Eternal Existence

Chapter 5433: Ending

Chen Feng's heart skipped a beat, and he thought something had changed. But it was indeed changed, but it was aimed at the opponent.

Jiuling Zhenjun and another emperor actually chose to attack Chen Feng's opponent at the same time, which means that they were both pretending before.

This time the three parties joined forces, and although the opponent was very strong, he could not resist at this time.

He was directly hit hard by the three people, and his body was about to collapse.

Jiuling Zhenjun released a law and stepped forward to tie up the opponent.

This law is very special. While tying up the opponent, it emits dense tentacles, which go through the opponent's wounds and drill into the opponent's body.

Originally, the emperor was still struggling, but this time he was entangled tightly, and his magic power could not burst out.

Seeing Jiuling Zhenjun suppressing a great emperor like this, Chen Feng was a little shocked.

Although the law just now was very special, the strength that Jiuling Zhenjun had just burst out was very powerful. In addition, there was another great emperor beside the opponent, so Chen Feng was a little worried that the opponent would continue to attack him.

Although the two sides are allies, when the strength of the allies becomes very strong, this will cause some imbalance of power, which is worrying.

However, the opponent did not attack Chen Feng, but wanted to help the Second World. In fact, the opponent of the Second World chose to escape at the first time when he saw that things were not going well, but was entangled by the Second World.

After the two people of Jiuling Zhenjun arrived, the three of them directly blew up the emperor, and naturally the three of them divided it.

On the other side, Chen Feng did not participate in the siege of the emperor. After seeing that the opponent had no intention of attacking him, he rushed to an origin mountain at the fastest speed.

After the opponent of the Second World was divided into eight parts, Chen Feng had successfully collected an origin mountain.

It's a pity that the remaining two origin mountains have disappeared, and the opponent has left this origin area.

"Although I didn't collect all the origin mountains, it's a huge harvest." Chen Feng's heart was beating vigorously at this time. On the one hand, he was urging his strength, and on the other hand, he was excited.

Collecting so many Origin God Mountains feels more exciting than suppressing a great emperor.

"Since the Origin God Mountains are useless, then go collect the Origin Laws." Chen Feng thought to himself.

In fact, Chen Feng also needs the Origin Laws, or the Origin Treasures in Chen Feng's hands need this kind of law.

Energy Tower!

It was the earliest Origin-level magic weapon that Chen Feng got, but the Origin Laws in it were not perfect when he first got it. Although it was supplemented by Chen Feng little by little later, it was still not perfect.

In addition, Chen Feng continued to get some better things later, which led to the fact that he had not used the Energy Tower for a long time.

"What does Daoyou need?" Seeing the Second World coming to him, Chen Feng felt a little ashamed. He had taken too many benefits. Although the Second World also divided some of the Great Emperor's bodies, Chen Feng felt that it was still not comparable to the Origin God Mountains he had obtained.

"It's good to have gains, don't force it." The Second World thought well.

In fact, the Second World also understood that this was just the beginning, and there would be benefits in the future.

"My two Taoist friends, this is the Taoist Lord of Good and Evil, my friend, let's get to know each other." At this time, Jiuling Zhenjun and the other two came over.

"Haha, with the Taoist friends joining us, the next action will be smoother. I think it's not a problem to divide this origin." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Of course, Chen Feng would not be stupid enough to question the other party. These are two great emperors. It's better not to become enemies.

In any case, he got the Origin Mountain with the help of the other party.

"First, deal with these invaders, then divide this origin, and finally divide the origin equally. If there are any blockers in the process, then divide the blockers together." Jiuling Zhenjun said.

"Okay, then do it." Chen Feng and the Second World naturally agreed.

In fact, there is no need for the four people to take action. When the emperor was blown up before, those above the Hunyuan fled frantically.

However, some divine insects rushed in, which also shows that the invaders still have the upper hand.

Chen Feng and his friends don't care about these divine insects at all. They just crush them into pieces with a casual move.

Then the four of them attacked together, and this area of ​​origin that had been riddled with holes for a long time began to collapse.

At the same time, Chen Feng also saw several origin laws disappearing.

"It's not that easy to run away." Chen Feng said.

"Speaking of it, this origin is really amazing. It has existed in Guixu for so long, and it still has complete origin laws and origin mountain. It is not added later, but is the same origin as this origin." The second generation said.

Without the seat of the origin mountain and the structure of the origin law, this origin is only energy, and the energy is also rapidly dissipating, trying to integrate into the origin.

As a result, it was divided up by the four people.

"Without the origin, this origin has not collapsed. There won't be other origin areas." The second generation asked with a smile.

"It shouldn't be. It's because of the origin mountain and the origin law. But it's just a struggle. Why bother? Instead of integrating into Guixu in the end, it's better for us." Jiuling Zhenjun said.

But even the origin has been divided up, and this origin will not exist for long.

Afterwards, we saw countless armies of divine insects. Under such circumstances, even if the origin was divided up, the benefits gained would be greatly reduced.

Chen Feng looked around, but he didn't find the two origin mountains.

"The origin law has also left, and what's left is an empty shell." Jiu Ling Zhenjun said.

"If it's an empty shell, it's meaningless." Chen Feng said.

The most important origin mountain has been obtained, and Chen Feng is satisfied, and he doesn't care about other energy.

After all, if Chen Feng really uses the swallowing technique, then there is energy everywhere in Guixu.

Chen Feng wants to leave, but Ershi and Jiu Ling Zhenjun have no intention of leaving. Besides, even if they want to leave, their opponents will not agree.

The countless army of divine insects can bring some trouble, but they can't do anything to Chen Feng and his friends. However, the four of them killed the emperor before and divided the origin of the origin of the heavenly war. They have offended the warring parties and attracted everyone's targeting.

Fortunately, some opponents were solved before and their strength was weakened. Otherwise, it would be a very troublesome thing for the opponent to rush in, even now it is not easy.

Because the combined power of the warring parties is still not small.

Countless armies of divine insects formed a formation on the Hunyuan, and some origin-level beings were also looking for opportunities, and several emperors were firmly locked on Chen Feng and his companions.

"It's meaningless to stay, let's go." Chen Feng suggested.

"Well, this trip is not in vain." The second generation naturally agreed with Chen Feng.

"My two Taoist friends, this is enough." Jiuling Zhenjun said.

"Could it be that there are still good things here?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"Maybe there is no origin mountain and law, but these divine insects, and origin-level beings, even emperors, are all good resources." Jiuling Zhenjun said.

Chen Feng shook his head: "It's not that easy. Now the movement is too big, Guixu will not sit idly by, I don't think we can stop Guixu's attack."

As soon as Chen Feng finished speaking, a powerful will suddenly swept over, as if the power of heaven had descended, covering the sky and the earth. Chen Feng couldn't care about anything else at this time, and hurriedly used the strongest means to defend.

He could only defend because this was an attack from Guixu.

"Strange, Guixu's attack has become stronger. Will there be any changes at the Gate of Origin?" Although Chen Feng resisted, he was still a little frightened.

It was obvious that Guixu had mobilized more and stronger forces. If he was determined to deal with himself and others, there might really be a life-and-death crisis.

Fortunately, Guixu only launched a will attack, but then it turned into an energy attack.

The rolling energy gradually covered the Origin of the Heavenly War. Because it was attacked by Guixu's will, Chen Feng and his friends had no intention of stopping it.

Besides, the power of Guixu was enough to submerge the Origin of this side. This time, Guixu finally succeeded, but Chen Feng and his friends appeared. However, the result was the same, just a few treasures were missing. Of course, these few treasures were nothing to Guixu.

"Let's go!"

This time, even Jiuling Zhenjun was willing to stay. The Origin of the Heavenly War was completely covered by Guixu. Because there was no Origin Mountain and Laws, it would not take long for it to be completely integrated into Guixu and become a part of Guixu.

"In fact, we can still get some now, after all, this origin still exists." Chen Feng said.

This time, Jiuling Zhenjun shook his head. Chen Feng was right, but the attack from Guixu just now still made people feel daunted.

Anyway, we have obtained the origin law, so let's stop here.

Several people left this area and entered the vast Guixu again. Chen Feng was the first to sense the origin he lent to the Gate of Origin. Fortunately, there should be no problem.

"There should be no change in the Tianshen area." Although Chen Feng sensed his origin, he could not sense the situation in the Tianshen area. When he was thinking about further exerting his means, Jiuling Zhenjun spoke: "What are your plans next, fellow Taoists?"

"Maybe we will find a quiet place to practice." Chen Feng said casually.

"Guixu is a good place for adventure. Why not go to other places to have a look." Jiuling Zhenjun said.

Chen Feng's heart moved, and he smiled and said: "It seems that fellow Taoists have the next destination."

"I do have some ideas. We cooperated well just now. I hope we can continue to cooperate." Jiuling Zhenjun said.

Chen Feng and the Second World looked at each other, then smiled and said, "Since there are benefits, it doesn't hurt to walk more."

After the discussion, the four of them continued to move, and Chen Feng also quietly performed the cause and effect technique, sensing that they were still in the Heavenly God area through the gate of time and space, so he was relieved. If a war broke out in the Heavenly God area, he and the Second World would still have to go back.

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