Eternal Existence

Chapter 5460 Here We Go Again

Although they were far apart, Chen Feng still had some vague connections and could still feel the changes in Origin to some extent.

At first, he learned about the situation of the Gate of Origin through Origin. Later, the Gate of Origin participated in the war one after another, and Chen Feng was really relieved.

Although he didn't know the real situation, he knew that the Gate of Origin did not suffer any loss in the confrontation with Guixu.

"We were fighting on someone else's territory, which was inherently disadvantageous. Fortunately, there were enough adventurers here, and Guixu itself was developing in many ways, so there was still a lot of room for maneuver during this period." After the practice came to an end, Chen Feng was also thinking about some things.

After seeing those powerful beings, Chen Feng was also thinking about the next path of practice.

It's not that the road was wrong, but I was thinking about improving it in the process of practice.

"To put it bluntly, I have been practicing for too short a time, and there is a gap in the accumulation of realm, but there is nothing I can do about it. Since the beginning of my practice, I have been plundering and robbing. Even now, I am constantly plundering and compressing powerful energy. Although I can use this energy, I can never play the strongest role of this energy. This is also the disadvantage of my opening up so many avenues." Chen Feng naturally knows himself very well, but there is nothing I can do about it. Even if I give Chen Feng another chance to choose, Chen Feng will still take this path of practice.

If I just practice one avenue like other people, maybe I can become stronger, but it is definitely far from what I am now.

A sacred mountain was successfully refined. This is the result of Chen Feng and many practitioners working together. Although that kind of strange material is very precious and is indeed the main body, Chen Feng also mixed it with many other resources.

Although there is a certain gap with the origin sacred mountain that he has mastered, it is still better in terms of hardness. In Chen Feng's opinion, it is already very good. Whether it is used to suppress himself or to sit in the origin, it can play a good effect.

Moreover, Chen Feng also gained a lot in the process of refining, which was a good opportunity to improve the quality of other magic weapons, such as the Longevity Tower.

Speaking of which, this is Chen Feng's original magic weapon. Although it has been getting stronger under Chen Feng's refining, it can't keep up with Chen Feng's practice speed and Chen Feng's speed of obtaining treasures.

But now it is already very strong. As long as the special materials obtained this time are integrated with some other resources, the gap between it and the original magic weapon can be narrowed little by little.

It can't be said that it is too quiet to think about movement, but long-term practice also requires some other things to integrate.

Chen Feng suddenly wanted to know the situation at the Gate of Origin out of boredom. Soon the Gate of Origin responded. It was still the Long River of Time that acted as a channel and tentacle, directly contacting his own origin, and also contacting the God of Nothingness and the Emperor of the Heart.

Chen Feng finally knew the true situation of the Gate of Origin.

"It turned out to be like this."

Chen Feng was really shocked. He had guessed how thrilling the confrontation between the Gate of Origin and Guixu was before. Now that he really understood it, he realized that both sides had invested so much power.

I thought I had experienced many battles, but I didn't know that it was still not as fierce as the one at the Gate of Origin.

"Guixu actually dispatched so many forces, it's incredible. I hope the Gate of Origin can stop them. But this time I came in to take risks and I got enough benefits. If things can't be done, I can choose to leave." Chen Feng thought so.

Chen Feng was still a little moved at first and wanted to participate, but he was still a little hesitant.

This hesitation made some breakthroughs in his own avenue, so Chen Feng fell into the state of cultivation. After finishing the cultivation, he wanted to go to the area where the Gate of Origin was located, but suddenly he had a sense of induction.

It seems that as long as he leaves this Tiancheng area, he will encounter danger.

This kind of induction is not an illusion. It is normal to have a sense of induction on a whim when practicing to Chen Feng's level.

"Could it be that someone is ambushing me outside? The opponent who can make me feel this way must be much stronger than me, and there may be more than one person." Although Chen Feng had such a feeling and did not choose to leave, he would not leave it alone. Instead, he used some means to investigate and wanted to see who was trying to plot against him.

As a result, after Chen Feng's perception left the Tianshen area, it was wiped out by a powerful force.

"Not good, someone is going to attack the Tianshen area."

Chen Feng immediately understood what happened and then notified others.

Ordinary practitioners appeared one after another. Needless to say, they would naturally take charge of one side, or push the magic circle, or rush to the forefront, ready to fight.

The entire Tianshen area entered a state of war for a while, which reminded Chen Feng of the situation he had seen at the Gate of Origin before. The two were so similar, but who was the opponent this time?

"It should be the Guixu side." Chen Feng thought that only Guixu had the power to attack the Tianshen area.

It was Guixu that came, and it was Guixu's will that tore Chen Feng's perception apart.

Now that they have been discovered, they launched an attack. Powerful energy appeared from all directions, trying to flood the area of ​​​​the gods. Powerful practitioners also began to attack in groups.

The strongest emperor, the origin of various attributes, and some life forms that have reached the level above Hunyuan, formed a large army under the control of Guixu.

As soon as it came, even the entire Tianshen area began to shake, and the origin mountains in the Tianshen area began to shine.

This kind of scene is already very familiar to the practitioners in the Tianshen area, so they didn't feel it was a big deal. Even if there were more people coming this time, it would be fine. Their side was not vegetarian.

However, Chen Feng was still a little worried. After all, he had seen the power of Guixu, and since the other party chose to attack, it was impossible that they were not prepared.

No matter what, the war between the two sides began, and Chen Feng would not stand idly by, but led people to sit on one side.

Before, Chen Feng and the Second Generation had a lot of gains, and the two could also burst out the combat power of the emperor level.

In addition to the energy beyond the origin, even opponents stronger than themselves can be dealt with.

"However, you still have to be careful, maybe the opponent also has a killer." Chen Feng communicated with the Second Generation.

Soon the Second Generation was attacked.

Even if he was careful, the Second Emperor was injured. If Chen Feng had not chosen to help him in the first place, the Second Emperor's injury would have been even more serious.

"A great emperor actually chose to sneak attack. Don't you have any face?" The Second Emperor laughed and suppressed his preparation to use his trump card. It's not that he didn't want to use it, but he didn't lock the opponent in the first place.

The emperor who chose to sneak attack was extremely good at stealth.

I thought it would be difficult to succeed by sneak attack at this level, but the opponent's sneak attack method was so good that even Chen Feng couldn't lock the opponent's position when he used the Eye of Insight.

And Chen Feng was worried that there was more than one opponent who was proficient in sneak attack.

Sure enough, someone was sneak attacked again, and it was a cultivator on Chen Feng's side.

You know, this was in the formation covered by Chen Feng, and a cultivator above the level of Hunyuan was directly torn into pieces.

Chen Feng used the formation to force the opponent out in the first place, and wanted to kill him, but the opponent disappeared again.

Chen Feng finally frowned. He and the Second World could still resist this situation, but the others couldn't. They couldn't resist it at all!

"This is still in the magic circle. Otherwise, wouldn't the opponent kill him on the spot?" Chen Feng injected the power of reincarnation into the magic circle and buried several energy balls.

Chen Feng was well prepared, but the opponent didn't sneak attack. I chose to sneak attack others.

The cultivators of the giant clan were also injured by the opponent's sneak attack. Chen Feng noticed that other people in the God of Heaven area didn't seem to have a good way to deal with it.

"So far, there has been only one sneak attacker." Second World said.

"Even if there is only one, if it is not resolved, the opponent can bring huge trouble." Chen Feng said so.

Because the opponent's sneak attack caused people on his side to be injured one after another, and even a chain reaction had already occurred.

At this time, a huge eyeball suddenly rushed out from the center of the God of Heaven area, emitting a long-lasting luster, and directly locked the sneak attacker hidden in the dark.

The light flashed and the attacker's whole body was bleeding. He fled far away in a very embarrassed manner, but was caught in the palm of a giant clan master's hand.

"That's it." Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time he realized that the God of Heaven area had other means.

This eyeball should be left by the King of Gods. I didn't expect that it could defeat a great emperor who was proficient in the art of concealment.

In Chen Feng's view, solving this opponent is equivalent to solving several other great emperors.

"No wonder the practitioners in the God of Heaven area have been so calm. It turns out that they believe in the strength of their own side. To be honest, I worry about them in vain." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It's true that we think too much, but our mission is to stay here, and there is no need to kill out, unless we can't resist, and then find a way to leave." The second generation said.

Chen Feng nodded, thinking that what the second generation said made sense. He didn't lack anything now, so he didn't want to kill a powerful opponent. Of course, if he had the chance, he would not be soft-hearted.

Without the sneak attacker, the camp led by Chen Feng became stable again, and new magic arrays were constantly added. If an opponent rushed up, they would find a way to deal with it, and they could also help the Tianshen area block some of the invading Guixu energy.

The entire Guixu was also very stable. According to the development of the situation, the opponent's attack might come to an end soon.

However, at this time, Chen Feng received news from the Gate of Origin.

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