urging the magic weapon to attack, and the sun above his head also released waves of powerful power from time to time.

He did not give Chen Feng any chance in a short time.

Chen Feng and the Second World were entangled. The others activated the sword formation. Although they could resist the power from Guixu, when a group of strange monsters rushed out of the chaotic energy of Guixu, the pressure on everyone began to increase.

At the same time, Chen Feng also received news from other parts of the Tianshen area. This time, Guixu mobilized more forces, and many strange creatures had already rushed into the Tianshen area and began to destroy it crazily.

Even with ten sacred mountains, it could not be as stable as before.

The Tianshen area began to shake, and loopholes appeared one after another.

At this time, even the practitioners on the side of the Tianshen area began to lose confidence, because the opponent this time was unprecedentedly powerful. If it weren't for the help of Chen Feng and others, they would be even more unable to resist.

As for calling friends in the Tianshen area, in fact, it has been doing so since the beginning, but no help has come so far.

"Under this situation, it is really a bit unsolvable, but now it has come to this point, and the power can no longer be hidden." Chen Feng said in his heart.

So the Taishi Emperor and Jiuling Emperor, who had been hiding since the beginning of the battle, showed up.

As soon as the two came out, they joined forces to attack the master of the Yang Realm. First, they blew up the sun above the opponent's head, and then knocked the opponent's wheel out.

Chen Feng finally seized the opportunity, and the Spear of Destiny pierced the opponent's body. The energy that had been prepared long ago rushed into the opponent's body and began to destroy it crazily.

So the powerful emperor was beaten to pieces.

Of course, the opportunity created could not be missed. Chen Feng and the other two attacked crazily, trying to wipe out the opponent's vitality.

But at this time, the will of Guixu swept over. Although it was only a part of the will that was separated, it also changed the situation.

In the end, the cultivator of the Yang Realm escaped.

"What a pity." Taishi Emperor was very regretful. The two had been lurking until now just to seize a good opportunity. They thought that they would be able to kill an emperor at least, but who knew that they still let the other party run away.

"It was mainly Guixu who took action, but it was also considered to have solved a powerful combat force on the other side, and the power separated from Guixu will definitely have some chain reactions. I don't think things will pass so easily." Emperor Jiuling said.

Emperor Jiuling's guess was correct, because the power of the Gate of Origin took the opportunity to penetrate.

This time, the cultivator was not moved here, and several monsters above the level of Hunyuan were mainly swept away.

"It's better than nothing." Chen Feng could only say this. Although it seemed that the opponent was beaten very seriously just now, it might take a long time for the opponent to recover.

And this time Emperor Taishi and Emperor Jiuling were exposed, and I'm afraid the opponent would also mobilize the corresponding power to come.

Otherwise, the power here would definitely be unbalanced.

In any case, the cultivator from Yangjie was temporarily solved, so they started to join forces to deal with the swordsman.

Although the swordsman was very powerful, it was impossible to stop the four people from joining forces.

According to Chen Feng's idea, the opponent should kill out quickly, and even his side was ready for the opponent to escape.

As a result, this swordsman was so domineering that he had no intention of leaving even when he was besieged. He still held his long sword and faced the attacks of everyone, and sometimes even launched some counterattacks.

It must be said that the opponent's psychological quality was very good.

However, Chen Feng believed that in addition to having strong strength, the opponent might have subsequent moves, that is, the opponent had reinforcements.

"Before the opponent's reinforcements arrive, try to injure the opponent as much as possible." Chen Feng began to fight a lose-lose strategy.

In this way, the swordsman really couldn't bear it.

Because in this situation of being besieged, the party with more people will not fight desperately.

But Chen Feng didn't do this.

Even if the opponent's sword energy tore Chen Feng's skin, Chen Feng didn't move at all, and finally the spear of destiny pierced the opponent.

This time Chen Feng used the power of curse and evil power. The second generation and the others had already cooperated with Chen Feng tacitly. The subsequent attack directly caused the swordsman to lose half of his body.

In this case, it was impossible for the opponent to kill out, and it was only a matter of time before he was killed.

The sword energy was released crazily from the body, and it was like a volcanic eruption, tearing wounds on Chen Feng's body.

This is a desperate fighting style.

However, Chen Feng and the other four did not retreat, and even the offensive did not weaken at all.

Finally, the remaining body of the swordsman was shattered, leaving only a ball of sword energy rolling continuously, but it was dispersed by Chen Feng's spear and merged into the sword blade that could not be integrated.

In this way, all the swordsmen who control the sword formation can benefit.

Seeing that the opponent had been solved, Chen Feng suddenly stretched out his hand in front of him, and the next moment, a transparent hole was broken in his palm, and a beam of sword light hit Chen Feng's forehead fiercely.

Golden light shone everywhere.

Chen Feng concentrated all his strength, but the opponent still broke through his defense little by little. It was about to drill into Chen Feng's head. A sacred mountain emerged from Chen Feng's eyebrows, which blocked the sword light.

Then the sword light turned and rushed in another direction, and disappeared after a few flashes.

Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and then he saw that there was a gap on the sacred mountain.

"Fortunately, I reacted quickly, otherwise there would be a hole in my forehead." Chen Feng didn't expect that under such circumstances, the opponent still retained a beam of original sword light. In the end, it was his carelessness.

"We still haven't killed the opponent. That beam of original sword light can be completely restored." The second generation said with some regret.

It was understandable that we didn't kill the opponent before, but this time, the four of us joined forces and the opponent escaped. Everyone was a little ashamed.

"Anyway, it is impossible for the opponent to recover in a short time. Next, we can target other opponents." Chen Feng looked at those strange monsters.

Although there were many of them, they were only some above the level of Hunyuan. The four of them could complete the slaughter as long as they went over.

But before the action was taken, the will of Guixu swept over frantically, and then several great emperor-level practitioners rushed out of the chaotic energy.

This time, Chen Feng felt two familiar auras. When he robbed the energy beyond the origin in that special area before, the other party was also there.

"Sure enough." Chen Feng locked his eyes on one of the opponents. There was an energy beyond the origin flowing in the opponent's magic weapon.

He knew that not only he was getting stronger, but the other party also mastered this powerful energy.

Without Chen Feng saying much, Taishi Emperor and others also saw this, and their eyes showed a solemn look.

This is an old rival, and they have similar opportunities, so it's not easy to deal with them!

There was no time to say more. When acquaintances meet, they are particularly jealous. I don't know how the other party was bewitched by Guixu. He used a big move right away, and Chen Feng had to mobilize the power imprint to resist.

Although Chen Feng's physical defense is very strong, Chen Feng still dare not bear this energy that surpasses the origin.

"The God area can't resist it." When Chen Feng was fighting, the second generation suddenly said.

Chen Feng then sensed that the outer area of ​​the God area had been invaded. Although the Origin God Mountain was still suppressing it, the retreat of the God area was a reality.

Chen Feng's power rushed to the front.


After all, he was a guest, and it was good to be able to do this, so he naturally couldn't bear more pressure.

"Maybe there is another choice, to kill and leave here." The second generation said.

Chen Feng hesitated for a moment and shook his head: "No, at least not before the collapse of the Heavenly God Region."

Chen Feng certainly has his own considerations. The Heavenly God Region is a very strong force, and he will certainly not give up easily, not to mention that he can also connect with the existence of the Heavenly God King. If he chooses to escape now, the friendship between the two sides will be greatly weakened.

Besides, although Guixu's momentum is very strong, the Heavenly God Region has not really collapsed.

If it really can't hold on, then just fight it out.

As the defense line tightened, everyone finally entered the territory suppressed by the Origin God Mountain. In this way, although the territory of the Heavenly God Region has shrunk, it has become more stable.

However, how long can they hold out under the invasion of Guixu? Even the practitioners on the side of the Heavenly God Region have no idea.

During this process, some practitioners returned, but they still couldn't change the overall situation.

"The number of opponents is constantly increasing. Even if we have a few more emperors on our side, it will be useless." Taishi Emperor also said so.

"The Gate of Origin is planning to intervene. It seems that they have a good relationship with the giants." Chen Feng received a message from the Gate of Origin at this time. He did not expect that the Gate of Origin would choose to make a strong move.

This also shows that the situation over there has eased somewhat.

The long river of time emerged, and ten emperors came out. This was not only the power of the Gate of Origin, but also the manpower of other allies.

As soon as these ten emperors appeared, they had not made a move yet, but they made the warring parties lose their minds. After the other side made a move, they had a drastic psychological change.

The morale of the Heavenly God Region was naturally high, while the Guixu side began to get confused.

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