Eternal Existence

Chapter 5443: Hidden Deeply

As a result, Chen Feng discovered that these cursed powers were simply integrated with his Spear of Destiny, and were still expanding and spreading rapidly. Once the Spear of Destiny was completely covered by the cursed power, the spear in his hand would become a cursed spear, and he would no longer be able to control it.

After instantly figuring this out, Chen Feng could only choose to suppress it, suppressing this power within a certain range first, and then slowly refining it later.

However, Chen Feng's own power was simply unable to suppress and expel it, so Chen Feng used the remaining power of the Real and Real Emperor, and it really worked this time.

Then Chen Feng used the power imprint and special energy to suppress the cursed power in the Spear of Destiny.

"This spear is really getting more and more dangerous when used against the enemy in the future." Chen Feng couldn't help but say.

"Huh!" After Chen Feng suppressed this cursed power, the will fluctuations of the True Yuan Emperor came from the melee, and the other party seemed very surprised. In fact, if Chen Feng did not master the power beyond the origin, it would be difficult to suppress the cursed power.

Then the next moment, the True Yuan Emperor appeared in front of Chun Feng again, and countless curse powers turned into silk threads and released from the True Yuan Emperor, and in the blink of an eye, Chen Feng was wrapped in it.

Originally, Chen Feng wanted to dodge with the magic of walking, but the opponent's speed was too fast. Chen Feng did not expect such a change, so he was contaminated by the curse power.

"It's a big trouble." Chen Feng knew what was going on. It was obvious that these curse powers came from Guixu, and it was also a means for Guixu to suppress the True Yuan Emperor. However, for so many years, a part of the curse power was still controlled by the True Yuan Emperor, and now it was used to deal with others.

He was unlucky and was targeted by the True Yuan Emperor.

At this time, Chen Feng had no time to think about these things. He only felt that these curse powers were pervasive. The armor on his body was transformed from an origin-level weapon, and it could not stop the invasion of the curse power.

Chen Feng understood that if he could not resist, he would end up like the True Yuan Emperor. Perhaps he would control these powers little by little over the long years, but he might be eroded by the curse power and become a puppet, and then he would be controlled by Guixu.

In any case, if it was not a power that he controlled, he had to find a way to solve it.

So when Chen Feng saw that the Origin Magical Treasure could not resist this power, he directly used the Devouring Technique, and in an instant pulled the invading curse power together, and then used the power beyond the origin to suppress it.

Although it was inevitable that some of it would be contaminated during this process, he felt that he could still refine a small amount of curse power.

Chen Feng even sent a little bit to the Origin Furnace, and felt relieved that the Origin Furnace could refine it.

Seeing that the curse power entered Chen Feng's body, and Chen Feng was still alive and well, the True Yuan Emperor's eyes radiated a strange light, and he stopped attacking Chen Feng, but turned around and fought with others.

After Chen Feng suppressed the curse power, he was furious. He thought that there must be a reason why the other party had targeted him again and again, but he had to fight back anyway.

Just when Chen Feng was about to move forward with his weapon in hand, he received a message from the True Yuan Emperor, which slowed down Chen Feng's pace.

Chen Feng was not sure whether the other party's message to him was a means of delay, but he had to say that the other party's use of such a method made Chen Feng have to think more.

It was impossible to change sides at the last minute, but he had to see the situation clearly. After all, up to now, the battle between the two sides was still dominated by the True Yuan Emperor. Even if he desperately stepped forward and used all his means, he might not be able to affect the overall situation.

Chen Feng slowed down a little and did not attract the attention of others. They would only think that Chen Feng was cursed. Now it was possible that he was affected internally. It was not visible on the surface, and Chen Feng was suppressing it with all his strength.

The Second World attacked while asking Chen Feng with concern. Everyone present had figured out the ins and outs of the curse power.

How could Chen Feng resist the curse power that even the True Yuan Emperor couldn't resist?

"I'm fine. I'll suppress the curse power for now. Fellow Daoist, be careful. We can't handle this kind of power. Although there are many people besieging us this time, I don't think they can do anything to the True Yun Emperor." Chen Feng said.

"Did fellow Daoist see something?" The Second World guessed something at this time, but Chen Feng didn't say it clearly, and the Second World didn't ask.

"I did think about getting rid of the True Yuan Emperor before, but the opponent's strength was too strong, I'm afraid I can't do this, so I thought about whether I could get some benefits from other aspects?" Chen Feng said.

"It's too dangerous for you to do this. At that time, we may be attacked by both sides. It's better to leave here than to do this." The Second World said with some concern.

"It's indeed too dangerous, but no matter what, we have to find a way to fish in troubled waters." Chen Feng said, using the body shape technique to rush towards the True Yuan Emperor.

The two met head-on again, still using the same means as before, and there was no clue.

Chen Feng was knocked away again, but there was a light flashing in Chen Feng's eyes.

Because this time a force entered Chen Feng's body, it was no longer the power of curse, nor the power of true essence, but an extremely pure and powerful force.

From the quality point of view, it was more than the power mark that Chen Feng mastered. Soon Chen Feng understood what kind of power this was.

"This is the spiritual energy extracted by the True Yuan Emperor from Guixu. It can be absorbed directly. This is a gesture of goodwill from the other party. After all, this energy is also very important to the True Yuan Emperor. Especially in the battle, doing so will undoubtedly weaken his own strength. But then again, I am more worried that the True Yuan Emperor will use this method on other people. In the end, we will be defeated separately and all of us will die. Moreover, the strength of the True Yuan Emperor is too strong. Cooperating with him is tantamount to seeking the skin of a tiger. Once the other party turns against me, I can't resist it." Chen Feng said in his heart.

After getting this power, Chen Feng did not refine and absorb it, but suppressed it. On the surface, Chen Feng still remained calm.

But when Chen Feng was about to rush forward, he received another message from the True Yuan Emperor.

"I know you have concerns in your heart. Well, I will tell you the reason. The reason why I win you over is that you can dissolve the curse power in my body. Otherwise, even if your strength is stronger, even if you have more people, you can't do anything to me." The True Yuan Emperor said so.

Chen Feng thought the other party was bragging. It had come to this point. If the two sides continued to fight, no one could say what the final result would be. If some more powerful adventurers came, then the Zhenyuan Emperor would definitely be outnumbered.

"Since you don't believe it, I will show you some strength."

The next moment, Chen Feng saw an emperor being beaten to pieces. Although the other party reshaped his body, some of the essence in his body was plundered by the Zhenyuan Emperor, causing his breath to decline and his combat effectiveness to be affected.

"Don't forget that the Zhenyuan Dojo was opened up by me after all. This is my territory. Even if Guixu wants to devour my territory, it is not that easy. I know that the reason why there are so many adventurers this time is that Guixu is behind it. On the one hand, he wants to test my strength, and on the other hand, he also wants to truly destroy my Zhenyuan Dojo. The reason I said so much is to tell you that even if I am not Guixu's opponent, the worst result is that I can just leave. Telling you so much has already lost my identity. You can consider what to choose next." After saying this, the Zhenyuan Emperor no longer paid attention to Chen Feng.

The opponent's outburst just now really shocked Chen Feng's heart. This emperor really has the strength to kill the emperor.

And is what the other party said true or false?

"Damn, I'll solve the curse power in my body. I'm afraid this matter is just a thought. The Zhenyuan Emperor is so powerful that he can't solve it. I just increased my strength a little bit before." Chen Feng really hesitated.

Speaking of which, Chen Feng certainly didn't want to go against such a powerful existence. Although he wanted to solve the opponent to get more benefits, there were so many emperors fighting in front of him. Even if he really killed the Zhenyuan Emperor in the end, he might not get what he needed.

Chen Feng's hesitation had already doomed some results. When Chen Feng stepped forward again and was beaten back by the Zhenyuan Emperor, Chen Feng's body burned with raging flames, as if he was seriously injured.

The second generation was also beaten away, but it can be seen that the second generation was really injured, but this injury is nothing to the emperor.

The second generation wanted to step forward to see Chen Feng's condition, so he hurried to Chen Feng to ask.

"The curse power exploded, and my combat effectiveness is now affected." Chen Feng said so.

"We can't deal with this kind of opponent at all, but now that things have come to this, do we have to choose to retreat?" The Second World became a little unwilling at this time.

But Chen Feng was injured, and the Second World could not leave Chen Feng, but the Second World still had some strangeness in his heart. Chen Feng had so many tricks, why did he lose so easily this time? Wasn't he fine before?

Chen Feng and the Second World were delayed, and the True Yuan Emperor broke out again, but this time he was blocked by the Nine Spirits Emperor.

The power that the Nine Spirits Emperor burst out at this time was beyond Chen Feng's imagination. The nine different attributes of power merged together to produce strange changes, and actually blocked the True Yuan Emperor's killing move. Otherwise, this time there would definitely be another emperor who would be beaten to pieces.

In comparison, although the Good and Evil Daojun was also extraordinary, there was still some gap with the Nine Spirits Emperor.

"I didn't expect the Nine Spirits Zhenjun to be so powerful. This guy hides so deeply." The Second World couldn't help but say.

"But even so, it is far from the opponent of the True Yuan Emperor. It depends on how things develop next." Chen Feng said.

"I wonder if you don't want to fight anymore," asked the Second Emperor.

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