Eternal Existence

Chapter 5402 Will Space

"It was only the fused body that exploded, and the opponent's true body still escaped." The God of Nothingness said.

"In fact, although the opponent's true body exploded, it was still hiding in the dark, trying to sneak attack us, but it didn't succeed. It's a pity that the opponent didn't have help, otherwise it might have wiped us out." The Soul Emperor continued.

"The situation just now was really scary. I didn't expect the opponent to have such a trick. In this way, the fusion emperor also got a lot of emperor-level bodies, otherwise, how could he cultivate to this level?" Chen Feng said.

"Fortunately, the opponent didn't completely fuse, otherwise even I wouldn't be his opponent." The Soul Emperor said solemnly.

"This time the opponent's true body escaped. Once the opponent finds enough resources, he will be able to make a comeback soon. I don't know if the opponent has left this area?" The God of Nothingness said this, obviously wanting to find the opponent and solve this hidden danger in one fell swoop.

"It's interesting." The Soul Emperor said, and a strong spiritual power rippled around.

Chen Feng also noticed that there were some auras in the distance that were ready to move, but the other party hid their own auras as soon as they came into contact with the power of the mind.

"Are they those who were watching the fun? Have they left? Or are they hiding in the dark looking for opportunities?" Chen Feng asked with some concern. Although everyone seemed to have recovered now, in fact, they were far less powerful than they were in their heyday. If another opponent appeared, it would be quite troublesome.

The Emperor of the Mind also knew this, so he only released his power to warn the other party. Otherwise, he could set up a trap and wait for the other party to come, and then solve it in one fell swoop.

"The other party didn't go far. It's really not that easy." The Emperor of the Mind retracted his power of the mind.

"How strong is the other party?" This is what Chen Feng cares about. If the other party's strength is not strong enough, then he can set up an ambush to catch the other party in one fell swoop, which can also make up for everyone's previous losses.

"There are two emperors." The Emperor of the Mind said.

Chen Feng nodded and said no more. If there were only two emperors, he could still deal with them. If he was lucky, he might be able to suppress them. However, there were also many variables. So if they didn't come hard, he and his team didn't want to cause trouble.

Since the Soul Emperor had shown his strength, the other party would probably consider it.

But we still had to plan for the worst.

"Keep going. This area is very strange. According to my previous investigation, there should be a body of the emperor level." At this time, the God of Nothingness spoke.

"Still going forward?" Chen Feng looked at the God of Nothingness with some surprise. So far, the God of Nothingness had gained huge benefits. As long as he could refine these benefits, the strength of the God of Nothingness would double or even become stronger.

But it was obvious that the God of Nothingness was going to move forward. But thinking about what the God of Nothingness said, he would be tempted if he changed.

Chen Feng saw the reactions of the people in his eyes. The reason why the Soul Emperor came here was naturally to learn that there were good resources here by special means. Although the others didn't speak, most of them were eager to try.

In fact, it is normal to think about it. Since we are here, there is no reason to leave after seeing the benefits.

If I give up, maybe someone else will join in soon.

It's just a small injury, it will recover soon. Besides, even if it can't recover, it will only affect some combat effectiveness. There are so many people here, and they don't care about these.

"Then keep moving forward." Chen Feng quickly made up his mind.

"Guixu has not attacked us. Is it because of this special area? If so, we can't leave here casually." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"After the previous self-explosion, I don't know if those Ten Thousand Demon Crows can be resurrected, and there are also dead spirits." After stabilizing, Chen Feng and others began to explore the four directions, but the previous self-explosion was too powerful, even Chen Feng didn't catch anything.

Only the Dead and the Ten Thousand Demon Crows disappeared completely.

Chen Feng felt that it was impossible to get rid of them all, so the survivors should have escaped.

"I didn't expect the trouble to be solved like this. It's a pity that the sneak attacker emperor left, otherwise the other party would not be able to get out of it." The Soul Emperor was a little regretful.

"Fellow Daoist, you should have left a mark on the other party. As long as the other party is still in Guixu, we can look for the other party after solving the problem here. Those sneak attackers are also a big hidden danger." Chen Feng said.

"The other party is not easy to kill." The Soul Emperor shook his head, not as optimistic as Chen Feng said.

However, this matter should be kept in mind. As Chen Feng said, the other party is indeed a hidden danger, especially good at sneak attacks. Maybe one day he will jump out, so this kind of opponent is really annoying.


The Void God made a move, and the void in front of him began to collapse, and a very powerful monster fled in panic.

"Humph, you run pretty fast." Chen Feng sneered. These powerful monsters were still difficult to deal with in the previous fight. This one was smart and fled as soon as he saw that the situation was not right.

The Void God did not chase him, but continued to collapse the space here. Finally, a huge mountain appeared. Looking closely, it looked more like a Zerg nest.

"There are quite a few dead spirits here." The Soul Emperor found something at the first time.

Sure enough, as the power of the mind swept through, a portal appeared in the insect tide, and a large number of undead swarmed in.

"Does the other party not sense the danger?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"There should be someone commanding in secret." The God of Nothingness stepped forward and used the technique of nothingness sealing to deal with these undead.

"Come on." The Emperor of the Mind strode forward, passed the insect nest and the collapsed space, and seemed to have found something good again.

Chen Feng shook his head. With the good stuff, it was natural that these emperors got it first. In comparison, the Hunyuan on the scene suffered a little, but who made them so powerful.

Chen Feng glanced at the God of Nothingness, who nodded and followed him.

It was not that Chen Feng was scheming, but he thought that even if there was a benefit, he couldn't monopolize it all.

"Dear Taoist friends, deal with these undead." Chen Feng said.

"Why are there undead again?" Someone said speechlessly.

After all, not everyone likes this kind of power. However, there are dead spirits here, which means there are also bodies of powerful creatures. It’s just that the Soul Emperor and the God of Nothingness are here, so everyone may not be able to get them.

No matter what you think in your heart, you can only deal with these dead spirits.

Chen Feng’s eyes flashed, and his body swayed, dodging the dead spirits that rushed up one by one.

With Chen Feng’s magic of walking, if he was focused on dodging, these dead spirits would really find it difficult to touch Chen Feng.


Chen Feng suddenly punched out, and a dead spirit exploded, turning into thousands of strands of energy, and then was swallowed by the second generation.

"Thank you." The second generation expressed his gratitude.

Chen Feng nodded, flashed past, quickly dodged the dead spirit, and then chased after it.

Even if he didn’t rob things, Chen Feng wanted to see what was in front of him.

Sure enough, there was a body of a great emperor in front, and in addition, there was a dead spirit emitting red light.

"Two emperors, this dead spirit is a little different." Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and he didn't step forward at the first time.

This dead spirit is at the emperor level, but it is obviously stronger than the emperor-level dead spirits he encountered before.

In particular, the red light emitted by the other party made Chen Feng feel confused.

"Could it be that the other party has swallowed other emperor-level dead spirits, or has mutated?" Chen Feng guessed.

Two to two, the Soul Emperor is the strongest, and he can suppress the other party. If the other party does not self-destruct, maybe the Soul Emperor and the Void God may really succeed.

"Self-destruct! Why do I have such an idea? Could it be the shadow of the previous one? But even if the other party self-destructs, it is not as good as the previous fusion emperor, and there is no one else here." Chen Feng smiled and felt that he thought too much.

After all, under normal circumstances, even if you know you are going to die, you will not choose to self-destruct. After all, this move is too cruel, and you will fall if you are not careful.

Chen Feng did not play, but the opponent looked at Chen Feng, and Chen Feng immediately felt a strong malice, and the next moment the opponent was in front of him.


Chen Feng was a little confused about the situation. What was going on? Wasn't the opponent fighting with the Soul Emperor? Why did he rush in front of him again?

The next moment Chen Feng was pulled into an independent space, and in front of him was the dead spirit. At this time, the dead spirit changed again, and the body continued to expand, as if it had flesh and blood. Not only that, there was also a red light condensed into substance that filled the world.

For a time, the murderous aura was pervasive, and the will of death was rampant.

"So powerful!" Chen Feng exclaimed, but he still understood the current situation.

This is not the opponent's body, but a will that was separated.

This is also the space of will created.

Chen Feng admitted that the opponent was very powerful and he was definitely not his opponent, but it was ridiculous to want to deal with him with just a little will.

What's more, the opponent's body was still fighting with the Soul Emperor, which was simply the source of rootlessness.

"Then I will accept it." Chen Feng laughed.

This is a great opportunity. Swallowing the opponent's will is a great tonic.

Chen Feng didn't even think about rushing out, nor did he communicate with the Soul Emperor and the God of Nothingness. Chen Feng believed that they must know the situation he was in.


The two sides started a battle of wills.

As soon as the two sides came into contact, Chen Feng fell behind.

Because the realms of the two sides were different, but Chen Feng was calm, which was within his expectations.

Chen Feng not only fought with the will of the emperor, but also had a collision with the will of the origin of one side, so Chen Feng knew from the beginning that he would win without a doubt.

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