Eternal Existence

Chapter 542: Using the Blood Gathering Pearl

"Yes, thank you for your hospitality these days, Miss Moji." Chen Feng thanked her.

A hint of disappointment flashed across Moji's eyes, and then she smiled and said, "Well, let's go to the teleportation array now."

"This teleportation array is indeed large enough, but judging from the patterns and formations on it, it should be a few years old." Chen Feng said as he looked at the teleportation array in front of him.

"Yes, this is indeed an ancient teleportation array, please go up." Moji smiled.


Just when Chen Feng and the others wanted to enter the teleportation array, Sun Kai and Wang Long rushed over from a distance with a group of cultivators, and two of them attacked before they came to Chen Feng and the other two.

"The Thunder and Fire Tyranny Art, the Green Soul Sword Art, are from Lingxiao Palace and Jiuxiao Palace." Chen Feng sneered, knowing that things would not go so smoothly. Ever since he heard the sword roar and met Sun Kai and Wang Long, Chen Feng had a vague feeling, and now things finally happened.


The shadow of the Longevity Tower suddenly rose up, covering Chen Feng and the other three, making the opponent's attack in vain.


The two swords of life and death chopped out, and the sword energy storm with greater power than before attacked Sun Kai and others.

However, this time, the attack that had always been invincible was dispersed by a straight and domineering sword energy before it could take effect.

Including Sun Kai and the other two, there were a total of ten people, including two human immortals, two half-step human immortals, and the remaining four were all at the same level of heaven and man as Sun Kai and Wang Long.

"Sun Kai and Wang Long, what are you doing?" Mo Ji's face turned cold, and she crushed a piece of communication jade talisman at the same time.

"Deputy headmaster, although you are the person in charge here, you have no right to use this teleportation array at will, this is against the rules of the sect." Sun Kai said lightly.

"Oh, really? Even if I violate the rules of the sect, I don't need you two to remind me. Okay, you can leave now." Mo Ji said lightly.

"Huh, you really think you are the headmaster. Usually everyone speaks well to you because they don't want to argue with you. I now advise you to take down Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian immediately, otherwise you can't bear the consequences." Wang Long stepped forward and shouted coldly.

"Oh, let me hear what the consequences are." Mo Ji sneered.

"Deputy Demon Sect Leader, I advise you to surrender." At this time, a gloomy old man stepped forward and said. This old man was a half-step human immortal and a follower of the Black Water Sect. He was just closer to Sun Kai. This time, Sun Kai and the others spent a lot of effort to invite him.

"Old Sun, Old Wang, don't you two obey the orders of the Sect Leader? Don't forget that the Sect Leader said it himself. I have the final say here. Don't forget how the sect deals with traitors." Mo Ji shouted coldly.

"Haha, of course we will obey your orders, but you have to call these two guys out. As long as you call these two people out, we will still serve you as the deputy sect leader as before, and today's conflict will be treated as if it never happened. Otherwise." Old Sun sneered.

"What if it's not?" Mo Ji sneered.

"Otherwise, we will capture you as well and send you back to the sect to be punished by the leader. Just using the large teleportation array in the garrison without permission is a serious crime, not to mention that you are a murderous devil who everyone in the Beiyuan area wants to kill.

"Haha, we have become murderous devils." Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

"Then what crime should you commit for colluding with outsiders? Don't forget who broke into our Black Water Sect, and don't forget which sect destroyed our Black Water Sect's headquarters. Your behavior today is simply betrayal and collusion with the enemy. If the headmaster knows about it, you will definitely be tortured by our sect." A spark flashed in Mo Ji's eyes.

"Okay, don't say so much. Since you are not flattering me, I will kill all three of you today. When you die, there will be no evidence. I think even the headmaster can't punish us for no reason." Sun Kai couldn't help but sneer.

"If you want to kill people, it depends on whether you have the ability to do so. "He Xian said and suddenly appeared beside Mo Ji.

"I want to see your skills."

"I also want to see the Black Water Magic of the Black Water Cult."

The two immortals from Jiuxiao Palace and Lingxiao Palace stepped forward, and the soaring aura forced He Xian to take two steps back.

"Hey, you just got promoted to immortal, and you want to die in front of us. Today I will fulfill your wish."

"No, two immortals." At this time, Mo Ji's face finally changed.

"Hahaha, little bitch, are you surprised? You didn't expect us to find two immortals. You usually don't take us seriously because you have immortal guards. Today, it's not that easy for you to die. "Sun Kai laughed.

"And did you call for help just now? It's useless. We have already imprisoned the surrounding space. Your communication talisman is useless. And don't expect the nine-tailed fox to come, because we know that the nine-tailed fox is not here. "Wang Long couldn't help but yelled.

"Master Demon Fox has planted a mark on me. I have already informed Master Demon Fox. If you don't run away, you will be the ones to die." Mo Ji said reluctantly.

"We have enough time to kill you guys before the Nine-tailed Demon Fox arrives. Okay, no more nonsense with them. Let's attack together and kill them."

"You guys hurry into the teleportation array, I'll stop them." He Xian gritted his teeth and took out several jades and threw them out. These jades floated in the air, and silk threads linked these jades together, and soon formed a screen.

"Hurry up and break the screen, don't let them run away." Sun Kai shouted anxiously, but before Sun Kai's voice fell, a sword aura directly pierced through the screen. After piercing through the screen, the sharp sword aura attacked He Xian again.

Others attacked Chen Feng and the other two. Two human immortals besieged He Xian, two half-step human immortals, and six seventh-level heavenly cultivators dealt with Chen Feng and the other two.

"Aren't these people looking for death?" Chen Feng sneered, and the two swords of life and death once again sent out a storm of sword energy. Although this kind of attack is the most powerful, Chen Feng didn't care so much.

But then Chen Feng found out that his idea was wrong. The eight people who attacked him actually all took out holy weapons and easily resolved Chen Feng's attack. Not only that, Chen Feng, Jian Xiaotian and Mo Ji were also thrown backwards under the attack of the other party, and fell heavily on the teleportation array. The three of them had more or less wounds.

"Puff!" He Xian began to spit blood under the siege of the two human immortals.

The situation was critical, and it seemed that Chen Feng and others could not hold on for long.

"If I had known that this would happen, I shouldn't have been so anxious to release all the demon kings." Chen Feng shook his head and waved his hand to pull He Xian over. At the same time, the huge shadow of the blood-gathering bead enveloped the four people. No matter how fierce the opponent's attack was, it could not break the shadow at all.

"Dao weapon, how is it possible." The two human immortals cried out in shock.

"Haha, you can attack as you please, don't be polite." Chen Feng smiled, but he didn't know that Chen Feng was secretly complaining at this time. Because of the activation of the blood-gathering bead, Chen Feng's blood cave was constantly agitated, and the blood in his body was constantly consumed. Fortunately, Chen Feng's blood was thick, and other cultivators would probably not be able to hold on for half a breath.

"Everyone attack together, this is a Taoist weapon, he can't control it completely." At this time, the two human immortals suddenly showed greed in their eyes and attacked the blood-gathering bead again.

"Yes, everyone has no way out, work together, kill people and seize treasures."


At this time, the blood-gathering bead suddenly emitted a strong suction force, and the two cultivators who rushed to the front were immediately sucked into it. Before the two people could react, the blood in the blood-gathering bead washed once, and the two people became skinned and fleshed. Washed again, the two people became flesh and bones, and washed again, and the two people became flesh and blood melted.

"What's going on?" Sun Kai and others were frightened. The sudden disappearance of two people made others stop in their tracks.


Another suction force, this time two more people were sucked into the Blood Gathering Pearl, one of whom was Sun Kai. Of course, the fate of these two people was the same as the previous two, all smiling in the blood in the Blood Gathering Pearl.

After swallowing four people in a row, Chen Feng felt the pressure on his body lightened, and the power of the Blood Gathering Pearl began to be developed.

"Good guy, it is worthy of being a Taoist weapon. Even if it is damaged, it can easily kill people with some tricks." Chen Feng exclaimed.

The four people who were swallowed were all cultivators of the seventh level of the Heavenly Man. The others felt bad and immediately began to retreat, with a look of horror on their faces, fearing that this strange attack would affect them.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

But at this time, a huge fiery red claw slammed on the two human immortals, hitting them and vomiting blood. One of them happened to fly towards Chen Feng, and the Blood Gathering Pearl once again emitted suction, immediately swallowing this human immortal.

This is the human immortal of Lingxiao Palace. As soon as he entered the Blood Gathering Pearl, he immediately took out the holy weapon, and all the blood and water around him were forced to roll back.

"Not good!"

At first, Chen Feng was a little happy, thinking that he could use the blood and water in the Blood Gathering Pearl to melt a human immortal, but soon Chen Feng knew that it was not the case. The power of the human immortal had exceeded his control. With the counterattack of this human immortal, Chen Feng actually began to lose control of the Blood Gathering Pearl.

"Hahaha, kid, you thought you would be fine if you took me in, now watch how I take this Taoist weapon." This human immortal kept turning the world upside down in the blood and water in the Blood Gathering Pearl.

"Not good, not good, a little bad, Blood Nether Tree, suppress it." Chen Feng shouted coldly, and countless roots of the Blood Nether Tree quickly extended out and stretched into the blood pool, attacking this human immortal. At the same time, the blood and water in the blood pool condensed, and soon ropes condensed from blood and water emerged, trapping this human immortal in the middle up and down, left and right.

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