Eternal Existence

Chapter 544: Transmission

The long sword in his hand was forged from a variety of rare metals. It was heavy in his hand, at least several thousand pounds. The cold and chilly edge of the sword contained a powerful force of gold and a soul-stirring killing intent.

"A good sword, containing the aura of killing and the aura of gold. It seems that this sword is also stained with a lot of blood. I will keep it for refining later when I have time." Chen Feng nodded.

"It's time to go out." Chen Feng had not fully recovered at this time, but he was afraid that Jian Xiaotian and others would be anxious, so he flashed away from the blood-gathering bead.

"Brother Chen, are you okay?"

"Chen Feng, your face looks a little ugly."

Jian Xiaotian and Mo Ji saw Chen Feng appear and immediately came up, and Mo Ji showed a worried look when she saw Chen Feng's face.

"Hehe, I'm fine, I just consumed some true energy." Chen Feng smiled.

"Where is the human immortal of Lingxiao Palace?" He Xian came over and asked with some doubts.

"I trapped him and he can't get out for the time being." Chen Feng did not tell the truth, but he didn't want to expose all his strength.

"That's good. All the enemies were killed this time. I think Jiuxiao Palace would suffer a loss even if they knew it. But you two should leave as soon as possible. No matter what, the death of two immortals will definitely cause a shock." He Xian thought for a while and said.

"That's natural. We will leave now, Moji, see you later." Chen Feng said, clasping his hands and walking into the teleportation array with Jian Xiaotian.

Moji's face changed, and she wanted to say something, but she endured it in the end.


The teleportation array started, and the power of space surged. Soon a huge channel appeared in the sky, directly sucking Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian into it.

When the teleportation array stopped, the two had disappeared, and the spatial fluctuations slowly calmed down.

"If nothing unexpected happens, this time we can teleport eight million miles and welcome the edge of the Central Plains." He Xian said.

"Let's go. I hope he can make a name for himself in the Central Plains." Moji regained her expression.

Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian were wrapped in the heavy force of space and were traveling quickly in the void. This was a long-distance travel. Unlike the previous transmission, this time it would take more time.

"Brother Chen, I think Mo Ji seems to be interested in you." Jian Xiaotian couldn't help but say.

"Hehe." Chen Feng just smiled.

"Brother Jian, I have to rely on you to take care of me when I go to Zhongyuan this time." Chen Feng changed the subject.

"Brother Chen is joking, but our Tianjian Sect still has some influence in Zhongyuan. As long as they enter our Tianjian Sect's territory, I don't think Jiuxiao Palace dare to send people."

"I heard that the cultivation world in Zhongyuan is better than Beiyuan. I wonder how much stronger Tianjian Sect is than Jiuxiao Palace?" Chen Feng asked the question in his mind.

"The cultivation world in Zhongyuan is indeed the most prosperous in the entire Eternal World, but the most important thing is that there are many sects and many independent cultivators. Objectively speaking, the overall strength of our Tianjian Sect should be three times that of Jiuxiao Palace. Of course, I also listened to this view from others. I am not very clear about the specific strength of Jiuxiao Palace and our sect." Jian Xiaotian smiled.

"It's so powerful." Chen Feng was a little surprised. Although Chen Feng had already known about it from some worlds, he was still shocked by the sword roar at this time.

"I heard that Jian Ge is a branch of your Tianjian Sect. Is it true?"

"It's not a branch, but the original sword art of Jian Ge is indeed something that came out of our Tianjian Sect. But I don't know the details. I only know that our two sects have some origins. Our Tianjian Sect looks down on Jian Ge, and Jian Ge is not afraid of Tianjian Sect."

The two chatted casually, and they didn't know how long it had been. They just felt that they were in front of them. They arrived at the place.

"We're here."

"I don't know where it is. I heard some noise. Is it in the city?"

After Chen Feng and the others stood still, they found that their previous guess was indeed correct. Under their feet was a teleportation array engraved with complex patterns, and around them were cultivators in groups of three or two.

"I don't know where this is. I forgot to ask Mo Ji when I came here."

"I remember that among the ten major sects in Beiyuan, the one closest to the Central Plains should be Danding Sect. We are not in the city under Danding Sect now, are we?"

Chen Feng looked at the Danding logo on the wall not far away and said with a smile: "It must be Danding Sect, but I don't know which city it is. However, if it can have a large teleportation array, then this city should not be simple."

"It is most likely Dihuo City." Jian Xiaotian felt the spiritual energy around and said.

Indeed, Chen Feng also felt the faint power of earth and fire in the air. He thought to himself that this should be the large city Dihuo City under the command of Danding Sect.

Dihuo City, there is a very high-grade earth fire deep underground. It is the best place for the alchemists in Danding Sect to practice. In addition to the alchemists, the most attractive one is the cultivator who practices the fire attribute.

Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian exchanged a few words quickly and left immediately, but they were recognized by others before they walked far.

"Hey, why do those two people look so familiar?"

"Shh, keep your voice down, Jian Xiaotian and Chen Feng are wanted by Jiuxiao Palace."

"That's not right, didn't the news a while ago say that these two people just came out of Xinghu Sea not long ago? How long has it been since they arrived at Dihuo City? You know, this place is more than 10 million miles away from Xingchen Sea."

"Are you stupid? Didn't you see that these two people came here using the teleportation array?"

"You are stupid. This is what I find strange. You should know that the entire Beiyuan area is now chasing these two people. Think about how these two people can enter the city and use the teleportation array."

"That makes sense, but now Chen Feng and the other two have appeared in front of us. If we don't take action, even God will not tolerate it."

"No, we can't act rashly. Jiuxiao Palace has mobilized so many forces and so many people have been killed and injured. These two people are still alive and well. If you want to die, just do it."

"What should we do? Can we just watch them leave like this? Don't forget that the bounty of Jiuxiao Palace has increased recently."

"Don't worry, don't worry. There will definitely be many people who will take action."

Although these people did not speak, but only transmitted their consciousness, Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian still felt something was wrong, because since the two of them appeared, the voices of conversation around them disappeared and the atmosphere became depressing.

"It's bad, I'm exposed, I forgot to change my appearance."

"I was planning to stay in Dihuo City for a few days, but now it seems that I have to leave quickly."

Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian secretly communicated, and Chen Feng quickly recovered his strength. You know, after the battle with the immortals of Lingxiao Palace, Chen Feng's injuries have not been fully recovered until now, and it is definitely not appropriate to take action now.

"Don't worry, take your time. I don't think there are many powerful cultivators here. At worst, we can kill our way out."

"I hope no one will take action. It will be very troublesome if we are besieged."

The two secretly communicated, but on the surface they pretended to be indifferent and walked out of the city slowly.

Ten kilometers outside the city, I felt that countless cultivators followed behind, either openly or secretly, but none of them took action. It seemed that they were worried about something, and it seemed that no one wanted to take the lead.

"Hey, I never thought that I would be so glorious in the past." Chen Feng sighed.

"I didn't expect that one day I would be so eye-catching." Jian Xiaotian also shook his head.

"If someone attacks, you kill them first. My cultivation has not fully recovered yet."

"No problem, but I'm afraid that the other party will rush forward."

Finally, someone couldn't help but take action. Two young monks who seemed to be from nowhere rushed forward at the same time towards Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian. Before they arrived, the sharp sword energy had already passed through the space. Although the two men took action, they were just probing attacks to see how good Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian really were.


The sword energy blasted two big pits on the ground. Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian had disappeared on the spot. Before the two men came to their senses, Jian Xiaotian's attack had arrived. With just one sword, the two men were killed.

"Hey, a cultivator of the fourth level of heaven and man, also came to die." Jian Xiaotian sighed.

"Things are not good." Chen Feng shook his head.

Sure enough, at first, seeing Jian Xiaotian kill two people with one sword, everyone was stunned, but when Jian Xiaotian took action, everyone also saw Jian Xiaotian's cultivation.

"The realm of the fifth level of the heavenly being is not too high. How about we all start fighting? When the time comes, we will share the reward equally."

"Okay, I agree with this idea."

"Let's fight together!"

"Let's fight together!"

Looking at the black masses of cultivators rushing over from behind, Chen Feng smiled bitterly, while Jian Xiaotian exuded a fighting aura, which was the power of the Daluo fighting body.

Although the two wanted to stay and kill, they were surrounded and attracted more cultivators, so they soared into the sky, flew on swords, and flew away quickly.

The two flew hundreds of miles before a cultivator of the seventh level of the heavenly being caught up with them, but before he could do anything, he felt a flash in front of his eyes, and then he slowly lost consciousness.

The Demon Sealing Sword suddenly grew larger, lifting Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian up, and then there was a gust of lightning, instantly leaving the pursuers behind without a trace.

Although he temporarily got rid of the opponent, Chen Feng's face became paler and paler, so he controlled the Demon Sealing Sword to quickly land on a mountain.

"Tower, how is the repair of my flying warship?" Chen Feng asked.

"Take a look for yourself." Along with Tower's voice, a flying warship appeared in front of Chen Feng. The appearance of the flying warship did not change much, but the whole flying warship was wrapped in a thick layer of black iron, which made it look stronger and more solid. More importantly, Chen Feng found that the flying warship had turned into a second-grade holy weapon.

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