Eternal Existence

Chapter 5437: No Fall

In Chen Feng's mind, even if the owner here is as powerful as the Real and Real Emperor, it doesn't matter if the other party is still alive. If he dies, just leaving some power behind may open up a new road for him, but he is not very satisfied unless the other party's body can be preserved intact.

"But this area can always exist, maybe the other party is not dead." Chen Feng suddenly remembered the Hunyuan above that had exploded before. The energy after their self-explosion was integrated into the Zhenyuan Daochang.

"When you think about it this way, it tastes a bit like conspiracy." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Not long after, Chen Feng found another cave. After a little hesitation, he walked in.

This is the place where the cultivator came before. The other party's strength is top above Hunyuan, but in the end he ended up like this. What about himself?

Chen Feng did not dare to be careless, but he felt that the attraction ahead was getting stronger and stronger. No matter how dangerous it was, he would not retreat.

Sure enough, this time Chen Feng found the power of the true essence in the cave. These powers were not like scattered spiritual energy, but condensed into clouds and rolled continuously in this cave.

"It seems like the origin!" Chen Feng whispered.

So Chen Feng took out the weapon again, and the shadow of the cultivator appeared again. Seeing where Chen Feng was, his face couldn't help but change: "It's here. I wanted to absorb all the true essence power at the beginning, but fortunately I didn't do so. Even so, I ended up like this."

"Then try to absorb less." Chen Feng asked.

"That's what I thought at the beginning." The cultivator said.

Chen Feng still took action, but he just collected the true essence power and didn't refine and absorb it immediately.

"This way it won't affect me." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Even if a small part of the power erodes, he is sure to refine it.

After leaving this cave, Chen Feng continued to walk in the true essence dojo. Next, Chen Feng went to two more caves and collected some true essence power one after another.

"I don't know how the Second World is doing." Chen Feng decided to contact the other party and exchange their recent experiences.

To Chen Feng's surprise, the Second World did not respond. Chen Feng knew that the Second World was still in this area, but he could not lock the exact location of the Second World for a while.

"Could it be that he has also entered the cave? Don't rashly absorb the power of true essence." Chen Feng was still a little worried, but thinking about the other party's Second World's practice, his experience must be better than his own, and he would be careful when encountering danger. Besides, although this area is not small, it is difficult to stop Chen Feng and the Second World.

Chen Feng carefully sensed and finally locked the location of the Second World little by little. Just when Chen Feng wanted to go forward to look for it, there was another strong power fluctuation coming from one direction.

This time it was not someone who exploded, but a fight between masters.

One of the parties was naturally Jiuling Zhenjun.

"It seems that I'm in trouble." Chen Feng knew the strength of Jiuling Zhenjun, but now the fierce competition between the two sides can only mean that the opponent is equally powerful.

"So is it an outsider adventurer or a local life?" Chen Feng guessed, and did not look for the Second World again, but walked towards the direction of Jiuling Zhenjun first.

Because Chen Feng sensed that another powerful force was approaching Jiuling Zhenjun quickly.

Although Chen Feng seemed to be very slow, he still successfully intercepted the other party.

After a brief collision, the two sides retreated and then looked at each other.


"Local life!"

Chen Feng and the other party said almost at the same time.

The matter is actually very simple, the breath between the two can be judged, not to mention that some conclusions can be drawn from the brief confrontation just now.

Interestingly, Chen Feng actually sensed the fluctuation of the true source power from the other party's heart.

This shows that the other party has mastered the true source power.

This is a bit terrifying. Under the same realm, the other party can be truly invincible.

After thinking about it, Chen Feng shook his head.

Chen Feng admitted that the power of the true essence was powerful and strange, but Chen Feng thought that the latter was more important. If someone was prepared, or the means of cultivation could restrain the other party, then the confrontation between the two sides would naturally have different results.

Although he shook his head, Chen Feng still had to admit that the power of the true essence was powerful, and that the person in front of him only mastered a part of it.

At least Chen Feng's boiling power was quickly suppressed, which made Chen Feng feel at ease, and at the same time he made a response in a short time.

"I have to admit that asking the other party to burst out the power of the true essence at the time of conception can indeed cause a lot of trouble to the opponent, and maybe it can directly kill the opponent." Chen Feng was thinking, and the fight between Jiuling Zhenjun and his opponent on the other side suddenly came to an end.

Then Chen Feng and Jiuling Zhenjun gathered together.

"I found a good place, but it was blocked by the opponent. Daoyou came at the right time. Let's work together to solve them and then divide the resources." Jiuling Zhenjun said.

"Okay." Chen Feng did not ask what the resources were, but whether there were resources or not, since there was an opponent, don't solve the opponent.

"Fellow Daoists, please make your move for now." Just when Chen Feng and Jiu Ling Zhen Jun were about to make their move, these two unknown practitioners spoke at the same time.

This was somewhat surprising.

It can be seen that they are compromising and don't want to continue fighting. At that time, Chen Feng will think that they have their own ideas and goals.

"So what do you two Taoists have to say?" Chen Feng asked.

Jiuling Zhenjun couldn't listen anymore and wanted to see what the other party said?

"I think you two Taoists are also here to explore. Why don't we cooperate?" said the cultivator who fought with Chen Feng.

"There are only so many resources. The more people there are, the less you will get." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"But it will be safer this way. It will be very dangerous to act alone. I see that you two Taoists have not been here for a long time. I am afraid that you don't know much about the situation of Zhenyuan Daochang. Why don't we communicate first and then make plans. There is no need to fight right away." The cultivator said.

"In this case, let me see your sincerity. Let's collect the resources here before discussing." Jiuling Zhenjun said and entered a space crack.

Seeing Jiuling Zhenjun's actions, the cultivator hesitated for a while and still didn't follow.

Chen Feng stayed here to watch the two of them. Of course, it was a bit risky because they might be besieged by them.

But the other party did not do so, but waited for Jiuling Zhenjun to come out.

"It seems that you are really sincere. In this case, let's have a good exchange. I am a little curious about what you will say next." Jiuling Zhenjun said.

Unlike Chen Feng, Jiuling Zhenjun has some understanding of Zhenyuan Daochang.

"This Zhenyuan Daochang is not simple, but it also takes some luck to get benefits here. I am lucky and know some secrets that others don't know." One of the practitioners said slowly.

"Secret! It seems that we have no choice but to agree. Well, as long as we can get benefits, we don't mind joining forces." Chen Feng and Jiuling Zhenjun looked at each other and said.

"We learned a secret by chance. The owner of this place did not die, but was seriously injured in the battle with Guixu, so he found a place to hide and recover. Some people speculated that he had left Guixu, some speculated that he was in Guixu, and some speculated that he was hiding in Zhenyuan Daochang. However, many practitioners have come here to take risks for such a long time, but they have never gained anything." The practitioner paused and asked with a smile: "Can you two guess where the owner of this place is hiding?"

"Now that we have come to this point, the other party must be in Zhenyuan Daochang, but this will make us more dangerous, because this is the other party's territory." Chen Feng said with a smile.

After confirming this, many things became clear. The reason why the practitioners who self-destructed before and the Zhenyuan power that he and others could find were mostly left intentionally by the owner of this place.

"It's just that a few practitioners above the level of Hunyuan have died some time ago, and the essence of their cultivation has been integrated into the Zhenyuan Daochang. But I'm still curious, why can't Guixu swallow up the Zhenyuan Daochang in one go? Is it really impossible or is there another reason?" Chen Feng couldn't figure it out.

And even if what the other party said was true, the owner of this place did not die, but even if he was seriously injured, I'm afraid he and others can't deal with it.

Thinking about the means of the Emperor Xu Shi at the time, Chen Feng felt terrified. Such an existence is just a little projection of power, which is not something that ordinary emperors can deal with.

The most important thing is that everyone can't be sure of the extent of the other party's injuries, and to what extent the other party's injuries have recovered. If the other party's strength has recovered, then wouldn't they be sending themselves to die?

"I understand the concerns of the two Taoist friends, but this kind of thing requires risk. If it's easy to get the benefits, I'm afraid it won't be our turn. I hope the more dangerous the better." Jiuling Zhenjun said.

"The two Taoist friends act rashly without knowing the next opponent, which is really a bit reckless." The second generation also said so.

Seeing the attitude of the two, Jiuling Zhenjun knew that he had to show some useful information.

"Needless to say, the two Taoist friends should also know that both of us have absorbed the power of the true essence here. Not only that, we have also completely mastered this magical power. Not long ago, we sensed the general location of the True Yuan Emperor through this power, so we planned to invite the two Taoist friends to participate." Jiuling Zhenjun said.

"Since the two Taoist friends can sense the other party's location, maybe the other party is also waiting for us to deliver it to the door." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"After all, it's a risk. The two Taoist friends should think about it. If you disagree, the two of us will take action." Jiuling Zhenjun said lightly.

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