Eternal Existence

Chapter 5400: Helpless

"We have been fighting for a while, and there have been very strong energy fluctuations. This time, Guixu did not participate. This is really unexpected to me." In fact, Chen Feng has been worried about deliberately intervening.

After all, the Soul Emperor has also come, and maybe this can free up more power.

Who knows that no matter how fierce the fight is this time, Guixu will not move.

If Guixu does not intervene, then it is naturally a good thing. Chen Feng is most worried about what the other party is planning.

"Even if you want to see us both lose, now that we have the upper hand, you can't achieve the previous goal, unless there are new forces joining in." Chen Feng noticed that the Kongji Emperor had calmed down, which made it even more difficult to deal with.

And Chen Feng felt that the other party had no intention of escaping.

"Could it be that he still has the confidence? If he has the means, why didn't he use it before? Now the undead have been solved by us." Chen Feng just had this thought, and saw that the Gate of Time and Space began to shake violently.

Chen Feng felt something was wrong at the first time, and hurriedly communicated with the Gate of Time and Space, only then did he discover that there were powerful forces clashing in the portal.

These forces were very corrosive and continued to spread in the portal, trying to seize control of the portal.

Even if this could not be done, it would still affect the strength of the portal.

"Was it brought in by the undead, or was it the remaining power of the emperor who had divided the portal before?" You must know that these portals had swallowed a lot of powerful forces before, including the body of the emperor and special existences such as the undead.

I thought they could refine and absorb them well, or suppress them first, but now it seems that they have been calculated by the other party.

Of course, it can't be considered a calculation. If the Ming of Time and Space could stabilize, they could refine these hidden dangers bit by bit.

But now the strength of the Gate of Time and Space has been affected. Not only that, even the killing weapons such as the Sword of the End have fluctuated. Although it seems that there is no big problem for the time being, in a fight of this level, even the slightest fluctuation may cause some changes.

"If we hadn't made some preparations in advance, the sudden outbreak of the other party would really cause chaos on our side." Chen Feng retracted the somewhat collapsed avenue, and then extended other avenues. At the same time, the shadows of the portals around him disappeared.

Something happened to the Gate of Space and Time, and more forces were needed to deal with it.

So the fight between Chen Feng and Emperor Kongji began to lose the upper hand.

However, the Soul Emperor finally broke out, and a clone walked out of the Soul Emperor's body and came to the front of the Kongji Emperor in just one step.

With a wave of spiritual magic, the fluctuations of the breath on the body of the Kongji Emperor began to be chaotic, which gave Chen Feng the opportunity to take action.

"Now he uses the clone, is it possible that the Soul Emperor is sure that there is no ambush around?" Chen Feng thought to himself.

Then he saw another clone walking out of the Soul Emperor's body, and Chen Feng was a little surprised.

Has the Soul Emperor become so strong now? In this way, the previous fight with Guixu was not only not a loss, but also an advantage.

No matter how deep he hid before or how much he gained this time, it cannot cover up the power of the Soul Emperor.

The second clone walked towards the fusion-type emperor.

As soon as he made a move, he showed the strength of the emperor.

This is equivalent to having two more emperors.

"No wonder the Soul Emperor has been so calm. It turns out that he has absolute confidence." Chen Feng knew that the Soul Emperor's outbreak would settle everything next.

"The good things are right in front of me. It's a pity that I missed it." Chen Feng said with a sigh.

If it was just some Hunyuan, then it would be fine. If it was the emperor, it would be too important.

So the moment the Soul Emperor's clone came out, Chen Feng began to make room.

He pushed the Origin Furnace with all his strength.

He expanded the Origin with all his strength in order to quickly consume some resources.

The avenue was boiling. It would be great if he could break through.

The power in his body was running to the extreme, which was output to deal with the Void Emperor.

There were also magic weapons to suppress himself, and the number was also objective, but in front of a great emperor, most of these magic weapons were not qualified.

Even though these magic weapons became stronger step by step in Chen Feng's hands, they were still not strong enough.

Not to mention the magic weapons of the origin level, many of them could not even reach the chaos level.

Time was short, and the clone of the Soul Emperor arrived, so Chen Feng naturally had to seize this opportunity.

That was to kill the Empty Emperor.

Although he despised the Empty Emperor, the other party was an emperor after all, so Chen Feng did not dare to take it lightly.

So even if the clone of the Soul Emperor came, it would not be enough.

Chen Feng had already secretly notified the Second World.

Since he was going to kill the other party, he would sell some favors.

Besides, with the Second World, he could kill the other party better.

After receiving Chen Feng's notification, the Second World was delighted and immediately began to prepare in secret.

The Soul Emperor only used the mind technique to entangle the Empty Emperor, while Chen Feng was looking for an opportunity to severely injure the other party.

After several rounds of fighting, the mind of the Empty Emperor was invaded, and his reaction and cognition changed.

Chen Feng's chance came, but he suddenly flashed and disappeared from the spot, while the Spear of All Evil and the Spear of Destiny suddenly rushed up and stabbed the Emperor Kongji.

As for Chen Feng, he was on top of the Emperor Kongji, urging the sword formation to cover him.

For opponents of this level, don't think about killing them on the spot. It's enough to injure them severely, and then separate them and suppress them.

There will be plenty of opportunities in the future.


The Emperor of the Heart also used other magical powers to restrict the actions and mind of the Emperor Kongji.

The Second World finally rushed over, and the strongest attack that the Second World could burst out at this time even exceeded Chen Feng.

Because his strength is infinitely close to the level of the emperor, plus some special means that can burst out in a short time.

So together with Chen Feng, they can completely injure the Emperor Kongji. Once they can injure the opponent severely, then the fate of this emperor can be imagined.

"Don't come out yet."

Facing such a dangerous situation, Emperor Kongji also roared, and the whole person became a little illusory. A stream of black smoke was released from his body, and it condensed into a huge skull, opening its mouth and swallowing Chen Feng.

"It turned out to be the power that came out of the source of power. Was Emperor Kongji affected by this power, or did he control this power?" Chen Feng was a little surprised. At the beginning, he and the God of Nothingness helped Emperor Kongji get rid of the pursuit of black smoke, but now the two sides have become enemies.

Moreover, this power merged with Emperor Kongji, producing special changes.

Chen Feng did not dare to take it lightly. If it was just a simple clone separated by the other party, Chen Feng would not take it seriously, but those special powers from the source of power, Chen Feng had only collected and suppressed them before, and did not study them at all, let alone refine and absorb them.

Thinking that Emperor Kongji was chased by the other party and ran around everywhere, Chen Feng did not dare to try rashly.

So facing this strange skull, Chen Feng could only use weapons to block it out.

Let's try the opponent's strength first.

In this way, Emperor Kongji entangled Chen Feng, and then separated another skull, and then rushed towards the Second World.

"It's a bit tricky to transform into a second skull." The Second World also frowned to deal with it.

"Don't worry, the opponent is just squeezing his potential. This power has already eroded his body. If the opponent leaves now and finds a place to practice peacefully, he can still suppress and control this evil power, but now he is controlled by this power in the battle, and can only lose his original heart." The Soul Emperor said.

"In this case, even if we kill the opponent, the benefits we share will be affected. After all, he is an emperor. It's a pity." Chen Feng said.

"I think it's right for us to solve the opponent first. It's a bit too early to say this now." The Second World said.

After transforming into two skulls in a row, Emperor Kongji was a little excited. He turned into a huge skull with a roar, and this time he rushed towards the clone of the Soul Emperor.

As a result, just as he rushed to the front of the Soul Emperor, before he could make a move, the huge skull began to collapse.

"It is actually easier to deal with in this state." The Soul Emperor said with some disdain.

If the Kongji Emperor did not use this power, then the mind could still defend itself, but now the mind is already full of loopholes, and naturally it cannot be hidden from the Soul Emperor.

Soon the skulls in front of Chen Feng and the Second World also collapsed. Chen Feng had also practiced the Great Way of the Soul, so he could naturally feel the other party's current state.

"I didn't expect this, otherwise, my attainments in the mind alone could also trigger the other party's explosion." Chen Feng shook his head. Sometimes the things he practiced were too mixed, and he could not catch the loopholes in the battle at the first time.

"As expected of the emperor, it's amazing." The Second World exclaimed.

"You used to be an emperor." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It's different." The Second World shook his head.

"I used to be the lowest among the emperors. Although I am sure that I will be stronger than before in my second life, I am only compared with my previous life. I am not a master among the emperors, let alone compared with the existence of the Soul Emperor." The Second Life said.

"So will Daoyou cultivate a third life?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"The years are too long, too tiring, and there is a possibility of accidents. In fact, I regret practicing this time." The Second Life shook his head.

"Daoyou is also very courageous." Chen Feng was a little impressed. Not everyone dared to cultivate again.

Because the Soul Land took action, it was so smooth to solve the Kongji Emperor, which was something Chen Feng had not expected before.

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